Yep, but he's also been able to pull in a lot of money, and that will only increase once the convention has settled.The thing that will hurt Romney the most with this dragging on is the money he's having to spend. Every dollar he spends to fight off Newt and Santorum is a dollar he can't spend against Obama. And he's spent a lot of those dollars.
Depends on how much the "look, it's me or Obama at this point" message sinks in.The thing is that normally the voters that supported one candidate will move to the other after the primary. I just don't see the religious right voting for Romney. I have nothing against Mormons myself, they are really nice people, but for an evangelical Nazzerine Christian that looks to the bible when he votes it would be like voting for Richard Dawkins.
Which is why I said, "depends." We won't know 'til it happens, or doesn't.Like you said earlier, that wasn't enough for Kerry and he didn't have a religion issue pushing against him.
See, this doesn't address what I said in the least. I'm not addressing how far right everyone in the GOP is leaning to attract the base. As far as what they have been doing so far, the campaigns themselves have been shit-tacular. Not getting enough signatures to get on ballots, speaking engagements in arenas that aren't filled, and the effort not just on the national level but in the individual states disenfranchising conservative women voters has been hard to ignore. They may not vote Obama, but don't be surprised if they aren't thrilled who the nominee ends up being for the GOP either. There is no guarantee they will hold their nose and vote either.What campaigns? It appears to me that they aren't running for president, they are running for GOP nomination, and that is a very different form of a campaigning than what one might expect during a presidential election.
I think you seriously underestimate how many underlying problems there are between mormons and evangelicals, specifically the Southern Babtists out there who have had numerous high-ranking pastors explicitly state that their congregation should not vote for Romney because Mormonism is a cult.I doubt him being a Mormon will really be an issue. It seems the media makes it into an issue more than anything.
In his speeches I always imagine him auditioning to be Batman, trying to lower his voice or make it more gravelly to seem in charge.If Romnney wins, we get a religious republican nut-job who hates Obama-care. If Santorum wins, we get a religious nut-job who hates Obama-care....with the charisma of a dead newt.
Seriously, how did Santorum make it this far? Every time I hear him talk I fall to sleep. At least with Romney's constant flip-flopping he's interesting.
Maybe he's not the president we need, but the president we deserve. Cue credits.In his speeches I always imagine him auditioning to be Batman, trying to lower his voice or make it more gravelly to seem in charge.
I know you are joking, but I really doubt it. I think, depending on what happens in the Senate and House elections, Obama will be more progressive with his policies in a second term than he would be in the first. Remember, Clinton was more conservative in his first term than in his second after his attempt to overhaul health care."right version of Obama" = Obama post-election lol
Strike that and reverse it.Clinton was more conservative in his first term than in his second after his attempt to overhaul health care.