May Contest - Haiku Me, Baby!

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Wasabi Poptart

The dull moans echo.
All around me, shuffling feet.
Soon I am brainless.

Wasabi Poptart

Slick warm goo dripping
From my lips and down my chin
As I brush my teeth

Wasabi Poptart

Steam curls rising up
Warm earthy scented liquid
Good morning coffee


Staff member
Last week of contest.
Monday is a holiday
in the U.S.A.

Get in your entries.
or lose out on the prizes.
Well, 1 prize - a book!

Element 117

for more time with him
all the prizes in the world
i would gladly spurn

Element 117

tears of moon white hue
traitorous body fails him
memory haunts him.
Dave is not that old
I mean come on guys for real
perspective is key

what the hell is this
bug all up in my face yo
get the fuck out man

I swear to god man
If that cat bites me again
I swear to god man

Got to find a job
But who would hire me, bro?
Time to kiss some ass


Staff member
Okay! The winners have finally been chosen! Jesus this one was hard! In the end there were enough entries that I've got TWO winners!

Here's how the winners were chosen.

  1. I printed out the haiku without names.
  2. Alphabetized them all by first line.
  3. Sorted them by serious and humorous.
  4. Gave them to coworkers and others to tell me their top 3 favorites from both. Best score wins.
As it turns out, we had a tie in both categories! So I found a couple people who had not seen them and kept at it until I had my two winners.



Kids sharing bath time
When my daughter says the words,
"Hey, there's poop in here!"
This entry was the overall favorite and tied with another that also turned out to be Fun Size.



tears of white hue
traitorous body fails him
memory haunts him.
Some comments I got were along the lines of, "My grandfather was a WWII vet and he just wasted away. It infuriated him that he couldn't take care of himself and the very act of losing this control made him want to give up. This poem reminds me of him."

The one this was initially tied with? PatrThom's poem about kids on Christmas morning.

Three steps from the hearth.
Two eyes fixed on stockings hung.
One small heart, pounding.

So congrats, Fun Size and B.T.! When I finally finish getting the Halforums Anthology together you will get a free copy of your very own!
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