Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

I feel a little guilty that I haven't been updating the blog. However, I have noticed a weird trend where not updating the blog results in more followers.
Any Tyranid players here? I was just wondering what seems to be good in 6th edition with these little monsters. I want to finish painting my army and start playing with it (I'll be getting a 6th edition rulebook in the new year as well so I won't have to constantly ask stupid questions in Kriskens thread).


Staff member
Plenty of 'nids on DakkaDakka. I've only had the pleasure of getting wrecked by them in older editions, but lists have definitely shifted to Termagaunts and Tervigons. Genestealers and other melee still have a prominent place, and Swarmlords are still hellish nightmares to face. Other than adapting to a more shooty environment by adding their own shooting, that's about all I know.
Afraid I don't have a lot of experience with Tyranids, especially in 6th. Heck, I'd love to have any games in of 6th! For now I just have to enjoy just the modeling aspect. Le sigh.
An update here. Started painting a unit of custom screamers-

And have a ton of stuff to do with this pile of cultist/zombies

Plenty of 'nids on DakkaDakka. I've only had the pleasure of getting wrecked by them in older editions, but lists have definitely shifted to Termagaunts and Tervigons. Genestealers and other melee still have a prominent place, and Swarmlords are still hellish nightmares to face. Other than adapting to a more shooty environment by adding their own shooting, that's about all I know.
Swarmlord is definitely a handful. Genestealers aren't that good anymore since they can't assault on the turn that they come in. The yrmgrl genestealers can, but I believe they are more expensive.

Our 'Nids player tends to run something along the following at 1500 points:

Tervigon x3
Termagrant brood x3
Flyrant or 2
Hive Guard (who can shoot 24" without LOS and ignoring cover unless it's granted by area terrain) x2 units of 2

When I played him last, ran the Flyrant instead of gargoyles. I'm pretty sure he puts adrenal glands on some units and takes the ability to select Catalyst with his Tervigons to have the option of giving himself Feel No Pain in a given round.

For the Swarmlord, he rolls on the Biomancy table, since you get four powers, until he gets Iron Arm, though Endurance and the power that gives you more attacks is nice. If he gets Iron Arm, he then goes to whatever discipline gives you Invisibility (telepathy, I believe). Giving the Swarmlord +d3 toughness, Eternal Warrior, and a cover save through the use of both of those powers is pretty nasty.
Do the hive guard have 36" range? I thought they only had 24"... must check that.

My Tyranid army is going to be a hodge podge of what I've collected over the years. Close combat oriented Hive tryant with tyrant guards, Tyranid prime warrior leading some slashy warriors, a few shooty warriors, zoanthropes, hive guards, carnifexes, Trygon prime, hormagaunts, termagants, raveners, small genestealer groups with broodlords. It will probably suck hard but should be fun :)
I love having all this time! I've finished making 25 bases, am halfway through painting 18 bike style bases, and I'm half done with painting 18 custom Screamer models. This is amazing :)
Do the hive guard have 36" range? I thought they only had 24"... must check that.

My Tyranid army is going to be a hodge podge of what I've collected over the years. Close combat oriented Hive tryant with tyrant guards, Tyranid prime warrior leading some slashy warriors, a few shooty warriors, zoanthropes, hive guards, carnifexes, Trygon prime, hormagaunts, termagants, raveners, small genestealer groups with broodlords. It will probably suck hard but should be fun :)
Eh, you were right. I'm not sure what I was thinking there. I edited my original post.[DOUBLEPOST=1356366874][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll have to post some WIP of my Forge fiend. I'm trying two different things with this one...priming on the sprue and paining pieces BEFORE I assemble the model. I glued the bodie, heads, and legs together yesterday...I intend to do some painting tonight (wife got me some paints as stocking stuffers).

My heldrake needs painting to...going black with it and blue with the Forge Fiend with some purple on the ectoplasma cannons. I need to magnetize those and the head.
Actually, I am mistaken. These are the Warzone miniatures, found from a set similar to this-

I'll be throwing together a Mantic model to compare when I get the chance. I do like these, though.
For around $30 I got 80 of these guys.
Something I noticed when painting these minis is I hate metallic paints. I had to start over and redo the helmet and knife to undo the horrid look of the metallic paints. They just look out of place next to the other, more traditional colors.
Something I noticed when painting these minis is I hate metallic paints. I had to start over and redo the helmet and knife to undo the horrid look of the metallic paints. They just look out of place next to the other, more traditional colors.
On a knight in shining armor, metallic colors look good. But on a soldier it looks out of place because who polishes their weapons for serious combat in a modern setting? It's just a liability and your brain knows this, which is why it looks odd for a guardsmen to have a shiny gun or knife.
That might be it, too. I notice I haven't been using metallic paints for a while though, so maybe I've just outgrown them?
I use lots of metallic paints on my Necrons, but I think it fits personally....seeing as they're terminators and all.

Also, finally got to play some games over the holidays. Wrecked Tau, IG and Dark Eldar handily. No one expected to have to deal with how fucking hard to kill a Ghost Ark with it's shields up is. Just loaded them up with 9 warriors and a lancetek and it was a shit show of gauss spam. Of everything I used, the ghost arks were the VIPs by miles. The loser of the group was my Triarch Stalker who always rolled 1s to wound. He was worthless.
Hey, here are my poorly shot dudes I was working on the other night. Now, they aren't Krisken quality, but they're my first stab at painting minis.

Actually, my buddy, who's belly you can see in the background of the first pic, is a surveyor and thus has a garage full of varying grades of gravel he tests. So he's going to collect a ton of small crystals and super, duper fine rocks for me to use in the basing.
Something you may want to do in the future if you plan to add gravel after attaching the models is to cut small pieces of polystyrene on the feet. If you don't, you'll find it appears the model is sinking into the base with the gravel sitting higher than the model does.
So, I've very recently fallen in love with the Thousand Sons and now I want to make an a Chaos army based around these fine sorcerers and husks of ancient warriors. However, I do not want to spend the money that it seemingly costs to make the actual Thousand Sons units (a pack of chaos marines plus a thirty dollar pack of conversion bits that aren't even enough to convert a whole box of chaos marines).

So I am bummed.

If I were to make Thousand Sons Hellbrutes, I would probably just go with the Thousand Sons Dreadnought from forgeworld, which will sadly probably be about the same price as the plastic model when it is released. The prices of Forgeworld stuff and GW stuff seem to be getting a lot closer.


Staff member
Pure Thousand Sons armies are not good. They excel against Space Marines with those AP3 bolters, but they will disappoint against everything else, where you need more AP2, and they go down hard against swarms. For what it would cost, it's not even remotely worth it.
It's not about being a top notch army. I just like them. If I want to haul ass and win, I'll use my Necrons.
I had a 1k sons army years and years ago, and they're great fluff-wise. But yeah, unfortunately they are super expensive to run as an army, not just in model cost but points cost as well.
I wish GW would get with the times with their audio books. I would love to buy a ton of them from them digitally, but there's no fucking way I'm paying 45 bucks for 13 cds for one book.

Also, sorry for hijacking your thread Krisken, it's kind of become the unofficial 40K discussion thread.
No problem Frank. I love it and I have no problem with the thread serving as the 40k discussion thread. If anything, it means I don't have to search for another thread with 40k stuff!

That cost is criminal. GW really needs to examine their pricing structure if they hope to stay afloat in the digital age of books.
They used to charge a flat $15 dollar fee for any shipments under $30 in their store. When I bought the first Ciaphis Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) omnibus, it would have cost me something like $35 to get it... unless I spent another 10 bucks to get another book, at which point shipping was free.

So yeah... GW is intentionally gouging their customers.