So, got an ass-grabber kicked out of the mall today.
We have neighbors with an aggressive dog. Their yard is fenced. Our yard is not. They keep the gate closed but there are times when the yardwork people come over when it doesn't always get secured. We keep a 2ft, 3lb branch up on the porch in case the dog gets it into his fool head to get out and chase after our 2yr-old. So far, the rod of Righteous Wrath has yet to descend upon his doggy noggin, but should it ever come to pass, I will 100% blame the neighbors for whatever happens.What I hate is when people have an aggressive dog, but let it roam around their yard leash-less. So, when I walk by with my dog I have to do a crazy dance to keep their dog away from mine. Like, c'mon people, if you know your dog is aggressive at the very least leash it. One of the most frustrating things ever.
This is my life all summer long, except I live with people who won't let me turn the air down past 75. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't need to close my door for privacy when I game, turning my room into a hotbox of misery and discord.Pretty much this. I have a hand-fan that points at my mouse at all times. A ceiling fan on 4ft away. Two rotating fans next to me when in bed and the AC set to 70 degrees 24/7.
I said call centers will exist because they are cheap. You took it to mean if cheapness was all that mattered then they wouldn't have existed in the first place which is still a big wtf. We are talking about call centers and how they do exist and why.It's referring to your assertion that cheapness is all that is cared about, demonstrating it's incorrectness by extrapolating to its logical terminus.
But I can tell it's already changing. The next type of support? Community-based support. I shit you not. My company pays thousands to the company that licenses us the use of our broadcast traffic software. But when we have problems with it, the first step is always their "community support system" which is fancy talk for "private internet webforum with a prominent SEARCH field with access restricted to customers where somebody has already asked your question and some other CUSTOMER has posted the answer/solution." Their customers... take care of their other customers for them. This has replaced their "first tier" of support techs. If you get a problem that isn't answered by another customer, we have a number that goes directly to someone who would be considered at least 2nd tier. No queues, no webforms. Heck, I even have direct numbers to two 3rd tier specialty techs. But I rarely have to call them... because 9 times out of 10... the community answered my question months ago.
The character or me? If both, than yes I agree.Just like Yoshis.
Yes. What's more annoying is when I see million-dollar inventions go that way. Sometimes they're even things I thought up when I was still a pre-teen.Ever had a movie idea and then see one with EXACTLY the plot you had in mind?
I'm sorry you bit your tongue, but the typo makes it funny. "...and but my tongue...".I sneezed really hard and but my tongue and if that wasn't bad enough since it was a bit swollen I accidentally bit it at almost the same exact spot when I was eating lunch.
Tell her to grow the fuck up.An artist friend of mine has had me twice now share her paintings on Facebook to try to help her sell them. I hate using my feed as an advertising ground, particularly if it's something I have nothing to do with, but I couldn't find the courage to just say "No." I've tried encouraging her to spread her work more on her own. I've even tried showing her Halforums hoping she'd set up shop in the art forums. She wants to be taken as a serious professional, but doesn't want to sell to or advertise to complete strangers on the internet yet, because she's "old fashioned." What the f***ity hell does that even mean?
All I can think is that she's acting more like an "Arteest" than she has either the experience or skill to back up any right to.
Not that I don't appreciate the compliment.![]()