[PC Game] League of Legends

Progress update.

Level 30 now. Still having fun. Most recently I've been trying Lux and doing well with her. I can competently fill all roles save for jungler, which is stopping me from trying ranked out. I'd like to have that down before I venture into there. Tried it with Shaco and it went surprisingly well though he seems really easy to jungle with. Will probaly give either Vi, Singed or Kha'zix a try at it next.

I tried out Ezreal while he was free this week and I like him but I'm not sure I'm sold yet. Oddly, I can hit with Lux and brand's skill shots but seem to miss alot with Ez. Would switching to smart casting possibly alleviate this? I have yet to try smart casting at all really. I'm afraid it would really throw off my games.

List of my currently owned champions.
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Going to start working on Jayce as well soon.
Smart cast or go home. The difference in reaction time can make or break a game. It takes a couple games to get used to it, but it really does improve your game.

If you want to try jungling, try nunu. He's super cheap, and can effectively jungle even without ruins and masteries. He's a support jungle, so your job is to jump out and lock down a enemy so your teammate can kill them, you won't be winning any 1v1 fights (though as tanky as he is, you shouldn't be losing many 1v1 fights either)
My biggest issue with jungle seems to be not being in the right place at the right time. I have trouble deciding which lane to gank and planning my routes effectively. I enjoy counter jungling and slowing the enemy junglers progress, and leaving a single creep in the camp so the respawns don't reset.
You get a feel for jungling after awhile. Mid and top are going to be the easiest to gank, though you'll need to work with your teammates to know when and where the enemy has wards. Which lane do you gank? Whichever one is easiest to gank, of course. Is mid pushed up to the tower? Coordinate with your midlaner and see if you can get a kill. Same with top, though watch out for wards. Bottom is hardest to gank, because they're almost always going to have wards out the wazoo (and the fact that there's two enemy champs in lane instead of just one) but try running up through the lane and sneaking up through the side bushes. The side bushes aren't warded nearly as often as the river and tri-bush, and setting the enemy ADC behind is always a bonus. Give the kill to your own ADC if you can, but don't be afraid to take it for yourself if you need to.

Learn the respawn time on the jungle camps, and when a major camp is taken (dragon, buffs, etc) type in chat the gametime. If you killed the dragon at 10:04 minutes into the game, and you know it respawns every six minutes, then you'll have a reminder there in chat that it'll be up again at 16:04


Staff member
What I like about Demigod, part 5 - "Jungling" means falling off a 10,000 foot cliff into dense jungle, never to return.
Okay, I'm trying to get into coop/ai games and then past that, real pvp games. Add Deathwok if you want to help me be less shitty. I mainly enjoy:


And I am willing to try many others. Really hoping to snag J4 or Xin and their Dynasty Warriors skins.

Anyway, add me if you want to play some Coop/AI and maybe some normal PvP. Not 30 yet so there's that to deal with.
I'm doing moderately ok with Quinn but I'm not certain how much of that is her meshing with my playstyle and how much is people not knowing what to do against her. She is the one ADC I can consistantly do well with. I can't seem to lock down kills with others.

I added you CynicismKills.
Started playing ranked the other day and got seeded into bronze 1. Not great but I'm not unhappy with it. Definitely gives me motivation to move up though. I know it's problematic through all the tiers, and just with the game in generally at times, and that obviously, being in bronze 1, I'm no master, but there just always seems to be people who have hit 30 and still don't understand core fundamentals of the game.

I've learned that warding is instrumental to whether or not your team is doing well, and many games where I've lost, no one else is placing any. So much so that I've taken it upon myself to focus on learning support and playing more of that. WHILE SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDING MOST WARDS, EVERYONE SHOULD BE BUYING THEM AND REFRESHING SOON TO BE SPENT WARDS. Some seem not to care for not making kills but I really like getting others fed and keeping them alive, as well as exerting map dominance. I love seeing most of the map lit up and knowing exactly where the opposing teams are so my team can more effectivvely and securely take key points. Losing vision on the enemies, at key points and objectives, can be a giant set back.

Many that I've played with seem to think that the game is all about kills, and while they certainly help you, I don't know that they should be the focus. Securing bot early, so you have dragon control, and really any other objectives, such as storng cs, taking or even just damaging towers, is going to be a lot more beneficial in the long run than chasing that full hp Volibear. This comes back to good vision and warding as well.

Momentum is another thing I find gets wasted a lot in bad games. If we take out 4/5, hell even 3/3 of the other team and you're all nearly full hp- half hp, maybe it's a better idea to push those lanes, maybe taking few turrets, or failing, that baron or dragon, is better than rushing back to spend that gold you're still going to have in 45 seconds when ther rest of the team is up and right back where they started lane and creep position wise because most of the team jumped back to base.

Also, I've gotten fairly good at being able to tell if a game is going to south depending on the state of champion select. If half the team is bickering with each other before we've entered game, 8/10 we are gonna lose and some one is going to spend half the game with their pants caught down, typing some needless insult to their own team or the other , constantly.

Anyway, I ramble. Still having fun despite being frustrated beyond belife sometimes.
Been playing a lot of ARAM lately now that there is a queue for it, since it is both faster than a normal game, and forces me to learn a bunch of champions that I bought on a whim and never really played.
I would but the one time I tried howling abyss I consistently drop down to 5fps. I've heard turning down particle physics can help with this but have yet to try. It was fun the game I did play and as you said Dei, it gives me a chance to play champs I bought but have really to get into.
For anyone that cares (me) the international all-stars game series is occuring this weekend, and North America is up against Korea in just a few moments here to find out who goes on to face the dominating China.


Those Koreans are so damn smug. C'mon, North America! Show 'em how we do it on this side of the world!


They don't have a chance :(

Also, I think I finally understand the appeal of sports.
Ok, it's certainly not over yet, but goddamn. 8 minutes in and Korea is running roughshod over North America. It's painful to watch.
Ugh... and Korea forces NA into a 20 minute surrender. That was brutal.

Maybe they can turn things around in game two.

Oh well... at least NA managed to beat Europe.
Aaaand it's over. NA put up one hell of a fight in the second game, doing much better than the first time around, but in the end Korea is just so damn strong. It's going to be Korea vs China in the finals.

What ever happened to post merging? Fuck it, I'mma quadruple post.
I like playing Karma, Nami, Sona, and Ashe in ARAM. If I have to have a tank I prefer to get Sejuani. The game likes to give me whichever free champions I have never played, or Evelynn. ;)
My summoner name is Koraltz. Not sure if I've put it in here yet. If anyone wants to play hit me up. Happy to play with any one.
Soo... is it worth me getting into this at all, being a casual gamer, or should I concede that I am far out of my element here?

("Jungler? Midgank? Quoi?")


Staff member
The game isn't hard to learn, even casually.

However, the other players are some of the most toxic human beings I've ever had the displeasure to game with/against... and I used to play on Rallos Zek in EQ.
Soo... is it worth me getting into this at all, being a casual gamer, or should I concede that I am far out of my element here?

("Jungler? Midgank? Quoi?")

GasBandit isn't wrong, but the community isn't -that- bad. And you can avoid that simply by muting the few bad eggs you come across, or just playing with friends.
The game isn't hard to learn, even casually.

However, the other players are some of the most toxic human beings I've ever had the displeasure to game with/against... and I used to play on Rallos Zek in EQ.

wow, thats a weighty indictment.... kinda makes me feel like putting something like "survived the league of legends gaming community without developing ptsd" on my business cards.*

but if you think the league community is bad, you should see dota's. nothing is quite as terrifying as seeing a chatlog like this when you load into game:

Gurpel: can i mid pls
RUhxc: cyka
RUxXSLAYRXx: no cyka i mid
hauehaheuuehau: alguen br?

*i have not at any point possessed or merited a business card


Staff member
wow, thats a weighty indictment.... kinda makes me feel like putting something like "survived the league of legends gaming community without developing ptsd" on my business cards.*

but if you think the league community is bad, you should see dota's. nothing is quite as terrifying as seeing a chatlog like this when you load into game:

Gurpel: can i mid pls
RUhxc: cyka
RUxXSLAYRXx: no cyka i mid
hauehaheuuehau: alguen br?

*i have not at any point possessed or merited a business card
I made that post before DOTA 2 came out. From everything I've heard, the worst of the worst of LOL went to DOTA 2.

I made that post before DOTA 2 came out. From everything I've heard, the worst of the worst of LOL went to DOTA 2.
1. dota2 has been out for years. the big change in the 1.0 patch that signified dota2's release was... wait for it... 2 additional heroes. in a pool of 100+ heroes. woo.
2. you have it backwards. league's culture owes its lineage to dota's. the assholes in dota2 are, to a large extent, a direct continuation of the original dota playerbase, which makes them kind of a asshole-byzantium.


Staff member
1. dota2 has been out for years. the big change in the 1.0 patch that signified dota2's release was... wait for it... 2 additional heroes. in a pool of 100+ heroes. woo.
2. you have it backwards. league's culture owes its lineage to dota's. the assholes in dota2 are, to a large extent, a direct continuation of the original dota playerbase, which makes them kind of a asshole-byzantium.
1) whups, sorry, I was reiterating something I said years ago. That particular post was 2013, after DOTA2, so yeah. But I'd originally started LOL, encountered the "community," posted, and stopped playing before DOTA 2 went into open beta.
2) Kinda splitting hairs, really. The original DOTA was kinda arcane, not as accessible as LOL, and had a smaller community just from that barrier to entry. Granted, I didn't play more than a couple times it because when I tried it it completely failed to resonate with me back then. But LOL opened the floodgates and probably was a lot of people's introduction into the MOBA genre, and of course plebs being treated shittily makes them shitty and treat others shittily as well.

All I was really trying to say is that DOTA 2 has potentially as horrible a player community as LOL, worsened by elitist "DOTA was first" fanboys.
Funnily enough, I actually see trolls claiming DOTA 2 is an LoL clone in some matches.
And there are people that claim LoL is a DOTA2 clone.

They both spawned from the same source. Both Riot and the Valve section that works on DOTA2 are made of former Blizzard employees and DOTA designers.