[PC Game] League of Legends

It has been so long since I played LoL.and i think with all the great games coming out it will be quite some time till I be booting it up again.


Staff member
I haven't played it in a few weeks because the little woman confessed to me she hates it and was just playing it because I liked it.

Here's the part that stumps me:

She loves Demigod.
Here's the part that stumps me:

She loves Demigod.
Oh man, i'm sorry to break it to you, but that's one of the first signs of possession...

Demigod is slower paced, i see how someone would prefer it when they're not "hardcore"...

And being able to upgrade your minions is pretty cool...
I discovered last night that Irelia absolutely demolishes Tryndamere in a solo lane. There are a lot of champs who can get around with with some combination of cc/exhaust/ignite, but she just straight up wrecks him 1 on 1 starting at about level 3.
I remember in the beginning when he paid with HP for abilities... fun times.

BTW, he's weak against ranged in the beginning, use that (Kog'Maw wasn't playing very well but i just couldn't kill him, so frustrating).
I've been playing. Trying out AD champs recently like Irelia, Ashe and Kog'Maw. Ryze and Rammus are still my boys though. :)
mundo just bought mundo...mundo likes mundo. Much health, good mechanics..and also mundo mundo mundo!
Also, buikds that do not include an atmogs...are total fail builds!
mundo just bought mundo...mundo likes mundo. Much health, good mechanics..and also mundo mundo mundo!
Also, buikds that do not include an atmogs...are total fail builds!
Atmog wukong is my favorite atmog, although atmog riven is pretty close.
Interesting. I dunno if there's a way to work it into my gangplank build, tho - he's mostly crit.
Yeah, I don't see atmogs helping plank out too much. He's all about taking half your health bar in one shot. But for up close bruisers that need to be semi tanky, atmogs rules. That and a frozen mallet (or trinity force) make my wukong a beast.


Staff member
Well, I should clarify that my GP is also a little "supporty" since I play with the little woman... I find we do better together (especially if she's playing Miss Fortune) if I get a Stark's Fervor (instead of something like the bloodthirster), But basically I start off with Meki and 2 health potions, then get boots and build Manamune and Ionian Boots of Lucidity (cooldown reduction.. I like to PARRLEY). After that, I build Stark's Fervor, Phantom Dancer and Infinity edge. That leaves one spot left, which usually goes into either Last Whisper if the other team is tank heavy or Banshee's Veil if they are caster heavy.

I suppose I could chuck Stark's Fervor and the last slot choice in favor of Atmog, but that stark's fervor really comes in handy in the team fights.

My GP is a little light on HP torward the end of the game, but he dishes crit damage like crazy, Parrley hurts like a mofo, and eating oranges is usually enough to get me out of any tight spot.
Atmog's is mostly a solo top build, since it gives you the survivability and damage to deal with the people up there and come out tanky enough to stay alive in teamfights. Usually it's something like philo's stone->wriggles->atmogs, then add either a trinity force, infinity edge, or some other damage item plus the boots of your choice. You're not quite as bursty, definitely don't see the constant big crits, but you can stay in the middle of a teamfight autoattacking enough to take full advantage of your e while people die.


Staff member
Atmog's is mostly a solo top build, since it gives you the survivability and damage to deal with the people up there and come out tanky enough to stay alive in teamfights. Usually it's something like philo's stone->wriggles->atmogs, then add either a trinity force, infinity edge, or some other damage item plus the boots of your choice. You're not quite as bursty, definitely don't see the constant big crits, but you can stay in the middle of a teamfight autoattacking enough to take full advantage of your e while people die.
I think I'll definitely be giving it a try on my Garen.
For Garen skip the philo stone and get a brutalizer instead. It's incredibly strong if you can get a couple early kills in lane.
just a suggestion for your GP, try a frozen heart. Gives you the CDR of the boots, plus armour and mana and the attack speed debuff is great. Also frees up your boots for something else. Or keep the boots and have even more cdr
Frozen heart is usually better on your support or tank - GP needs his item slots to increase his damage output, and frozen heart doesn't do that at all. CDR isn't that great on him either, since only one of his abilities deals damage, and most of his output is from his autoattacks.
thats not necessarily true, depending on the situation gangplank can be built tanky. that said, frozen heart is really situational, its only worth it if the other team has multiple autoattack-based champs. (note that there is a distinction between AD bruiser and autoattacker)
I did say usually! Basically the FH is only worthwhile in the situation you described, and if your team doesn't have an actual tank, and if you don't have a support who will build it, and if your team isn't counting on you to pull enough damage to carry them lategame. So there are times when it's worth it, but it's not something I'd recommend as a regular build on GP, especially when Atma's gives armour as well as the crit and health->damage.


Staff member
IMO, CDR is important on gangplank not just for damage (which is 2 out of 4 abilities - his ultimate is damage too, remember), but a lot of times every second counts when waiting to be able to eat oranges. Especially when there's a lot of CC flying around.