I scheduled vacation time around its release. I am prepared.I really want to get this game, but something about Bioware games ends with me locking myself in my apartment for a weekend ignoring sleep and actual food. For the sake of my own health, I may forgo.
I agree, it felt very underwhelming. combat is very fast paced.Kinda sad that mages are so debeefed. Fireball felt super, duper anemic.
I think you can allow it to use your old game info if you want or it can start fresh.I've pre ordered it on steam. Kinda pissed about the dlc as well but i loved the 1st game too much not to play the second because of 5 $.
Will the first game have any impact on the DA2 based on the choices made? I really do not like my "canon" save (loghain alive) but i don't have time to replay it
This makes me sad, because I love playing a mage. In DA, I maxed out Elemental spells on my mage: that was freaking awesome!Kinda sad that mages are so debeefed. Fireball felt super, duper anemic.
Transferred, and note this isnt a debate on what makes an RPG, but why the lead designed for Dragon Age decided not to work on Dragon Age 2.
Why Brent Knowles left in his own words:
The bottom line is: to a greater or lesser extent, Brent Knowles left because the direction the game (DA2), and the company had changed to something he could not work for anymore because they were making the game into something he didnt envision as his type of game.
When your lead designer bails out, then something is truely wrong. Or do some of you actually think that nothing was wrong and he left for the heck of it? Read his own words. He was being polite, but there are some things couched in there, to be sure.
Not seeing that is being rather obtuse.
Note this here, from the blog:
I did some high level design for a potential new project but a few months later I realized that, given cutbacks and other things that it really seemed unlikely that the project I had been ‘assigned’ to was ever going to materialize. I can’t/won’t go into any other details other than to point to an old entry I made about this and reiterate: “I’m not the same person I was when I started, and BioWare isn’t the same company. ”
This man worked for 10 years for Bioware. He was there.
Any apologists still up for the notion that Bioware "is still the same as they ever were" argument?
Got over it. EA has them now, and will do what they want with them. If that means make lesser games in order to shuck out more product to be bought up by unexamining hordes, then thats what will happen.
The man who worked there 10 years has just shot your argument down. Completely.
Bioware has changed folks, and not for the better when a great designer like Brent Knowles feels he has to quit because of those changes.
Nerd Raged Forum Poster said:When your lead designer bails out, then something is truely wrong. Or do some of you actually think that nothing was wrong and he left for the heck of it? Read his own words.
OMG THEY'RE MAKING IT MORE LIKE MASS EFFECT THOSE EVIL BASTARDS!!!!!!!Brent Knowles said:Discussion on Dragon Age 2 began around this time and looking ahead I knew that I wasn’t going to be satisfied with what Dragon Age 2 would be. Party control/tactical combat are huge factors in my enjoyment of a role-playing game as is adopting the role of the hero (i.e., customizing my character). I was fairly certain Dragon Age would transition towards more of a Mass Effect experience, which while enjoyable is not the type of role-playing game I play. Could I be the lead designer on such a title? Certainly… though if I were going to work on a game adopting a set-in-stone protagonist I’d rather work on something lighter, like a shooter.
It's not Pinning shot, i saw it happen will normal bow attacks plenty of times...On thing I noted on another attempt, my bow rogue... can sever enemies in HALF with pinning shot. How that is possible is beyond me.
ME2 - better combat (ignoring the stuff that made Jack useless on HC and Insanity) but felt more like a shooter...Okay...
Jack wasn't that well endowed.It's not Pinning shot, i saw it happen will normal bow attacks plenty of times...
ME2 - better combat (ignoring the stuff that made Jack useless on HC and Insanity) but felt more like a shooter...
On another note... why is it that the only female character that doesn't have giant chest cannons is the PC?! Seriously...
If he's talking about Dragon Age, all the females had the exact same body, including the PC.I think he's taking about DA2. Although, Jack gets bonus points for wearing suspenders as a top.
Uh... did you see Isabella? She's sporting a rather... "hefty" pair.The only time a woman has huge boobs is when the dwarf is exaggerating the story at the very beginning.
Having played Mage for the first 2-3 times (Carver is with you then at the start) i can tell you that i've noticed Bethany's endowment just fine even after he started telling the real story... even the mother has a pretty round chest... you just don't notice it easily because Isabella eclipses them...The only time a woman has huge boobs is when the dwarf is exaggerating the story at the very beginning.
GET OUT OF MY MIND!!! (aka, I totally agree)The first thing I'm hoping for is :
- Mod to bring back the camera options that they failed to add.
- Mod to remove the bandana and jaw piercing on Isabela
And yea, they are huge.
For the record I'm playing the PS3 version, so it is quite different from the first but I feel like, so far, they still have the world intact, and it feels like Dragon Age even if it plays differently. I'm sure there are going to be things I won't love but I think I'll still be able to enjoy it quite a bit.What Espy said, of course from what I understand, the PC version plays a lot more like the first game than the consoles do.
Dude... you can play those games all you want and that's great for you. I like my RPGS to be a bit more involved (and typically Bioware delivers in this regard).Anything that makes an RPG less of a boring-ass time sink is a step in the right direction.
a Day of Defeat, Battlefield Bad Company, Call of Duty twitch gamer.
This. Saying Flemeth doesn't look like what someone wants her to look like is kind of weird. She can pretty much look like or be whoever she wants it seems.I actually like Flemeth's model, it's not like her being a dragon is new, and honestly, she is looking for different things from different people. She wants an impressive display of power at the start of DA2 in order to get something she wants. Playing the old hag card here is not going to help her case, She's trying to inspire awe. Being a little old lady in the swamp worked for the hero in DA because she was trying to get something she wants in a completely different way (Making you think the only way she can help you is by sending her daughter along).
She is a shape shifter, but the fact is as the Witch of the Wilds she always played the mysterious, always ahead of the game type of being. Her look as the old hag fit because you never expected this little woman to be extremely powerful, and that is how she often tricked you into doing the things she wanted.This. Saying Flemeth doesn't look like what someone wants her to look like is kind of weird. She can pretty much look like or be whoever she wants it seems.
My issue with her is that she just came down and killed Darkspawn as a dragon. She does not need to walk up with a "sexy swagger" while carrying a Darkspawn corpse. She does not need to shift into bright armors and hair shot back in a crazy perm. She does not need to shove her breasts out like she wants Hawke to take notice. She already impressed them, and turning into an old woman in rags, showing she it more then she appears, would fit her as the Witch of the Wilds. Her new looks hurts her characterization, and attempts to make her just more like Morrigan at the expense of much of her own individualism she showed in Origins.Once there was a great templar, shining and proud, righteous in his faith in the Maker’s will. So proud was he that, upon hearing legends of Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds, he embarked on a quest to find and slay her on his own, leaving his home in Redcliffe behind.
On his way to the Korcari Wilds, the templar came to the village of Rossleigh on the western roads. There he spoke to a young woman that had heard tales of the witch from the Chasind wilder folk. ‘She is a monster,’ said the woman, ‘terrible in her temper and wild in her beauty. She is the hand of the cold, the wet, and the dark. Above all these things she is a myth, and not worth any man’s pain to find.’ But the templar would not heed such hearsay, and so he pressed on.
The templar came to Lothering, where the world gathers at the edge of the Wilds. There he met a woman, a mother that had been telling her child of the dangers of the great forest. ‘Yes, I know of her,’ said the mother. ‘She is a creature of legend, a cautionary tale of the limits to where man should go. Not even a powerful templar can kill a warning, sir.’ But the templar was sure that the Witch was more than just a symbol, and so he continued his quest.
And then the templar entered the Korcari Wilds, home to the savage Chasind people, and he found a village elder, a cracked and bent old woman who was willing to speak in his language. ‘She steals men’s souls at the end of the green,’ said the crone, ‘where hearts turn to ice and blood runs blue. Even a templar dare not go after her, for the land bends to her will, and that templar’s life will be drawn before his sword.’ But the templar bristled against such doubt of his skill and the Maker’s glory and he charged off to find the witch.
And he reached the end of the green, where the Wilds touch snow and frost, and there he did indeed find a cabin huddled against the wind. And there he found a lovely young woman tending a garden that grew even through the frost, and he approached her to ask after the witch.
‘You have come far, good templar,’ purred the young woman, exotic and dark in her beauty. ‘And it is time that you should rest.’
‘I will rest only when the Witch of the Wild has been killed,’ said the templar, ‘Tell me where she is!’ The templar pointed his sword at the young woman, who smiled warmly as the templar felt a knife enter his back.
‘I am myth, and warning, and the thief of souls,’ whispered his killer. ‘I am all those things you heard of me, and I was all those people with whom you spoke.’ And the templar doubled over and fell to his knees, turning to face the voice and finding but a blur. ‘And I am the last thing you will never see.’
Obviously, but I would have appreciated if any changes they did for her didn't have to be for "tit and ass" factor, because that is pretty much what it looks like to me. The whole game feels like it went from "let's make an adult RPG" and has becomes "Let's make a awesome action rpg BRO! OMG ISABELLA/FLEMETH TITS, YES!"I guess what you and the people who make the video game think she should be doing and looking like/what her characterization is are different.
Wtf are you doing, being reasonable in a thread like this?I would definitely agree that some of the cosmetic changes in the game seem to have gone in the wrong direction, but I'm still going to wait for the game before I make any final judgements.
Don't get me wrong, I will probably still play it due to my love of the original. As far as my impressions go after playing the demo, though, it does not feel like Dragon Age. I knew I was in trouble when all the Darkspawn lost half their armor and started wearing loincloths while running around like putty people.I would definitely agree that some of the cosmetic changes in the game seem to have gone in the wrong direction, but I'm still going to wait for the game before I make any final judgements.
I almost spit water all over my computer with that...Pewww.... and a chicken dance for 2 seconds. It's SHIT I TELL YOU.
Oh man, fucking this. Really breaks immersion when something explodes because it got stabbed by a dagger.I need an anti-explode mod ASAP.
As previously discussed in this thread Steam pre-sale doesn't get the signature edition. If it isn't on Steam it isn't available to my tastes.I just checked the details of my pre-order. It may be because I have the signature edition, but it's included with it.
I have the sneaking suspicion that you're playing ill-gotten gains.Been playing the game the last few hours. Needless to say, a lot of changes have been made over the original game... in some ways for the better and not so well in some others. There's a clear difference in gameplay speed. If you expect a Mass Effect 2 like of upgrade over the original, you'll be disappointed. Will talk more about it tomorrow, damn it to hell I gotta head out for a social dinner with people I barely care for.
Dude... you can play those games all you want and that's great for you. I like my RPGS to be a bit more involved (and typically Bioware delivers in this regard).
A boring-ass time sink RPGer
(P.S.-Have you played Dragon Age Origins and the demo we're talking about here?)
As much as I loved DA:O, the Deep Roads were fucking long as hell. They were fucking DEEP.I actually thought that DA:O moved at a decent pace.
Just checking...yes i have...
Funny thing is that i found CoD to be sluggish compared to Counter-Strike.Anything that makes an RPG less of a boring-ass time sink is a step in the right direction.
a Day of Defeat, Battlefield Bad Company, Call of Duty twitch gamer.
Well the DX11 was buggered to hell in the demo. Heck, for a while i though that the steam version of the demo was a newer build because i didn't bother with the setting for that one and it worked way better.Get the High Resolution Texture Pack from their website. Without it,even on high settings with DX 11, it looks like shit.
Is this pack compatible with DX 9 or am I stuck with craptastic looking graphics due to my older video card?Get the High Resolution Texture Pack from their website. Without it,even on high settings with DX 11, it looks like shit.
It's compatible and makes the game look slightly nicer than the original.Is this pack compatible with DX 9 or am I stuck with craptastic looking graphics due to my older video card?
Yep. That's a given. Even bodies killed without exploding tend to "drop into the ground" within a half a minute or so. I could have gone with bodies disappearing more quickly than ridiculous blowing up animations.Sounds like insta-gib is to save time on keeping a body around or making that body fall apart in specific ways. This way BAM ground/view is cleared and no extra texture hanging around.
Is it showing up in your account on the website? I had the same problem, then I figured out that I had to click on the "Info for Mac" link in the list of my DLC on the website and it gave me the download link there (though I only had to do that for Black Emporium and everything else automagically followed). *facepalm*I'm loving the game so far. My only problem is that I redeemed my code for the free DLC, but it doesn't show up when I go to download it. I still asks me to purchase them.
To me, they look like Avatar's smurfs (I think it's the eyes). Ugh. I miss Zevran.- Elves look incredibly frail. Imagine elves looking like gaunt asian women who look "tennie" and the male versions look even more off with ripped muscles upon tiny frames and tiny legs. At one point you see one in a corset and you can't help but stare at her and go... "goddamn, eat a buger" and look about wondering if Pedo-bear is going to come by. Their ears also tend to go sideways, like dogs instead of the traditional way, upwards.
So it's just like in the demo...
- Combat is too fast paced and completely non-strategic now. All it amounts to is hitting all the special power buttons and drinking potions (since your one heal spell from Bethany sucks balls and takes about 50000000 years to cool down). Oh, and pausing every 1.5 seconds when your guys are hurt to try and micro manage them out of dying. Also, generic injuries are generic and dull, I miss the random injuries from the first game that actually did real things instead of just making your life bar lower. I think the new combat is a huge let down. Maybe it's different for the other classes... but I'm a two handed weapon warrior and honestly... combat is a boring chore now. I'd also like to mention that with waves of enemies showing up you never know how long the fight is going to go which is also annoying when trying to ration your very limited healing.
I pretty much pause in between every action I make. I don't find the combat is too fast.So it's just like in the demo...
Seriously, while you can make a good case that it was too slow in DA:O they made it way too fast in DA2. First time i played the demo i had to pause the game and switch gears in my head from playing a RPG to playing a GoW-style game for the combat...
I pretty much pause in between every action I make.
Notice anything?!I don't find the combat is too fast.
What's up with that... maybe it's just me but DAO seems even slower then NWN for combat (might just be the lack of rechargeable skills in D&D though), and on normal pausing was for switching targets in hard fights or to give orders to my party...I used pause between every action in DAO too.
In the real world it does, because 2 handers were for taking down big targets like horse mounted knights or against pikes... they where probably a liability in a 1v1 fight.How come 2-Handed Weapons do less damage then 1-h weapons. That dosnt make any sense.
But we are talking game physics here.In the real world it does, because 2 handers were for taking down big targets like horse mounted knights or against pikes... they where probably a liability in a 1v1 fight.
No, it's just harder...no mods can be created. This is a huge issue IMO.
That's a real bummer... another strike against Bioware on this endeavor. Like the others said... mods will still come out, but I doubt they will have the scale and complexity of the ones for DA:O.Just noticed from the modding forums that there's NO available toolset unlike DA:O and thus no mods can be created. This is a huge issue IMO.
If I could just get the frequency of my characters swings reduced by half and his swing speed slowed down slightly (just the animations, not the DPS calculations)... coupled with playing on nightmare... this would solve almost all my combat complaints.Two handers do less damage to a single target because they do area effect damage. I can pretty easily hit three targets with one swing, and that's not counting the various special attacks that hit even more.
For people complaining that it's hack n slash and not tactical, do what I did. Play on nightmare. Aoe no longer differentiates friend from foe, and enemies are fucking dangerous. I beat the ogre in the beginning by leading it to charge into his allies.
I also wanted to comment on this... why the hell do we end up with a metric crapton of armour that only the main character can use? Seems stupid. I'm actually fairly annoyed that we can't fully equip our allies anymore and have to settle for their default armour (I've found some armour that would be awesome for my party members but alas, for some stupid reason we are not allowed to use it).What kind of drives me nuts is the shear volume of armor you pick up that only you can use.
Good to see the young of today are really fighting against the real evil.jesus, they're getting killed by users as far as reviews are concerned.
Bioware fans have always been the most loyal of people but now you can see that they're pissed. 3.0 on metacritic based on almost 300 reviews.
that's unheard of for a game that does not suck
So it's like playing a hack'n'slash on the hardest difficulty?!For people complaining that it's hack n slash and not tactical, do what I did. Play on nightmare. Aoe no longer differentiates friend from foe, and enemies are fucking dangerous. I beat the ogre in the beginning by leading it to charge into his allies.
Nah, it's people giving it a zero instead of a score because they felt betrayed by it... a bit of an overreaction, but i guess they're trying to make a point.The 3.0 has to be vandalism, as even if you were disappointed, this is not a bad game.
The quality of the grammar and the coherence in those reviews is way too high for that imo...That's just 4Chan from what I understand.
People who feel "betrayed" over a videogame not meeting their expectations should really go find a bigger purpose in life.Nah, it's people giving it a zero instead of a score because they felt betrayed by it... a bit of an overreaction, but i guess they're trying to make a point.
Because writing a bad review takes so much hard work and time invested compared to the importance of a video game in the scheme of things?People who feel "betrayed" over a videogame not meeting their expectations should really go find a bigger purpose in life.
THE INTERNET, SERIOUS BUSINESS!There's a thread like 30 pages long about Adam Sessler giving it a 3/5 lambasting him that his opinion doesn't matter and since he's a professional reviewer and the like that he doesn't have nearly as much, and I'm fucking serious here, INVESTED in the games as much as true fans do.
Holy shit.
Read the reviews, most of the zeroes are not about it being a bad game on it's own but about Bioware's choices regarding it. The score is just to attract attention.3.0 user score? wow. is that because the game is actually bad or just too different from what they wanted?
This is exactly what I mean... and HILARIOUS.Another reason for the score i guess:
LOL!Oh yeah...that was super akward....I was like "hey Anders" and suddenly "i have the hots for you hawke."
Really? Mine seems to have worked... or maybe I'm missing a lot of things or something...The PC version doesn't import saves properly anyway.
I wanna know when I'm going to get my Revenant machine gun for some mad dps...It's a decent game, I won't deny that but it's very linear, streamlined and quite frankly earning its nickname.... Dragon Effect 2.
They call you the King Consort in the game. I know the term is Prince Consort, but that's what they call you.I think I finished my first playthrough in about 20 hours, including most of the side things, but I know I missed a few things due to achievements. I'm really annoyed by the way the climax began, but I'm pretty sure it's because of earlier choices I made. I would need another playthrough with different choices to be sure though. Or to hear how things came to a head for someone else.\
EDIT: ALSO, Kings outrank queens, so if a man marries a reigning ruler, he can't be king, or else he would outrank her, so by definition, any man marrying a reigning queen is always a Prince-Consort, unless she agrees to cede power.
Hmm... I wonder why it felt so different? Maybe because my attack spells are weaker...Nah you could only get 1 per level in DA:O.
Honestly I like skill acquisition being a little slower, I had so many hotkeys by the end of DA:O, that if I didn't play for a little while, I had no fucking clue what anything was anymore.
This spell is FINALLY beginning to get powerful for me.One Firestorm usually clears everything, in a fairly big radius!
This is starting to drive me nuts. Large battles where hordes of enemies just keep spawning at the ends of the battle map is getting real old real fast.Mind you the game isn't huge on tactics with waves of enemies dropping from LITERALLY NOWHERE or spawning under your feet wave after wave. In a way, this game punishes you if you're anything more than a casual gamer.
Shep wouldn't let that happen... Right?Jay, they had better not screw up Mass Effect 3 or heads will roll...
You probably insulted demons or blood magic when agreeing to take her to the fade.Just taking her into the Fade, which she WANTED to do, gave me +10 rivalry.
Of course the blood mage will hate it if you destroy things relating to blood magic.I stopped even using her when it came to destroying the book in Forbidden Knowledge, because every time I destroy the books I get rivalry.
I don't remember saying anything negative about blood magic while getting ready to go into the Fade. What is also strange is when I had to reload up the autosave in order to redo one of the barrel puzzles, it updated the codex but didn't give me the rivalry like it did when I went straight in.You probably insulted demons or blood magic when agreeing to take her to the fade.
Yes, but I always found Merrill to be one of the more innocent characters, so it always throws me off when I do good things and she gets all mad. I now just don't take her when I know a blood mage is involved. I hope before the end of Act 2 I can get her up to 100% though, because then she locks down as my friend and it won't matter. I already got Varric to that rank, we are total bros4life.Of course the blood mage will hate it if you destroy things relating to blood magic.
I know that, but I am one of those guys that needs to make everyone my buddy, not my rival. It would have been really easy to get Merrill into the romance as a rival (I could have done it after destroying those five books) but I don't want to be her rival, I want to be her friend.Also, they don't have to be your friend to be your romance partner. They'll just say different things if they're your friend or your rival when being romanced.
"If Hawke knew what would happen down there, s/he wouldn't have brought his/her sister along."Thanks for the heads up Bioware!
Just wait till Act 3 with Anders... yikes.Thanks for the heads up Bioware!
That's great and all... but that cinematic happens after you already choose your party so she still dies if you picked the wrong combination."If Hawke knew what would happen down there, s/he wouldn't have brought his/her sister along."
Oh joy... lolJust wait till Act 3 with Anders... yikes.
I really don't understand this complaint in a story-driven rpg. Stuff like this happens.That's great and all... but that cinematic happens after you already choose your party so she still dies if you picked the wrong combination.
It just feels like you're being shoehorned into who you have to take with you.
Oh joy... lol
Sometime we grow attachments to characters, and other times our personalities just don't like to have "casualties" in our adventures. A good example was in Mass Effect 2, I made sure to gather everyone, do all the loyalty quests, get all the upgrades, everything I could, just because I wanted it so that during the final mission no one would perish. I would have restarted the whole thing if one person died, because I just can't stand losing someone. A good commander will not lose his people if he can help it.I really don't understand this complaint in a story-driven rpg. Stuff like this happens.
When you are reading it, yes, but not always when you are experiencing and controlling it. If I have no vested interest in the character other then just being the floating eye, then I enjoy the drama of tragedy. When I am the one whose choices shape the life and death of others in the story, I am not so interested in the tragedy, only preventing it.But tragedy is a valid part of any story.
I kind of agree, it's a little bit of cheating on the game's part, but then, it's also interesting to have consequences you didn't expect.Don't... don't remind me.
Good thing I save so often it's borderline obsessive compulsive.Besides thats what save files or for.![]()
I hit 1000 saves by the time I hit the end of the game.Good thing I save so often it's borderline obsessive compulsive.
Yeah, I get what you are saying too, it really does suck to lose a character you like and/or find very useful. I even get how it could feel "cheap" for Bioware to let that be a possibility (especially with magic spells like "revive" hanging around right?), but I just personally like the way there are some real stakes in games like this.I get that you didn't like it, which is fine. I'm just pointing out that there was foretelling.
Oh no you didn't...vanilla Neverwinter Nights
But the game itself was sooooooooooooo boring. Don't get me wrong, people did some amazing things with the toolset, but the vanilla out of the box NWN was dreadful.Oh no you didn't...
The first Neverwinter Nights was the game that made me go back and play Baldur's Gate and such. It was what started the love affair I have with Bioware that was later cemented with games like KOTOR.
What article are you reading exactly? Because I can't figure out how you got from:Interesting: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/dragon-age-2/1159867p1.html
Is DA2 doing that badly on the PC or what?!
Because that's obviously a marketing strategy to increase sales, and it's on the PC... and ME2 is a 2010 GotY game...What article are you reading exactly? Because I can't figure out how you got from:
"Dragon Age II has eclipsed the 1 million sales marker, BioWare announced today, and as a thank you to fans, the studio is giving away a free digital copy of the PC version of Mass Effect 2."
To this:
"Is DA2 doing that badly on the PC or what?!"![]()
Having high friendship OR rivalry opens up romance options, you don't have to be their friend to get in their pants.At this rate, I'm unlikely to get any romances for Hawke, and have my whole team hating me. It's ridiculous. +5 rivalry, +5 rivalry, +15 rivalry. It's kind of funny watching--I'm trying to keep myself from reloading a bunch to change things up and get some friendship points for a change.
That's weird... but it makes sense. Thanks.Having high friendship OR rivalry opens up romance options, you don't have to be their friend to get in their pants.
They don't really have it so people "hate" you. Friendship is supposed to be getting them loyal through, well... friendship. Rivalry is supposed to be you getting them loyal through respect. One you are the buddy, the other you are the hard ass leader they look up to.That's weird... but it makes sense. Thanks.
It must have happened around the time Rita Repulsa took them over and dressed them all in those stock outfits and made them act like power ranger fodder. When the Ogre showed up in the beginning of the game I was expecting a staff to come down and make him grow.Man, gotta hand it to those darkspawn. They've kept this section of the Deep Roads mighty clean. I remember in Origins, every hall and room was full of filth piles and depris. Some entire chambers were floored with dirt, and later there'd be fungus or body parts all over the walls. Here? The darkspawn have been the most courteous of guests, picking up after themselves and avoiding being too much of a nuisance. It looks like you could go right back to living in it if you cleared out the darkspawn, and added some furniture because there's a room with an ogre in it and nothing else. He's just there, in the corner, waiting. Poor guy.
That is another thing I kind of disliked about the game. No matter which side you choose they both end up being bad.and also because Kirkwall's mages make the ones in Fereldan look like happy fairies. I'm sure it's a reaction to the oppression, but there's only so much I can have Hawke champion the poor wielders of magical catastrophe. I'll join their side if I replay as a mage someday.
Yeah, that was something that bothered me as well. It all felt like your choices really made little difference.That is another thing I kind of disliked about the game. No matter which side you choose they both end up being bad.
They didn't.Yeah, that was something that bothered me as well. It all felt like your choices really made little difference.
Yes, but not in a good way. I actually wouldn't have minded if the story kind of railroaded as long as it took me somewhere and didn't try to act like a Sandbox. It was attempting hard to act like a Sandbox when really no matter what you did the story always was going to end the same with only tiny variances, mostly coming from the companions rather then the story itself. I still am angry that whether you side with Templars or Mages barely changes a damn thing.DA2 railroads you so hard.
That's not so odd; the Templars never noticed Morrigan being a mage even as she was fucking with them and I chose for the mages to be cleansed in Origins.That comic is perfect. The same goes for companions.
Beth is the only one they actually "capture", Anders acts like he is constant hiding, and Merril does not seem to give a shit. I would often take Anders and Merril for a walk and start blowing up people, sometimes near the Templars, and they don't even seem to bat an eye. I loved it whenever I would do a quest that involved me fighting alongside a Templar, my companions shooting magic all over the place, and when the fight is over they act like they didn't see anything, going on a rant about the evil of mages.
Ah, can't get it on with ol' manly jaw huh? Rough lifeThat's not so odd; the Templars never noticed Morrigan being a mage even as she was fucking with them and I chose for the mages to be cleansed in Origins.
As Act 2 continues the game is starting to diminish in my eyes. They love to pretend you can have a relationship with Aveline, but you really can't. Stupid.
I had the sudden idea for my Hawke to bone everyone. But then I couldn't. It's still stupid that they pretend though.Ah, can't get it on with ol' manly jaw huh? Rough life![]()
I kinda dug that aspect. You can't always get what you want.I had the sudden idea for my Hawke to bone everyone. But then I couldn't. It's still stupid that they pretend though.
That quest is my favorite one. It's not a traditional quest story and has some funny moments.Well if it makes you feel better you
get to help her try to bone someone so thats... something.
I did that one; that's what made me want to steal her from the guy, but obviously that didn't workWell if it makes you feel better you
get to help her try to bone someone so thats... something.
I don't know, i remember feeling underwhelmed by them... but it might have been the reuse of the winter's breath animation for the staffs and stuff, some of them where pretty good when i think about it...I was with those pictures until the great combat magic animations. DA2 had some pretty rad looking magic. That you can't really shit on.
Yes, but that's Morrigan, a witch of the wilds that lived off trickery and deception. Let's not forget that the Templars of Fereldun were a lot more lenient in many aspects over the ones in Kirkwall, like the fact they allow Wynne to help at Ostagar and later even allow her to join your party (if you let her live) when most of the time Mages are forced to stay in the Circle Tower. This is mostly because the Templar's respect the freedom given to the Grey Wardens during times of Blight.That's not so odd; the Templars never noticed Morrigan being a mage even as she was fucking with them and I chose for the mages to be cleansed in Origins.