New Picture Thread

I bought it of my own volition. Partly because it was an awesome shirt and partly because I'd sweated into it a bit while working that day.
That explains the shirt but what's your excuse for the shorts? Or is that what all fashionable lizard people are wearing this summer?
Because I'm a glutton for punishment, decided to go for a 50K bike ride with the gf and her BFF for Canada Day.

At the end, I'm actually not dead, and we haven't killed each other. Major Success!

I don't think these two even broke a sweat.

Bike hard.
I mean, for one thing, I may have been born near the border, but I am NOT Canadian. For another, my hair is ginger and blonde. Honestly Nick, lizard people must be color blind.

*Do not say "Pics or it didn't happen!" Do not say "Pics or it didn't happen!" Do not say "Pics or it didn't happen!"*

Tits or GTFO!

* . . . eh, whatever . . .*