Welp, I give up. Norris is just going to keep beating himself (in more ways than one) instead of at least giving it a try. I don't mean to sound like a total prick, but responding to him at this point isn't going to help. It's going to be a cycle of us saying doing and him coming up with excuses.
He's not going to do it. Let's not encourage it any further.
Fair enough sir. If it be any consolation, I am deeply regretting starting this thread in the first place. No amount of advice can fix poor self esteem and a mild phobia of social interaction.
Give her orgasms.
Bitches love orgasms.
Wouldn't know. My ex girlfriend refused to let me make her orgasm because she was scared of her mom finding out we were fooling around.
Everyone was a noob when it comes to sex at one point or another. If it comes to that, communication is key. She also may not be as experienced as you think. Having sex for (far too) many people is just "in, out, in, out". I'd hardly call that sexual experience
Even if she's only had sex once (which I know isn't true), she's more experienced than me. Virgin males aren't known for their ability to please women, by any means. So yeah. Even if things go well, I'd probably get dumped for that.
I believe the current 'men successfully asking a girl out' ratio is 1:20. You're not doing that bad.
The important part isn't 1:10, but one per sixteen years. I will be in my mid-thirties before I get another date, if the patter holds.
Work on this. Seriously. Justifying making the same mistake because your father did it is quite stupid.
You misunderstand. My dad? He has some serious
shit to be depressed about, starting with shit in his childhood and going right up to his wife of 18 years dying rather suddenly. Me? Some kids picked on me and my mom died (leaving me with a super loving and supportive dad). I've go a definite case of #firstworldproblems, Rockin' The Suburbs problems ("Y'all don't know what it's like/being male, middle class, and white").
If you don't expect it to happen to you, then yes, you may have missed countless signals over the years from girls that were interested in you but you ignored them and thus they assumed you were not interested in them.
Why does it have to be signals anyways? Why
I expected, simply because I'm a dude, to make the first move? I mean, lemme put it this way - Mads (the girl in question, I just realized I never mentioned that) is a staunch feminist. She could try asking me out. I'd definitely say "yes"!
Oh man this went pretty much where I figured it was going to after the replies in the first page. Now it's going to turn into "Make me feel better, even though I'm not going to do a damn thing about my problem" thread.
Not where I had intended it to go, but yeah.

But I did something! I messaged her! She didn't reply. It's been over a day. My usual turn around on FB messages is six hours (that means when I message Mrs. M, my sister, my GVSU friends, etc, I have reply within six hours). It is seeming more and more likely I simply misread a piece of advice I get frequently because it was a single woman who gave it.
Am I being a bitch? No, Norris already chose that life for himself a long time ago. He beats himself up since noonelse is going to. I can tell you this RIGHT NOW, you'll never have a successful attempt at asking a girl out, MUCH less having a relationship at all until you stop treating yourself like the pile of refuse you seem to think you are. Maybe you are, I don't know you personally, but even the biggest pieces of shit (Those ugly assholes that beat their gorgeous wives and innocent kids mercilessly, those are the people that should have your life outlook) have the confidence in themselves to find someone to give a shit about them romantically, personally and for their miserable lives. You honestly think you're worth less than them? I don't even think Mathias and Jay combined could beat you down worse than you already have.
The only correction I have to make is - I learned to do this so that other people can't. A bully's word cease stinging if you already recognize your own flaws. I admit, what began as a defense mechanism my have developed into something...not good, but regardless. My other defense mechanism is to simply ignore things that intimidate me and...lady parts intimidate the hell out of me, so there's that.
Anyhoo, the difference between me and those assholes? Assholes don't care if you like them. They don't give shit. At all. They are the opposite side of the spectrum from me - overly blind to any flaws or problems they might have.
That is why they're successful. Confidence is
sexy. People want Harrison Ford, not Woody Allen.