Related? Nagano drive-thru funeral home to serve mourners with limited mobilityThere was a death last week - Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. It was sudden, in that I was talking to the person the day before and they were completely fine (recovering from surgery at home, but fine).
One of sons called me on Wednesday to let me know and we talked a bit about what they're looking for in a service, but no details. They said they'd get in touch "in the next couple of days". So far, nothing. I've called the house, but the number is disconnected. I've called the other congregant they spoke to, they also called from the house. So I have no way of getting in touch with the sons; no obituary has been posted, so I can't call the funeral home and work through them either.
It's a week to Christmas, this is one of the most stressful weeks of the year, and these nitwits are adding to it.
But, they seemed pretty clueless as to what they wanted, so I've drafted up a complete service, just in case I get like, 24 hours notice (which has happened before).
I keep adding extra r's to everything I type today.
Heh, you gotta get creative! When I moved from Colorado to Texas, I fit everything I owned into an '88 MX-6 GT.Some days I regret having a small car. Like when we're going up to the mountains for 5 days and are trying to pack food for the condo to save some money and we are already out of room.
Oh we managed it, It's not pretty, but everything's in there. Good thing the roads are supposed to be clear today.Heh, you gotta get creative! When I moved from Colorado to Texas, I fit everything I owned into an '88 MX-6 GT.
(It looked like this, but blue)
That fucker was full all the way up to the windshield on the passenger side. I felt like a tank driver. Driving a small, fragile, turbocharged tank, granted, but I'm pretty sure if a cop had pulled me over I'd have gotten a ticket for it. I couldn't see out the right side or rear window AT ALL.
Ok, well, I didn't fit EVERYTHING in it. I had to give away my 6 foot bean bag and a 13 inch television.[DOUBLEPOST=1514401886,1514401811][/DOUBLEPOST]So I guess what I'm saying is to stack groceries on your kids until you can't see them anymore.
"Mom, I can't feel my legs"Oh we managed it, It's not pretty, but everything's in there. Good thing the roads are supposed to be clear today.![]()
Just yesterday I had to help someone who was having trouble imaging two computers.I was only gone from work for three days... How did they mess up so much in so short a time?!
I bet you'll make up for it when Chinese New Year rolls around, while we all slave away over here.So, I'll be coming into the office on New Years Eve and New Years Day to get some essential work done. Yay.
Maybe he meant "vape.""The purpose of this project is to digitize and cloudize tape-based analog storage systems..."
Dear translator, I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't think "cloudize" is a word.
I'd have gone with "cloudify." I judge it has a better chance of catching on, since it's less ugly than cloudize."The purpose of this project is to digitize and cloudize tape-based analog storage systems..."
Dear translator, I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't think "cloudize" is a word.
Probably the latter, having been on the hiring side of things a couple of times, but it could be a mix of both.The hiring committee at University of Canterbury still hasn’t gotten back to me. They said they’d try to get back to me either way by December 18. My advisors are telling me to just sit tight because they probably just scattered over the holidays. They also might have offered the position to someone who is stringing them along (in order to wrangle a raise at their home institution) and I might be their next choice. But I cannot STAND waiting in limbo.
And even if it were in your name, if it's not on the card itself, many hotels won't accept it. If I'm at the desk, I won't. "Gift card" or "Valued Customer" won't do.Visa debit gift cards are the next best thing to useless and I hate that my mother keeps falling for their bullshit. She got my wife and I a $500 Visa Debit Gift Card for Christmas, with the intention that we would be able to use the funds for a much needed large purchase (a washer and dryer). It has a PIN number, and is supposed to be usable at ATMs to withdraw any and/or all of the money. It's also supposed to be able to run as a debit card at POS machines. And, you can totally use it online. Only - you can't do any of those things. It's not tied to my address, so I can't use it online. It's in my mother's name, so if I run it as a credit card and someone checks my ID, I get busted for passing a stolen card. You can't get money from an ATM with it because it's not tied to a checking OR savings account. It can't be run as debit at a POS because it's not connected to a checking account. The only thing I can do with this $500 piece of plastic is use it as a credit card at POS machines where I don't have to show the card to the attendant - so self-scan checkouts or purchases smaller than $50.
In this case, it is on the card, which is part of the problem, but yeah, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't with these things. Honestly, the only "person" who gets any benefit out of this is Visa, because they get to keep all the money that people never use because they can't get it off the damn card. And then I feel like the asshole for calling her and asking if I can send the stupid thing back to her and have her just transfer actual money to us instead.And even if it were in your name, if it's not on the card itself, many hotels won't accept it. If I'm at the desk, I won't. "Gift card" or "Valued Customer" won't do.
Why not buy something like a big Amazon gift card for yourself with the balance left? That will empty the Visa out, and you have something in your own name to use as you wish with no stress.In this case, it is on the card, which is part of the problem, but yeah, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't with these things. Honestly, the only "person" who gets any benefit out of this is Visa, because they get to keep all the money that people never use because they can't get it off the damn card. And then I feel like the asshole for calling her and asking if I can send the stupid thing back to her and have her just transfer actual money to us instead.
That's what I usually wind up doing, to avoid the stress, and I'm sure it'll be what we wind up doing this time. It just infuriates me because it's such a shitty tactic.Why not buy something like a big Amazon gift card for yourself with the balance left? That will empty the Visa out, and you have something in your own name to use as you wish with no stress.
The worst part of applying for an academic job (at least in the US) is the radio silence. Especially if you're in the final 2, and they offer to the other person. They're not going to say a word to you until they no longer need you as a backup. Not saying that's what's happening, but I've had it happen before.The hiring committee at University of Canterbury still hasn’t gotten back to me. They said they’d try to get back to me either way by December 18. My advisors are telling me to just sit tight because they probably just scattered over the holidays. They also might have offered the position to someone who is stringing them along (in order to wrangle a raise at their home institution) and I might be their next choice. But I cannot STAND waiting in limbo.
I never have to show my card anywhere, I just stick it in the card reader and no one gives a fuck. I'm amazed that there are still places that actually check.Visa debit gift cards are the next best thing to useless and I hate that my mother keeps falling for their bullshit. She got my wife and I a $500 Visa Debit Gift Card for Christmas, with the intention that we would be able to use the funds for a much needed large purchase (a washer and dryer). It has a PIN number, and is supposed to be usable at ATMs to withdraw any and/or all of the money. It's also supposed to be able to run as a debit card at POS machines. And, you can totally use it online. Only - you can't do any of those things. It's not tied to my address, so I can't use it online. It's in my mother's name, so if I run it as a credit card and someone checks my ID, I get busted for passing a stolen card. You can't get money from an ATM with it because it's not tied to a checking OR savings account. It can't be run as debit at a POS because it's not connected to a checking account. The only thing I can do with this $500 piece of plastic is use it as a credit card at POS machines where I don't have to show the card to the attendant - so self-scan checkouts or purchases smaller than $50.
I turned away a girl who wanted to use "grandma's" card to try to get a room this morning. Before that a guy tried to get one with his "old lady's" card, who wasn't the woman he was with.I never have to show my card anywhere, I just stick it in the card reader and no one gives a fuck. I'm amazed that there are still places that actually check.