New Picture Thread


Staff member
Thanks! I've been thinking about doing a retro pi build for my nephew, and myself.
It's really easy. The longest time you'll spend is downloading the software. I hear tell that there are zip files containing every NES and SNES game ever made. Rumors of course. I would never follow up on them, being the good, law-abiding citizen that I am.

By the way, it recognizes PS3, PS4, Xbox360, and XBone controllers with no additional work. Not to mention any USB gamepad.
It's really easy. The longest time you'll spend is downloading the software. I hear tell that there are zip files containing every NES and SNES game ever made. Rumors of course. I would never follow up on them, being the good, law-abiding citizen that I am.

By the way, it recognizes PS3, PS4, Xbox360, and XBone controllers with no additional work. Not to mention any USB gamepad.
I've also wanted to make a "smart" mirror. I like the wifi/bluetooth connectivity. The mirror project can wait though.


Staff member
I can do it with paper clips, on account of trying to impress a girl in high school. Like Futurama said, that's the root of all things in life.
Look what came in the mail today!

View attachment 24928

Took me about 45 seconds to get my practice lock open using a rake without looking. I'll keep practicing.
You're probably aware, but reminder that a lot of states (including Texas) have intent laws that criminalize their possession if the DA and police testimony can convince 12 gullible idiots.[DOUBLEPOST=1500492703,1500492542][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok, now we need a fighter, a cleric, and a wizard and we tackle that dungeon.
@Officer_Charon is a fighter (I can be his hireling), @Dirona is some sort of prestige class priest, and @stienman is either a conjurer or an enginseer.


Staff member
Ok, I think they gave me a super stupid-easy practice lock, because I've got it down to about 5 seconds now, and I can open it with the wrong side of the pick (inserting the pick upside down and just using the flat surface to mash all the pins up and down).
Ok, I think they gave me a super stupid-easy practice lock, because I've got it down to about 5 seconds now, and I can open it with the wrong side of the pick (inserting the pick upside down and just using the flat surface to mash all the pins up and down).
Some locks are stupid easy, even if you aren't shimming.



Staff member
See, I'm thinking, if I'm the party rogue, and we got Dirona on Cleric, Dei on ranged DPS, I'm hoping Celt Z can put on her wonder woman underoos and tank, and given her podcast's fascination for death, I'm pretty sure Kags is a necromancer, so that would cover pet class as well as backup caster.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the ideal party build.
See, I'm thinking, if I'm the party rogue, and we got Dirona on Cleric, Dei on ranged DPS, I'm hoping Celt Z can put on her wonder woman underoos and tank, and given her podcast's fascination for death, I'm pretty sure Kags is a necromancer, so that would cover pet class as well as backup caster.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the ideal party build.
See, I'm thinking, if I'm the party rogue, and we got Dirona on Cleric, Dei on ranged DPS, I'm hoping Celt Z can put on her wonder woman underoos and tank, and given her podcast's fascination for death, I'm pretty sure Kags is a necromancer, so that would cover pet class as well as backup caster.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the ideal party build.
That sounds aweso....Waaaaait a minute.