Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

It's a mystery to me how they continually make these backward steps yet continue to make a profit. I get a feeling things are going to look ugly for them real soon. They certainly haven't garnered a whole lot of good will from their customers.
It's only a matter of time until they outright ban 3rd party stuff from the official tournaments. That's when the tabletop officially dies.

I think what is really going on is they are trying to focus more on it as a franchise and not as the original game. They really don't need to do much when a game company makes a game except oversee the project for authenticity. Compare this to the table top, where they have to write the books, make the models, do errata, etc...
Yeah, it's funny. My "LFGS" (quotations) banned all non-GW models from the league they started. It made me chuckle. Our shitty little gaming store has stricter model rules than most of the tournaments out there. It left me out in the cold for the army I was going to field in it before just deciding not to participate due to lack of time. My scarabs (of which I like to field a fuckload) are not official models since they only come with warriors and I ain't buying 12 more warriors for 3 more scarabs. I have more than enough warriors.

Ugh, I'm reading the thread on this on Dakka Dakka. There are so many people defending these changes. Corporate defenders are the most baffling people to me. The only explanation I can think of is they're employees of GW.
On the other side, I just got my Tomb Stalker in the mail. Most daunting thing I've ever even deigned to build. It's weird. I can't stand GW's bullshit policies but I have no problem with Forge World. They're so upfront with what they're about. Our stuff is expensive and a huge pain in the ass to deal with, buy at your own risk, expect nothing from us.
Well, that's settles it. I'm done giving GW another red cent.

I'm honestly and completely furious over this. Not in the, "I hate EA, I'm mad on the internet." kind of shtick I have. That's mostly hyperbole. I'm not a frothing at the mouth rage-holic.

This makes me fucking furious. I'm going to give it a day to see how I feel. Then, if I don't feel any differently, I'm selling my shit.
Unfortunately most games and hobby related stuff is blocked at work here so I'm having a tough time figuring out exactly what's going on.

Is GW seriously banning all online sales of their merchandise that doesn't come from their own store? If that's the case... then they are completely fucking out of their minds. I will also stop buying GW related stuff too... permanently if that's the case (I haven't bought anything from them since the finecast debacle anyways but this is just insane).
Yeah, that and they limited stores to 500 dollars of direct purchases a month. Direct purchases are things like all the hero characters from the Hobbit and most 40K HQs. Apparently MWG was getting 5000 dollars worth of orders for direct purchase models that they couldn't fulfill thanks to this policy. The reason for this? So stores don't stock direct purchase models. That's lunacy.
Well, looks like they finally put the nail in the coffin for me. I'm done with them. I will continue to game and paint but that's because my friends and I have enough GW merchandise to keep us busy for years to come.

Infinity has been a lot of fun. We just started playing that one a bit as well and it's been a blast.

Frank if you're ever in Calgary for some reason you should come and have some drinks and play some Warhamer :)
I need to actually get out and meet some of the Halforum Albertans. Hell, I live in the same city as Chad.
Woot! Two days and I get to play an actual game! It's just 500 pts, but it should be fun anyways. Oh, I also came up with interesting ideas for the rest of the army sculpts... will have to wait for the blog post to find out though!


Staff member
It's a mystery to me how they continually make these backward steps yet continue to make a profit.
They feed thousand of accountants into the Golden Vault every single day to keep it running. However, with its bureaucracy left to run rampant, the GW empire slowly began to lose knowledge. They weren't able to fix what was broken, new technology was a step down - finecast - and they developed a fierce and bitter hatred for alien minis.
Ok, here's my plan (ahead of the blogpost.. I lie!!)- I'm going to theme the entire army as a Science Fiction Double Feature. The brain army obviously represents Tzeentch. I'm also planning for the HQ Lord of Change a space ship with a brain at the center flying it. I'm also going to do a Swamp Thing theme for the Nurgle units, and I think a robot army theme for Khorne. Any ideas for the fast Slaanesh units? I'm designing the entire army from scratch, so if there is a Sci-Fi style that fits Slaanesh's theme of being fast.


Staff member
Dejah Thoris springs to mind for Slaanesh, really. But speed? Mad Max? That seems like it could work.
Played a 500 point game against Eldar today. Daemons are hilarious to play. Just a blast. the Warpstorm table didn't do anything, but that was mostly due to luck than anything else. Two turns gave my Daemons a +1 to their armor save, which was fantasticly helpful. Screamers are still somewhat disgusting.
I bought my first finecast model a few weeks ago (before I heard about the online seller restrictions nonsense) from Games Workshop as I really wanted to see what the quality is like for myself.

It is full of bubbles, covered in extra spruing that requires lots of trimming and the material is SHIT. Seriously... it's brittle and crappy and they want us to think it's better than the metal ones? They can freaking suck it. I spent 4-5 times the time I normally do trimming, filing, filling holes and generally making the model look the way it is supposed to. Not impressed at all.
That makes me sad, Azurephoenix. I generally was ok with the Finecast model I had received (Typhus) and it is a bummer you didn't get a good quality model :(

Yeah, I'm a a butt who makes my own models now (mostly due to price, not quality), so it makes me sad you didn't get good quality.


Staff member
Honestly, looking at those models, you really should develop your own pulp sci-fi tabletop game. Call it "Invasion From Outer Space!" It's screaming fun and camp.