New Picture Thread

I'll be the guy who keeps getting sent to the store for refreshments.
I was going to say, "I'll be the GM," but it's not my turn.

We went on a stargazing/star picture taking drive last night. I totally overdid it and I can hardly walk today but it was worth it. I haven't been well enough to go out and take any Milky Way pictures in years so I was really happy to get out with my camera last night even if it was a short trip and I'll be paying for it for a few days lol. I tried a new method of editing and it took me forever. I have no idea why it took me forever, but I am very happy with the results. When I clicked the final result on and off the difference was amazing!

Halforums milkyway (1 of 1).jpg
We went on a stargazing/star picture taking drive last night. I totally overdid it and I can hardly walk today but it was worth it. I haven't been well enough to go out and take any Milky Way pictures in years so I was really happy to get out with my camera last night even if it was a short trip and I'll be paying for it for a few days lol. I tried a new method of editing and it took me forever. I have no idea why it took me forever, but I am very happy with the results. When I clicked the final result on and off the difference was amazing!

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My god, it's full of stars.
My god, it's full of stars.
It was so dark there that we could easily see the Milky Way as soon as we turned our headlights off :) I can't wait to go back with the light pollution filters I keep forgetting to buy. Sometimes I'm aiming my camera based on an app or an educated guess. A friend of my mother's teaches astronomy and he likes when I send him my pictures and he always does a full analysis of what I've captured. With so little noise in this one, I can tell that I have some things that aren't stars as well.

That is a gorgeous shot, Squid. Really fantastic.
Thank you :)
We went on a stargazing/star picture taking drive last night. I totally overdid it and I can hardly walk today but it was worth it. I haven't been well enough to go out and take any Milky Way pictures in years so I was really happy to get out with my camera last night even if it was a short trip and I'll be paying for it for a few days lol. I tried a new method of editing and it took me forever. I have no idea why it took me forever, but I am very happy with the results. When I clicked the final result on and off the difference was amazing!

View attachment 25067
That's another thing I've never seen in person: A sky completely full of stars.
See, I'm thinking, if I'm the party rogue, and we got Dirona on Cleric, Dei on ranged DPS, I'm hoping Celt Z can put on her wonder woman underoos and tank, and given her podcast's fascination for death, I'm pretty sure Kags is a necromancer, so that would cover pet class as well as backup caster.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the ideal party build.
Dude I'm the tank.
That's another thing I've never seen in person: A sky completely full of stars.
I would be happy to take you on a photo shoot with us :)

Even my coworkers who could drive a little bit out of town to see this, are always shocked when we're up north and they can see the Milky Way easily.
Even my coworkers who could drive a little bit out of town to see this, are always shocked when we're up north and they can see the Milky Way easily.
I look forward to the day we can take Cary camping "out in the woods" so he can learn what "dark" really means.

This was also a ten second exposure using a lens that is very good in low light. I could see the Milky Way when I was photographing it, but not like this.
Took a nice biking trip out to Cleaveland Beach today. My friend indulged me in taking some nifty yoga pics. I'm kinda liking the Diamond Cutter pic. Does the smile seem natural here? I know you guys have been critical of my pics in the past and how the smiles never looked natural. Which I never think about when I'm taking the picture. I'm just trying to smile.
