Presidential Speech
So, the presidential speech was aired today for all students to watch. Because of scheduling conflicts, my school will air it tomorrow after everyone's eaten lunch.
I have received so many emails about making sure we are careful to honor parents' requests for those who wish for their child to NOT participate in any of the activities prompted by the speech.
Did he talk about politics? Gay marriage? Health care?
He talked about students taking responsibility for their education!!!!!!! By the parent's response, you would think he'd be wearing a huge fro, tokin' a joint, and bashing God! He's our freaking president! Whether you voted for him or not, whether you approve his health care plan or reject it, and whether you're any other race but caucasian (and who here isn't a mutt anyway), you should at least respect his office (<---my opinion).
What's wrong with having someone tell kids that they need to study hard and take school seriously so they can become doctors, business owners, and anything else they want to be?
As you guys know, I am not a parent (THANK GOD) but I would like to get your feedback on this. Please don't flame my school (as I am sure we're not the only school) or anyone who agrees with the parents who are withholding their children from these activities. I just want to know what you guys think!
I may be a bit biased here, but I really do want to see the other side of the coin.