Marinate My Meat

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Speaking of food porn, I love mussels. I get the (internal) giggles though every time I eat them....

I love going out to eat with my Jewish friends and ordering raw oysters. The sheer look of disgust they give me when I suck a few down with Tabasco sauce and squirt of lemon makes them taste all the more delicious. Yes, Morgoth, I'm talking about you. (delurk now bitch!)[/QUOTE]

You eat something raw? You savage! :D
You can keep your chosen, hokey religion with its lightsabers and mind tricks. I'll enjoy my shellfish and pork thank you very much!

Priest and a Rabbi are sitting on a bench waiting for a bus, engaged in theological discussion.

At one point, the priest asks the rabbi if he's ever broken from his faith and had pork.

"Yes, yes," The rabbi admitted. "I've eaten bacon once, just to see what all the fuss was about."

"Pretty good, huh?" the priest asked, and the rabbi had to admit that it was.

"So, let me ask you something in return," the rabbi countered. "Have you ever broken your vow of celibacy? Have you ever been with a woman?"

"Sadly, yes," the priest answered. "I am ashamed to admit that when I was younger, I fell victim to my carnal nature and had sex with one of my parishioners."

The Rabbi nodded wisely. "Better than pork, isn't it?" the rabbi asked.


Mmm... oysters from the Jersey shore. :puke:
No way man. Chesapeake Bay...

I try to enjoy east coast oysters, but the ones you get off the Oregon coast (the inlaws retired there) have completely spoiled me. Getting a dozen of those is not an appetizer, it is an undertaking.

I also found it funny that they have oysters the size of your face, but teeny tiny little shrimp. And they put crab on top of steak (Bam! Full circle!).[/QUOTE]

Wait, wait...the thread circling isn't complete unless the crabsteak was served on a vagina and you couldn't use your hands to eat it.

Now THAT'S a restaurant I'd like to see!!!


Shouldn't that be "shudder"?
Yes it should be.

Man I can't slide by with anything anymore...[/QUOTE]

You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to give up that right, you must learn the difference between "you're" and "your" as well as "it's" and "its". In addition, mixing up "lie" and "lay" can get you 5-10 with a Guadalajaran chain gang member named Paco whose only English is, "You is my woman now."[/QUOTE]

You forgot "compliment" vs. "complement." Oh, and "lose" vs. "loose."

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