[PC Game] League of Legends


Staff member
Ryze is still my go-to guy, and I'm gaining experience with Rammus. I just don't know if Rammus will be quiiiiite as useful in Dominion if I can't use Tremors to knock down buildings.
Rammus is a beast in dominion, and you don't "knock down" anything... to claim a point you right click on it and it channels away, like in UT2K4. But that speedy rolling thing is really handy. Mobility is king in dominion, I'm finding.
I get that, but part of Tremors was that it damages buildings as well as enemies. But Dominion has no buildings to damage so it's overall less effective.

Oh well, I love being a speed machine with Powerball. :D


Staff member
I'm also finding mana regeneration to be way less of an issue... and the mobs are an afterthought, so healing by life draining minions isn't really an option (though there are heal packs scattered around the map)
Rammus + speed boost items = lololololol

Also if you can get a good minion ball going, it captures turrets pretty quick.
I really, really don't enjoy Dominion. I played two games during the testing, and both times I was bored out of my mind by the 5 minute mark.

Oh well, I'm still enjoying 5v5 and 3v3 games, so it's not like I'm hurt by it, just sucks not to have a different mode to play.
I haven't tried Dominion, but typically, as long as I'm playing with friends who are willing to tolerate occasional mistakes and lag spikes, I'm down for any game mode.
Ryze is still my go-to guy, and I'm gaining experience with Rammus. I just don't know if Rammus will be quiiiiite as useful in Dominion if I can't use Tremors to knock down buildings.
He is, as of now, considered one of the strongest chars in Dominion, if not the best. His movespeed right at the start of the game almost guarantees getting top for your team. His taunt is excelent for interrupting capture AND making the enemy take a few towerhits. His ult can stop a full enemy team from capturing a turret long enough for your team to make it to there. He's also very tanky.
Twisted Fate is my main man, but his strengths don't really translate well into Dominion, at least not with the AP build that I prefer. Luckily, Warwick is there to fill in. Damn I love Warwick.
I'm a little disappointed in Dominion. Garen is a beast with the amount of movement speed I build on him. But I prefer games where everyone has responsibilities, not just run around doing whatever.
He is, as of now, considered one of the strongest chars in Dominion, if not the best. His movespeed right at the start of the game almost guarantees getting top for your team. His taunt is excelent for interrupting capture AND making the enemy take a few towerhits. His ult can stop a full enemy team from capturing a turret long enough for your team to make it to there. He's also very tanky.
Can't wait to give it a try, then. :D


Staff member
It's a whooooole different ballgame from summoner's rift. Your role changes, the rules change... it's like bizzaro League.
Dominion is fun!

Played as Ryze, got Tear and Boots right off the bat, then rushed Glacial Shroud then Frozen Heart. Then killed much fools.
From time of first queue, then load, then play til my team wins, Dominion takes around 24 minutes. This means I can squeeze in a game after breakfast and before I leave for work. :)
Now that I've played two games of Dominion as Rammus, I've finally learned that I was doing it wrong for 1.5 of them.

I need to be a constant distraction, always capping a point that my opponents have forgotten about or left defenseless, then 5 seconds later be capping the point they just left in order to retake the first one.

It's awesome being super fast on this map. :D
After hearing they patched Pantheon I tried him,and holy hell is he a game changer.They made his ulti have a limited range instead of the Global Map but casting/landing time is drasticaly reduced.I can finaly hit people using my ulti instead of using it as a gloriefied Warp spell.
I farm bot with support,at lvl 6 ulti to mid and kill enemy AP carry (Ulti+Aegis of Zeona -> Spear Throw -> Heartseeker strike -> Spear Throw) Most glass Cannons are dead by this point,then run up and help. Due to the Ultis low CD it gives me great Zone control.Making me almost as effective as a Jungler in scaring opponents away from Towers.
We need a list somewhere of everyone's summoner names. I wanna play with you guys.

Edit: And if you don't want to search the thread for my summoner name, it's Ravenpoe121
I just got the game and it's a blast. I unlocked Taric the Gem Knight and he is by far my new favorite. A nice, solid support melee tank. Good times.

Also my summer name is Terrikus
Got shunted as mid for the first time as nasus. 30 mins later, I have a powered up q that hits for 700+ gmd every 3 secs thanks to my frozen heart. Plus nearly 70% dmg reduction from armour, and 50% magic resist. Plus an atmas/warmogs. The enemy team was running away from 4v1's. That was a fun game.


Staff member
Wish I could play more but minecraft is eating ALL my free time :/ I need to quit my job and just game full time. I'm sure that'd go over real well.
Everytime I hear my team say "Just defend" I chalk it up to a loss and thus am never disappointed. :p
Decided since I play ashe as my ad carry, nasus as my meele dps/off tank, that I need to pick up a full tank and an ap carry. Since I am currently building a rune page for singed, because he seems like a heap of fun, I have a few magic pen runes laying around, I thought I would go for an ap first. Tried annie since I already own her and had some fun but was kind of underwhelming. Just bought Karthus on a whim after laneing with an awesome one last night. 1 bot game to get used to the kit then into normals. 9/11/24. Not bad for a first time, glass cannon no less. Build me some armour and magic resist and I'm a machine. I love him already!!!
Decided since I play ashe as my ad carry, nasus as my meele dps/off tank, that I need to pick up a full tank and an ap carry. Since I am currently building a rune page for singed, because he seems like a heap of fun, I have a few magic pen runes laying around, I thought I would go for an ap first. Tried annie since I already own her and had some fun but was kind of underwhelming. Just bought Karthus on a whim after laneing with an awesome one last night. 1 bot game to get used to the kit then into normals. 9/11/24. Not bad for a first time, glass cannon no less. Build me some armour and magic resist and I'm a machine. I love him already!!!
Try ryze. Build him with a tear of the goddess into an arch angels staff, then stack mana/health items. He can tear through squishies, and high health gives him more survivability.

You can ignore AP, though you'll naturally gain it through some preferred items
I've looked at ryze before...but I don't think he has much early game harass though. Meki pen on karth = mini nukes everywhere first few levels. I'm like a gattling gun yo!!! Plus, I kinda have trouble deciding what to build on most AP's, Karth is basically, Rush Arch angels and sorc boots...then follow the rest of the recommended. Throw in a cdr item and your good!
I love Ryze, and Overload is a great first level harass especially if you're dual-laning. You initiate and by the time the enemy knows what's up you can hit him with a second Overload.

Sometimes I take Rune Prison at first level but only in Twisted Treeline and only when we think we can kill someone immediately.
might have to have another look when he is on free week then. Also, runes are so damn expensive. I guess once you hit 30 you kinda get to build up a few, but ive never had more than 2k at one time