See, THIS is why we can't have anything nice. (Nor can I have OTC Sudafed). 

If you wished to know why you were banned, you could have talked to me in PM. And I would have answered you.He banned me because he doesn't like me, and that's bullshit.
If you wished to know why you were banned, you could have talked to me in PM. And I would have answered you.
But it would seem that you do not wish for rational conversation and moving on with having fun in the forums. You will rather try and stir up trouble. When everyone else has moved on, you come in with your personal tale of woe. Of course you will edit your piece to leave out the parts that do not suit you. The PMs actually defending you in the original topic. Your posts stirring up a fight when the matter was almost settled. The e-mails explaining in clear, rational terms why you were banned. They don't make a good story, so you leave them out. All so that everyone will feel sorry for you for getting banned by the big bad mods.
And you say I'm the clown?
Look, even if you're angry and annoyed and completely convinced you're in the right - either you honestly can't see this is STUPID, in which case, good luck next time a cop pulls you over for speeding; or you DO know it, and you're deliberately insulting a moderator, which is against the're the hero Halforums deserves.
Look, even if you're angry and annoyed and completely convinced you're in the right - either you honestly can't see this is STUPID, in which case, good luck next time a cop pulls you over for speeding; or you DO know it, and you're deliberately insulting a moderator, which is against the rules.
Oh, let's be honest here: you're deliberately insulting and heckling a moderator to goad him into banning you, so that you can keep going on about his "mad power trip" or whatever. You're breaking the rules. You're delivering personal isults. You're tackling the man instead of the ball. I'm approximately 99.6% (margin of error: 0.4%) sure you'll be banned again before the day is out.
What's the point? Size of you e-balls? Being vindicated and being able to yell "Ha! See? He banned me again! Power-hungry I tell you!"? Either you like it here and want to talk and have fun, and you should lay off the intentionally harassing people, or you don't like it here and should just leave. Liking it here but not wanting to be accountable for anything you do, and thinking you're above the rules because you're you? That just means you're self-aggrandizing, entitled, self-centered jerk and a bully.
Yeah, why don't you focus on disciplining your son instead of latching onto me.In other words, Mathias, you are being a dumb fuck.
Let it go.
Really?Yeah, why don't you focus on disciplining your son instead of latching on to me.
A delicious, maple syrup covered throat.Really?
You're going there?
I mean, fuck man. Someone disagrees with you and you go for the fucking throat don't you?
I'm so tempted to go a few rounds with you.A delicious, maple syrup covered throat.
I'm so tempted to go a few rounds with you.
However, I like this forum. I like the people here. I don't want them to think less of me for being baited by you.
You're just a verbally impotent guy on the internet, after all.
Me? I fuckin' rock.
And the best way of getting someone to apologize is by antagonizing and verbally attacking them. Right-oh. Here I was thinking "talking about it like adults" or "being the bigger man" were better ways of dealing with such things. Heck, perhaps acknowledging, from your side, that you stepped over the line would help him in admitting he was a bit quick on the trigger.An apology would be nice. Along the lines of "Sorry, bro, I was frustrated that day and I banned you for little reason. I was being a douchebag, my bad."
So here it is. Here is my thought. Mathias, you are not banned. I'm giving you the chance to make it right. You have 2 choices:My note to Mathias after he sent me an email:
Geez. I go to the store for a few hours and what the hell...
Here's my thoughts:
You saw we were blaming Null for this, right? Could you not tell by the tone of the IMs that we were all sick of the petty shit between the two of you - regardless of who started what? All you had to do was either not say anything or thank us for keeping a level head about the whole thing. Instead you kept picking at it.
- The whole thing had been diffused. Null was being oversensitive and I slapped him down. I added you to that thread only because you were being discussed and I thought that you had a right to know.
- Why in God's name did you keep poking at NR? Had you done that to me I'd have done the exact same thing no matter who you were. You knew exactly what you were doing and although you think NR was being a douche, you were out-douching him.
- When you went in as a guest and posted that was a clear violation. The rule is neither new nor vague.
- I'll look into the PM thing. But I think it's blocked because it won't allow you to send any. That's to prevent someone being banned and then coming in and causing havoc.
Bottom line...I'll check the PM thing but I'll see you on the 30th, my friend.
You can just read how much I do respect you as a person. As a poster? Not so much.Why can't you put him on ignore? Why would that be so hard? And you're not the problem - well, not completely. Yes, he has a history - but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Have you noticed that there are a number of people who traet him differently? You know why that is? Because we've been on vent with him. We've been in co-op or pvp games with him. We know him as more than just "Chaz". Maybe his humor isn't to your taste and that's fine, but not everything he posts is the rantings of a raving asshole. He jokes a lot. And his humor can be a bit abrasive. But no more so than anyone else's can be at times. Most of the time people can pick up when someone is messing around or when someone is being an asshole. I think you lack the gene of "recognizing Mathias's humor". But here's the thing. Have you ever once asked him what he meant by something? Have you ever looked at a post of his - or anyone (and that goes for a lot of us not just you) - and thought, "Well, THAT was kinda mean!" and then proceeded to say, "I took that as being pretty mean. Did you really mean it that way?"
It's weird to me sometimes how misunderstanding breeds incivility and it goes into some kind of perpetual shit spiral.
(I'm standing by this from earlier.)
Mathias, you seem to be stuck on step 2. Perhaps it is time to move on to step 3.This strategy is dependent on four conditions, which have allowed it to become the most successful strategy for the iterated prisoner's dilemma:[1]
I've only ever had one annoying house guest. It was a friend of mine that had moved away some ten years before hand but we kept (and still do) keep in close, nearly daily, contact. So I invited him to my wedding.I can't wait for my step-dad's sister to leave. She is a really annoying house guest.
Ah, I see you've met my mother.When I did an internship in grad school, I rented a room in a townhouse from some lady who did it for the interns every year. She was the opposite. She obsessed over things. She said I left a mess in the microwave once, which she saved to show me. I really needed to look hard to see the one or two specks of tomato sauce in the microwave. That was typical.