Now look here - Book Club Discussion

How fast could you read the book

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stienman said:
Denbrought said:
stienman said:
Krisken said:
It's a bitter-sweet tale of a man who tries too hard to be noticed in a variety of settings, and yet is hard to notice no matter how hard he tries. It's a statement on the human condition, how we strive for attention in a world that is increasingly crowded and less intimate.
I agree/disagree with some of the things that have just been said, but the mechanical mark-making of the sexual signifier threatens to penetrate the substructure of critical thinking.

Jo encara diria més, la paralisi sintàctica en la descripció de les motivacions del personatge són, francament, sospitoses. L'ús indiscriminat d'adverbis temporals i posicionals en la prosa ens indica la existencia d'un dilema paradoxal en que el personatge i l'autor es troben atrapats.
Je suis surpris que personne ne le mentionne encore que la perturbation de la disjonctive sexy poisson apporte dans le domaine des discours d'une participation dans le dialogue critique des années 90. En ce qui concerne la question du contenu, la qualité de réduction de la dimension spatiale des relations formelles de contextualiser les juxtapositions distinctif.

Sin embargo, la sinestesia con la que el libro juega no es más que una falacia de magnitudes gargantuescas. En una experimentación que podria ser tachada de dadaista, y con claros trazos de faubismo, el contenido tiene un talante nostálgico que nos consigue embaucar en los primeros insantes pero que rapidamente se desvaneze por culpa de una prosa espesa y sin paralelismo alguno.
Denbrought said:
stienman said:
Denbrought said:
stienman said:
I agree/disagree with some of the things that have just been said, but the mechanical mark-making of the sexual signifier threatens to penetrate the substructure of critical thinking.

Jo encara diria més, la paralisi sintàctica en la descripció de les motivacions del personatge són, francament, sospitoses. L'ús indiscriminat d'adverbis temporals i posicionals en la prosa ens indica la existencia d'un dilema paradoxal en que el personatge i l'autor es troben atrapats.
Je suis surpris que personne ne le mentionne encore que la perturbation de la disjonctive sexy poisson apporte dans le domaine des discours d'une participation dans le dialogue critique des années 90. En ce qui concerne la question du contenu, la qualité de réduction de la dimension spatiale des relations formelles de contextualiser les juxtapositions distinctif.

Sin embargo, la sinestesia con la que el libro juega no es más que una falacia de magnitudes gargantuescas. En una experimentación que podria ser tachada de dadaista, y con claros trazos de faubismo, el contenido tiene un talante nostálgico que nos consigue embaucar en los primeros insantes pero que rapidamente se desvaneze por culpa de una prosa espesa y sin paralelismo alguno.
?? ?????????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????, ??? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ??????????.

Denbrought said:
You win, I ran out of languages I can write in (I could read german, latin... but write? no way jose).
I'm a dirty rotten cheater. The only languages I know beyond English are programming languages. Google translate is my friend.

stienman said:
Denbrought said:
You win, I ran out of languages I can write in (I could read german, latin... but write? no way jose).
I'm a dirty rotten cheater. The only languages I know beyond English are programming languages. Google translate is my friend.

*sets stienman on fire*
I LOVE Dracula. I've read that book minimum of 10 times in my life.

What I love most about it is how it is told via newspaper clippings, diary entries, and phonograph recordings.

I always thought it would be awsome if someone were to actually replicate all these things and put them together in a package with CDs for the phonograph recordings and an actual handwritten diary, etc...

stienman said:
Denbrought said:
You win, I ran out of languages I can write in (I could read german, latin... but write? no way jose).
I'm a dirty rotten cheater. The only languages I know beyond English are programming languages. Google translate is my friend.

I just signed my response to you but none of you saw it. Ha.

(yeah yeah, video or it didn't happen; go with "it didn't happen")
Denbrought said:
stienman said:
Denbrought said:
You win, I ran out of languages I can write in (I could read german, latin... but write? no way jose).
I'm a dirty rotten cheater. The only languages I know beyond English are programming languages. Google translate is my friend.

*sets stienman on fire*

ZenMonkey said:
I just signed my response to you but none of you saw it. Ha.
I'm guessing it wasn't unlike this:

(possibly NSFW? I haven't played it - I don't know what is voiced or shown)


stienman said:
I'm guessing it wasn't unlike this:
Although I have a similar sweatshirt -- yes it was very unlike that.


I really hate when hearing ASL 1 students behave like that.
ZenMonkey said:
stienman said:
I'm guessing it wasn't unlike this:
Although I have a similar sweatshirt -- yes it was very unlike that.


I really hate when hearing ASL 1 students behave like that.
Didn't you learn any extra languages as youngling? I remember learning basic swearwords for english back in elementary (before I went full throttle into the internet and basically learny all of them, and then some more). It was fun to say them, just for the heck of it. I don't understand the rage.
Denbrought said:
ZenMonkey said:
stienman said:
I'm guessing it wasn't unlike this:
Although I have a similar sweatshirt -- yes it was very unlike that.


I really hate when hearing ASL 1 students behave like that.
Didn't you learn any extra languages as youngling? I remember learning basic swearwords for english back in elementary (before I went full throttle into the internet and basically learny all of them, and then some more). It was fun to say them, just for the heck of it. I don't understand the rage.
I tease ZM with bad ASL.




So we have an idea of free books that people might have interest in. At this point I suggest an idea of the format in which we do this, the time span, et cetera. Then we can poll on the top options so that we know what's really the most popular choice.
I have the ebooks of both the top choices on my Ipod touch, so I'm good to go.

I hope I'm not the only really slow reader. It takes me a few weeks to finish a book. Probably faster now that I'm temporarily unemployed.
@Li3n said:
Krisken said:
[quote="@Li3n":1gl4n92t]Still only 1 vote for Huck Fin?! Seriously, it's a great book...
I know, I read it 20 years ago!
I didn't know how to read 20 years ago... or pronounce R... it always came out L... i should have been Japanese.[/quote:1gl4n92t]
Well, it was required reading when I was 12. Still a good book, but I voted for others I hadn't read yet.
Krisken said:
Well, it was required reading when I was 12.
Now that kinda shit would have made me not read it... but that's about the same age i read it too... not to sure though, i used to read a lot back then... School making reading mandatory kinda ruined that though...


Saya ini tak faham apa yang orang-orang ini sedang bercakap, aya rasa ialah lebih baik cakap di dalam bahasa portugis, sebab ada lebih penguna foum ini yang bercakap bahasa ini... então, há alguem aqui que fala português alem do nosso querido Green Lantern?
Mda... vad ca a-ti inceput toti sa vorbiti singuri...

But no, sorry, even with all the telenovelas from Brazil i saw as a kid i still can't speak portuguese...
JCM said:
há alguem aqui que fala português alem do nosso querido Green Lantern?
I can kind of understand half of what people write in it thanks to its likeness to spanish, but that's about it.
Denbrought said:
JCM said:
há alguem aqui que fala português alem do nosso querido Green Lantern?
I can kind of understand half of what people write in it thanks to its likeness to spanish, but that's about it.
I always get spanish, french and italian confused in my head...
@Li3n said:
Denbrought said:
JCM said:
há alguem aqui que fala português alem do nosso querido Green Lantern?
I can kind of understand half of what people write in it thanks to its likeness to spanish, but that's about it.
I always get spanish, french and italian confused in my head...
Damn, those all have special names? I was just going to call it "not English".
Twitch said:
Spanish and Italian I can see, but French?
Why not? I can read french text as long as it's not using overtly complicate vocabulary and get most of it. Very similar to catalan too.

Srsly, it rocks to have proficiency with a romanic language, you get bonuses for checks on all the other ones in the family :3


Denbrought said:
Twitch said:
Spanish and Italian I can see, but French?
Why not? I can read french text as long as it's not using overtly complicate vocabulary and get most of it. Very similar to catalan too.

Srsly, it rocks to have proficiency with a romanic language, you get bonuses for checks on all the other ones in the family :3
I understand that but the differences between French and Italian/Spanish are much clearer. You can find the similarities and understand a surprising amount (I was a Spanish student, my friends all spoke French) but it's easy to tell them apart.


Twitch said:
Denbrought said:
Twitch said:
Spanish and Italian I can see, but French?
Why not? I can read french text as long as it's not using overtly complicate vocabulary and get most of it. Very similar to catalan too.

Srsly, it rocks to have proficiency with a romanic language, you get bonuses for checks on all the other ones in the family :3
I understand that but the differences between French and Italian/Spanish are much clearer. You can find the similarities and understand a surprising amount (I was a Spanish student, my friends all spoke French) but it's easy to tell them apart.
The best thing and also the most frustating while learning Spanish was knowing Portuguese beforehand, because while there are many similarities to help you get understood, at the same time there are endless differences and words that seem the same, but mean different things.

I had the same problems with Indonesian after learning Malay, and it seems to be what´s bothering my mother, who keeps getting English grammar mixed with English.
JCM said:
I had the same problems with Indonesian after learning Malay, and it seems to be what´s bothering my mother, who keeps getting English grammar mixed with English.
Sorry, kind of lost you there, what do you mean?
On new poll, voted Sherlock Holmes... mainly because I happen to have a hard copy of it handy. I MIGHT have either Dracula or Paradise Lost somewhere outside in a shed, but than I'd have to go fight the spiders just to check...
I was talking about when i try to speak them... mostly because i learned french in school, and the other two i picked up from TV... otherwise i'd would probably just be italian and spanish that my brain would confuse... coz i never really liked french as a language (had a cool teacher between 2-4 grade, but after between the 5th and 12th grade i forgot most of it even if it was in the curriculum).

Oh, and i vote Dracula, coz i really need some incentive to finish it right now...

Denbrought said:
Srsly, it rocks to have proficiency with a romanic language, you get bonuses for checks on all the other ones in the family :3

It's true; knowing French I'm able to read Spanish pretty well. And when I was in Italy, until I learned enough Italian I spoke French with some shopkeepers and they spoke Italian back and we understood each other.


It looks like there is a leader right now, and it's a pretty easy book to get through. I'm still hoping someone else is interested in actually leading this thing. I've never actually led before so I'd prefer it be someone with experience since it'll be a thing getting these people organized.
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