If Romney wins the GOP, I forsee bad things for....

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Here's my view on Santorum, and I think I represent a not uncommon viewpoint of independants:

If Romney wins the nomination I will do some serious soul searching to figure out who I vote for, and may end up throwing up my hands and flipping a coin (or stay home)

If Santorum wins the nomination I will campaign for Obama.
Apparently there's a war on women going on right now, being waged by the conservative religious right... So, were women the ones waging the war on religion all these years?


Staff member
The best part is, there are already bigger idiots than Santorum in Congress... right now.

So women's birth control causes men to get prostate cancer.

I always knew women were the cause of men's health problems.

Edit: Oh wait a second. She's a state rep. For NH. A state with less population and GDP than my city. So basically she is less significant than a member of my city council.
So women's birth control causes men to get prostate cancer.

I always knew women were the cause of men's health problems.

Edit: Oh wait a second. She's a state rep. For NH. A state with less population and GDP than my city. So basically she is less significant than a member of my city council.
Far from me to be the anti-snark on what appears to be a pretty blatant case of politico-stupidity, the study did show that the excreted hormones from women on birth control do end up in our water supply and seem to have some correlation to prostate cancer incident rates.


Staff member
Far from me to be the anti-snark on what appears to be a pretty blatant case of politico-stupidity, the study did show that the excreted hormones from women on birth control do end up in our water supply and seem to have some correlation to prostate cancer incident rates.
Huh, that IS interesting. Luckily I avoid drinking water that hasn't gone through a reverse osmosis purification system. This keeps out the flourine that the government is using to control our brains.
I could see the GOP choice taking some one that is mildly popular, and is toward the end of their public service career. I could see Rick Perry getting tapped to run if Romney gets the nomination. Mostly because Perry would placate much of the Conservative Protestant base.
Just yesterday we received at least 9 robocalls, over half of them being "polls" about the republican nomination. This is in addition to the 2-3 calls we've been getting daily since last week, and the one or two pieces of mail per day.

I'm guessing there's something going on tomorrow, and a bunch of people are spending a bunch of money to get the outcome they want.
The biggest issue McCain had with his VP choice (outside of it being a terrible choice) is that the man is old, people could imagine him dying and Palin taking over. I don't think anyone will have that on the forefront of their minds with the GOP candidate this year.


Staff member
From the daily what:

President of the Day: A brand new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll released today predicts that if the elections were held today, Rick Santorum — the presidential candidate who believes that pregnant rape victims should make the best of it, that free prenatal testing leads to more abortions, and that, contrary to the Constitution, the separation of church and state should not be absolute — would defeat President Obama by three percentage points.
Against Mitt Romney, Obama comes out even at 47% all.

Interestingly, both Obama and Romney are apparently being dragged down by the same thing: Universal health care.
“If they used Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health care program as a guideline for the Obamacare thing, what’s the difference?” asks 37-year-old Sanford, NC resident Robert Hargrove.

Lynn West, a retired New Hampshire state education official who says the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has been “fabulous” for her family, has a suggestion for Obama’s campaign on how to strengthen the president’s flagging numbers.

“If I had to fault President Obama or the people that help him put out his message, I think they need to be simpler,” says West. “A lot of times it’s the catch phrases that catch fire, like when he said, ‘Yes we can’ in the 2008 campaign. That’s why the term ‘Obamacare’ has worked — a simple phrase, and they’ve been able to put a negative connotation to it. In fact, they ought to be saying, ‘Obamacare! Let’s rejoice!’”

A silver lining, perhaps: According to the latest poll of battleground states conducted by Politico and George Washington University, Obama’s approval rating has increased by 5 percentage points to 53. Mitt Romney’s approval rating stands at 43, while Rick Santorum is in third place with 42.

[usatoday / politico / dailybeast.]
Added at: 13:39
He is not my favorite person by a long-shot, he's as dumb as a box of hammers, but he has been fairly competent as a governor.
Nnnnnnot so much.
Gas, what's the margin of error? If it is 2 points, then it is essentially even. Also, is that likely voters or registered voters? I don't know how USA Today can draw conclusions like that without some pertinent information. Actually, the more I look over that article, the madder I get. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.


Staff member
He is not my favorite person by a long-shot, he's as dumb as a box of hammers, but he has been fairly competent as a governor.
This was a trap I fell into as a Texan, because I think Texas has done pretty well. The problem is that in Texas the governer isn't responsible for as much of the success as a lot of other states. It's the tricky thing about conservatives, it's their inaction that helps the state. However, here are some of the things he really was responsible for:

Tripling the state debt to pay for a road system that no one ever wanted and was never built

Putting Texas dead last in percentage of insured citizens by cutting medicaid/medicare (which by the way was way cheaper than his roads, and also ended up increasing the insurance rates for the rest of Texas due to hospitals still serving them. Irony?)

He removed a ban on executing mentally retarded people.

He executed a number of foreign nationals and almost caused an international incident.

When confronted with a committee that found that he had executed an innocent man he replaced members of the committee to ensure its dissolution before the final report could be filed.
Ok, I'm bored. The two things aren't even remotely the same, but hey, no one is going to convince you of that so why bother?


Staff member
Ok, I'm bored. The two things aren't even remotely the same, but hey, no one is going to convince you of that so why bother?
I didn't REALLY expect that you want me to go through the whole "you know very damn well what it means" schtick. What with the mandate, and obamacare in general, being a stepping stone to what you narrowly define as "universal health care." The only difference being that obamacare forces you to buy health care insurance for yourself, whereas "single payer" forces other people to buy it for you. The net effect of obamacare will be to further exacerbate the problems the system is experiencing, thus paving the way for democrats to say "welp, we tried it the private market way and it didn't work, so now there's nothing left to do but enact single payer."
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