[PC Game] League of Legends

I love Cho, he's one of my Mains. Even have the gentleman skin. I like to build him as an ap brawler rather than pure tank. Cho's mission is to be a target, and if you don't do enough damage, the enemy can easily ignore you.

LoL is a surprisingly complex game. Focus on improving your early game, last hitting and working up your farm, while denying the enemy as much as possible.
I try to follow this build and it's worked out really well for me so far.

Cho is free this week so I fear I may not get to use him as often as I'd like to. Nasus has proven useful, love his Q. Tried out Wukong as well while he was free, and while I wasn't getting the number of kills some people seem to, I do like his W, the one that creates a duplicate of him. Good times.

I also caved and bought gentleman Cho'Gath, may swing for Jurassic as well. Don't mind paying a bit for cosmetic stuff, especially if there isn't really a way to buy game changing things, that I know of.
I try to follow this build and it's worked out really well for me so far.

Cho is free this week so I fear I may not get to use him as often as I'd like to. Nasus has proven useful, love his Q. Tried out Wukong as well while he was free, and while I wasn't getting the number of kills some people seem to, I do like his W, the one that creates a duplicate of him. Good times.

I also caved and bought gentleman Cho'Gath, may swing for Jurassic as well. Don't mind paying a bit for cosmetic stuff, especially if there isn't really a way to buy game changing things, that I know of.
You can only buy cosmetic changes and "boosts." Boosts increase your xp and ip gained, but you still have to play well to make use of it. You can't buy runes (the biggest resource sink) with real money.
I really like the way RIOT inpliments their money system.Just because someone has more expendable income dosnt allow him to be a better player.Just a cooler looking one xD
As far as that specific guide goes: ranking q gives you nothing but damage, while ranking w gives you damage PLUS extends the duration of the silence. Plus w is easier to land. So generally you'll get better value from going w>q>e, though that also changes in lanes where you can push people around with melee attacks and maxed e.

Likewise, Rod of Ages as a first item works if you're in a lane where you can get away with farming, playing safe, and waiting for it to stack. If you're in a lane that you lose from the start, you're better off focusing on items that give you impact earlier. If you're in a lane where you're absolutely just farming and neither of you can kill the other, philosopher's stone and heart of gold as your first buys are really really good. Starting Doran's ring is good for mana regen if you're sure you're going to be safe, but good opponents will see it and gank you early, when you're too slow to get away and need to farm to recover health.

Masteries...4/4 in +ap is bad, especially on a champion with melee autos. You'd be much better off with points in brute force and summoner's wrath, and in any lane you can do well in ignite is much stronger than teleport - especially in low-level games where your teammates aren't warding and you can't gank via teleport.

Basically the guide you're using is okay, but it oversimplifies a lot of things, and following it without considering other setups isn't getting you ready for higher level/ranked games at all. If you're having fun with it that's great, but there's a reason that every advice thread on reddit, the league forums, and pretty much everywhere else I've seen suggests avoiding mobafire like the plague.
Solomid is where it's at.

Really, as you keep playing, you'll get an idea of what to build when, and you won't follow a set build order anymore. It'll depend on the situation at hand, who you're laning against, and your own team composition.

And if you're getting gentleman cho, definitely level up scream first. It sounds awesome. :p[DOUBLEPOST=1353467872][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if anyone is thinking of giving LoL a try, you should totally use the link in my sig, it's only been there forever.

I started playing again after a year, I need to retrain my hands to be on qwer for abilites again. :p
I've played a couple games on her now, not sold yet. She's fun, feels maybe a little weak, especially in lane.
Bah, after reinstalling and getting ready to play the game some more, I'm running into an error I used to get, character walk animation stuttering when changing directions. So if you're running forward, and then order to immediately run back (which I do... a lot) the character will do a little pause and stutter before changing directions.

Anyone have any clue how to solve this?
Pathing has been fucked for months, it's not something you can solve.
When I had it happen before, a full reinstall fixed it. I just don't really want to download the entire game again, because my connection sucks.

Maybe I'll try downloading it to an external at work.[DOUBLEPOST=1355976886][/DOUBLEPOST]GODDAMN when did I get so bad at last hitting?

I swear I used to be good at this game.
I mean, I could be wrong, but what you're describing sounds exactly like the pathing issues that everyone I know has been having for at least 4 or 5 patches now.
This is exactly what it looks like, except I'm having it with all champions (well, Ezreal, Cho and TF anyway, haven't tried others)
Yep, reinstall fixed it. I don't know what causes that bug.

Also, it's taking some time to get used to Twisted Fate's new model. He's so tall now...

But his dance is GANGNAM STYLE! He was once my main, and now he shall be again!
I've been practicing a lot of support roles lately and am getting pretty okay with Sona and Taric. My friend bought me Zyra and Lulu for Christmas so I guess it's time to step up my game.
We should play some league, tonight! Ravenpoe121 is my summoner name, hit me up, I'll be on vent tonight around 8pm eastern.
Been slowly dipping back into the game here and there. Mainly playing Sona, Annie, Lulu, Kog, Vi and Volibear. Planning to give Nautilus and Xin a try this week sometime. I generally only play bot or co-op/AI games, though.
Been slowly dipping back into the game here and there. Mainly playing Sona, Annie, Lulu, Kog, Vi and Volibear. Planning to give Nautilus and Xin a try this week sometime. I generally only play bot or co-op/AI games, though.
You've gotta give normals a try. Co-op isn't bad for learning the basics of how to play the champions, but nothing teaches you better than playing against real people. Snuffle and I got to play a game together tonight, where I got to try out Thresh for the first time. We lost, but I still feel we played pretty well.
I just play to goof around with friends, I'm not really worried about being great at the game. Haven't had many good interactions with the community when I was trying to get better, so I just stick to where I have fun.
I really like Thresh. He can be a massive boon to a team if you communicate how you like to use the lantern before hand.

I'm level 28 now but still am a little scared to try ranked honestly. Pretty sure I'll get stomped hard. Since starting awhile back I've expanded the champs I can reliably play a bit to now include Chogath, Brand, Wukong and Thresh, sort of. I really liked Malzahar while he was free. Great for pushing. I also.like Kha'zix but find I either do really well or ultra terrible with him.
I just play to goof around with friends, I'm not really worried about being great at the game. Haven't had many good interactions with the community when I was trying to get better, so I just stick to where I have fun.
Same, I mostly just play with people I know but in normal que. We usually have a full team doing so. As for toxic players, worst I had was a game where I was playing khazix for the first time and during my laning phase got 12/1 and was then berated by a nocturn and kat for playing a noob champ and ks'ing...in my solo lane. Then later in the game they would initiate fullteam fights and leave me to die. Threw my game off and ended up 14/6 while nocturn was 8/6 and kat was 4/4.

I noticed a stigma against having skins too. Was berated yesterday for having volcanic wukong within the first 5 minutes by a darius saying I spent too much money on the game while not being skilled enough to earn them. It's my money, if I want to play as a flaming monkey, fuck you! He proceeded to feed our lane and tuen blame me again .

It was fine mostly until the mass email that was sent out at the start of season 3 and I feel like this has brought a lot of twats back to the game.
See, your mistake was listening to a Darius.

Everyone knows about the skin advantage. If your team has more skins, you're likely to win!

The community does get better as you advance in rank. You just have to get out of the LoL version of the barrens.
Progress update.

Level 30 now. Still having fun. Most recently I've been trying Lux and doing well with her. I can competently fill all roles save for jungler, which is stopping me from trying ranked out. I'd like to have that down before I venture into there. Tried it with Shaco and it went surprisingly well though he seems really easy to jungle with. Will probaly give either Vi, Singed or Kha'zix a try at it next.

I tried out Ezreal while he was free this week and I like him but I'm not sure I'm sold yet. Oddly, I can hit with Lux and brand's skill shots but seem to miss alot with Ez. Would switching to smart casting possibly alleviate this? I have yet to try smart casting at all really. I'm afraid it would really throw off my games.

List of my currently owned champions.

Going to start working on Jayce as well soon.