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League of Legends




Hey folks - The little woman and I are trying the free-to-play League of Legends DOTA-clone. So far it's kinda nifty (though I still think I like Demigod more, but variety is the spice of life), but I had a question - what's a good female character that's easy to learn and do well with? She's trying Miss Fortune but is having trouble in the early parts of the game, which makes her fall behind in levels so that she's lucky if she's 8 by the time everybody else is 18. She likes playing female characters. Is there one that's easier to use or stronger earlier on?

Myself, I'm learning Mordekaiser and enjoying it.




You liked Demigod?????




You liked Demigod?????
Hell yeah. Granted, I only ever play it LAN, not through the online service which I know had issues. But I had (and continue to have) good fun with it. Could be because I play as Rook, but I play it as a support/harrassing character, not a front line bruiser.

I tried the twisted treant guy in LoL last night, very interesting... I like the range on sapling toss. Still haven't found a good alt for her yet though, and the need for it came into sharp relief when we played with other people and somebody beat her to Miss Fortune, just when she was starting to get the hang of her.




I'm having fun playing as Ryze. :)




I freakin hate Ryze. Goddamn rooty-zappy BS. :p

I still like Mordekaiser, and I'm also digging on Veigar ("the tiny master of evil! I AM evil! STOP LAUGHING!"). I think I've really found my niche though in Master Yi, but I feel bad because seems like a lot of people play master yi, so maybe he's just cheap and that's why I like him? I tried Xin Zhao, but after playing Master Yi so much I really miss his heal even though Xin dishes out more punishment.

The little woman tried Annie for a while, but I think she's getting to really like Miss Fortune after all.

Anybody out there wanna talk about items? I've pretty much got mine down pat, but wonder if anybody has suggestions. With Master Yi, I go

Chalice of Harmony -> Berserker's Greaves -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer -> The Black Cleaver -> Madred's Bloodrazor (or Stark's Fervor if there aren't any ridiculously high HP enemies around). Infinity Edge definitely seems to be the game changer for Yi.




A easy to use Female Char.i guess Ashe fits the bill.Just get her Boots of swiftness -> B.F. Sword -> Zeal -> I.Edge -> Phantom -> Starks/Madreds (depending on situation) -> Black Cleaver and your golden.
for Miss Fortune I usually take a Pure AD build. zerker greaves -> Bloodthirster -> Last Whisper -> I.E. -> if your feeling to squishy Frozen Mallet/otherwise Madres Bloodrazor -> Black Cleaver (or if you feel like your enemies keep getting away,hexatech gunblade.the little AP bonus is nice for make it rain)
you dont need Attack Speed items with Miss Fortune due to her Impure shot active which at lvl5 adds 50% A.Speed

Personaly,my most used Char is Le Blanc.
Mejas soulstealer -> sorc shoes -> rabadons deathcap (at this stage i usually have 10-12 stacks on mejas and i rape face like its nobodies buissness.) -> morellos tome (nice cooldown and mana regen) or Deathfire grasp (if they got a lot of HP stackers) -> voidstaff -> banshees veil
with this build I can nuke every squishie in 2 seconds.Since the first attack silences them for 1.5 seconds they usually dont fight back.

Another super Char is Irelia,she is easy to use (exept for her ulti,which isnt auto aim,or shows a cone but fires off in the direction of your mouse pointer.But if used correctly you can AA one Enemy while using the Ulti on a creep wave to heal yourself.)
Get a Philo Stone -> Merc Threads -> Trinity Force (start with Sheen.Once you have it use her Q ability on creeps which usually kills them.If Q kills creep you gain 35 mana and skill refreshes.Q another creep that is at 3/4 life.Rinse and repeat.If done correctly you can kill a whole wave in 5 seconds giving you almost 350 gold.) after that I usually buy Tank items.Why? cuz her Hiten skill
adds 75 TRUE damage when active.thats like having a Black Cleaver for free.And since Irelia is a Hero that needs to get up close and personal HP is the way to go. -> Randuins Omen -> Shureilas Revenge and last but not least Atma's Impaler. this item likes to get overlooked but it can be very powerfull.It gives you armor (which is usefull against AD heros like Yi and Xin) and it adds 2% of max health to damage. That's another 60 Damage. You will have around 150 attack damage with this build (without Runes) plus the 75 True Damage,which gives you a whopping 225 Auto-Attack Damage. Her Ulti heals you for 20% Damage dealt and you can use it 4 times in a row,with a cooldown of 30 seconds at lvl 3.which gives you AMAZING lane sustainability. And no,enemies cant run away,due to her Bladesurge (Q) which has a cooldown of 6 seconds at lvl 5.But with the right items and masteries can be pushed down to 4.6 seconds :D


Irela,Ashe and Le Blanc are really good female Heroes.
Added at: 00:40
Anybody out there wanna talk about items? I've pretty much got mine down pat, but wonder if anybody has suggestions. With Master Yi, I go

Chalice of Harmony -> Berserker's Greaves -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer -> The Black Cleaver -> Madred's Bloodrazor (or Stark's Fervor if there aren't any ridiculously high HP enemies around). Infinity Edge definitely seems to be the game changer for Yi.
I dont really know about Chalice of Harmony.It seems like a waste of Gold to me.Get Boots and maybe 2 Blue Pots.Once you reach lvl 6 you usually wont run out of mana.Unless your using a his Meditation ability a lot and if you are,your doing it wrong. Try to use his Wuju attack on the creep with the lowest HP nearest to you.You will usually Jump to the hero next if he is close enough. You then retreat.You just got gold and harassed the enemy.




I might be switching to the US server soon.The players here in Europe get shafted by Riot. 2 hour wait queues, random DC's ingame wich messes up my ELO.But worst of all,we dont get any explenations.Just vague "we are working on it" comments.




You don't think Infinity edge for Miss Fortune as well?
Added at: 10:52
And yeah, I use his meditate all the freakin' time... it's why I like him so much. I never have to come out of my lane, I hit 18 when most others are still 11-12. And I have the teleport as one of my summoner spells, so I just have to gate back, buy, then teleport back to the fight and I don't miss out on cash and exp.




You don't think Infinity edge for Miss Fortune as well?

It depends.does the enemy team have a lot of Mages/Squishies and only 1 tank? then by all means,get the Infinity Edge. together with Impure Shot it will rape face.the Crit can be Ignored.but the Raw Damage is hard to overlook.If you use it together with Richochet Shot you will be harassing like a boss,giving you incredible Zone controll,while standing behind your own creeps.

If you like Yi,try Tryndamere.That guy is freaking scary once he gets 2 phantom razors and a bloodthirster.you usually wont die anymore unless they got 2 stunners.




I started using Youmuu's Ghostblade last night on Master Yi. Holy Cannoli, Highlander + Wuju Style Active + Youmuu active = KILL DEATH SLAY MURDER. Even though I can't snare, stun or root, they can't get away. A lot earlier in the game than would otherwise normally be possible for me.... and pairing it up with Infinity edge, forget it. It's over.

I may give tryndamere a look as well. I tried Pantheon and just couldn't get him to work right. Died way too much, or had to go back to heal too much.

I hate spending money on consumables, just seems like a waste and so little return.
Added at: 17:18
I do have a question though... is there a champion who plays similar to Rook from Demigod? (IE, placing multiple stationary turrets)




Heimerdinger.He places Turrets,has a AoE slow and Rockets that autotarget nearest enemies. Great for pushing lanes,not really a hero killer though.

Pantheon is really hard to play. You need to go pure AD.nothing else.no attack speed,no health,just pure AD.You harass with Spear Throw,and once you get them to 2/3 life you jump em and then use heartseek strike. remember not to move while channeling HSS.Eventhough it looks like your still swining the spear in front of you while moving,it dosnt do damage anymore.Done right, HSS is a killer,and often called an OP skill, dealing 5x 12+40% Attack damage.Double that if you hit an enemy Champion. If you get the usual items you will have around 300 AD which will give you
5x 24+240 = 1320 Damage. HOLY SHIT!




Good to know. I will have to give heimerdinger a look, though he can't possibly be as overpowered as Rook, unless the rocket turrets have full "ranged champion" range, and he can place 10 rocket turrets with no real mana strain and then continually walk them forward down the lane :D Gawd I loved doing that. There was one map on demigod which only had ONE LANE... two guys playing Rook on one team, and the other team just was NOT going to get to push.




I only play COOP vs AI and Heimerdinger is a beast against stupid bots. Against real people, Heimerdinger is a waste unfortunately.

My go-to champion is Twisted Fate. God I love that yellow card against champions. And when I've got my attack speed up to 2.000 or higher with a lifesteal, I'm ripping through everyone.




I dont really agree with that.A Heimer with Rabadons Death Cap and Abyss.Scepter,rips through heroes.Add morellos tome and with an 8 second cooldown you be powerfull at harassing and rule during teamfights. Just Spam rockets and grenades set Turrets,upgrade and your done.




The little woman and I both love heimerdinger. Last night we also moved up to "intermediate" from "beginner" in co-op vs AI, and I was surprised to find how much tougher the bots were. Annie Bot was doing ~1000 damage a cast. On beginner she was a pushover except for the occasional stun-proccing-Tibbers summon.




Stuck on Lux now. Never played better than with her. Not uncommon for 14 kills in one game for me. That damn laser is like insta-death :)




Heimerdinger and Mordekaiser make a really good team, I found this weekend.




That they do.Morde is a mean pusher.I hate fighting him due to his passive skill.In late game you can hardly put a dent in his HP.




Been playing for a few months, my handle is "Mechordeus" if y'all want to play. I mostly do mages, carries, and supports, with a side dish of Singed trollin'.

Singed, what is best in life?
To fling your enemies, see them kited before you, and to hear the QQing of their teammates.




I am disappointed about the new hero Riot is churning out.We were promised a female tank,but what we got is a Jarvan with boobs. :/
4 Skills,all which do damage. The stun is nice,but there is no reason for Carrys to attack her.Rammus and Shen at least get taunt abilities.
I am gonna buy Leona,but i prolly wont build her as a tank but rather as a Tanky-Dps'er ala Jarvan or Garen.




Been playing for a few months, my handle is "Mechordeus" if y'all want to play. I mostly do mages, carries, and supports, with a side dish of Singed trollin'.
Singed is Ryze's best pal. :D

Y'all can add Gustovich if you want.




That they do.Morde is a mean pusher.I hate fighting him due to his passive skill.In late game you can hardly put a dent in his HP.
Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?




Singed is Ryze's best pal. :D

Y'all can add Gustovich if you want.
True that :3 Ryze was actually my first champ, and the one I played for the longest time. Then I switched to Annie (still my main on Twisted Treeline), and finally I've been branching out and trying lotsa champs lately.

Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?
AP (0.2 rate). Here's my favourite wiki for these kind of doubts (and for looking up passives, as Riot won't put them on the champion sheets). http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/




Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?
they do 28/36/44/52/60 + 25% AP damage.




I am disappointed about the new hero Riot is churning out.We were promised a female tank,but what we got is a Jarvan with boobs. :/
4 Skills,all which do damage. The stun is nice,but there is no reason for Carrys to attack her.Rammus and Shen at least get taunt abilities.
I am gonna buy Leona,but i prolly wont build her as a tank but rather as a Tanky-Dps'er ala Jarvan or Garen.
I think she's going to be a good anti-carry/initiator, as going W->E->R->Q onto the back of the enemy party could spell un-fun times for their squishiest champ and the enemy in general. While not forcing anyone to attack her, I think she can make herself into a very attractive target (her kit reminds me of Amumu a lot).




Ok, another noob question. What is the meaning of "ate some oranges and it was k" ?




Ok, another noob question. What is the meaning of "ate some oranges and it was k" ?
Gangplank, the pirate dude with a gun and a cutlass, has a skill called Remove Scurvy that reads as follows: "Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, which removes all crowd control effects on him and heals him."

So yeah, you CC him with whatever you have, and then he eats some oranges and is k.




Gangplank, the pirate dude with a gun and a cutlass, has a skill called Remove Scurvy that reads as follows: "Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, which removes all crowd control effects on him and heals him."

So yeah, you CC him with whatever you have, and then he eats some oranges and is k.
Every third or fourth person in the official thread about the server downtime friday had something to say about oranges and "it" being "k." So I wondered.




I miss the days where Gangplank had the deny skill.His E skill would allow you to kill a creep of your choice on your own side and give everyone around you Movement and Attackspeed bonus.
It also prevented your enemies from gaining XP.Beautiful.But it got nerfed. xD




I miss the days where Gangplank had the deny skill.His E skill would allow you to kill a creep of your choice on your own side and give everyone around you Movement and Attackspeed bonus.
It also prevented your enemies from gaining XP.Beautiful.But it got nerfed. xD
Ah, the good ol' days of Jewplank :3

Alas, it seems Riot doesn't want denying to be a mechanic. I remember seeing a red post about it, they said it was an "un-fun" feature, so they would avoid it. Same reasoning behind the Eve nerf, the upcoming stealth rework, etc.




Well, it wasnt "un-fun" for me. xD
Yeah,Eve got raped in the last patch.Instead of stun,she gets a slow now. :/




Hahahah, I was playing a normal game as Singed on Twisted Treeline, team line-up was [Singed, Sona, Nasus] vs. [Xin Zhao, Morgana, Rammus]. We dominated lane early and the game was going well, but late game (when everyone was 18), the three of them managed to gank my two teammates. This left two of theirs at 75% health, and another at almost full.

So I walk into them and start kiting. I do rounds around bushes, double-back, all the stuff, and they're /convinced/ they can kill me (I mean, they have an immobilize, a taunt, and a knock-up so they would wreck any champion that relies on not being interrupted). So they get me down to a tiny bar of health, but they are also near dead.

At this point I pretend to run away to the right of lizard, put a sticky pot down, and they give up and proceed to attack lizard (I see this through a ward). So I double back, come in, poison the two near me, and fling the one farthest away.

ACE, and I survived. Singed is such a troll champ XD




I just played my best game ever as Ryze, AND it was against other players. :D Feeling very satisfied right now.




There's no better feeling than seeing a bunch of enemy champions piled up, as Ryze, putting your troll-face on and going QREQWQQE all over their faces :3




The thing is you dont even need to build an AP Ryze.Just Get his Mana to Astronomical hights and you are melting faces. Archangel Staff,Frozen Heart,Rod of Ages.He is almost an off tank sometimes.




Yep. I almost never build RoA on him, though, I use the catalyst to make a banshee's veil for the much needed MR. An Archangel's or two, a Deathcap, frozen brain, banshee's, penetration boots, and you're good to go.

Edit: Oh yeah Gusto, if you're using Utility masteries for Ryze, the extra 5% mana from the Utility mastery (Expanded Mind) isn't worth it, get the extra 5% xp one instead:

On a beefy end-game Ryze, say you have 1200 base mana + 2800 mana from objects (two Archangel's, a Banshee's/RoA, and a Frozen Heart). If I recall correctly, Expanded Mind only works off the base mana, but let's say it also works on the items (so we have the 4000 mana total to multiply from).

4000 * .05 = 200 additional mana.
200 * .08 = 16 additional damage on Overload
200 * .05 = 10 additional damage on Rune Prison

This is at level 18 and with a /very/ mana oriented build. The 5% extra xp, on the other hand, will allow you to level a bit faster, which is great in mid-game for teamfights and stuff.

Haven't seen a single champion where Expanded Mind is worth it over the other one, in my opinion, and Ryze would be the most benefited.




I go Sorc Shoes - Rod of Ages - (Banshee's Veil - Frozen Heart - Archangel's Staff), generally. Things in parentheses are items that can have their buy order reshuffled, depending on circumstances.

I had another great Ryze game this morning. I find other players are often dumber than advanced bots, now that I'm playing more REAL games.




I totaly fell in love with Urgot. What a awsome harasser and last hitter.Im the most flamed at player during team fights. He got incredible zone controldes good damage,while having a very low cooldown. 1.46 second 150 + 80% AD nuke that has INCREDIBLE range,when in lockon mode.




So....any thoughts on Wukong? The only beef i have with him is his freaking Ulti.it knocks everyone once up into the air.




Just started playing this over the past week. Been working with Katarina so far, with mixed results - if I get left alone long enough to get some items she's a powerhouse, but if I get focused early on she dies, fast. Probably going to unlock Nocturne first, since he seems to have a similar style while being more dangerous.

Anyway, if anyone's looking for someone (pretty bad) to play with, my ID is Vriishnak and I'm online quite a bit.




I am a goddamned wrecking machine with Rumble.




I am a goddamned wrecking machine with Rumble.
Rumble is the meanest Lane Bully there is.From early till late game he dominates Lanes like nobodys buisness. Coupled together with a stunner he rapes face.




I liked playing Twisted Fate until they nerfed his ultimate. Now I KAMEHAMEHA through Champions using Lux. Just bought Sona and play a support role 99% of the time now.




I liked playing Twisted Fate until they nerfed his ultimate. Now I KAMEHAMEHA through Champions using Lux. Just bought Sona and play a support role 99% of the time now.
I found in full pvp mode, I have a lot easier time if I play Soraka, pick who the face-shredder is and follow him around healing him. It turns a good player into an absolutely unbalancedly devastating weapon of mass destruction.

But I still love popping out of the grass on rumble, flamethrower blazing, shield up, and firing taser-harpoons. Oh, you thought you got away? BIGASS LINE OF ELECTRO MISSILES HALFWAY ACROSS THE MAP!




I'm so glad I live in a world where someone imagined taser-harpoons.




I'm so glad I live in a world where someone imagined taser-harpoons.

XREP - Shotgun fired Tazer




What happens when you get a few good ganks early game with ashe...other team gets mad and keeps trying to end your streak. After lots and lots of tower diving, followed by a huge amount of creep kills I hit 18 while everybody else is still 14 with heaps of cash for items. Ended with 28 kills and 3 deaths. 20 kills in a row with my first every triple kill.




Warglebargle, connection's gotten worse, now it's hard to play pvp competently... Happily I'll be back states-side in two weeks and I can go back to playing my beloved Anivia.

Been trying out Amumu and Jax lately, they're amusing enough. Also thinking of getting one of the champ bundles, spending $20 on the game sounds about fair for the hours I've gotten out of it.




Tried Jax. Definitely not my style. Tried annie, since she came down in price to 450... seems that with annie, if I do positively everything right for the first 6 levels and don't screw up anything at all ever, then she turns into an invincible PUSH ALL THE BUTTONS instant-kill dispenser. But if I screw up even once, or, god forbid, die, my damage is anemic for the rest of the game, and even tibbers-with-stun can't save me.




I'm loving Jax in 3v3. Seems like half of the games I play end in the other team complaining that I'm OP. Still experimenting with stuff for 5v5, Amumu and Nocturne are pretty fun. Need to get better at both of them still, though.




Still lovin' me some rumble. Had a 19-1-14 last night with him. Fun fun fun.




I'm obsessed with Garen. Haven't played another hero since I picked him up.




I'm obsessed with Garen. Haven't played another hero since I picked him up.
I like Garen too. And this latest patch buffed him a little bit.




Dear God. Played Gangplank for the first time last night. The absolute giddy joy of swording and pistoling people to death and eating gobs and gobs of oranges... and an ultimate AE damage/snare that can be fired ANYWHERE on the map?! Gar. Gar gar gar.



Frankie Williamson





I've met precious few wukong players who weren't screechraging kidbrains. I can almost sympathize with the feeders here.

On another note, Heroes of Newerth went free to play, but for some reason I'm not even remotely interested in it. Yeah, yeah, I know the graphics are better and all that jazz... but I like this. It's filling my need, I see no cause to make myself play two games while one is fun.




I swear Riot only lowers the price of champions I've already bought ;_;

I looked at HoN and the design seemed bland when compared to LoL, like comparing a everything-is-brown-and-gritty FPS with TF2. Plus, it resembles DOTA2 much more than LoL does, so I'm guessing they'll lose more people to it than we will.




Had my best match ever last night. 32/9/17 on gangplank. Booyeah.

Gear was meki pendant + 2 health potions to start, Ionian boots of lucidity, then ramped up meki to Manamune, then built a Stark's Fervor, then infinity edge, then Last Whisper, then Phantom Dancer. Once all that was up, it was absolutely sick.




This usually happenes in Random Que with people below 30. Once you hit Ranked Play, most of the time you will play with people who take shit seriously or you will have found people you like to team up with.Ofcourse there will be dickheads once in a while,but they arent as rampant as in Non-Ranked games.




Soooo I spent some money in the game. I feel dirty, but 30 bucks for 5-6 months of entertainment is more than fair. Got me a champ pack, and getting the Riot Singed skin once they put it up for their last sale.

Oh yeah, and me and my mates are probably joining an inter-college tournament being held in September, representing our uni. Here's the linkie to it http://www.cstarleague.com/news/949/csl-lol-tournament




Good luck,Den.Wish I had a serious group I could play with,but with me being the only Gamer in my circle of Friends,that probably isnt going to happen.




Who else is exited about Dominion?




kind of, not sure how it will pan out with my fav champs though. Also rendar, im in the same boat...are you NA or EU? we can team together sometime maybe? same goes for anybody, I play on NA under the name gargoyle4eva , anybody ever want to play lemme know. Usually play nasus, because he is total win.




I'm interested to see how dominion shakes out. Coming from Demigod, it'll be interesting to see LoL's vision of "take and hold."




My main is Janna, and my husband is telling me that support is going to be shit for Dominion, so I've been trying (and failing at) more DPS'y classes. So hopefully he is full of it. :p




Dominion has definitely caught my attention. Seems like Singed could be really fun in it <3




I think AoE nukers will really shine in Dominion (looking at you,Brand).
And sadly,i am playing in the EU (we have HORRIBLE server support) but that is gonna change as soon as account transfer will be activated.




I think AoE nukers will really shine in Dominion (looking at you,Brand).
And sadly,i am playing in the EU (we have HORRIBLE server support) but that is gonna change as soon as account transfer will be activated.
Are they gonna enable US <-> EU or only East <-> West? Depending on if I move back to Spain permanently I would love getting my US account into West.




Razer is giving away free runes over this weekend, to celebrate PAX!

http://www.razerzone.com/pax/league-of-legends/ will get you the signup sheet - it's one +crit damage Mark and one +movement speed Quint, and if you're greedy (hint: be greedy) you can do it multiple times with different emails.

Just be aware that their servers are overloaded as shit, and I could only get any of it to work in IE.

Oh, and the codes can all be used in both NA and EU, so depending on where people are playing you may be able to pass the codes around for multiple uses.




Razer is giving away free runes over this weekend, to celebrate PAX!

http://www.razerzone.com/pax/league-of-legends/ will get you the signup sheet - it's one +crit damage Mark and one +movement speed Quint, and if you're greedy (hint: be greedy) you can do it multiple times with different emails.

Just be aware that their servers are overloaded as shit, and I could only get any of it to work in IE.
Dangit, I already have a 3-set of MS quints >_<




Heh, I lucked out on that front. Just picked up Singed, and started eyeing a set of them. Saved over 6k IP because of this promotion.




Heh, I lucked out on that front. Just picked up Singed, and started eyeing a set of them. Saved over 6k IP because of this promotion.
So. Much. Hate. ;__;




Does it help to know that when I say I just picked up Singed, I mean it was literally yesterday?




Does it help to know that when I say I just picked up Singed, I mean it was literally yesterday?
Not really, you lucky fracker :< Still, I guess I have gotten some enjoyment from my 3-set this last month... But still, those 6k IP could've gotten me the full dodge yellows set, or the blue AP/lvl set. DANGIT




I'd never heard of this game, but I totally impressed that a bunch of users made the mac client! That is just completely awesome.




So I found this really helpful guide to playing heimerdinger...




I don't have parents....




I don't have parents....
There's a debate in the comments thread about whether she's saying "parents" or "baron," I choose to believe "parents" because it makes more sense with the previous insult and... well, it's just damn funnier.




Shortly after picking up Anivia, I found this guide very informative.




Need to get a little LoL rant off.There are these Twins is sometimes play with.They always go together and take bot lane (Usually play Nidalee and Yi) and feed the enemy Team like it is All-You-Can-Eat at Hooters.We usually win cuz I get to carry the Team (I'm lvl 30 and they are lvl 15,so i guess my enemies are around their lvl) but it is annoying,escpecially when we are talking on skype and in the middle of a Teamfight one of em answers a Handy Call and fights with one hand!!!And since I cant scream at women I have to bottle up the rage when I see its just 12 mins into the Game and the enemy team got already 5 kills off of them.How can one play a hundred games and not learn the concept of Zone Controll and overextending?




Ha ha ha... I heard about that.. riot actually temp-banned that guy who made the anivia guide.




Did my first few ranked matches tonight. 3 wins and 3 losses. The 3 losses were a team that counter-picked us quite well, and the 2 times I had to jungle (idk if I was the deciding factor in crippling our team, but I'm not the best jungler out there, definitely).

Overall, draft is a lot of fun, specially with a friend.




I am back at Random Games instead of drafted for just that reason.To learn how to Jungle and Gank properly.I switch between Warwick (for whom you dont really need any runes) and Jarvan (who is very Rune Heavy,but a great ganker if played right.)




Combined my noob ass LoL playing with cross stitch for fun the other day. ;) (Maybe it belongs in the art forum, but I think it will be more appreciated in this thread!)





Awwww, I can just picture his reaction if you handed this to him, all emo and adorable.




I want to have that.




I need to make myself a Singed shirt, or poster, for having around. I had so much fun yesterday in ranked, with people chasin' me left and right. It's just like this image I got from a /v/ thread weeks ago told me:




I was playing a melee against Singed yesterday, I was raging because I couldn't do shit to him, since I wasn't going to chase him around. So my friend who was playing Sona and I sat up top waiting for back-up, but it never came because said back-up had to keep helping out our terrible mid. :'(




I was playing a melee against Singed yesterday, I was raging because I couldn't do shit to him, since I wasn't going to chase him around. So my friend who was playing Sona and I sat up top waiting for back-up, but it never came because said back-up had to keep helping out our terrible mid. :'(
Singed is fairly manageable levels 1-8, and very weak levels 1-3 (specially before he gets a catalyst), so poke him hard early. Worst he can do is either poison you (very weak early) or fling you once (long cooldown, but stay away from his turret). He has no ranged attacks, so use any ranged skills you have (and, in this case, Sona's autoattacks and offensive chords) to annoy him. Stay near your low-health creeps so you can punch him whenever he goes in for a last-hit.

Once his poison is up to level 3 or so, he might start killing your whole wave in seconds, and that'll bring him close to your turret, where you can farm safer and possibly gank him from behind. Don't hesitate to ask for a lane change if you know that your champion can't do crap to him, it's better to send someone else than to give him all the free farm. Once he's level 8 or 9, stop feeling safe under the tower, he can dive in, kill someone, and dive out.

Never chase Singed, that just makes him happy. Oh so very happy :3




Yeah, we had no one else to send because our only strong ranged character was our one Pick Up person, who, like I said was being bailed out by our bottom lane the whole time, so there was literally nothing we could do about top. :( Hence the mad raging about Singed and his poison clouds. ;)




I've done a handful of ranked 3s so far, Singed is so much fun. Either he gets banned, the other team takes him with their first pick, or I get a full game of hysterical laughter and an all chat full of rage about how OP he is. It's amazing.




I'm really, really tired of having to queue dodge in normals in order to get a team that isn't absolutely fucked from start to finish. First time today, we have a jungler and no tank, so I pick Singed and say I'm taking the top lane. Miss Fortune responds with "I'm going with you!" I tell her no, it's a solo top lane, and her response is the following:

I'm not playing that out.

Then later on I go to play another game - we get 4 AD melee characters, 3 of whom are autolocked. I ask about maybe getting the last person who isn't locked to play either an AP of some sort or a tank so we can at least have a small chance, and their response is "just play Amumu", then they lock in.

God DAMN this community sucks.




I know.I hate autolockers.then they force you to play something you might not be familiar with.




Yeah, the community of LoL reaches levels of toxicity I haven't experienced in a long, long time. The other night, somebody on the other team yelled at /all "WE LOST CUZ MY TEAM IS FULL OF NOOBS"

Someone else pointed out "dude you're 0 and 6"


Yeah, cause that's what we all want to do... find the most obnoxious opponent and set up special custom games JUST to play more with them.




I had a similar experience just now.Some punk that wanted to take charge of the team,insulted everyone that wouldnt follow him blindly (we were 4v5 due to a leaver,thanks to Cpt. McDouche who insulted the guy till he couldnt take it anymore.) pinged the shit out of the minimap which annoys me to hell and then stopped joining the teamfights just to spite us.Then,just as we were winning, ( thanks to a spectacular counter after killing the enemy 3v5) he would loudly proclaim that it was ALL his doing,while none of us could play. He had 4/12 with Ezrael,while I had 11/8/20 with Malaphite build as pure tank.




I've noticed there are some characters that just seem to attract the assholes... Ezreal is one of them. Karthus is another.




Aww I used to play Ezrael all the time. Garen is still my main but I've been giving Jax alot of play too.




Still gangplank here, with occasional forays to rumble or teemo. And I didn't say all people who play Ezreal are asses, just that he attracts them :p




I've only played against one Maokai and that guy loved to QQ.




Arg.I hate blamers.Had an berzerker Sona on team.played her as if she was using LeBlanc.Your a freaking support!SUPPORT! Was together with her bot as Teemo.Couldnt really do anything against a Caith and Soraka who played very well with each other.My Sona would go off into the woods and try to flank em but that ruse got seen through quite quick,but hell,shes gonna try it anyway.Then our Jungler Amummu.Whined that he wanted to be Jungler.Ok,we say.Once game starts he tells us he needs a strong pull for he donst have any Jungling Runes.Good start.It becomes quite clear that he dosnt have any experience jungling or using Amumu for that matter.His initiates are always way to far for the rest of the team to reach in time. And then ofcourse its blame time. "FUCK YOU TEEMO FOR NOT KILLING THEM!" Yeah..as if i can kill them from 3 screens away if I try hard enough. LoL is a team game,where everyone needs to fill his role if he choose it.But many people just dont seem to get it and once game starts,play like it was their first day.




I was playing terribly last night.

How much does ELO matter? I typically random up but I was level 18-19 last night, queuing up with a couple friends who are 30, and found that in general I was MUCH less effective, especially at mid levels.




From what I know,LoL uses ELO to team up strong players with weaker players to even teams up.
Added at: 14:29
If you got a lot of stronger players on your team,the enemy team should be compromised out of a lot of strong players too.




Yeah okay that's probably it then. The average player in that game was probably in their early-mid 20s, and thusly had access to the only tier of runes worth buying, which is a huge advantage over someone even at level 19 without that access.

I can't wait to hit 20.




Amumu is a pretty good jungler but people have to not be terrible so... yeah.




I jungle mumu, and he does require some finesse. Wee bit harder to play than nunu, but mumu's late game is much superior.

My placement matches for ranked have gone horrible ;_; I just wanted to get bronze, but I got 4 different games where either we had a feeder, a leaver, or a plainly retarded team comp (counting that I tried to equalize the team by choosing w/e piece was missing, like jungle or support or carry). Solo queue sucks balls.




My friends are waiting for me to hit lvl 30 before they do ranked games so that we can just do them as a team instead of solo queueing. I think that idea may end up backfiring horribly, since I am already imagining how much harder things will probably be for us. ;)

(Also, was there ever a LoL name swap? Mine is Imeena if anyone wants to add me :) )




What level are you, Dei?




20 right now. Hitting 20 made me sad because it made all my IP go away. ;)




I would love to play with you guys.just have to wait till they impliment account change




I would love to play with you guys.just have to wait till they impliment account change
Are you East or West? I might level up a euro account on my spare time.




I'm a third of the way between 19 and 20. Can't wait to hit 20 and get all those delicious Ryze runes I've been eying for the past 15 levels. :)

It's annoying to play games with my higher level friends and play against level 20+ employees who are already benefitting from the tier 3 runes and quints. In my best games like that I've been like 3/5/14.





I blew through 4k IP and didn't even come close to getting all my stuff.




I've got like 9.3k saved up. Everything I'll need at level 20 will cost me around 10.3k. But almost HALF of that is 2 movement speed quints so I can hold off on one of those if necessary.




I don't even know how much IP I've blown on runes... Hmmm, 1 sec... Quick calculation gives me 29-31k. Now I have 2k and I can't decide wether to get a set of AP/lvl blues or get Gragas.

I've got like 9.3k saved up. Everything I'll need at level 20 will cost me around 10.3k. But almost HALF of that is 2 movement speed quints so I can hold off on one of those if necessary.
Out of curiosity, what set-up are you planning on using for Ryze?




Planning on speed quints, MgPen reds, flat mana regen yellows, and cooldown/lvl blues.




Somehow I don't feel like we're in noob territory anymore eh? :p




I dunno man, sometimes I feel like a badass, and sometimes I feel like a bitch. :p




I'm level 25 and I don't think I've bought any runes.




Somehow I don't feel like we're in noob territory anymore eh? :p
I'm level 25 and I don't think I've bought any runes.
Do you want to ask that question again? ;)

I dunno man, sometimes I feel like a badass, and sometimes I feel like a bitch. :p
This x a bajillion




Do you want to ask that question again? ;)
I think you misunderstood - I was saying, the "League of Legends for noobs" thread was discussing things beyond the ken of many a noob :p




Edited thread to just straight-up League of Legends.




I played Talon for a handful of games last night, and I think I may have found my champion. Everything seems to make sense on him, and when I see an opening...people die. Fast.




So I found out today that not only does PC Gamer have a free Caitlyn skin, you also get HER for free if you use said code. Yay for saving IP.




Planning on speed quints, MgPen reds, flat mana regen yellows, and cooldown/lvl blues.
Hmm, imo those cooldown runes aren't worth it. Remember that cooldown caps at 40%. Ryze's Q gives you 10%, Frozen Heart (assuming you build it, but it's an incredibly common Ryze item) gives you 20%. That's 30% already. The cooldown masteries are 3% and 6% respectively, either or will put you at the mid-30s, both will put you at 39%.

Cooldown reduction caps at 40%.

Oh, and blue buff gives you 16% cooldown red at lvl 1, and +1% every 2 levels.

So I found out today that not only does PC Gamer have a free Caitlyn skin, you also get HER for free if you use said code. Yay for saving IP.
Yeeep. A friend of mine is hitting walmart twice a week to check when they're releasing it here (they still have the last issue). Almost everyone that I know that plays is grabbing it.




I'd highly recommend some straight +mana or +mana/level runes for Ryze - the extra damage is a lot more helpful than cdr, for the reasons listed above. It also lets you cast more spells!




Here's the build I'm going for, maybe it'll help clear up some of the math.


Suffice it to say that by the time I get Tear of the Goddess, or CERTAINLY my first Catalyst the Protector, I'm not worried about running out of mana anymore.




I read this thread religiously. I don't play the game. I just like to read the posts and realize that I have no fucking clue what you are talking about.




That's ridiculous.

Try the game at least. Even as a complete noob you'll have some idea of what we're talking about.

I reread the entire thread yesterday and it made a lot more sense the second time through.




That's ridiculous.

Try the game at least. Even as a complete noob you'll have some idea of what we're talking about.

I reread the entire thread yesterday and it made a lot more sense the second time through.
I tried it. I hate RTS games. So I stopped playing it.




I know Rhyze is a good character,but for some reason I dont seem to be able to play him well.Only AP type I can play well are Rumble,Veigar or Lux.




Man... patch nerfed Mordekaiser big time.




Got a link to Patch notes? Cant find them for some reason.
*edit Nevermind..found it.




Siphon of Destruction was his bread and butter for building his absorption shield. Now only the damage from the first enemy hit counts. Can't smack a huge group of minions for insta-full shield any more.




In the video they said the shield only gains half of what it used to when hitting creeps and full when hitting champions.Seems managable to me.




In the video they said the shield only gains half of what it used to when hitting creeps and full when hitting champions.Seems managable to me.
That's in addition to the siphon nerf. If the shield gain was by itself, yes, I'd have said that was manageable, but in ADDITION to that, they also nerfed Siphon specifically.




That hurts.But in Ranked hes one of the chars that almost always is banned.Havent played him in ages.Interesting what they did with Taric.Might give him a shot.
And thank god they nerfed Oriannas range.One could never get close to her.




I am SO happy that they changed Taric's ult. It was a complete piece of shit before.




This is the guide I'd recommend for Ryze. With his passive, cooldown reduction is just a lot less powerful than having more mana, and through it more damage output. Between a Frozen Heart and elixirs you're going to be sitting at 39% anyway, so any runes for it are wasted in that situation. If you're ever getting blue buff as well, it's even more overkill. Mana, on the other hand, always means more damage!




Just went 20-0-6 in a 22 minute game with Talon. So ridiculous.




So, that addition of only 25 range to Singed's autoattacks and Flings (from 100 to 125, both)... IT IS SO GOOD. It sounds like so little, but good lord has it made last-hitting and pursuing easier.




I wish they would increase Vlad's range of his Q for at least 50.As it is,he is pretty useless.




Ranked games are down and the lvl 30 noobs who usually stay in Normal are joining the Draft games.I played a horrendous game of me Veigar mid, an inept Riven Top,a Jarvan jungling who never ganked instead would wonder around in jungle even when all the creeps were down,jax and Irelia bottom. Yeah,all of them took melee.No support no Ad ranged Carry. Bottom got massacred by Vayne and Soraka,top by Dr.Mundo and a very capable Noc. I begged them to change their picks (I was last to pick) but as usual these douches keep silent till the game starts and the only thing coming from them is "Noob Team". It really galls me if the person with the most deaths (Double digits by 16 minutes) calls his team noobs.

When will they invent something that allows me to throat punch people through the internet.




Yep, when I saw that I was like "not touching this unless I'm in a 3-5 players premade," and my point stands.




This thread made me purchase the game. My first experience shall be tonight.

Luckily, a friend was willing to sell me his unused copy for a mere $30.




This thread made me purchase the game. My first experience shall be tonight.

Luckily, a friend was willing to sell me his unused copy for a mere $30.
You can find it unused for $20, not to mention that the game is free-2-play.

Still, gimmie me your username once you have an account and we can play :D




You should go punch your friend in the face. ;)




New Douche Magnet Char: RIVEN

Look at me,I can combo shlash,I am a total badass.
4 out of 5 Riven users think they are a one man army,charge whole teams alone and die miserably.




So I was up agaisnt a competent Xin Zhao today, and thought after I might have a look at some guides for him, so I know how to counter and maybe play him in the future. I found a really excellent one if anybody is interested WARNING:NSFW

Also a pretty good guide for Master Yi too, not sure if anybody has posted it yet




Man, I don't like all these Master Yi posts, as he's the character I've started playing, and I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to pick him >.>

My super non-pro strategy so far has been to stack AP and cooldown reduction, and spam the hell out of alpha strike.

My summoner's name is Ravenpoe121




AP Yi is actually viable.Get a Lichbane,Deathfire Grasp and a Hexatech Gunblade and you are golden.




Just had my best game yet! Finally starting to get a feel for the balance between farming, pushing, and... actually, that's about it for now. Baby steps.

I had been going for a sheen into a lichbane, and thanks to LordRendar's advice, I threw in a hexatech and a deathfire grasp. I love the deathfire grasp, giving Yi another long range attack on a 60 second cooldown is great for catching fleeing champions. I killed so many using it into an alpha strike, and then popping his ultimate to chase them down for the last hit, which has the benefit of refreshing the cooldown on everything. I don't use meditate nearly as much as I thought I would, only using it to heal myself after rushing past a tower to finish someone off.

I finished the game with 2000 gold and nothing to spend it on. My inventory was full, and I really couldn't think of what to ditch and what to add. Is there any way to drop an item temporarily, if I need room to craft another?




I finished the game with 2000 gold and nothing to spend it on. My inventory was full, and I really couldn't think of what to ditch and what to add. Is there any way to drop an item temporarily, if I need room to craft another?
No, but this will rarely be a problem, specially when you start doing pvp. The only time this happens is when the enemy team is feeding, or the game is a stalemate. In that case, look for items that are too expensive to usually justifiy, but that you'd rather have in the slot.

If you ever have a bunch of spare gold and all slots full, buy the 3 elixirs. It'll give ya a bunch of cooldown red, AP, attack speed, health, ...




User name is Burntbrew, if anybody wants to play.




username gargoyle4eva NA server, figured more of you guys would be on there rather than an EU server.
Also, my god the community can be horrible at times. You suck and so does your champion, lrn2play noob. 5 mins later, who scores a triple kill with the last going to the AD carry for the ace, then solo takes out 2 towers and 2 inhibs? oh yeah...me!




It's always the worst performer on the team who gripes about his teammates in my experience.




It's always the worst performer on the team who gripes about his teammates in my experience.




Except when I'm the worst performer, then I just quote Ralph Wiggum in all caps in /all.

"OMG GP is noob!"




we totally need a halforum team game or 2. Even though im 13 hours in the future, on the weekends i have no commitments, I would love to play a team game with some of you guys one day. On one condition....Nasus is mine. I think I'm in love with him. So much pwnage!




I always love when a new champ comes out and everyone complains during selection that you better be awesome with it or just not pick it. I just bought the goddamn thing, give me one game and we'll see.




I don't mind playing with bads, everyone has terrible games. But at least know that it's you, I mean damn. Also I call Caitlyn. =\




I don't play any character in a normal game until I've tried them out on advanced bots at least a few times. And even then I warn my team that I'm new with that char.




If we're calling heroes I'll take Garen or Jarvan.




I don't play any character in a normal game until I've tried them out on advanced bots at least a few times. And even then I warn my team that I'm new with that char.
That's my policy, this way I avoid screwing others due to me not knowing the kit's strengths, or how to use the ult (first time I used Noct's and TF's ults I completely screwed them up mechanics-wise, I shudder to imagine what would've happened in PvP).




Anyone try Dominion yet? Not really having a good melee character that I can play makes it a big turn off for me so far. =/




It's quite fun. Of the group of regulars I play with, the 4 of us that have tried it are on a 2/2 split between love it and meh it. I'm personally having incredible lots of fun with it. It's fast, very reaction-based, and a perfect counter to SR. I feel that, after the novelty wears off, it'll become a great way to unwind after a 50m-1h normal game.

I've tried Lee Sin, Annie, Singed, and Teemo. They all work wonderfully in the map, Annie and Singed being the most fun. Lee Sin has a great kit for Dominion too.




I haven't tried Dominion yet, but with the new free characters, I'm LOVING twisted fate on SR. He's going to be my new main, and is next on my list to purchase




I only got to play it once last night, and we lost, but it was close. I think it's an enjoyable change of pace - I just wish there was a vs bots option for it so the little woman would play it (she hates playing against the Catass Brigade)




Subscribe the the League of Legends Youtube channel and get Alistar and his Unchained skin for free.




Does anyone wanna buy me a Caitlyn skin issue of PC Gamer? I can't seem to find it in this area at all. :(




Oh hell yes. I'm excited to try it.




Thank god, now maybe I can play it more than once every couple days. During beta, it was like I only could ever get on 5 minutes before dominion was taken down.
Added at: 11:14
some things who haven't played it yet:





Time to get more practice with Irelia and Evelynn. -_- Although, I have a new fondness for Vayne, and if I build her with more HP it might work out....




Ryze is still my go-to guy, and I'm gaining experience with Rammus. I just don't know if Rammus will be quiiiiite as useful in Dominion if I can't use Tremors to knock down buildings.




Ryze is still my go-to guy, and I'm gaining experience with Rammus. I just don't know if Rammus will be quiiiiite as useful in Dominion if I can't use Tremors to knock down buildings.
Rammus is a beast in dominion, and you don't "knock down" anything... to claim a point you right click on it and it channels away, like in UT2K4. But that speedy rolling thing is really handy. Mobility is king in dominion, I'm finding.




I get that, but part of Tremors was that it damages buildings as well as enemies. But Dominion has no buildings to damage so it's overall less effective.

Oh well, I love being a speed machine with Powerball. :D




I'm also finding mana regeneration to be way less of an issue... and the mobs are an afterthought, so healing by life draining minions isn't really an option (though there are heal packs scattered around the map)




Rammus + speed boost items = lololololol

Also if you can get a good minion ball going, it captures turrets pretty quick.




I really, really don't enjoy Dominion. I played two games during the testing, and both times I was bored out of my mind by the 5 minute mark.

Oh well, I'm still enjoying 5v5 and 3v3 games, so it's not like I'm hurt by it, just sucks not to have a different mode to play.




I haven't tried Dominion, but typically, as long as I'm playing with friends who are willing to tolerate occasional mistakes and lag spikes, I'm down for any game mode.




Ryze is still my go-to guy, and I'm gaining experience with Rammus. I just don't know if Rammus will be quiiiiite as useful in Dominion if I can't use Tremors to knock down buildings.
He is, as of now, considered one of the strongest chars in Dominion, if not the best. His movespeed right at the start of the game almost guarantees getting top for your team. His taunt is excelent for interrupting capture AND making the enemy take a few towerhits. His ult can stop a full enemy team from capturing a turret long enough for your team to make it to there. He's also very tanky.




Twisted Fate is my main man, but his strengths don't really translate well into Dominion, at least not with the AP build that I prefer. Luckily, Warwick is there to fill in. Damn I love Warwick.




I'm a little disappointed in Dominion. Garen is a beast with the amount of movement speed I build on him. But I prefer games where everyone has responsibilities, not just run around doing whatever.




He is, as of now, considered one of the strongest chars in Dominion, if not the best. His movespeed right at the start of the game almost guarantees getting top for your team. His taunt is excelent for interrupting capture AND making the enemy take a few towerhits. His ult can stop a full enemy team from capturing a turret long enough for your team to make it to there. He's also very tanky.
Can't wait to give it a try, then. :D




It's a whooooole different ballgame from summoner's rift. Your role changes, the rules change... it's like bizzaro League.




Yeah, sounds like Rammus is the lead Capturer and Ryze is the Annoyer.





Dominion is fun!

Played as Ryze, got Tear and Boots right off the bat, then rushed Glacial Shroud then Frozen Heart. Then killed much fools.




Played as Janna, spent the night kiting dumb melee while my team stole their shit.




From time of first queue, then load, then play til my team wins, Dominion takes around 24 minutes. This means I can squeeze in a game after breakfast and before I leave for work. :)




So, does anyone have that PC Gamer Caitlyn code and, for whatever reason, don't want it?





I just want someone who can actually FIND the magazine to buy me a copy. I'll recompensate somehow.




Now that I've played two games of Dominion as Rammus, I've finally learned that I was doing it wrong for 1.5 of them.

I need to be a constant distraction, always capping a point that my opponents have forgotten about or left defenseless, then 5 seconds later be capping the point they just left in order to retake the first one.

It's awesome being super fast on this map. :D




After hearing they patched Pantheon I tried him,and holy hell is he a game changer.They made his ulti have a limited range instead of the Global Map but casting/landing time is drasticaly reduced.I can finaly hit people using my ulti instead of using it as a gloriefied Warp spell.
I farm bot with support,at lvl 6 ulti to mid and kill enemy AP carry (Ulti+Aegis of Zeona -> Spear Throw -> Heartseeker strike -> Spear Throw) Most glass Cannons are dead by this point,then run up and help. Due to the Ultis low CD it gives me great Zone control.Making me almost as effective as a Jungler in scaring opponents away from Towers.




Something wrong? Blame it on the jungler. :/




To be fair, there are some really, really bad junglers out there.




We need a list somewhere of everyone's summoner names. I wanna play with you guys.

Edit: And if you don't want to search the thread for my summoner name, it's Ravenpoe121




I just got the game and it's a blast. I unlocked Taric the Gem Knight and he is by far my new favorite. A nice, solid support melee tank. Good times.

Also my summer name is Terrikus




Got shunted as mid for the first time as nasus. 30 mins later, I have a powered up q that hits for 700+ gmd every 3 secs thanks to my frozen heart. Plus nearly 70% dmg reduction from armour, and 50% magic resist. Plus an atmas/warmogs. The enemy team was running away from 4v1's. That was a fun game.




Wish I could play more but minecraft is eating ALL my free time :/ I need to quit my job and just game full time. I'm sure that'd go over real well.




Why am I so terrible at dominion?

I've never won a game. :(




I am incredible at Dominion, providing I have a reasonable team.




Everytime I hear my team say "Just defend" I chalk it up to a loss and thus am never disappointed. :p




Decided since I play ashe as my ad carry, nasus as my meele dps/off tank, that I need to pick up a full tank and an ap carry. Since I am currently building a rune page for singed, because he seems like a heap of fun, I have a few magic pen runes laying around, I thought I would go for an ap first. Tried annie since I already own her and had some fun but was kind of underwhelming. Just bought Karthus on a whim after laneing with an awesome one last night. 1 bot game to get used to the kit then into normals. 9/11/24. Not bad for a first time, glass cannon no less. Build me some armour and magic resist and I'm a machine. I love him already!!!




Decided since I play ashe as my ad carry, nasus as my meele dps/off tank, that I need to pick up a full tank and an ap carry. Since I am currently building a rune page for singed, because he seems like a heap of fun, I have a few magic pen runes laying around, I thought I would go for an ap first. Tried annie since I already own her and had some fun but was kind of underwhelming. Just bought Karthus on a whim after laneing with an awesome one last night. 1 bot game to get used to the kit then into normals. 9/11/24. Not bad for a first time, glass cannon no less. Build me some armour and magic resist and I'm a machine. I love him already!!!
Try ryze. Build him with a tear of the goddess into an arch angels staff, then stack mana/health items. He can tear through squishies, and high health gives him more survivability.

You can ignore AP, though you'll naturally gain it through some preferred items




I've looked at ryze before...but I don't think he has much early game harass though. Meki pen on karth = mini nukes everywhere first few levels. I'm like a gattling gun yo!!! Plus, I kinda have trouble deciding what to build on most AP's, Karth is basically, Rush Arch angels and sorc boots...then follow the rest of the recommended. Throw in a cdr item and your good!




I love Ryze, and Overload is a great first level harass especially if you're dual-laning. You initiate and by the time the enemy knows what's up you can hit him with a second Overload.

Sometimes I take Rune Prison at first level but only in Twisted Treeline and only when we think we can kill someone immediately.




might have to have another look when he is on free week then. Also, runes are so damn expensive. I guess once you hit 30 you kinda get to build up a few, but ive never had more than 2k at one time




another pro as heck video guide, this time Master Yi!




Totally posted that last page you nooblord! At least im pretty sure I did. Either way, I can stack doubleswords better than you can!




Whups, so you did.




gasbandit is a nooblord!




If only I had one more doublesword.




also...I should not post when drunk!




It has been so long since I played LoL.and i think with all the great games coming out it will be quite some time till I be booting it up again.




I haven't played for over a week and not for any good reason. Guess I've been kinda busy.




I haven't played it in a few weeks because the little woman confessed to me she hates it and was just playing it because I liked it.

Here's the part that stumps me:

She loves Demigod.




Here's the part that stumps me:

She loves Demigod.
Oh man, i'm sorry to break it to you, but that's one of the first signs of possession...

Demigod is slower paced, i see how someone would prefer it when they're not "hardcore"...

And being able to upgrade your minions is pretty cool...




I rage every time the enemy team has tryndamere... He's a goddamn wrecking ball.




I discovered last night that Irelia absolutely demolishes Tryndamere in a solo lane. There are a lot of champs who can get around with with some combination of cc/exhaust/ignite, but she just straight up wrecks him 1 on 1 starting at about level 3.




I remember in the beginning when he paid with HP for abilities... fun times.

BTW, he's weak against ranged in the beginning, use that (Kog'Maw wasn't playing very well but i just couldn't kill him, so frustrating).




also...I should not post when drunk!
No, no, no. you got that backwards... you should always post while drunk!!!




huh, this thread looks pretty deceased. you guys still play? if you want, add me. i'm gurpel.








I still play. The new skin is making me try out Vlad, and so far he's awesome.

Summoner name is Ravenpoe121




Damn you Skyrim!




Skyrim, Saints Row 3, and Minecraft 1.0... no time for LoL, Dr. Jones!




I've been playing. Trying out AD champs recently like Irelia, Ashe and Kog'Maw. Ryze and Rammus are still my boys though. :)




mundo just bought mundo...mundo likes mundo. Much health, good mechanics..and also mundo mundo mundo!
Also, buikds that do not include an atmogs...are total fail builds!




mundo just bought mundo...mundo likes mundo. Much health, good mechanics..and also mundo mundo mundo!
Also, buikds that do not include an atmogs...are total fail builds!
Atmog wukong is my favorite atmog, although atmog riven is pretty close.




atmog nasus laughs at you all!!




Interesting. I dunno if there's a way to work it into my gangplank build, tho - he's mostly crit.




Interesting. I dunno if there's a way to work it into my gangplank build, tho - he's mostly crit.
Yeah, I don't see atmogs helping plank out too much. He's all about taking half your health bar in one shot. But for up close bruisers that need to be semi tanky, atmogs rules. That and a frozen mallet (or trinity force) make my wukong a beast.




Atmog's is actually completely standard for most gangplank builds...




Well, I should clarify that my GP is also a little "supporty" since I play with the little woman... I find we do better together (especially if she's playing Miss Fortune) if I get a Stark's Fervor (instead of something like the bloodthirster), But basically I start off with Meki and 2 health potions, then get boots and build Manamune and Ionian Boots of Lucidity (cooldown reduction.. I like to PARRLEY). After that, I build Stark's Fervor, Phantom Dancer and Infinity edge. That leaves one spot left, which usually goes into either Last Whisper if the other team is tank heavy or Banshee's Veil if they are caster heavy.

I suppose I could chuck Stark's Fervor and the last slot choice in favor of Atmog, but that stark's fervor really comes in handy in the team fights.

My GP is a little light on HP torward the end of the game, but he dishes crit damage like crazy, Parrley hurts like a mofo, and eating oranges is usually enough to get me out of any tight spot.




Atmog's is mostly a solo top build, since it gives you the survivability and damage to deal with the people up there and come out tanky enough to stay alive in teamfights. Usually it's something like philo's stone->wriggles->atmogs, then add either a trinity force, infinity edge, or some other damage item plus the boots of your choice. You're not quite as bursty, definitely don't see the constant big crits, but you can stay in the middle of a teamfight autoattacking enough to take full advantage of your e while people die.




Atmog's is mostly a solo top build, since it gives you the survivability and damage to deal with the people up there and come out tanky enough to stay alive in teamfights. Usually it's something like philo's stone->wriggles->atmogs, then add either a trinity force, infinity edge, or some other damage item plus the boots of your choice. You're not quite as bursty, definitely don't see the constant big crits, but you can stay in the middle of a teamfight autoattacking enough to take full advantage of your e while people die.
I think I'll definitely be giving it a try on my Garen.




For Garen skip the philo stone and get a brutalizer instead. It's incredibly strong if you can get a couple early kills in lane.




just a suggestion for your GP, try a frozen heart. Gives you the CDR of the boots, plus armour and mana and the attack speed debuff is great. Also frees up your boots for something else. Or keep the boots and have even more cdr




Frozen heart is usually better on your support or tank - GP needs his item slots to increase his damage output, and frozen heart doesn't do that at all. CDR isn't that great on him either, since only one of his abilities deals damage, and most of his output is from his autoattacks.




thats not necessarily true, depending on the situation gangplank can be built tanky. that said, frozen heart is really situational, its only worth it if the other team has multiple autoattack-based champs. (note that there is a distinction between AD bruiser and autoattacker)




I did say usually! Basically the FH is only worthwhile in the situation you described, and if your team doesn't have an actual tank, and if you don't have a support who will build it, and if your team isn't counting on you to pull enough damage to carry them lategame. So there are times when it's worth it, but it's not something I'd recommend as a regular build on GP, especially when Atma's gives armour as well as the crit and health->damage.




Atmas is a really underrated item for some reason.I love it on most of my Tanky DPS builds.




IMO, CDR is important on gangplank not just for damage (which is 2 out of 4 abilities - his ultimate is damage too, remember), but a lot of times every second counts when waiting to be able to eat oranges. Especially when there's a lot of CC flying around.




I go for max cooldown on Vlad. Even if it's just to use crimson pool half a second earlier, it really seems to be able to make a world of difference.




I go for hella cooldown on Ryze. By the time I get Frozen Heart and have a hella mana pool I'm just wrecking people with Overloads every second.




I go for max cooldown on Vlad. Even if it's just to use crimson pool half a second earlier, it really seems to be able to make a world of difference.
I really like Soulstealer and Lichbane.I love that extra movement speed to get in range for my skills.




So, in the last game I was in, I found out the hard way that Akali does magic damage. I got raped. Severely.

The armor, it does nothing!




Love that girl in teamfights.Throw a shroud into the fight and most of the time the enemy wont target you,while you are in their midst wrecking havok.And at the end the last stragglers know that they cant escape from you,but oh,how they try.




Since this thread got bumped again, here's another of my cross stitching projects.




Looks awesome! Like if League of Legends was a SNES era JRPG. :)




You should send that in to the summoner showcase.




More major changes coming in the next patch. Not sure what to make of them yet, either.




More major changes coming in the next patch. Not sure what to make of them yet, either.
Clearly Phreak wants to jungle EVERY champion.

But we'll see how it turns out.




I'm way late on this, but I just wanted to add that I loved Demigod and am sad that it failed as miserably as it did :(




I'm way late on this, but I just wanted to add that I loved Demigod and am sad that it failed as miserably as it did :(
I love demigod. The little woman and I still play it LAN on occasion. At our best, we've beaten 4 enemy bots on the hardest setting and one on medium, with no bots on our side. Granted, it was on crucible and we were both playing rook, and everything went as right as possible, and it was STILL a close thing.




I just had my best dominion game ever as Malzahar.

It starts with half of my team being douches, talking about how our team makeup is crap (it was a random game), and then telling me that Malzahar is not a dominion champion and how I'm going to ruin this game for everyone.

I end up being top player, with most enemy kills, most captures, and basically just pwning face. We won, no thanks to my douchebag teammates.




me and gusto played a couple games today, but they both sucked. the first was an aggravating loss and the second was a hollow victory... but at least i managed to demonstrate my skills as a top-tier league player by:

-missing 30 cs by 10 minutes

-suiciding onto their soraka a bunch of times (she was a jerk, i couldnt help myself)

-asking malzahar repeatedly if he had an r key on his keyboard




Gurpel is such a fucking troll, lulz. ;)




when that morgana fed trynd 12 kills then told me to buy a thornmail it flung me into such a blind, frothing rage that i... i...

politely explained why thornmail was a suboptimal choice using figures and hypothetical situations




The community for LoL is really varied. I mean, I've played with some real assholes, which is to be expected in any online game, especially free ones. But then sometimes I'll play with people who are actually pretty polite, easy going, and fun to play with. And almost always, these players are far more skilled than the rude ones.

Today, playing as Fizz (and owning with him, I'm going to have to buy that champ) I laned against a Heimerdinger that was laning like a boss. Halfway through the game, I finally get the jump on him and manage to kill him. Does he insult me in chat? No, he actually compliments me.

Now, if only I could find more of those, and less of the asshats.




It's become increasingly clear to me what my role is in most games that I play with a group: I'm the middle lane AP carry. It's the role I can play most effectively, although I'm not awesome or anything yet. With that in mind, I've actually restricted my previous "branching out" and am sticking to AP carries. Today I played Annie for the first time and I've been getting used to her. It's a lot different to play a burst caster than a sustained DPS.

I played with a full group of 5 guys for like 4 games today, and it's awesome how our roles have kind of solidified. I'm excited to finally it level 30 (2 levels and a few hundred XP to go!) and start playing ranked games.




I'm only level 21, but for the longest time I did the same thing. I focused on AP casters doing solo-mid. So far, I've really enjoyed playing Fizz, Vladimir, and Malzahar in that role, with Fizz more oriented to being an assassin who just happens to be solo-mid.

Recently I decided to give tanking a try, though, and since I have all AP runes, I gave Cho'Gath a try. I've been building him as a tank/mage hybrid. I go for an early philosopher's stone for hp/mp regen to keep me in lane forever, and then build into a rod of ages, force of nature, frozen heart, and rabadon's deathcap. Most games, however, are over before I ever get to the deathcap. This gives me awesome regen and great defenses, and makes rupture and feast hurt like a motherfucker.

I started building as a pure tank, and while I still do that in some games should it call for it, I find the hybrid so far best. These aren't ranked games or anything, but having that extra bit of lethality makes you a bigger target, which is just what the tank needs to do.

And occasionally you eat their face.




I normally play solo top when I can get it, though I find in ranked there are typically 2-3 people clamoring to do top so I end up stuck with something else. Jungling Shaco is my standard backup plan - it's really easy to carry games when you're playing an assassin from the jungle!




Well after a truly terrible game where no one would listen to me or even respond to what I was saying, I found out afterwards that no one on my team (save me) spoke english.

I feel like this should be something we can find out before the game, to adjust to accordingly.




playing a game as tank singed. Went 7/13/19. Got shut down really hard early game by ahri/shyv in my solo lane, because the shaco spent most of the time jungling and only ganked bot twice early game. Just before the gg, shaco starts spamming all chat to report me for unskilled player. Other team goes, lolno. This community is so stupid sometimes, But thankfully some of the players have brains.




The community did spring directly out of Bnet, so it's not surprising. It's one of the reasons i can't play the game, I hate the community.




The community did spring directly out of Bnet, so it's not surprising. It's one of the reasons i can't play the game, I hate the community.
Like any online community, it's full of fucktards. But, there are good people out there, and if you're at all familiar with playing other online games, it's a simple process of ignoring the idiots and friending the good players. Some of the best people I've ever added to my friend list have been people I played against that totally rocked me. If I notice they're not smack talking or calling me a noob, I'll compliment them after game, maybe ask for some tips, and usually end up playing a few awesome games with them.




It's even laughable to me that "unskilled player" is even a REASON to report somebody in this game. Like... an actual reason in the pulldown list of reasons. I wonder if the devs just automatically forward reports for "unskilled" to /dev/null so that jerkoffs can feel like they're doing something without actually bothering anybody.




They've said that the only thing Unskilled Player reports will do is possibly result in a reduction of someone's Elo if they're consistently reported for it. Basically only an issue in ranked, and not a big one there for the most part.




Oh yay, more great community interaction. Gargoyle you suck at olaf, and suck at jungling altogether. Thats because this is my first time with olaf and I've only really jungled maybe 2 or 3 games. Well you suck and should probably quit playing noob, lrn 2 play.

The best bit? It was a bot game. I really need some forumite friends on my list so I can stop this solo queue nightmare.
gargoyle4eva , add me folks.




I think I just got matched against Gurpel in a normal. Assuming the username is the same!




I think I just got matched against Gurpel in a normal. Assuming the username is the same!
in fact it is. hope i didnt feed hard or troll you :p

shoot me a friend req! (if you arent mad at me for any hypothetical trolling)

p.s. for future reference, the correct way to summon me to halforums is to type "gurpel" three times in a row.




Summoner name: Ravenpoe121

Hit me up if you wanna play with someone who isn't even level 30 yet.




No one playing on the EU servers?




Sorry, I'm pretty much not playing at all any more... the little woman came to the realization she hates the game. Because of the intensity of the pressure to do well, I suspect.




I booted it back up recently, played a few bot games as Viktor. I still like the game itself, still hate the community.
I just tried to log on for a quick game and "over 20000" place in queue.
Though I don't play that often, my summoner name is Darsiek if anyone wants to add me.
Oh, and I'm like, level 4, so don't expect too much :p




I booted it back up recently, played a few bot games as Viktor. I still like the game itself, still hate the community.
I just tried to log on for a quick game and "over 20000" place in queue.
Though I don't play that often, my summoner name is Darsiek if anyone wants to add me.
Oh, and I'm like, level 4, so don't expect too much :p
A new champ was just released today, so yeah... it's long queue day




The new champ is really, really fun, too!




He looks like a blast. I love mobile bruisers, and he looks like he can jungle like a beast.

Except I suck at jungling.




use more double swords....they help you jungle faster!




So, I've been playing the hell out of this lately in what little free time I've had and I've been playing the crap out of Annie. Loving her.

I can hold lanes with her really well, providing that I don't get zerged by the other heroes. She starts off kind of weak, but once you have Tibbers leveled all the way up.... save the stun, Disintegrate, Tibbers, dead champion.

I've played some of the standard matches, but am sticking mostly to bot matches so I can get some more champions and runes.

I'm only up to lvl 6, now.




I've been playing a lot with Ahri, whom I LOVE middling.




I love Ahri,too. Great DPSer with fast cooldwon and inbuild Spell Vamp.
Have been playing Garen a lot lately,as well as Soraka if we needed a support.




I actually played support for the first time ever the other day, because Ravenpoe called AP-mid in our premade group. Kayle's literally the only support character I own, and only because I got her for free at the end of Season 1.

But it took advantage of the fact tat I'm not great at last hitting and by mid-late game I was extremely tanky and could keep our Twitch alive long enough to shred the other team.




I actually played support for the first time ever the other day, because Ravenpoe called AP-mid in our premade group. Kayle's literally the only support character I own, and only because I got her for free at the end of Season 1.

But it took advantage of the fact tat I'm not great at last hitting and by mid-late game I was extremely tanky and could keep our Twitch alive long enough to shred the other team.
You can get Alister for free if you like their facebook page. He makes a great tanky support, and while built for support his healing isn't that great, he is the king of CC and tower pushing.




Oh yeah I guess I've got him too.




Well, I was doing well with the community, but the last group I had were berating this person for sucking even though they explicitly said they're brand new to the game. It's a freakin' bot match, dude, get over it.




Well, I was doing well with the community, but the last group I had were berating this person for sucking even though they explicitly said they're brand new to the game. It's a freakin' bot match, dude, get over it.
There actually is a good community to be found in LoL. Even in random normals, I've run across great players that were both skilled and courteous, and taught me a lot when I was starting out. You just have to ignore the vocal asshats.




Much like everyone on the internet.




It has gotten much better,now that you dont have to listen to the other side anymore.




But that's so much more boring.




I turned cross chat back on. I need the rage to fuel me.




Dan Bull, one of my favorite performers on youtube, has a league of legends rap out now.

And for everyone not yet playing, now would be a good time to follow the link in my sig, or just click here. (/shamelessplug)




Think I just had the worst game of LoL in history. The worst thing was, Gurpel was there to witness the whole thing. I have bought shame upon my internet family!!




there are times when it just dosnt seem to work.
One game i have a score of 1/8/3 and we surrenderd at 20,next game im killing people left and right.

On an unrelated note, the Brolaf skin made me break my promise of not spending any money on LoL.But its BROlaf,all arguments I made against myself were invalidated.




Come at me brolaf!




We should team up sometime. I'll bring my gentleman cho'gath skin.




sadly i am on EU serves.
What i find interesting in LoL is,Random matches are chock full of douchnozzles and dickwads,
but once you play ranked matches,you mostly get professionals who know that you need to work as a team to win.
It is quite refreshing.




That is absolutely not my experience with ranked.




US or EU servers,Vrii?
Ofcourse there will always be whiners and good guys in either ranked or random,but i had more of the latter in ranked.
Mostly it is bitching about who is mid and who will support and whatnot.Since I love playing support and am very good mid we mostly resolve those things quickly.




So I tried replaying olaf after my first dismal experience, figuring that now I know more about the game and items I might be better. 11/7/x and shut down the enemy jungler. Kept getting really close on my ganks but had no ignite to finish them off. At least it took pressure off my lanes, let them get farmed up to win the game. Might go through all the champs I couldn't play with before and see who I am better with now.




US or EU servers,Vrii?
Ofcourse there will always be whiners and good guys in either ranked or random,but i had more of the latter in ranked.
Mostly it is bitching about who is mid and who will support and whatnot.Since I love playing support and am very good mid we mostly resolve those things quickly.
NA servers. Playing between 1300 and 1400 it's a cesspool of rage, blame, and people who have absolutely no idea how to play.




You knwo what I hate? Those silent people in Champion pick.Where everyone tells what he/she would like to do (mid,top,jungle,etc) and if there is conflict we can solve it,but there is always this one fucker who picks a champ,autolocks and then goes masturbate or something,cuz he wont say a peep till the game starts and he goes onto a lane messing everyone up. -.-




That was me until I knew better :p

I've decided that I'm really going to focus on one character, and that character is Amy.

I love Tibbers.




That was me until I knew better :p

I've decided that I'm really going to focus on one character, and that character is Amy.

I love Tibbers.
Annie? >.>




Gha, where did I get Amy from?

Yes, Annie.




Gha, where did I get Amy from?

Yes, Annie.
Man, if Amy had fire bear powers... we'd all be doomed.




So, Riot released a rare weekend patch today because they wanted to roll out some of their new changes early, and it broke everything. The servers have been down all day, and are still down.

And I had bought an xp boost for today to finally push from level 28 to 30 :(




Yeah, this patch made my whole group of friends sadface. Specially our support, she hadn't been able to play for a whole week due to internet issues... Finally gets her internet back, and Riot goes LOLNO on us.

You might be able to ask for a refund, or to get them to move it to next weekend. It's a time-based boost, innit?




Yeah, this patch made my whole group of friends sadface. Specially our support, she hadn't been able to play for a whole week due to internet issues... Finally gets her internet back, and Riot goes LOLNO on us.

You might be able to ask for a refund, or to get them to move it to next weekend. It's a time-based boost, innit?
Yeah, it was a 24 hour boost. It was only like 120rp, so I'm not super upset over it. They automatically extended it for the 12 hours that the servers were down, but that doesn't help me a lot as that's all time that will be spent at work and unable to play.

Also, if you haven't already, you should totally friend me in game. Ravenpoe121 is my summoner name.




So, they rolled back the patch, re-released the fixed version, and it broke everything again, leading to longer server downtime yesterday. Today I get home and load it up, and yay, the servers are up! I can finally play... except...





Yeaaah... Apparently the patch (server-side) introduced a bottleneck in one of their databases or somesuch, so they're throttling the logins to make sure the servers can handle it.

They also lost a bunch of people's account contents (runes, champions, rp, ip, and/or skins), so they're also working on reverting those losses. Thankfully, nobody I know lost anything. Whomever does, they'll be given 1000 RP (along with all their stuff back) as soon as Riot can.

All in all, this is a big ol' clusterfuck.




I bet it's pretty tense at riot right now. Lots of people aren't getting any sleep.




Man, I'll have to check my account tomorrow. Good thing I'm a pretty low level summoner.




I didn't lose anything. I don't know of anyone that did.

I just want to know when Pulsefire Ezreal is coming out :(




So, I love DPS casters, any suggestions on who should I save my points up to unlock?




So, I love DPS casters, any suggestions on who should I save my points up to unlock?
What dps casters do you currently play and enjoy?

Ziggs is a ton of fun. I highly recommend him. He makes a great AP mid.

I'm also a fan of Vlad, but I play him toplane.

Any discussion of ap casters is of course going to mention Ryze. And he's pretty fun if you enjoy machine-gunning spells.

Twisted Fate has always been one of my favorite champions (and he finally has new splash art!). My personal preference is for AD attack speed Twisted Fate (don't do it, it's really fun, but also really weak) but he's best used as an AP nuker. Get a deathcap and a lichbane, and his cards will do tons of damage, as well as being able to teleport around the map and pull a goldcard stun every four seconds.

Morgana is one of the strongest mid-lanes around. So much so that you often see her banned in competitive play. Hitting with her dark binding snare can turn the tables on a teamfight, and she can farm like a beast with her tainted soil and built in spell vamp. I personally have never been a big fan of using her, but I hate laning against her.

I haven't tried Kennen, but I want to. His next free week I'll be giving him a try. Same goes for Ahri.

I see Galio and Gragas used a lot, but I've never personally tried them. Gragas looks like fun, and I love his esquire skin.

Oh, and jungle Karthas. Yes... jungle Karthas.




I have Ryze, but I don't find him that fun. My favorite right now is Annie.




I have Ryze, but I don't find him that fun. My favorite right now is Annie.
You'd probably really like Malzahar. He has some great utility with his aoe silences, as well as a contagious dot that jumps from target to target, and aoe zone damage. Plus he summons minions with his passive, and his ultimate is great for locking down a champion while your team bashes them.

And best of all, he hammer dances.




Cassiopeia, Ahri and Swain are my preferred standard-style APs. Mordekaiser is also really fun if you don't mind some melee mixed in.




I have Ryze, but I don't find him that fun. My favorite right now is Annie.
If you like Annie, you'll probably also like Veigar.




veigar is a great anti-ap hero.




Oh yeah, and how could I forget Brand? If you like burning things, and burning things a lot, Brand is your man.




You want a real nuker? Get Le Blanc.With inbuilt flash this woman is hard to hold down.

Fizz is also very very powerfull if you dont mind a melee mage.




I just started playing and haven't been able to log on for the past few days due to there being a massive server queue. Is that normal for this game?




It's summer, so for now yes.

During the school year there aren't normally queues.




They've been having some server stability issues, so they're throttling logins on their end to keep things online - it's not normal, and I imagine they're working to fix it ASAP. The positive is that the server never times out or auto-kicks you, so if you can log in a while before you want to play it'll be sitting there ready to go when you feel like playing.




I just started playing and haven't been able to log on for the past few days due to there being a massive server queue. Is that normal for this game?

No, even during summer, that's not normal. Like Vrii said, they had a patch that just came out that caused a major cockup to a lot of their shit, and they've been frantically fixing it.




Non of those problems on the European servers.




EU servers are still on the older patch, I think.




I'm back to playing ranked after not touching it for a couple months, and I'm having a lot more fun this time around. Over the past couple days I have a 100% win rate with Swain and Malphite - and a 24.5:1 KDA ratio on the rock man!




I actually haven't palyed a single game since hitting level 30 about a week ago.




I played the game like 3 times. Each time I ran into idiots who were all like, "Fucking n00b!!"

Haven't played it since.




I only ever play with at least one other person I know. I don't really have that problem anymore.




The trick at low levels is to go into the game and immediately ignore everyone. Unless you're playing with someone you know there isn't going to be anything worthwhile said.




So I've tried this, played several matches. I guess I'm old, I don't get it. What's the appeal?




I don't even know how to begin answering that.




So I've tried this, played several matches. I guess I'm old, I don't get it. What's the appeal?
The goal of the game isn't immediately apparent. Sure, you know that you want to destroy your opponent's towers, but the best way to do that isn't to just try to kill all their minions and attack. The early game is all about resources, and the gathering thereof. You want to attack their minions as little as possible, only hitting them when the damage from your attack would kill them, scoring you a last-hit and some much needed gold.

Why not just hammer on them until they die? Well, one of your minions could attack before you can finish them off, robbing you of the last hit. But more importantly, it pushes the lane, causing your army to advance deeper into enemy territory. This is a team game, and the farther you get away from the safety of your tower, the more likely an enemy is to try to sneak in behind you and kill you.

The appeal, to me, is the strategy. Playing aggressive has rewards, but also serious risks. Letting your opponent push to your tower may feel disadvantageous, but you're in a stronger position the closer you are to your tower, and of course the enemy can't attack you without drawing tower fire. Coordinating with your teammates, playing to your advantages, and putting the resources you gather to use through various item builds all make for a game that's much less straight forward than kill everyone.

Unless you're playing Xin Zhao, in which case all you need to do is hit every button and try to kill everyone.




Well, he's not saying he doesn't get how to play, he's saying he doesn't get why people like it. And I can see where he's coming from. The strategy element can be appealing but way too much of it boils down to the capacity to twitch like a 14 year old, memorize and flawlessly execute a build or jungle strategy, and of course, putting up with an absolutely toxic community userbase. I think I still like demigod more than LoL, but hey.




Given that he said he's only played a couple matches and has no idea what the appeal is, I'd say there's a pretty good chance he didn't know most or all of what Ravenpoe mentioned. Even with the tutorials, the initial learning curve is pretty steep, and the game you're playing at level 1 is nothing like what's happening in level 30 mid-high Elo ranked games.




World championship semifinals are on tonight (right now) and the finals are on Saturday - might be worth watching for people who play!




I can't believe M5 lost.




Yeah, that was a surprise. Now I hope CLG loses so the finals games aren't all two hours long.




Haha, I hope they win actually.



Name: DMRhero
Favorite Character: Mundo doesn't understand question

Friend me! Or not. In that case, Friend me anyways!




Anyone around here still playing this?

I just got into it recently, well again, tried it for awhile a bit back but it wasn't holding me. I've really been enjoying my time playing thus far though. I'm only LVL 9 at the moment, had only played bot games up until two days ago, but now I'm moving on to other players. I still, largely, have no clue what I'm doing and kinda get lost once things start to break down. If we are winning, then there isn't really a problem, but as soon as shit starts to go loopy, it seems like the guy who thinks he's god damn Captain America, throwing out orders left and right, and dying more than anyone else, breaks up any modicum of a plan that may have existed. I understand they may know better than I, having played more. However, more often than not, it seems like ineffectual flailing rather than anything useful.

I'm really only decent with Cho'Gath, which feels off as I've yet to run into anyone else that plays him, at all, let alone well. Popping champs up with rupture a few times and then finally going in for a feast for the kill and bonus HP that provides thrills me to no end. I try to build mostly mana/health items near the start, then AP once I've got feast and it's bonuses going well. I've, on a few occasions, held bottom and top from 2-3 champs and even managed to push while doing so. Mid I'm less skilled at but can usually at least hold it. I imagine once I come up against a team that knows what they are doing I may have a bit of a more difficult time but for now I'm really digging him. I'm not terrible with Warwick and Nocturn either but given the chance, I always go for Cho.

I was wondering if there are any other champs that play similarly to Cho'Gath as I'd Iike to have someone to fall back on, that I can still play well, if he is taken.




I really like LoL but Guild Wars 2 is my lover right now. Hmm...a char thats like Cho'gath? Maybe Nasus?
He has an AoE,a skill that gets permanent extra damage everytime you kill a creep/champ with it and he is really hard to kill.




Funny you mention him. I was taking a look through the store the other day and nearly unlocked him over anyone else. Didn't actually end up getting anyone but I may try him out now.




I love Cho, he's one of my Mains. Even have the gentleman skin. I like to build him as an ap brawler rather than pure tank. Cho's mission is to be a target, and if you don't do enough damage, the enemy can easily ignore you.

LoL is a surprisingly complex game. Focus on improving your early game, last hitting and working up your farm, while denying the enemy as much as possible.




I try to follow this build and it's worked out really well for me so far.

Cho is free this week so I fear I may not get to use him as often as I'd like to. Nasus has proven useful, love his Q. Tried out Wukong as well while he was free, and while I wasn't getting the number of kills some people seem to, I do like his W, the one that creates a duplicate of him. Good times.

I also caved and bought gentleman Cho'Gath, may swing for Jurassic as well. Don't mind paying a bit for cosmetic stuff, especially if there isn't really a way to buy game changing things, that I know of.




I try to follow this build and it's worked out really well for me so far.

Cho is free this week so I fear I may not get to use him as often as I'd like to. Nasus has proven useful, love his Q. Tried out Wukong as well while he was free, and while I wasn't getting the number of kills some people seem to, I do like his W, the one that creates a duplicate of him. Good times.

I also caved and bought gentleman Cho'Gath, may swing for Jurassic as well. Don't mind paying a bit for cosmetic stuff, especially if there isn't really a way to buy game changing things, that I know of.
You can only buy cosmetic changes and "boosts." Boosts increase your xp and ip gained, but you still have to play well to make use of it. You can't buy runes (the biggest resource sink) with real money.




I really like the way RIOT inpliments their money system.Just because someone has more expendable income dosnt allow him to be a better player.Just a cooler looking one xD




Don't use Mobafire, pretty much everything there is wrong in some way. If you're looking for guides, http://www.solomid.net/ and http://www.lolpro.com/ have actual submission standards, meaning that the people writing the guides have at least some evidence of being decent at the game.




I'm not playing ranked atm and that build has yet to let me down. I will check those out though.




As far as that specific guide goes: ranking q gives you nothing but damage, while ranking w gives you damage PLUS extends the duration of the silence. Plus w is easier to land. So generally you'll get better value from going w>q>e, though that also changes in lanes where you can push people around with melee attacks and maxed e.

Likewise, Rod of Ages as a first item works if you're in a lane where you can get away with farming, playing safe, and waiting for it to stack. If you're in a lane that you lose from the start, you're better off focusing on items that give you impact earlier. If you're in a lane where you're absolutely just farming and neither of you can kill the other, philosopher's stone and heart of gold as your first buys are really really good. Starting Doran's ring is good for mana regen if you're sure you're going to be safe, but good opponents will see it and gank you early, when you're too slow to get away and need to farm to recover health.

Masteries...4/4 in +ap is bad, especially on a champion with melee autos. You'd be much better off with points in brute force and summoner's wrath, and in any lane you can do well in ignite is much stronger than teleport - especially in low-level games where your teammates aren't warding and you can't gank via teleport.

Basically the guide you're using is okay, but it oversimplifies a lot of things, and following it without considering other setups isn't getting you ready for higher level/ranked games at all. If you're having fun with it that's great, but there's a reason that every advice thread on reddit, the league forums, and pretty much everywhere else I've seen suggests avoiding mobafire like the plague.




Solomid is where it's at.

Really, as you keep playing, you'll get an idea of what to build when, and you won't follow a set build order anymore. It'll depend on the situation at hand, who you're laning against, and your own team composition.

And if you're getting gentleman cho, definitely level up scream first. It sounds awesome. :p[DOUBLEPOST=1353467872][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if anyone is thinking of giving LoL a try, you should totally use the link in my sig, it's only been there forever.





I started playing again after a year, I need to retrain my hands to be on qwer for abilites again. :p




The new champion, Vi, looks really fun and has some great login music:




The new champion, Vi, looks really fun and has some great login music:

I just logged in and was blown away, that's an awesome intro.




I've played a couple games on her now, not sold yet. She's fun, feels maybe a little weak, especially in lane.




Bah, after reinstalling and getting ready to play the game some more, I'm running into an error I used to get, character walk animation stuttering when changing directions. So if you're running forward, and then order to immediately run back (which I do... a lot) the character will do a little pause and stutter before changing directions.

Anyone have any clue how to solve this?




Pathing has been fucked for months, it's not something you can solve.




Pathing has been fucked for months, it's not something you can solve.
When I had it happen before, a full reinstall fixed it. I just don't really want to download the entire game again, because my connection sucks.

Maybe I'll try downloading it to an external at work.[DOUBLEPOST=1355976886][/DOUBLEPOST]GODDAMN when did I get so bad at last hitting?

I swear I used to be good at this game.




I mean, I could be wrong, but what you're describing sounds exactly like the pathing issues that everyone I know has been having for at least 4 or 5 patches now.




This is exactly what it looks like, except I'm having it with all champions (well, Ezreal, Cho and TF anyway, haven't tried others)




Yep, reinstall fixed it. I don't know what causes that bug.

Also, it's taking some time to get used to Twisted Fate's new model. He's so tall now...

But his dance is GANGNAM STYLE! He was once my main, and now he shall be again!




I suppose there's nothing to keep me from playing this AND Dota 2...




I suppose there's nothing to keep me from playing this AND Dota 2...
except dota2 is better.

Add me on steam. I mostly play lion lina warlock, keeper of the light or rootfellian




except dota2 is better.

Add me on steam. I mostly play lion lina warlock, keeper of the light or rootfellian
PM me your steam info and I'll add you this evening. If the world is still around, that is.




except dota2 is better.

Add me on steam. I mostly play lion lina warlock, keeper of the light or rootfellian
You shut your heathen mouth.




I've been practicing a lot of support roles lately and am getting pretty okay with Sona and Taric. My friend bought me Zyra and Lulu for Christmas so I guess it's time to step up my game.




We should play some league, tonight! Ravenpoe121 is my summoner name, hit me up, I'll be on vent tonight around 8pm eastern.




So ronery :(




Just got gold league, bitches.




I see you on sometimes Poe, but I always do random queue anyway. :oops:








Been slowly dipping back into the game here and there. Mainly playing Sona, Annie, Lulu, Kog, Vi and Volibear. Planning to give Nautilus and Xin a try this week sometime. I generally only play bot or co-op/AI games, though.




Been slowly dipping back into the game here and there. Mainly playing Sona, Annie, Lulu, Kog, Vi and Volibear. Planning to give Nautilus and Xin a try this week sometime. I generally only play bot or co-op/AI games, though.
You've gotta give normals a try. Co-op isn't bad for learning the basics of how to play the champions, but nothing teaches you better than playing against real people. Snuffle and I got to play a game together tonight, where I got to try out Thresh for the first time. We lost, but I still feel we played pretty well.




I just play to goof around with friends, I'm not really worried about being great at the game. Haven't had many good interactions with the community when I was trying to get better, so I just stick to where I have fun.




I really like Thresh. He can be a massive boon to a team if you communicate how you like to use the lantern before hand.

I'm level 28 now but still am a little scared to try ranked honestly. Pretty sure I'll get stomped hard. Since starting awhile back I've expanded the champs I can reliably play a bit to now include Chogath, Brand, Wukong and Thresh, sort of. I really liked Malzahar while he was free. Great for pushing. I also.like Kha'zix but find I either do really well or ultra terrible with him.




I just play to goof around with friends, I'm not really worried about being great at the game. Haven't had many good interactions with the community when I was trying to get better, so I just stick to where I have fun.
Same, I mostly just play with people I know but in normal que. We usually have a full team doing so. As for toxic players, worst I had was a game where I was playing khazix for the first time and during my laning phase got 12/1 and was then berated by a nocturn and kat for playing a noob champ and ks'ing...in my solo lane. Then later in the game they would initiate fullteam fights and leave me to die. Threw my game off and ended up 14/6 while nocturn was 8/6 and kat was 4/4.

I noticed a stigma against having skins too. Was berated yesterday for having volcanic wukong within the first 5 minutes by a darius saying I spent too much money on the game while not being skilled enough to earn them. It's my money, if I want to play as a flaming monkey, fuck you! He proceeded to feed our lane and tuen blame me again .

It was fine mostly until the mass email that was sent out at the start of season 3 and I feel like this has brought a lot of twats back to the game.




See, your mistake was listening to a Darius.

Everyone knows about the skin advantage. If your team has more skins, you're likely to win!

The community does get better as you advance in rank. You just have to get out of the LoL version of the barrens.




Progress update.

Level 30 now. Still having fun. Most recently I've been trying Lux and doing well with her. I can competently fill all roles save for jungler, which is stopping me from trying ranked out. I'd like to have that down before I venture into there. Tried it with Shaco and it went surprisingly well though he seems really easy to jungle with. Will probaly give either Vi, Singed or Kha'zix a try at it next.

I tried out Ezreal while he was free this week and I like him but I'm not sure I'm sold yet. Oddly, I can hit with Lux and brand's skill shots but seem to miss alot with Ez. Would switching to smart casting possibly alleviate this? I have yet to try smart casting at all really. I'm afraid it would really throw off my games.

List of my currently owned champions.

Going to start working on Jayce as well soon.




Progress update.

Level 30 now. Still having fun. Most recently I've been trying Lux and doing well with her. I can competently fill all roles save for jungler, which is stopping me from trying ranked out. I'd like to have that down before I venture into there. Tried it with Shaco and it went surprisingly well though he seems really easy to jungle with. Will probaly give either Vi, Singed or Kha'zix a try at it next.

I tried out Ezreal while he was free this week and I like him but I'm not sure I'm sold yet. Oddly, I can hit with Lux and brand's skill shots but seem to miss alot with Ez. Would switching to smart casting possibly alleviate this? I have yet to try smart casting at all really. I'm afraid it would really throw off my games.

List of my currently owned champions.
View attachment 10354

Going to start working on Jayce as well soon.
Smart cast or go home. The difference in reaction time can make or break a game. It takes a couple games to get used to it, but it really does improve your game.

If you want to try jungling, try nunu. He's super cheap, and can effectively jungle even without ruins and masteries. He's a support jungle, so your job is to jump out and lock down a enemy so your teammate can kill them, you won't be winning any 1v1 fights (though as tanky as he is, you shouldn't be losing many 1v1 fights either)




My biggest issue with jungle seems to be not being in the right place at the right time. I have trouble deciding which lane to gank and planning my routes effectively. I enjoy counter jungling and slowing the enemy junglers progress, and leaving a single creep in the camp so the respawns don't reset.




You get a feel for jungling after awhile. Mid and top are going to be the easiest to gank, though you'll need to work with your teammates to know when and where the enemy has wards. Which lane do you gank? Whichever one is easiest to gank, of course. Is mid pushed up to the tower? Coordinate with your midlaner and see if you can get a kill. Same with top, though watch out for wards. Bottom is hardest to gank, because they're almost always going to have wards out the wazoo (and the fact that there's two enemy champs in lane instead of just one) but try running up through the lane and sneaking up through the side bushes. The side bushes aren't warded nearly as often as the river and tri-bush, and setting the enemy ADC behind is always a bonus. Give the kill to your own ADC if you can, but don't be afraid to take it for yourself if you need to.

Learn the respawn time on the jungle camps, and when a major camp is taken (dragon, buffs, etc) type in chat the gametime. If you killed the dragon at 10:04 minutes into the game, and you know it respawns every six minutes, then you'll have a reminder there in chat that it'll be up again at 16:04




What I like about Demigod, part 5 - "Jungling" means falling off a 10,000 foot cliff into dense jungle, never to return.




Okay, I'm trying to get into coop/ai games and then past that, real pvp games. Add Deathwok if you want to help me be less shitty. I mainly enjoy:


And I am willing to try many others. Really hoping to snag J4 or Xin and their Dynasty Warriors skins.

Anyway, add me if you want to play some Coop/AI and maybe some normal PvP. Not 30 yet so there's that to deal with.







And everyone starting should still totally use the link in my signature.




I'm doing moderately ok with Quinn but I'm not certain how much of that is her meshing with my playstyle and how much is people not knowing what to do against her. She is the one ADC I can consistantly do well with. I can't seem to lock down kills with others.

I added you CynicismKills.




Started playing ranked the other day and got seeded into bronze 1. Not great but I'm not unhappy with it. Definitely gives me motivation to move up though. I know it's problematic through all the tiers, and just with the game in generally at times, and that obviously, being in bronze 1, I'm no master, but there just always seems to be people who have hit 30 and still don't understand core fundamentals of the game.

I've learned that warding is instrumental to whether or not your team is doing well, and many games where I've lost, no one else is placing any. So much so that I've taken it upon myself to focus on learning support and playing more of that. WHILE SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDING MOST WARDS, EVERYONE SHOULD BE BUYING THEM AND REFRESHING SOON TO BE SPENT WARDS. Some seem not to care for not making kills but I really like getting others fed and keeping them alive, as well as exerting map dominance. I love seeing most of the map lit up and knowing exactly where the opposing teams are so my team can more effectivvely and securely take key points. Losing vision on the enemies, at key points and objectives, can be a giant set back.

Many that I've played with seem to think that the game is all about kills, and while they certainly help you, I don't know that they should be the focus. Securing bot early, so you have dragon control, and really any other objectives, such as storng cs, taking or even just damaging towers, is going to be a lot more beneficial in the long run than chasing that full hp Volibear. This comes back to good vision and warding as well.

Momentum is another thing I find gets wasted a lot in bad games. If we take out 4/5, hell even 3/3 of the other team and you're all nearly full hp- half hp, maybe it's a better idea to push those lanes, maybe taking few turrets, or failing, that baron or dragon, is better than rushing back to spend that gold you're still going to have in 45 seconds when ther rest of the team is up and right back where they started lane and creep position wise because most of the team jumped back to base.

Also, I've gotten fairly good at being able to tell if a game is going to south depending on the state of champion select. If half the team is bickering with each other before we've entered game, 8/10 we are gonna lose and some one is going to spend half the game with their pants caught down, typing some needless insult to their own team or the other , constantly.

Anyway, I ramble. Still having fun despite being frustrated beyond belife sometimes.




Been playing a lot of ARAM lately now that there is a queue for it, since it is both faster than a normal game, and forces me to learn a bunch of champions that I bought on a whim and never really played.




I would but the one time I tried howling abyss I consistently drop down to 5fps. I've heard turning down particle physics can help with this but have yet to try. It was fun the game I did play and as you said Dei, it gives me a chance to play champs I bought but have really to get into.




For anyone that cares (me) the international all-stars game series is occuring this weekend, and North America is up against Korea in just a few moments here to find out who goes on to face the dominating China.


Those Koreans are so damn smug. C'mon, North America! Show 'em how we do it on this side of the world!


They don't have a chance :(

Also, I think I finally understand the appeal of sports.




Ok, it's certainly not over yet, but goddamn. 8 minutes in and Korea is running roughshod over North America. It's painful to watch.




Ugh... and Korea forces NA into a 20 minute surrender. That was brutal.

Maybe they can turn things around in game two.

Oh well... at least NA managed to beat Europe.




Aaaand it's over. NA put up one hell of a fight in the second game, doing much better than the first time around, but in the end Korea is just so damn strong. It's going to be Korea vs China in the finals.

What ever happened to post merging? Fuck it, I'mma quadruple post.




What is best in life? Getting Darius in an ARAM. Awww yeah... GET DUNKED!




Best I've done with in ARAM have been Lux, Nidalee, Varus and twitch.




AP Kog'Maw is my favourite, I think.




AP Kog'Maw is my favourite, I think.




I like playing Karma, Nami, Sona, and Ashe in ARAM. If I have to have a tank I prefer to get Sejuani. The game likes to give me whichever free champions I have never played, or Evelynn. ;)


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Ravenpoe do you want to play games with my lower level friends and i or are you too far above us to bother with us losers?




Ravenpoe do you want to play games with my lower level friends and i or are you too far above us to bother with us losers?

Sure, I'll play. Send me a message sometime




My summoner name is Koraltz. Not sure if I've put it in here yet. If anyone wants to play hit me up. Happy to play with any one.




Soo... is it worth me getting into this at all, being a casual gamer, or should I concede that I am far out of my element here?

("Jungler? Midgank? Quoi?")




The game isn't hard to learn, even casually.

However, the other players are some of the most toxic human beings I've ever had the displeasure to game with/against... and I used to play on Rallos Zek in EQ.




Soo... is it worth me getting into this at all, being a casual gamer, or should I concede that I am far out of my element here?

("Jungler? Midgank? Quoi?")

GasBandit isn't wrong, but the community isn't -that- bad. And you can avoid that simply by muting the few bad eggs you come across, or just playing with friends.




And you don't need to know how to lane if you just play ARAM. :O




The game isn't hard to learn, even casually.

However, the other players are some of the most toxic human beings I've ever had the displeasure to game with/against... and I used to play on Rallos Zek in EQ.

wow, thats a weighty indictment.... kinda makes me feel like putting something like "survived the league of legends gaming community without developing ptsd" on my business cards.*

but if you think the league community is bad, you should see dota's. nothing is quite as terrifying as seeing a chatlog like this when you load into game:

Gurpel: can i mid pls
RUhxc: cyka
RUxXSLAYRXx: no cyka i mid
hauehaheuuehau: alguen br?

*i have not at any point possessed or merited a business card




wow, thats a weighty indictment.... kinda makes me feel like putting something like "survived the league of legends gaming community without developing ptsd" on my business cards.*

but if you think the league community is bad, you should see dota's. nothing is quite as terrifying as seeing a chatlog like this when you load into game:

Gurpel: can i mid pls
RUhxc: cyka
RUxXSLAYRXx: no cyka i mid
hauehaheuuehau: alguen br?

*i have not at any point possessed or merited a business card
I made that post before DOTA 2 came out. From everything I've heard, the worst of the worst of LOL went to DOTA 2.




I made that post before DOTA 2 came out. From everything I've heard, the worst of the worst of LOL went to DOTA 2.
1. dota2 has been out for years. the big change in the 1.0 patch that signified dota2's release was... wait for it... 2 additional heroes. in a pool of 100+ heroes. woo.
2. you have it backwards. league's culture owes its lineage to dota's. the assholes in dota2 are, to a large extent, a direct continuation of the original dota playerbase, which makes them kind of a asshole-byzantium.




1. dota2 has been out for years. the big change in the 1.0 patch that signified dota2's release was... wait for it... 2 additional heroes. in a pool of 100+ heroes. woo.
2. you have it backwards. league's culture owes its lineage to dota's. the assholes in dota2 are, to a large extent, a direct continuation of the original dota playerbase, which makes them kind of a asshole-byzantium.
1) whups, sorry, I was reiterating something I said years ago. That particular post was 2013, after DOTA2, so yeah. But I'd originally started LOL, encountered the "community," posted, and stopped playing before DOTA 2 went into open beta.
2) Kinda splitting hairs, really. The original DOTA was kinda arcane, not as accessible as LOL, and had a smaller community just from that barrier to entry. Granted, I didn't play more than a couple times it because when I tried it it completely failed to resonate with me back then. But LOL opened the floodgates and probably was a lot of people's introduction into the MOBA genre, and of course plebs being treated shittily makes them shitty and treat others shittily as well.

All I was really trying to say is that DOTA 2 has potentially as horrible a player community as LOL, worsened by elitist "DOTA was first" fanboys.




Funnily enough, I actually see trolls claiming DOTA 2 is an LoL clone in some matches.




Demigod is still better than either :p




Funnily enough, I actually see trolls claiming DOTA 2 is an LoL clone in some matches.
And there are people that claim LoL is a DOTA2 clone.

They both spawned from the same source. Both Riot and the Valve section that works on DOTA2 are made of former Blizzard employees and DOTA designers.




Demigod is still better than either :p
Rook 4 lyfe yo.




And there are people that claim LoL is a DOTA2 clone.

They both spawned from the same source. Both Riot and the Valve section that works on DOTA2 are made of former Blizzard employees and DOTA designers.
Huh, I had no idea.


I've never actually PLAYED a match of LoL....




i dont know if anyone here caught the finals, but damn those were some hype matches

there is no god but faker, and piglet is his prophet.




Took a bit of a break while dealing with the new puppy, started playing again this week and managed this.

Still lost but I did my best. The game was a stupid one though. We would take a few of them down to where they have 1 minute respawn timers then just sit in base. I understand protecting the base but if we never move out nothing is going to come of it.

Also, dat Olaf build...though looking back I realised my scepter was dumb to build with them only having one Ap.




Hey man, armor is important! :p Or not.




Oh it is, but in my experience if you have 8k hp and no damage, the other team will just ignore you, take out those who do and then come after you once all the threats have been taken care of. Which is almost exactly what happened in this instance, when he wasn't getting caught out doing god knows what.




I suck at getting kills on LoL. I'm probably overly cautious. I love laning with Annie, but it only really nets opportunity kills until you get Tibbers. Though, my kill count went up quite a bit after I learned to effectively use her stun every 4 spells.




I made it into plat before the end of the season. Lucky enough to run into a diamond smurf in game 5 of my promo - we might have won anyway, but it was sure a lot easier with an incredibly fed Kayle on the team.




This isn't LoL, but I think you can relate





I actually default to support if I can't get mid and, most of the time, love it. I can guarantee we have vision that way, if nothing else. It becomes frustrating when your adc doesn't seem to realise they are an adc and dives headlong into everything and then rages when you don't save them. But such is the way of yolo-que.




I actually default to support if I can't get mid and, most of the time, love it. I can guarantee we have vision that way, if nothing else. It becomes frustrating when your adc doesn't seem to realise they are an adc and dives headlong into everything and then rages when you don't save them. But such is the way of yolo-que.




Playing Renekton is one of the most liberating experiences I've had this month. I feel so dumb for not trying him until now, he clicks with me.




This is quite special.




So is this.




I think I might be severely over estimating our chances but there is a local con coming up and I think I wanna get the group I play with together and form a team.





Team builder is currently being tested which should alleviate many of the headaches that come with even trying to get into a game. It will allow you to queue into a specific roll and champion rather than using pick order as the determining factor in how those are decided. You can also queue as a team captain and make a comp from those queued.

Have yet to try it myself but the over all concenses seems to be a glowing positive, with the major complaint being it enforces the meta, but that it totally up to how captains build the team.
