[PC Game] League of Legends

I go for max cooldown on Vlad. Even if it's just to use crimson pool half a second earlier, it really seems to be able to make a world of difference.
I go for hella cooldown on Ryze. By the time I get Frozen Heart and have a hella mana pool I'm just wrecking people with Overloads every second.
I go for max cooldown on Vlad. Even if it's just to use crimson pool half a second earlier, it really seems to be able to make a world of difference.
I really like Soulstealer and Lichbane.I love that extra movement speed to get in range for my skills.
So, in the last game I was in, I found out the hard way that Akali does magic damage. I got raped. Severely.

The armor, it does nothing!
Love that girl in teamfights.Throw a shroud into the fight and most of the time the enemy wont target you,while you are in their midst wrecking havok.And at the end the last stragglers know that they cant escape from you,but oh,how they try.


Staff member
I'm way late on this, but I just wanted to add that I loved Demigod and am sad that it failed as miserably as it did :(
I love demigod. The little woman and I still play it LAN on occasion. At our best, we've beaten 4 enemy bots on the hardest setting and one on medium, with no bots on our side. Granted, it was on crucible and we were both playing rook, and everything went as right as possible, and it was STILL a close thing.
I just had my best dominion game ever as Malzahar.

It starts with half of my team being douches, talking about how our team makeup is crap (it was a random game), and then telling me that Malzahar is not a dominion champion and how I'm going to ruin this game for everyone.

I end up being top player, with most enemy kills, most captures, and basically just pwning face. We won, no thanks to my douchebag teammates.
me and gusto played a couple games today, but they both sucked. the first was an aggravating loss and the second was a hollow victory... but at least i managed to demonstrate my skills as a top-tier league player by:

-missing 30 cs by 10 minutes

-suiciding onto their soraka a bunch of times (she was a jerk, i couldnt help myself)

-asking malzahar repeatedly if he had an r key on his keyboard
when that morgana fed trynd 12 kills then told me to buy a thornmail it flung me into such a blind, frothing rage that i... i...

politely explained why thornmail was a suboptimal choice using figures and hypothetical situations
The community for LoL is really varied. I mean, I've played with some real assholes, which is to be expected in any online game, especially free ones. But then sometimes I'll play with people who are actually pretty polite, easy going, and fun to play with. And almost always, these players are far more skilled than the rude ones.

Today, playing as Fizz (and owning with him, I'm going to have to buy that champ) I laned against a Heimerdinger that was laning like a boss. Halfway through the game, I finally get the jump on him and manage to kill him. Does he insult me in chat? No, he actually compliments me.

Now, if only I could find more of those, and less of the asshats.
It's become increasingly clear to me what my role is in most games that I play with a group: I'm the middle lane AP carry. It's the role I can play most effectively, although I'm not awesome or anything yet. With that in mind, I've actually restricted my previous "branching out" and am sticking to AP carries. Today I played Annie for the first time and I've been getting used to her. It's a lot different to play a burst caster than a sustained DPS.

I played with a full group of 5 guys for like 4 games today, and it's awesome how our roles have kind of solidified. I'm excited to finally it level 30 (2 levels and a few hundred XP to go!) and start playing ranked games.
I'm only level 21, but for the longest time I did the same thing. I focused on AP casters doing solo-mid. So far, I've really enjoyed playing Fizz, Vladimir, and Malzahar in that role, with Fizz more oriented to being an assassin who just happens to be solo-mid.

Recently I decided to give tanking a try, though, and since I have all AP runes, I gave Cho'Gath a try. I've been building him as a tank/mage hybrid. I go for an early philosopher's stone for hp/mp regen to keep me in lane forever, and then build into a rod of ages, force of nature, frozen heart, and rabadon's deathcap. Most games, however, are over before I ever get to the deathcap. This gives me awesome regen and great defenses, and makes rupture and feast hurt like a motherfucker.

I started building as a pure tank, and while I still do that in some games should it call for it, I find the hybrid so far best. These aren't ranked games or anything, but having that extra bit of lethality makes you a bigger target, which is just what the tank needs to do.

And occasionally you eat their face.
I normally play solo top when I can get it, though I find in ranked there are typically 2-3 people clamoring to do top so I end up stuck with something else. Jungling Shaco is my standard backup plan - it's really easy to carry games when you're playing an assassin from the jungle!
Well after a truly terrible game where no one would listen to me or even respond to what I was saying, I found out afterwards that no one on my team (save me) spoke english.

I feel like this should be something we can find out before the game, to adjust to accordingly.
playing a game as tank singed. Went 7/13/19. Got shut down really hard early game by ahri/shyv in my solo lane, because the shaco spent most of the time jungling and only ganked bot twice early game. Just before the gg, shaco starts spamming all chat to report me for unskilled player. Other team goes, lolno. This community is so stupid sometimes, But thankfully some of the players have brains.
The community did spring directly out of Bnet, so it's not surprising. It's one of the reasons i can't play the game, I hate the community.
The community did spring directly out of Bnet, so it's not surprising. It's one of the reasons i can't play the game, I hate the community.
Like any online community, it's full of fucktards. But, there are good people out there, and if you're at all familiar with playing other online games, it's a simple process of ignoring the idiots and friending the good players. Some of the best people I've ever added to my friend list have been people I played against that totally rocked me. If I notice they're not smack talking or calling me a noob, I'll compliment them after game, maybe ask for some tips, and usually end up playing a few awesome games with them.


Staff member
It's even laughable to me that "unskilled player" is even a REASON to report somebody in this game. Like... an actual reason in the pulldown list of reasons. I wonder if the devs just automatically forward reports for "unskilled" to /dev/null so that jerkoffs can feel like they're doing something without actually bothering anybody.
They've said that the only thing Unskilled Player reports will do is possibly result in a reduction of someone's Elo if they're consistently reported for it. Basically only an issue in ranked, and not a big one there for the most part.
Oh yay, more great community interaction. Gargoyle you suck at olaf, and suck at jungling altogether. Thats because this is my first time with olaf and I've only really jungled maybe 2 or 3 games. Well you suck and should probably quit playing noob, lrn 2 play.

The best bit? It was a bot game. I really need some forumite friends on my list so I can stop this solo queue nightmare.
gargoyle4eva , add me folks.
I think I just got matched against Gurpel in a normal. Assuming the username is the same!
in fact it is. hope i didnt feed hard or troll you :p

shoot me a friend req! (if you arent mad at me for any hypothetical trolling)

p.s. for future reference, the correct way to summon me to halforums is to type "gurpel" three times in a row.


Staff member
Sorry, I'm pretty much not playing at all any more... the little woman came to the realization she hates the game. Because of the intensity of the pressure to do well, I suspect.
I booted it back up recently, played a few bot games as Viktor. I still like the game itself, still hate the community.
I just tried to log on for a quick game and "over 20000" place in queue.
Though I don't play that often, my summoner name is Darsiek if anyone wants to add me.
Oh, and I'm like, level 4, so don't expect too much :p
I booted it back up recently, played a few bot games as Viktor. I still like the game itself, still hate the community.
I just tried to log on for a quick game and "over 20000" place in queue.
Though I don't play that often, my summoner name is Darsiek if anyone wants to add me.
Oh, and I'm like, level 4, so don't expect too much :p
A new champ was just released today, so yeah... it's long queue day