[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

"One quick game" because I couldn't sleep last night turned into "ah fuck it's 3am." It's not CivIV levels of time loss, but it's close.
I have a lot of those. I actually had to force myself to sleep at a reasonable time last night to make up for all the long nights I spent over the weekend and earlier this week.
Reinhardt's mech charges are funny because sometimes the player forgets that when he stops he can shield to not get killed by the explosion (provided he doesn't go off a cliff).
*sniff* I had potg as Mercy for a team revive that won us the game. I hit the command to save it on shadow play, go to movie maker... it didn't save for some reason :(
*sniff* I had potg as Mercy for a team revive that won us the game. I hit the command to save it on shadow play, go to movie maker... it didn't save for some reason :(
If it was within the last few games, you can go to highlights and replay the play of the game. This also works for games where you didn't get potg, it will show you the moment that would have been had you won it.
If it was within the last few games, you can go to highlights and replay the play of the game. This also works for games where you didn't get potg, it will show you the moment that would have been had you won it.
Yeah I know but it doesn't have that awesome POTG CrimsonSoul
Yeah it's pretty easy to get a 4+ person kill with Riptire if the enemy team is even remotely grouped. Jumping it over a wall or catching them at a corner almost always works.
The people who properly utilize Riptire are the worst. It will come flying over some wall and before you can even say "Holy shit" you are dead. It's very satisfying though when I play D.Va, notice it, and just devour it up in Defensive Matrix.
I see way more Reaper than Junkrat.
Personally I see more Genji or Torbjorn. There really is a good mix, outside of poor supports, who only get POTG if they hit a super good ultimate ultimate nullification followed by some assists.

I actually got POTG last night on Soldier76. We were at the last point in King's Row, defender side, and the attackers did a huge push. Our Mei used her ult, catching a bunch of them, so I just walked up, shot their Zarya dead in the face, got a few more pot shots on some frozen enemies, turned on my ult as their Mercy flew in to ress, she got off the ress but with my ult I easily gunned her down, then gunned down three of the people she ressed. The only survivor in the end was the resurrected Zarya, who was NOT happy about the earlier shots directly to the face as she came running for me. My team killed her and the timer ran out, winning us the match.
Yeah I've lost a tire to really quick Soldiers, which always sucks.

Also, if it hasn't come up yet, it sounds like McCree is possibly getting some internal testing to see if Fan the Hammer is too strong (it totally is).


Staff member
I mean, I don't play any more so it doesn't matter to me, but when I played, it seemed to me Fan the Hammer's damage was more than offset by its horrible accuracy. It's basically a melee attack.
It's great for escape and comboing into a point-blank fan (so the recoil won't matter). It's one of the reasons he's so crazy against big targets like the tanks.
It's interesting since they had already nerfed FAN during the end of Closed Beta. Most people who complain about McCree have made it known that flashbang was the largest grievance too.

If anything they might add a slight cooldown to FAN so you can't just roll into it twice. That would make it less viable to use the FAN ROLL RAN combo to obliterate a tank.


Staff member
It's interesting since they had already nerfed FAN during the end of Closed Beta. Most people who complain about McCree have made it known that flashbang was the largest grievance too.

If anything they might add a slight cooldown to FAN so you can't just roll into it twice. That would make it less viable to use the FAN ROLL RAN combo to obliterate a tank.
That'd probably be reasonable. A 3 second or so cooldown on fan unlinked to ammo status.
I was using tanks as an example, because as it stands right now McCree is strong against basically everyone. I don't mind a lot of power on his left-click, great accuracy should totally be rewarded. Fan combos well with both abilities to the point that it melts anyone and everyone.

Really his only downside at the moment is the potentially long wind-up for High Noon if you have multiple high-hp targets.
The McCree design, at least so far, has been a close range 1on1 bruiser. You were supposed to lose to him at close range if you get stuck 1on1. He is nearly worthless at range due to his high damage drop off, which means his largest counters are just shooting him from a distance. Since I play mostly character that keep distance, I never fear a McCree till I hear his ult.
I dunno, I've seen some mean long-range shots from McCree. He definitely excels at mid/close range, but don't discount a revolver headshot from a sniper perch, either.

When it comes to DPS characters, I've found myself more of a Pharah/Reaper guy, personally.
I dunno, I've seen some mean long-range shots from McCree. He definitely excels at mid/close range, but don't discount a revolver headshot from a sniper perch, either.
That isn't really possible though. Back in Closed Beta when I started, McCree had no drop off and was truly a powerhouse able to snipe you from any distance. When they took the first pass over him they obliterate his range potential with extreme drop off, making it so he does pitiful damage at long range. Medium range? Yes, he has a bit more staying power with his LMD revolver, but Mei does more damage at longer ranges.
Maybe we're thinking differently in ranges. I've definitely seen him get kills from a good range, but it maybe it could still be considered mid-range as far as the game's concerned.
Maybe we're thinking differently in ranges. I've definitely seen him get kills from a good range, but it maybe it could still be considered mid-range as far as the game's concerned.
Let's use a location as an example.

Let's say you are playing Numbani. If McCree enters through the upper balcony on the north side of the map and shoots someone directly below him, or at least on the north side of the payload, he has a good chance of killing the enemy using LMB with a few good headshots, because they are mid-range. If he decided to shoot someone on the opposite side of the payload, the drop off would make it damaging, but negligible. If the McCree was trying to hit someone on the balcony opposite the objective, he would tickle at best.