Open Relationships/Marriages. Do They Work? MSN reports...

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Charlie Dont Surf said:
escushion said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":3ik5vpr2]I just meant all those things as like uh, general first base type stuff, like what you'd do with your girlfriend in elementary school.
That's as far as you got, I take it.
\\ :eyeroll:[/quote:3ik5vpr2]

"Nobody hug me! Nobody kiss me! Oh my God, Mommy she touched me!"

I expect any minute for you to bust out "Can't Touch This".


Hmmm... touchy subject.

Personally, I don't think I could ever be in an open relationship... I'm a very passionate guy even at my most sedate times, I constantly wear my heart on my sleeve and I care very deeply about each and every one of my friends, so when I find someone who I'm in love with, it tends to be extremely intense.

Interestingly enough, I actually had a friend once who used her bisexuality as an excuse to be unfaithful to her boyfriend, and it always ticked me off... she told him he had no right to stop her from sleeping with women, becasue that was just part of her personality.It all seemed like a convenient exuse to me, as my attraction to both men and women has no impact on my faithfullness to one person, when I fall in love and I wasn't suprised when I heard that less than a year later the lass had cheated on her boyfriend god knows how many times with a bunch of guys.


escushion said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
escushion said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":3o9symjp]I just meant all those things as like uh, general first base type stuff, like what you'd do with your girlfriend in elementary school.
That's as far as you got, I take it.
\\ :eyeroll:
"Nobody hug me! Nobody kiss me! Oh my God, Mommy she touched me!"

I expect any minute for you to bust out "Can't Touch This".[/quote:3o9symjp]

:facepalm: dude
Charlie Dont Surf said:
I dunno where I've posted on here that I don't enjoy physical affection from the opposite sex but I mean keep on truckin' with those jokes, buddy
Yeah, you're right, you did not say you don't enjoy physical affection. Just that it's cheating. As for the last part, will do!

Charlie's Mom: "Hi son, I haven't seen you since the last time I tried to hug you and you ran screaming. Come give mom a hug."
Charlie: "What the fuck, mom? I'm in a relationship now. I can't be with you anymore."
Charlie's Mom: "There's nothing wrong with a hug."
Charlie: "It's adultery. Don't be such a slut, mom. You'd spread your arms to any man."
Charlie's Mom: "It's not just any man. You'll always be my little boy."
Charlie: "So now you're a pedophile too?"


Eschu.. seriously shut the fuck up and stop filling the thread with this pointless shit.
Tiq said:
Eschu.. seriously shut the fuck up and stop filling the thread with this pointless shit.
Tiq... seriously shut the fuck up and stop filling the thread with this pointless shit.

Man, I sure am anticipating so many good reasons I should listen to you rather than you listening to me, considering neither of us know each other, nor do either of us have any authority over each other.

Disclaimer: This thread was being filled with pointless shit when a bunch of people didn't bother reading all Shego wrote before taking offense.


Right... so spend some time getting it back on track, instead of making it worse. :thumbsup:
Good idea.

I referenced one part of the article in my first post, but as for the general question of acceptance? Not at all. For one, there's the Supreme, Unquestionable Sanctity of Marriage that is touted no matter what, ignoring how much marriages don't work, even if the people stay together.

Second, as seen with the Mormon communities, there's the potential for abuse, with what can develop into a harem situation.

But as for the actual practice, disregarding whether it's accepted or not? It depends on the person and what they feel is most important. Some people view love as most important and are okay with having sex with others besides their significant other, and their SO doing the same, so long as the love bond is strong. Others view sex as more important, and are okay with their SO forming very close bonds with others emotionally, and do the same. Some tie sex with love, and so view having sex as loving or being loved, which leads to fun misunderstandings when both people aren't like that.

I don't think it will ever be mainstream in the way the article notes. Those are celebrities. What's accepted by the public for them is not the same for their next door neighbor.

EDIT: Nice, Tin :p.
escushion said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
I dunno where I've posted on here that I don't enjoy physical affection from the opposite sex but I mean keep on truckin' with those jokes, buddy
Yeah, you're right, you did not say you don't enjoy physical affection. Just that it's cheating. As for the last part, will do!

Charlie's Mom: "Hi son, I haven't seen you since the last time I tried to hug you and you ran screaming. Come give mom a hug."
Charlie: "What the fuck, mom? I'm in a relationship now. I can't be with you anymore."
Charlie's Mom: "There's nothing wrong with a hug."
Charlie: "It's adultery. Don't be such a slut, mom. You'd spread your arms to any man."
Charlie's Mom: "It's not just any man. You'll always be my little boy."
Charlie: "So now you're a pedophile too?"
Charlie's mum sounds like one hot slut... :twisted:


Staff member
Escuchion...I wish I could paint a picture of how horribly you are misunderstanding CDS and projecting some weird-ass rage. But I'm way too lazy. Instead, I'll point out that, if you're going to burn a dude, at least take the time and think of something funny.

-- Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:39 pm --

I should also point out that, if you don't immediately jump to some rage-filled conclusion, it makes sense. The important thing is intent mentally with what you aim to achieve with the person in question. It's simple; one of my best gal pals, for instance, is more like a sister to me. There is no sexual tension, and any girl I'm with will inherently (hopefully) notice that (that is, if she even cares anyway). But a person can (again, usually...well, hopefully) tell if two other people have some sort of tension or otherwise un-platonic thing going on.

I think it's weird everybody is painting things like "A Hug" or "A Kiss" into one big vat. The way I hug my brother is different than the way I hug an old friend which is different than the way I hug my niece which is different than the way I hug the girl of my dreams.
ElJuski said:
I think it's weird everybody is painting things like "A Hug" or "A Kiss" into one big vat. The way I hug my brother is different than the way I hug an old friend which is different than the way I hug my niece which is different than the way I hug the girl of my dreams.
which one do you hug like this?


Philosopher B.

Hey guise. Is this another of those thread things I've been hearing about.

Joe Johnson

Sheesh, I barely have time for a relationship with my wife these days! (now that we have a kid). I can't imagine having to time for something "on the side".


Staff member
Calleja said:
We're latin. I kiss on the cheek every single woman I greet, even if I'm meeting them for the first time. Unless it's like a formal work setting or something.

We also hug anyone we've met more than once.

I was actually talking about this just yesterday. A friend and I noticed how we met a few people at the party and greeted them with introductions and handshakes (pecks on the cheek for girls) only, but by the end of the night, when we were saying our goodbyes, we hugged all of them. Even the ones we didn't even see in between.
Yeah, Calleja kissed me when I visited Mexico. He kept insisting that it was just a cultural thing. I've seen the whole "peck on the cheek between men as a greeting" thing, but the tongue was a bit of a surprise.
Joe Johnson said:
Sheesh, I barely have time for a relationship with my wife these days! (now that we have a kid). I can't imagine having to time for something "on the side".
Well John of John & Kate + 8 found the time, so there is hope for you yet.
fade said:
Yeah, Calleja kissed me when I visited Mexico. He kept insisting that it was just a cultural thing. I've seen the whole "peck on the cheek between men as a greeting" thing, but the tongue was a bit of a surprise.

The only men I kiss are like my family. Dad, grandad, couple uncles. That's it.

huh... I hadn't thought about that. Europeans still kiss men to greet, right? We don't... weird.
Calleja said:
fade said:
Yeah, Calleja kissed me when I visited Mexico. He kept insisting that it was just a cultural thing. I've seen the whole "peck on the cheek between men as a greeting" thing, but the tongue was a bit of a surprise.

The only men I kiss are like my family. Dad, grandad, couple uncles. That's it.

huh... I hadn't thought about that. Europeans still kiss men to greet, right? We don't... weird.

It REALLY depends in where in Europe. Even in Belgium, which is, say ,the size of a middle-sized city, really, there's a big difference. Walloon will kiss; Flemish people usually won't. Me, I'm an exception, but ah well.
The more latin countries usually do more kissing, the more german ones less so. Germans don't kiss. Dutchies kiss...But just twice, while Walloons will kiss thrice. Don't ask me.
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