Let's play a game!

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You look inside the Generally SPECIFIC BaG with your MaGNIFYING GLaSS.

You find a terrible joke. You are filled with RaGE.

What do you do?

EDIT: Dmn. Tha't tiny. One moment!

EDIT2: I give up. I can't get it bigger for some reason. So..that's the better Nate then Lever joke in there.
Oh snap. got 2 right already.you guys better pack it in!

Read the Joke aloud loud,hoping rage filled howls will tell you if there are other people around.

You place the BRaIN WITH GIGaTIC BaLLS on you head. You re now wearing a BRaIN WITH GIGaTIC BaLLS and a COON SKIN HaT.

What do you do?


Staff member
Maybe she meant in proportion to its "body." And anyway... it's a brain with testicles. It's a feat.

My suggestion: Dave saunters confidently through the darkness, singing "Side by Side" with his new be-testicled Brain friend.
The next door appears!

You march through into the darkness with you brainy companion singing "Side by Side". Surely nothing can stop you now!

What is your next move!?
You demand that HaL turn on the lights. "Computer! Increase Illumination!"

a voice from the darkness responds "I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that."

as a result you slip on something the darkness and land flat on your ass.

What do you do?
You apologize to the brain, but extend appreciation that it's balls broke your fall and prevented head injury.

Then you grope around in the dark, looking for a light source.
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