[PC Game] League of Legends

So, I love DPS casters, any suggestions on who should I save my points up to unlock?
What dps casters do you currently play and enjoy?

Ziggs is a ton of fun. I highly recommend him. He makes a great AP mid.

I'm also a fan of Vlad, but I play him toplane.

Any discussion of ap casters is of course going to mention Ryze. And he's pretty fun if you enjoy machine-gunning spells.

Twisted Fate has always been one of my favorite champions (and he finally has new splash art!). My personal preference is for AD attack speed Twisted Fate (don't do it, it's really fun, but also really weak) but he's best used as an AP nuker. Get a deathcap and a lichbane, and his cards will do tons of damage, as well as being able to teleport around the map and pull a goldcard stun every four seconds.

Morgana is one of the strongest mid-lanes around. So much so that you often see her banned in competitive play. Hitting with her dark binding snare can turn the tables on a teamfight, and she can farm like a beast with her tainted soil and built in spell vamp. I personally have never been a big fan of using her, but I hate laning against her.

I haven't tried Kennen, but I want to. His next free week I'll be giving him a try. Same goes for Ahri.

I see Galio and Gragas used a lot, but I've never personally tried them. Gragas looks like fun, and I love his esquire skin.

Oh, and jungle Karthas. Yes... jungle Karthas.
I have Ryze, but I don't find him that fun. My favorite right now is Annie.
You'd probably really like Malzahar. He has some great utility with his aoe silences, as well as a contagious dot that jumps from target to target, and aoe zone damage. Plus he summons minions with his passive, and his ultimate is great for locking down a champion while your team bashes them.

And best of all, he hammer dances.
Cassiopeia, Ahri and Swain are my preferred standard-style APs. Mordekaiser is also really fun if you don't mind some melee mixed in.
You want a real nuker? Get Le Blanc.With inbuilt flash this woman is hard to hold down.

Fizz is also very very powerfull if you dont mind a melee mage.
I just started playing and haven't been able to log on for the past few days due to there being a massive server queue. Is that normal for this game?
They've been having some server stability issues, so they're throttling logins on their end to keep things online - it's not normal, and I imagine they're working to fix it ASAP. The positive is that the server never times out or auto-kicks you, so if you can log in a while before you want to play it'll be sitting there ready to go when you feel like playing.
I just started playing and haven't been able to log on for the past few days due to there being a massive server queue. Is that normal for this game?

No, even during summer, that's not normal. Like Vrii said, they had a patch that just came out that caused a major cockup to a lot of their shit, and they've been frantically fixing it.
I'm back to playing ranked after not touching it for a couple months, and I'm having a lot more fun this time around. Over the past couple days I have a 100% win rate with Swain and Malphite - and a 24.5:1 KDA ratio on the rock man!


Staff member
I played the game like 3 times. Each time I ran into idiots who were all like, "Fucking n00b!!"

Haven't played it since.
The trick at low levels is to go into the game and immediately ignore everyone. Unless you're playing with someone you know there isn't going to be anything worthwhile said.
So I've tried this, played several matches. I guess I'm old, I don't get it. What's the appeal?
The goal of the game isn't immediately apparent. Sure, you know that you want to destroy your opponent's towers, but the best way to do that isn't to just try to kill all their minions and attack. The early game is all about resources, and the gathering thereof. You want to attack their minions as little as possible, only hitting them when the damage from your attack would kill them, scoring you a last-hit and some much needed gold.

Why not just hammer on them until they die? Well, one of your minions could attack before you can finish them off, robbing you of the last hit. But more importantly, it pushes the lane, causing your army to advance deeper into enemy territory. This is a team game, and the farther you get away from the safety of your tower, the more likely an enemy is to try to sneak in behind you and kill you.

The appeal, to me, is the strategy. Playing aggressive has rewards, but also serious risks. Letting your opponent push to your tower may feel disadvantageous, but you're in a stronger position the closer you are to your tower, and of course the enemy can't attack you without drawing tower fire. Coordinating with your teammates, playing to your advantages, and putting the resources you gather to use through various item builds all make for a game that's much less straight forward than kill everyone.

Unless you're playing Xin Zhao, in which case all you need to do is hit every button and try to kill everyone.


Staff member
Well, he's not saying he doesn't get how to play, he's saying he doesn't get why people like it. And I can see where he's coming from. The strategy element can be appealing but way too much of it boils down to the capacity to twitch like a 14 year old, memorize and flawlessly execute a build or jungle strategy, and of course, putting up with an absolutely toxic community userbase. I think I still like demigod more than LoL, but hey.
Given that he said he's only played a couple matches and has no idea what the appeal is, I'd say there's a pretty good chance he didn't know most or all of what Ravenpoe mentioned. Even with the tutorials, the initial learning curve is pretty steep, and the game you're playing at level 1 is nothing like what's happening in level 30 mid-high Elo ranked games.
World championship semifinals are on tonight (right now) and the finals are on Saturday - might be worth watching for people who play!


Name: DMRhero
Favorite Character: Mundo doesn't understand question

Friend me! Or not. In that case, Friend me anyways!
Anyone around here still playing this?

I just got into it recently, well again, tried it for awhile a bit back but it wasn't holding me. I've really been enjoying my time playing thus far though. I'm only LVL 9 at the moment, had only played bot games up until two days ago, but now I'm moving on to other players. I still, largely, have no clue what I'm doing and kinda get lost once things start to break down. If we are winning, then there isn't really a problem, but as soon as shit starts to go loopy, it seems like the guy who thinks he's god damn Captain America, throwing out orders left and right, and dying more than anyone else, breaks up any modicum of a plan that may have existed. I understand they may know better than I, having played more. However, more often than not, it seems like ineffectual flailing rather than anything useful.

I'm really only decent with Cho'Gath, which feels off as I've yet to run into anyone else that plays him, at all, let alone well. Popping champs up with rupture a few times and then finally going in for a feast for the kill and bonus HP that provides thrills me to no end. I try to build mostly mana/health items near the start, then AP once I've got feast and it's bonuses going well. I've, on a few occasions, held bottom and top from 2-3 champs and even managed to push while doing so. Mid I'm less skilled at but can usually at least hold it. I imagine once I come up against a team that knows what they are doing I may have a bit of a more difficult time but for now I'm really digging him. I'm not terrible with Warwick and Nocturn either but given the chance, I always go for Cho.

I was wondering if there are any other champs that play similarly to Cho'Gath as I'd Iike to have someone to fall back on, that I can still play well, if he is taken.
I really like LoL but Guild Wars 2 is my lover right now. Hmm...a char thats like Cho'gath? Maybe Nasus?
He has an AoE,a skill that gets permanent extra damage everytime you kill a creep/champ with it and he is really hard to kill.
Funny you mention him. I was taking a look through the store the other day and nearly unlocked him over anyone else. Didn't actually end up getting anyone but I may try him out now.