Well, I do think he should take all the time he needs to get well
(enough to draw again
), and continue when he feels up to it.
And I'm indeed not really checking his site until I hear from this place it's updating again. Not out of ill will, but because, frankly, I have
plenty of webcomics in my "check once in a blue moon when I'm bored" folder. It'll go right in there for now. When I'm checking comics, I want comics - not the same "sorry, not to day" message months in a row. I absolutely understand and don't bear him any bad feelings, on the contrary - I hope he gets better soon, finds a new start, and is happy once more.
Perhaps one more goblin might survive. I don't "owe" him allegiance in a I'll-check-his-site-once-a-week-for-his-advertisement-money way, though. If a TV channel isn't broadcasting a show I like, I don't feel obligated to watch their commercials either.
Still, a "it'll be a few more weeks at least, months probably, sorry" message - with no further info for all I care - would've been nice, and honestly, Danielle could've posted that.