[Movies] Movies in Reverse

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Yeah Star Wars sounds good.

Two teenagers start a band, ace their history exam and then go on a whirl-wind time-travel adventure where they return historical figures to their proper time periods.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Gonna unfreeze (and tweak) my previously redacted entry, then...

A flying pyramid stamps a secondary face on a guy's tongue, causing his impressive Kung Fu skills to gradually degenerate. He asks a pretty (yet disfigured) woman for help, but she has no advice (and we can't understand anything she says anyway). He eventually regresses to childhood and brings his parents back to life with an impressive final display of Infant-Fu, after which he takes a nap.



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Kung Pow.

The sad tale of a giant fight causing isolation for an African-American sheriff. After releasing a large criminal, his friend is jailed. After a huge celebration they throw the sheriff out and have a town meeting in order to hire a group to rebuild the town. The sheriff ends up working on the railroad.
Blazing Saddles.

In short, among many subplots a boy has a miracle BB gun that cures his one blind eye by shooting it back in his head.The gun gets taken away by adults and kept from him with ovious ridiculous excuses, like 'you'll shoot your eye out'.
A Christmas Story

A story of hope- Where farm of lies, oppression and murder gradually turns into a freer, more open society and two avowed enemies reunite into friendship to fulfill an old friend's dream.
Animal Farm.

A kindly old gent has Christmas dinner with his employee's family, gets visited by 3 spirits showing him that money is most important. He starts valuing money more until his deceased partner visits him and says that he is now stingy enough. Now he goes out and makes as much money as he can giving out loans and not paying his workers.
Christmas Carol

A psychic dog vomits up a girl who the dog's owner then takes to an underground facility where the people capture the man and force sperm back into his body before releasing him back into the apocalyptic wasteland with the girl, who the boy takes to a burned out old building before leaving her there with some cannibalistic mutants. He then sets out with his dog back into the wasteland.
A Boy and His Dog

Assuming that's correct:
Two musicians go on a musical journey repairing cars until one of them ends being jailed by a puppeteer.
A Boy and His Dog

Assuming that's correct:
Two musicians go on a musical journey repairing cars until one of them ends being jailed by a puppeteer.
Haha, I fucking love this one. Blues Brothers.

Three men hide Civil War treasure in a graveyard, then spend three hours getting farther away from each other.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly

A horrible night where the undead die, become normal people, and the world goes back to normal.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

An axe-wielding religious fanatic resurrects his own brother and an FBI agent, as well as dozens of missing persons throughout Texas. His teenaged brother than does the same to their father, who then pulls the axe from the chest of a local sheriff, healing him. The brother fills in their storm cellar under the shed with dirt, while growing more faithful and more attentive in school. In the end, the two boys live happily with their working class father.

A subway, bus and elevator don't blow up, a handsome cop doesn't meet a girl.

The FBI lock 6 people up in a mansion, who use various weapons to bring the hired help back to life. They then leave quietly, one at a time, in their vehicles.


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Is that Clue?

If so:

After bringing out a box that seemingly restores a large group of Nazis back to life, a man embarks on a quest to return relics to their rightful place. He puts out a fire in a bar and returns a golden idol. Oh, he apparently likes to fly with snakes.
Added at: 19:26
Also, I want to add that you guys are much better at this game than me. Haha.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
After losing at the Winter Olympic games, a bobsled team is driven apart by their differences, and return to their home country where they each take up running, and become bitter rivals competing for the next Summer games.
Cool Runnings.

God comes down from Heaven with an angel and an apostle, takes away a woman's unborn child and restores a dead fallen angel. The woman then goes to a hospital and brings a dead man back to life, but keeps him in a coma and traps God in him. Meanwhile, the revived fallen angel brings his other dead angel friend back to life, and they both bring a large group of people back from the dead in front of a church. The woman travels back to her home along with the apostle and two stoners, resurrecting a group of demons and sending the apostle back to Heaven along the way. The two angels also head back home to Wisconsin, raising quite a few people back from the dead as they go.

Three armed men leave a courtroom and resurrect a large number of murdered organized crime figures with the help of a transvestite. The transvestite joins the FBI and helps mobsters, while the younger men heal their friend and their father goes back to prison. The friend gets back together with his girlfriend and brings her cat back to life, and the brothers leave their life of crime to work at a meat packing plant.
Boondock Saints?

If so then;

Two men are resurrected after a stand off with the Mexican army,and then along with a female accomplish, return stolen money to people all over Mexico, before following a Posse back to the town where they reassemble a train and put the money back in it.
The Boondock Saints

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? I thought so, but in that case it's the Bolivian army.

An immigrant says goodbye to a friend, sends police officers home from a party, leaves his sister at his best buddy's place, kicks his cocaine habit, sets up his girlfriend with his new boss, and leaves to become a refugee.
The Boondock Saints

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? I thought so, but in that case it's the Bolivian army.

An immigrant says goodbye to a friend, sends police officers home from a party, leaves his sister at his best buddy's place, kicks his cocaine habit, sets up his girlfriend with his new boss, and leaves to become a refugee.
DOh, right, Bolivian Army.
Added at: 13:19

A man in Vegas is resurrected, has sex with a prostitute who he grows distant from while quitting drinking. Happily, he eventually returns home and gets a job.
Leaving Las Vegas

A man with a prosthetic limb leaves the office of the President and drives across the country, escorted by an increasing number of activists and other racers, who heal pedestrians along the way. In the end, his female companion leaves him and he becomes grotesquely disfigured.


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King Kong

A man comes down in a green, glowing car only to return people's vehicles before settling down as a punk teenager.
Repo man

A host of little malicious creatures rebuild a town before disappearing into a swimming pool. And the young hero gets his favorite pet taken away from him by his bumbling inventor of a father at Christmas.

A young girl enters a colorful, dream world and is only able to escape by trading a pair of shoes for a flight home.
A Nightmare on Elm Street.

After a pirate ship gets itself sealed inside a giant cave, a group of kids and a monsterish man follow a family of criminals into the cave to hide their treasure aboard it. The criminals then find their way out through a system of other caves, with the kids following them and laying booby traps as they go. The find their way out through the fireplace in the criminals' hideout. The criminals imprison the monsterish man and bring two law enforcement agents back from the dead, while the group of kids go back home and hide a map leading to the pirate ship in their attic. The kids go back to their normal lives, while the criminal family turns one of the brothers in to jail.


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A disturbed man reanimates corpses with disgusting and complex machines, only to place them in a flawed life.
Saw 1-??

Two bitter business rivals become friends after a lawsuit and then systematically dismantle their internet startup before going their separate ways. One of them has a beer with an ex-girlfriend and rekindles their relationship.
The Social Network. And I haven't even seen it yet.

A child comes down from Heaven to join his three friends in banishing Satan to hell. One of the friends has special powers due to a chip implanted in his brain, but they grow increasingly weak, until finally it's removed by doctors. Their mothers campaign for the end of the war against their neighboring country, until peace finally reigns and the two sides celebrate by having one country release an offensive movie.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

Four friends decide not have sex with their prom dates/enemy's mother before becoming less and less desperate about being virgins.
Happy Gilmore

Two lovers and a crowd of young people in various brightly-colored togas discover there is an old man in their midst. This panics the crowd, which flees over a hill and summons a gleaming city through various pyrotechnic magical spells to protect themselves from the old, disheveled man. The male lover interviews for a position with the hastily-formed police force and, after an intensive interrogation and brutal hazing during which he shows a limited amount of precognitive ability, he is accepted. He ventures outside the walls for a couple days to bid the old man good-bye, and in the process digs up and heals one of his teammates who was trapped outside the city. His new buddy then volunteers to scout ahead of his return. On their way back, the lovers repair a huge silver robot and set it to defend the city and prepare a defense force. He is not recognized on his return (and almost detained), so he rescues a doctor from a malfunctioning medical machine, repairs the machine, and uses it to build the doctor a beautiful assistant. In return, the doctor alters his looks so that he will better fit in. He is sent out on his first assignment (which is a success), and he and his new work buddy go out to a huge stadium to take in a show of red- and white-clad flying acrobats.

Logan's Run

A man gives a damn, then a city is rebuild after a fire, the civil war is averted, and everyone has a pleasant evening at a plantation fawning over a débutante.
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