[Gaming] Mass Effect 3 : It's here and thy ending is queeeeeeer.

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There's a mod (well, more like a config tweak) for ME2 which adds the heat system back partially. Your ammo "regenerates" over time, representing your weapon dissipating heat. If your weapon reaches zero ammo (representing the heat reaching a critical level) you load a new heat sink into the weapon.

I found it an acceptable compromise.
I haven't tried any mods on it yet... Where is a good place to download them from?

My Name's NCTS_Dodge_Man and Grunt is my favorite character.
Looks far better in game, especially in that loyalty suit. ^.^

Evil femshep has been created.
The part where Joker comes back and he shows me the Normandy 2 always gets me to have...*cough* manly tears.
Yes I love that scene, but then again Joker is one of my favorite characters in general. I was very happy when I found out that both he and Garrus were returning, since I loved the banter the two would have with my Shepard.
Got Mordin, Zaeed, Kasumi, Grunt thus far. Insanity is kinda sweet but makes me feel shields are pretty goddamn useless with all the auto-targeting going on from the NPCs. Thank god for my invisibility ability.
I haven't picked up any of the DLC yet - I've got it for my PC. I'm thinking I'll probably get Kasumi and Lair of the Shadow Broker - what is conversion rate for Bioware points to actual $$ (am at work and can only see the Bioware point cost from Wikipedia)?

I'm unsure about getting Arrival with those reviews.
560 points = 7 bucks or something. It's exactly like the horseshit Xbox live points. You can't buy them in quantities that they sell DLC for.
I never played Kasumi but I did download lair of the shadow broker and I felt is was quite good... so I do recommend that one.
Kasumi's ok and Shadow Broker is great in that it should have been in the game from the start way but yeah, Arrival, not so good.
I liked what I saw/read about LotSB so I plan on getting that one. Is there any other DLC content (which looks mostly to be more weaponry/armor) that is worth buying at all (besides Kasumi)?
I don't regret getting Arrival. I'm gonna old off on playing it on my main until like a week before ME3 for maximum impact.
Arrival has a couple of problems. One is the game is its Shep only play. It's kind of cool as a change of pace, but ME2 is balanced around squad composition. If Shep doesn't have the ability to deal with something, he can just bring along a companion who can. With only Shep, the mission counterpicks certain classes.

Then the story is dissatisfying. Arrival is all about how the reapers are going to be showing up extremely soon, and it's up to Shep to delay their progress so they don't show up until ME3. Since the reapers wouldn't have shown up until ME3 anyway, it doesn't feel like you accomplished anything significant.
Yeah, they could have at least included the Reapers showing up in the system after the big kaboom en mass... and then show them splitting up to get to the nearest relays or something...
Holy shit... thanks for those pics @li3n... that's exciting stuff!!!

Glad to see some characters confirmed to return (provided they didn't die off in an earlier playthrough that is).

Hard to tell from the scan, but Ashley looks a hell of a lot better than she did in the first two games :). Kaiden is looking pretty badass too.
Yeah, the eyes could use a little work... they're kind of off. I still recognized her as Ash before I saw the caption... but the expression does seem kind of lazy/aloof. The hair also changes her look a lot. There's still a long ways to release so I'm confident those sorts of issues will be worked out :).

Kaidan is done well... no arguments there.

I'm loving all the different armour pieces I'm seeing in these photos... some kickass designs there. I hope there will be actual armour customization for squad mates so you can give them your own personal touch.
I still recognized her as Ash before I saw the caption...
I didn't... she did look familiar, but i didn't make the connection until someone pointed it out (didn't read the text in the pic to avoid spoilers, i already had how ME3 starts spoiled).
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