Even doomweasels?Things I learned last night: "all cats are mammals" is equivalent to "all mammals are cats"
Even doomweasels?Things I learned last night: "all cats are mammals" is equivalent to "all mammals are cats"
Oh, probably.Even doomweasels?
There are smart children and there are dumb children, just as there are smart and dumb adults.I realize I just called a child dumb. Make no mistake--I love them. But good lord.
There's deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and then there's invective reasoning.Things I learned last night: "all cats are mammals" is equivalent to "all mammals are cats"
I'm not sure what you're trying to say exactly, but I am totally stealing the phrase "invective reasoning."There's deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and then there's invective reasoning.
What about convection reasoning? Just blowing around a lot of hot air.There's deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and then there's invective reasoning.
I enjoy a certain amount of the content, but YouTube is saturated with it. There's so much obvious potential with video, and yet, it's not being used. Ah, well.You know, I think I've had my fill of quirky video blogger guys with quirky mannerisms and speech patterns. I'm ready for "vlogging" to go away now. Why are we still looking at talking heads being overemotive in a visual medium? How about visual aids? I'd even prefer Ken Burnsian slow-zooms to watching some bespectacled hipster squint, eyepop, flail and shrug.
It's the difference between "OK!" and "... ok."It's actually translated as "Meh."
My favorite was a new thing at work (which you can no longer avoid using) that, when you tried to cancel something, popped up a dialog box which read, "Are you sure you wish to cancel this action? [OK] [Cancel]"Marketron. The one windows based software package where "OK" does NOT imply "Accept." GAHGHGH. So, what you're telling me is it is functionally identical to "Cancel?"
Hi I'm Troy Dysentery! You might remember me from such bowel movements as 15 minutes ago, 35 minutes ago and 80 minutes ago. I'm here to talk to you today about dehydration the happy killer.
Coincidentally, my husband was texting with his sister in Anaheim a little while after it happened. I had him ask her if they felt it (I knew they did just because of the proximity), then he told her we felt it here in HI, too. Too bad it's not April 1st.Yes, there was an earthquake, I get it, welcome to California. Can I not scroll through 500 posts about it?
Has to be a pretty big earthquake for that. There have been 116 earthquakes this month for the "Big Island"(not very big ones obviously) and not one tsunami warning.The thing about earthquakes in Hawaii is the bigger thing: Tsuanmis.
Lots of years ago I sunburned enough that my legs blistered, oh joy of not wearing pants because of this!My foot got so badly sunburned that it blistered. Flip flops for a while!
It has happened, though, with the last locally generated tsunami occurring in 1951 according to that article. Most of them are cause by major earthquakes elsewhere. We've been told that eventually part of the island of Hawaii will fall into the ocean, then the rest of the islands will be in a world of hurt.Also an earthquake on the island probably wouldn't cause a tsunami (on the island, at least), it would have to start farther away.