Anyone around here still playing this?
I just got into it recently, well again, tried it for awhile a bit back but it wasn't holding me. I've really been enjoying my time playing thus far though. I'm only LVL 9 at the moment, had only played bot games up until two days ago, but now I'm moving on to other players. I still, largely, have no clue what I'm doing and kinda get lost once things start to break down. If we are winning, then there isn't really a problem, but as soon as shit starts to go loopy, it seems like the guy who thinks he's god damn Captain America, throwing out orders left and right, and dying more than anyone else, breaks up any modicum of a plan that may have existed. I understand they may know better than I, having played more. However, more often than not, it seems like ineffectual flailing rather than anything useful.
I'm really only decent with Cho'Gath, which feels off as I've yet to run into anyone else that plays him, at all, let alone well. Popping champs up with rupture a few times and then finally going in for a feast for the kill and bonus HP that provides thrills me to no end. I try to build mostly mana/health items near the start, then AP once I've got feast and it's bonuses going well. I've, on a few occasions, held bottom and top from 2-3 champs and even managed to push while doing so. Mid I'm less skilled at but can usually at least hold it. I imagine once I come up against a team that knows what they are doing I may have a bit of a more difficult time but for now I'm really digging him. I'm not terrible with Warwick and Nocturn either but given the chance, I always go for Cho.
I was wondering if there are any other champs that play similarly to Cho'Gath as I'd Iike to have someone to fall back on, that I can still play well, if he is taken.