[PC Game] League of Legends


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Hey folks - The little woman and I are trying the free-to-play League of Legends DOTA-clone. So far it's kinda nifty (though I still think I like Demigod more, but variety is the spice of life), but I had a question - what's a good female character that's easy to learn and do well with? She's trying Miss Fortune but is having trouble in the early parts of the game, which makes her fall behind in levels so that she's lucky if she's 8 by the time everybody else is 18. She likes playing female characters. Is there one that's easier to use or stronger earlier on?

Myself, I'm learning Mordekaiser and enjoying it.


Staff member
You liked Demigod?????
Hell yeah. Granted, I only ever play it LAN, not through the online service which I know had issues. But I had (and continue to have) good fun with it. Could be because I play as Rook, but I play it as a support/harrassing character, not a front line bruiser.

I tried the twisted treant guy in LoL last night, very interesting... I like the range on sapling toss. Still haven't found a good alt for her yet though, and the need for it came into sharp relief when we played with other people and somebody beat her to Miss Fortune, just when she was starting to get the hang of her.


Staff member
I freakin hate Ryze. Goddamn rooty-zappy BS. :p

I still like Mordekaiser, and I'm also digging on Veigar ("the tiny master of evil! I AM evil! STOP LAUGHING!"). I think I've really found my niche though in Master Yi, but I feel bad because seems like a lot of people play master yi, so maybe he's just cheap and that's why I like him? I tried Xin Zhao, but after playing Master Yi so much I really miss his heal even though Xin dishes out more punishment.

The little woman tried Annie for a while, but I think she's getting to really like Miss Fortune after all.

Anybody out there wanna talk about items? I've pretty much got mine down pat, but wonder if anybody has suggestions. With Master Yi, I go

Chalice of Harmony -> Berserker's Greaves -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer -> The Black Cleaver -> Madred's Bloodrazor (or Stark's Fervor if there aren't any ridiculously high HP enemies around). Infinity Edge definitely seems to be the game changer for Yi.
A easy to use Female Char.i guess Ashe fits the bill.Just get her Boots of swiftness -> B.F. Sword -> Zeal -> I.Edge -> Phantom -> Starks/Madreds (depending on situation) -> Black Cleaver and your golden.
for Miss Fortune I usually take a Pure AD build. zerker greaves -> Bloodthirster -> Last Whisper -> I.E. -> if your feeling to squishy Frozen Mallet/otherwise Madres Bloodrazor -> Black Cleaver (or if you feel like your enemies keep getting away,hexatech gunblade.the little AP bonus is nice for make it rain)
you dont need Attack Speed items with Miss Fortune due to her Impure shot active which at lvl5 adds 50% A.Speed

Personaly,my most used Char is Le Blanc.
Mejas soulstealer -> sorc shoes -> rabadons deathcap (at this stage i usually have 10-12 stacks on mejas and i rape face like its nobodies buissness.) -> morellos tome (nice cooldown and mana regen) or Deathfire grasp (if they got a lot of HP stackers) -> voidstaff -> banshees veil
with this build I can nuke every squishie in 2 seconds.Since the first attack silences them for 1.5 seconds they usually dont fight back.

Another super Char is Irelia,she is easy to use (exept for her ulti,which isnt auto aim,or shows a cone but fires off in the direction of your mouse pointer.But if used correctly you can AA one Enemy while using the Ulti on a creep wave to heal yourself.)
Get a Philo Stone -> Merc Threads -> Trinity Force (start with Sheen.Once you have it use her Q ability on creeps which usually kills them.If Q kills creep you gain 35 mana and skill refreshes.Q another creep that is at 3/4 life.Rinse and repeat.If done correctly you can kill a whole wave in 5 seconds giving you almost 350 gold.) after that I usually buy Tank items.Why? cuz her Hiten skill
adds 75 TRUE damage when active.thats like having a Black Cleaver for free.And since Irelia is a Hero that needs to get up close and personal HP is the way to go. -> Randuins Omen -> Shureilas Revenge and last but not least Atma's Impaler. this item likes to get overlooked but it can be very powerfull.It gives you armor (which is usefull against AD heros like Yi and Xin) and it adds 2% of max health to damage. That's another 60 Damage. You will have around 150 attack damage with this build (without Runes) plus the 75 True Damage,which gives you a whopping 225 Auto-Attack Damage. Her Ulti heals you for 20% Damage dealt and you can use it 4 times in a row,with a cooldown of 30 seconds at lvl 3.which gives you AMAZING lane sustainability. And no,enemies cant run away,due to her Bladesurge (Q) which has a cooldown of 6 seconds at lvl 5.But with the right items and masteries can be pushed down to 4.6 seconds :D


Irela,Ashe and Le Blanc are really good female Heroes.
Added at: 00:40
Anybody out there wanna talk about items? I've pretty much got mine down pat, but wonder if anybody has suggestions. With Master Yi, I go

Chalice of Harmony -> Berserker's Greaves -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer -> The Black Cleaver -> Madred's Bloodrazor (or Stark's Fervor if there aren't any ridiculously high HP enemies around). Infinity Edge definitely seems to be the game changer for Yi.
I dont really know about Chalice of Harmony.It seems like a waste of Gold to me.Get Boots and maybe 2 Blue Pots.Once you reach lvl 6 you usually wont run out of mana.Unless your using a his Meditation ability a lot and if you are,your doing it wrong. Try to use his Wuju attack on the creep with the lowest HP nearest to you.You will usually Jump to the hero next if he is close enough. You then retreat.You just got gold and harassed the enemy.
I might be switching to the US server soon.The players here in Europe get shafted by Riot. 2 hour wait queues, random DC's ingame wich messes up my ELO.But worst of all,we dont get any explenations.Just vague "we are working on it" comments.


Staff member
You don't think Infinity edge for Miss Fortune as well?
Added at: 10:52
And yeah, I use his meditate all the freakin' time... it's why I like him so much. I never have to come out of my lane, I hit 18 when most others are still 11-12. And I have the teleport as one of my summoner spells, so I just have to gate back, buy, then teleport back to the fight and I don't miss out on cash and exp.
You don't think Infinity edge for Miss Fortune as well?

It depends.does the enemy team have a lot of Mages/Squishies and only 1 tank? then by all means,get the Infinity Edge. together with Impure Shot it will rape face.the Crit can be Ignored.but the Raw Damage is hard to overlook.If you use it together with Richochet Shot you will be harassing like a boss,giving you incredible Zone controll,while standing behind your own creeps.

If you like Yi,try Tryndamere.That guy is freaking scary once he gets 2 phantom razors and a bloodthirster.you usually wont die anymore unless they got 2 stunners.


Staff member
I started using Youmuu's Ghostblade last night on Master Yi. Holy Cannoli, Highlander + Wuju Style Active + Youmuu active = KILL DEATH SLAY MURDER. Even though I can't snare, stun or root, they can't get away. A lot earlier in the game than would otherwise normally be possible for me.... and pairing it up with Infinity edge, forget it. It's over.

I may give tryndamere a look as well. I tried Pantheon and just couldn't get him to work right. Died way too much, or had to go back to heal too much.

I hate spending money on consumables, just seems like a waste and so little return.
Added at: 17:18
I do have a question though... is there a champion who plays similar to Rook from Demigod? (IE, placing multiple stationary turrets)
Heimerdinger.He places Turrets,has a AoE slow and Rockets that autotarget nearest enemies. Great for pushing lanes,not really a hero killer though.

Pantheon is really hard to play. You need to go pure AD.nothing else.no attack speed,no health,just pure AD.You harass with Spear Throw,and once you get them to 2/3 life you jump em and then use heartseek strike. remember not to move while channeling HSS.Eventhough it looks like your still swining the spear in front of you while moving,it dosnt do damage anymore.Done right, HSS is a killer,and often called an OP skill, dealing 5x 12+40% Attack damage.Double that if you hit an enemy Champion. If you get the usual items you will have around 300 AD which will give you
5x 24+240 = 1320 Damage. HOLY SHIT!


Staff member
Good to know. I will have to give heimerdinger a look, though he can't possibly be as overpowered as Rook, unless the rocket turrets have full "ranged champion" range, and he can place 10 rocket turrets with no real mana strain and then continually walk them forward down the lane :D Gawd I loved doing that. There was one map on demigod which only had ONE LANE... two guys playing Rook on one team, and the other team just was NOT going to get to push.
I only play COOP vs AI and Heimerdinger is a beast against stupid bots. Against real people, Heimerdinger is a waste unfortunately.

My go-to champion is Twisted Fate. God I love that yellow card against champions. And when I've got my attack speed up to 2.000 or higher with a lifesteal, I'm ripping through everyone.
I dont really agree with that.A Heimer with Rabadons Death Cap and Abyss.Scepter,rips through heroes.Add morellos tome and with an 8 second cooldown you be powerfull at harassing and rule during teamfights. Just Spam rockets and grenades set Turrets,upgrade and your done.


Staff member
The little woman and I both love heimerdinger. Last night we also moved up to "intermediate" from "beginner" in co-op vs AI, and I was surprised to find how much tougher the bots were. Annie Bot was doing ~1000 damage a cast. On beginner she was a pushover except for the occasional stun-proccing-Tibbers summon.
Stuck on Lux now. Never played better than with her. Not uncommon for 14 kills in one game for me. That damn laser is like insta-death :)
That they do.Morde is a mean pusher.I hate fighting him due to his passive skill.In late game you can hardly put a dent in his HP.
Been playing for a few months, my handle is "Mechordeus" if y'all want to play. I mostly do mages, carries, and supports, with a side dish of Singed trollin'.

Singed, what is best in life?
To fling your enemies, see them kited before you, and to hear the QQing of their teammates.
I am disappointed about the new hero Riot is churning out.We were promised a female tank,but what we got is a Jarvan with boobs. :/
4 Skills,all which do damage. The stun is nice,but there is no reason for Carrys to attack her.Rammus and Shen at least get taunt abilities.
I am gonna buy Leona,but i prolly wont build her as a tank but rather as a Tanky-Dps'er ala Jarvan or Garen.


Staff member
That they do.Morde is a mean pusher.I hate fighting him due to his passive skill.In late game you can hardly put a dent in his HP.
Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?
Singed is Ryze's best pal. :D

Y'all can add Gustovich if you want.
True that :3 Ryze was actually my first champ, and the one I played for the longest time. Then I switched to Annie (still my main on Twisted Treeline), and finally I've been branching out and trying lotsa champs lately.

Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?
AP (0.2 rate). Here's my favourite wiki for these kind of doubts (and for looking up passives, as Riot won't put them on the champion sheets). http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/
Coincidentally, I also discovered the joys of spell vamp for mordekaiser this weekend. Spell vamp plus his metal whirlwind damage shield = healing AND passive shield refill. But I have a question about Heimerdinger - is the damage from his turrets affected by AD or AP?
they do 28/36/44/52/60 + 25% AP damage.
I am disappointed about the new hero Riot is churning out.We were promised a female tank,but what we got is a Jarvan with boobs. :/
4 Skills,all which do damage. The stun is nice,but there is no reason for Carrys to attack her.Rammus and Shen at least get taunt abilities.
I am gonna buy Leona,but i prolly wont build her as a tank but rather as a Tanky-Dps'er ala Jarvan or Garen.
I think she's going to be a good anti-carry/initiator, as going W->E->R->Q onto the back of the enemy party could spell un-fun times for their squishiest champ and the enemy in general. While not forcing anyone to attack her, I think she can make herself into a very attractive target (her kit reminds me of Amumu a lot).
Ok, another noob question. What is the meaning of "ate some oranges and it was k" ?
Gangplank, the pirate dude with a gun and a cutlass, has a skill called Remove Scurvy that reads as follows: "Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, which removes all crowd control effects on him and heals him."

So yeah, you CC him with whatever you have, and then he eats some oranges and is k.


Staff member
Gangplank, the pirate dude with a gun and a cutlass, has a skill called Remove Scurvy that reads as follows: "Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, which removes all crowd control effects on him and heals him."

So yeah, you CC him with whatever you have, and then he eats some oranges and is k.
Every third or fourth person in the official thread about the server downtime friday had something to say about oranges and "it" being "k." So I wondered.
I miss the days where Gangplank had the deny skill.His E skill would allow you to kill a creep of your choice on your own side and give everyone around you Movement and Attackspeed bonus.
It also prevented your enemies from gaining XP.Beautiful.But it got nerfed. xD
I miss the days where Gangplank had the deny skill.His E skill would allow you to kill a creep of your choice on your own side and give everyone around you Movement and Attackspeed bonus.
It also prevented your enemies from gaining XP.Beautiful.But it got nerfed. xD
Ah, the good ol' days of Jewplank :3

Alas, it seems Riot doesn't want denying to be a mechanic. I remember seeing a red post about it, they said it was an "un-fun" feature, so they would avoid it. Same reasoning behind the Eve nerf, the upcoming stealth rework, etc.
Hahahah, I was playing a normal game as Singed on Twisted Treeline, team line-up was [Singed, Sona, Nasus] vs. [Xin Zhao, Morgana, Rammus]. We dominated lane early and the game was going well, but late game (when everyone was 18), the three of them managed to gank my two teammates. This left two of theirs at 75% health, and another at almost full.

So I walk into them and start kiting. I do rounds around bushes, double-back, all the stuff, and they're /convinced/ they can kill me (I mean, they have an immobilize, a taunt, and a knock-up so they would wreck any champion that relies on not being interrupted). So they get me down to a tiny bar of health, but they are also near dead.

At this point I pretend to run away to the right of lizard, put a sticky pot down, and they give up and proceed to attack lizard (I see this through a ward). So I double back, come in, poison the two near me, and fling the one farthest away.

ACE, and I survived. Singed is such a troll champ XD
I just played my best game ever as Ryze, AND it was against other players. :D Feeling very satisfied right now.
There's no better feeling than seeing a bunch of enemy champions piled up, as Ryze, putting your troll-face on and going QREQWQQE all over their faces :3