Julie's D and D Game!

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Simkin: From Iidrea you have pick pocketed the Exodus Knife, a paragon tier (lvl 12) wondrous item.

"This insubstantial silver blade appears to cut through solid walls."

Power (Daily): Standard Action. When you use the exodus
knife to trace a doorway onto a solid object, it opens a
portal into an empty extradimensional space 4 squares
wide, 4 squares high, and 4 squares long.
While the door is open, anyone can enter, see into, or
affect the extradimensional space. Only creatures inside
the space can open or close the door (a minor action).
Once closed, the door becomes invisible to anyone outside
the extradimensional space. Creatures on the inside
of the closed door can see out, but those outside can’t
see in. Creatures on one side of the closed door cannot
affect creatures on the other side.
The extradimensional space lasts for 8 hours. Any
creatures still in the space when the effect ends reappear
in the closest unoccupied squares outside the door.

I'm still deciding whether or not you know what it is when you pickpocket it.

For anyone: Both priestesses were wearing a Cloak of Resistance + 2 and carrying a dagger each.
The Matron Drider was wearing a False Blood Amulet + 2 and carrying a pouch filled with 20 rubies, each the size of a quarter.

That is all. ♥

P.S. I forgive you Doomie.
That knife is... interesting. Now if only I can find a use for it. *opens up his Simkintionary*Any clues guys? Other than... running away and leaving you to die? :)

Simkin could make use of either cloak. He's also trained in Bluff is that changes anything.

Magical Items already held : Thought-Eating Hide Armor.
Exodus Knife

Primary Function - allowing a party to take an extended rest safely in enemy territory
Secondary Function - when used on the floor, makes a pit trap. When used inside liquid, it removes volume. When used on a ceiling makes a drop trap
Simkin Function - since opening or closing is a minor action, you may use it in combat to gain concealment every turn

Wish List
False Blood Amulet
Bag of Rubies
Cloak of Resistance
Daily power, daily power... this is gonna be tough.

I realize I haven't used any of my dailies or encounters yet. I've just been telling everyone else to attack.
I have selected Grasping Chains of the Justicar as Efi's 5th level daily. That makes two powers with the word chain in them now! Muhuhahahahahahahaha!

Exemplar of Action would be a sick level 5 power for Ajes to take with our party make up.

Funny thing is, there's a bunch of level 1 Warlord dailies that look awesome as well.

But I'll think about it.

My bluff is so high, and I already know so many languages, I think the false blood would be wasted on me.

I wouldn't mind rolling for one of the resistance cloaks though.
I'm not sure whether to take One Hundred Leaves or Supreme Avalanche Combination as my 5th level daily... Leaning towards Avalanche.
I'm jumping between two level 1 Warlord dailies, oddly enough. One is Lamb to the Slaughter, in which I pull a target 5 squares, and then up to three nearby allies may charge the target as a free action. I'm thinking Ezekiel, Kara, and Simkin :p.

Another is Destructive Surprise, which basically allows me to grant a 3W+strength or dex vs Reflex daily power to an ally; preferably one who's much stronger than me.

Not sure yet. Lamb to the Slaughter is a single target version of my other daily, which allows others to attack/charge separate enemies as a free action. The other basically gives someone else more damage to do, which might be redundant.
You launch a flurry of attacks, striking with such speed and might that creatures scatter before you like leaves in a hurricane.
Daily - Psionic - Close blast 3 - Each creature in blast
Dexterity vs. Reflex
3d8 + DEX damage, push the target two squares.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end your next turn, you can target one additional creature within range with your flurry of blows power.
Okay so this one seems pretty badass and can potentially do a lot of damage to a lot of creatures. My problems with it are that

a) my level 1 daily is already a hard-hitting AoE; and
b) this targets ALL creatures, including allies, and we so often have a lot of people in the thick of melee.

A cascade of punches creates deep wounds that your future attacks can exploit.
Daily - Psionic - Melee - One creature
Dexterity vs. Fortitude
3d10 + DEX damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain +2 to damage rolls against the target and can slide it one square whenever you hit it with an attack. If that attack includes forced movement, you can increase the distance of that movement by one square instead of sliding the target 1 square.
I'm leaning towards this one but will probably change the name of it to something less awkward. It's a powerful single target strike, and sets up the encounter, much like my level 1 daily.

Also the mountain theme of it kinda goes with Kara's upbringing. I might call it "Gardok Fist" or something like that.
HC, so far your suggestions have been Exemplar of Action, doing 1W + Str to a target and target grants combat advantage and is weakened until it's saved, which can be a turn away. Allies do 5 extra damage when hitting; and then Relentless Wounding 3W + Str where allies do +1 damage to the enemy until encounter's end.

I see a common theme to this; I don't really see what I'd do with them though :p. I appreciate the suggestions, of course.
CA and bonus damage will give our striking-heavy group some ridiculous offense, even if it's just for one turn. And there's a 45% chance each turn that it will persist.

"Save ends" is really the best you can hope for as far as granting CA. If something granted CA until the end of the encounter, it would be a pretty quick encounter.
No pressure or anything though. It's just that it seems like you're expecting dailies to be impervious to flaw.
Ok, escushion is free to take what ever power he wants. The nature of 4E is that there are no bad choices. I was just looking at the powers based on our party make up. If you looked at the powers based upon the big fight last Thursday, the pulling function would have been fantastic to get the bad guys out of the force field.

That being said, never ever ever look down on a power because it is save ends. Saving throws are the great equalizer, the roll is the same for every level, and it is very hard to ever gain bonuses to saves and very easy to restrict someones bonuses to save. I play in a campaign that has a wizard that can limit your chance of saving to ~9%.
No, no, I'm gonna take the power. I know I can choose whatever I want, and if there was something I really wanted, I'd jump for it, but there's not, so I wanted to take into account for the group.
Simkin took :

Go For The Eyes! (Melee or Ranged) - Daily against one Creature

Hit : 2W+5 and the target is blinded and can't shift until the end of Simkin's next turn. Until the end of the encounter, whenever Simkin damages the target it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and cannot shift.
Miss: If Simkin was hidden before the attack, Simkin doesn't expend this power. *mischievous laugh*
Simkin took :

Go For The Eyes! (Melee or Ranged) - Daily against one Creature

Hit : 2W+5 and the target is blinded and can't shift until the end of Simkin's next turn. Until the end of the encounter, whenever Simkin damages the target it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and cannot shift.
Miss: If Simkin was hidden before the attack, Simkin doesn't expend this power. *mischievous laugh*
:wtf: Combine that with my ability to make Ezekiels mark twice as effective and the target would get a -6 to attack. C'mon now, someone else has to have an ability that we can stack on top of these three. Lets get the BBEG down to -10 to attack each round folks!
Actually, one of my daily options is a power that lets me interrupt a target's walking or running if they're adjacent to me. If they can't shift either from Simkin's move, they're stuck.

But now I'd rather do the other one, so there! :p
I keep forgetting about this, so I am posting it now before I forget again.

Efimovich would like to study the two ritual books taken from the drow that were keeping the extra dimensional zone in effect during the fight at the elevator.

and before I forget again, (I swear every time I forget something I grow another grey hair), Julie here is the Ritual Progression list I mentioned long ago and far away.

Ritual Name Level
Arcane Mark 1
Comprehend Languages 1
Create Campsite 1
Portend Weather 1
Purify Water 1
Endure Elements 2
Water Walk 2
Affect Normal Fire 3
Enchant Magic Item 4
Hand of Fate 4
Iron Vigil 4
Transfer Enchantment 4
Brew Potion 5
Magic Circle 5
Object Reading 5
Ancestral Whispers 6
Commune with Nature 6
Cure Disease 6
Disenchant Magic Item 6
Speak with Dead 6
It is a list of the rituals I wish to learn and master. I explained it in a PM prior to the great board update of oh'10 that wiped all the PM's.
So after our last session or maybe the one before it, Huggs told me I wasn't using my Hero of Faith-granted Oath of Emnity power properly, and upon re-reading it, I realized it's not all that great. Basically gives me the benefit of the Oath until I hit the enemy once. Lame.

So I've been looking into other multiclass feats to replace it at level 5 that will also grant me Religion training, the reason I went for it in the first place.

Soldier of Virtue (Paladin)
- training from Paladin skill list
- paladin implements
- Virtue's Touch once per day, which is a melee touch that allows me to cure a creature of blinded, dazed, deafened, slowed, stunned, or weakened as a minor.

Righteous Judgement (Bahamut worshiper)
- Religion training
- Righteous Judgement encounter power vs. one creature, if it moves then 1 ally within 5 can shift as a free action before the end of my next turn, if it attacks, one ally within 5 gains +atk/dmg vs. that creature until the end of my next turn.

Initiate of the Faith (Cleric)
- Religion training
- cleric implements
- Healing Word 2/encounter/day.

Right now I'm leaning towards Initiate of the Faith because it'll open up a lot of cleric options for Kara in the future, and I can always use a little more healing available.

Give Acolyte of Divine Secrets a thought, use it to choose Visions of Blood as an encounter power. It's a close blast 3 that lowers the targets defenses for a single round, which would work well with your melee attacks.
The flavour of that power (ie. creating nightmare visions in your opponent's minds to deal psychic damage) is pretty much the opposite of what I'm going for with Kara's character, and the feats that I could later take as a multiclass Invoker don't really lend themselves to a melee striker.

Think I'm gonna stick with the Initiate of the Faith.
2 per encounter, one encounter per day.

If I had taken this feat initially, Arku might have lived. :p

I must also apologize for misusing Oath of Emnity all those times and making myself seem a lot more powerful than I should have been. We'll see how effective I am at striking now. :)
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