[Movies] Movies in Reverse

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Gone With The Wind

At sunset, a pile of ash turns into a vampire, who wrestles another vampire out of a gang of them, in a firepit before extinguishing the flames and turning into a person. Over the course of a month, the vampires vomit up several local townsfolk, then leave before sunrise.
30 days of night?

If so then...

A man is returned to earth by aliens who then take a bunch of refugees back through time to where they belong.
Hmm... The Birds?

If so, then...

Four bobsledders return home from the Olympics, three of them then change sports and become sprinters, while the fourth decides to become a pushcart driver.
Hmm... The Birds?

If so, then...

Four bobsledders return home from the Olympics, three of them then change sports and become sprinters, while the fourth decides to become a pushcart driver.
I just did that one.
After losing at the Winter Olympic games, a bobsled team is driven apart by their differences, and return to their home country where they each take up running, and become bitter rivals competing for the next Summer games.
Shit. -10 reading points for me.

New one:
A cop and a master criminal go on an epic duel, before deciding they don't like the world they live in, and both get cryogenically frozen.


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Demolition Man!!
Added at: 23:26
I had to get that in. Doing mine now.

Two old guys fly a plane out of a barn, then go on a swashbuckling adventure to return a princess to her captors. Then a young boy leaves the two old guys to live with his mother.
Secondhand Lions

A little girl goes to sleep and wakes up as a broken cyborg. She ends up in a government job and spends her free time contemplating the meaning of existence.
Ghost in the Shell?

If so,

A man loses his wife and business as the giant plant he built it around loses sustenance and shrinks to nothing. He ends up a low-wage worker in his own shop while his ex-wife takes up with an abusive dentist.


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Little Shop of Horrors.

A man gives away all of his money, then wanders around a run-down town until he meets a strange man who fixes his car and makes everything okay again, even though his life isn't what he wanted.
It's a Wonderful Life

The protagonist climbs down a building and goes home to his secluded island where he meets the girl of his dreams.
Heh, King Kong.

A biochemist and an ex-soldier travel to an island prison, where they install the final component on a bunch of missiles with payloads of poisonous gas. They then turn over control of the missiles to an angry ex-general, who releases the prison population before departing the island. The prisoners then enjoy a leisurely tour of the island. The biochemist and soldier part ways, with the soldier ending up in prison, while the biochemist collects Beatles records.

A prince gets transformed, chases his live-in girlfriend away, and sulks in an enchanted castle filled with animate inanimate objects until he becomes a prince again.
Beauty and the Beast

A giant lizard rebuilds Tokyo and other parts of Japan before disappearing into the ocean.

Robots from space are repaired by the US military before getting the fuck out of this shitty movie and then we are regailed for an hour as a high school student exists awkwardly.


Staff member

Alright, let's step this up a notch in obscurity -

After putting the gods to sleep, a crew of vikings raises an island from the ocean depths and then sails home to Norway, knowing that the age of Ragnarok has begun. Their leader unhappily resigns himself to a never ending cycle of pillaging and plundering.
The Final Countdown.

A boy and his mom get chased out of a foundry by a police officer while their big bodyguard forgets how to smile.


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A sailor from WWII travels to the 80s and emotionally abuses a quintessential 80s girl until she breaks up with him. He then travels back to the 40s on his ship, freeing his shipmates from the horrible fate of being fused to the deck.
The Philadelphia Experiment?

If so then.

A 16 year old breaks up with her dream boy and then has the worst birthday ever.
16 Candles

A group of teenage friends come into Saturday detention, write a letter to their principal stating who they are and by the end of the day no longer talk to each other.
The Breakfast Club

A lord beats his rival in a jousting tourney, has his title revoked, gets tossed in the stocks, then is released. Ashamed, he pretends to be someone else and competes in tourneys until the rival eventually beats him. Further shamed, he pays an author to make fake papers signifying him as a pauper, so he can go and work for an old country knight with his idiot friends.
A Knight's Tale

A young man's aging girlfriend comes back to life and shows him that life is really not worth living. So he moves back in with his mother and repeatedly attempts suicide as a means of getting attention.
Harold and Maude (if you hadn't done it, I would've!)

A mysterious boy is deposited on Earth by a cluster of balloons which disperse except for one evil balloon which chases him around and gets him into all kinds of trouble.

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