Patch day!

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I'm thinking we should look into doing more guild dungeon runs until the general populace gets their shit figured out.

*Role Check Initiated*
*Aureon has selected TANK*
ALSO, just a random thing... If you use as your talent calculator, you can have it give you a /run command to input in WoW to fill out your talent tree automatically.
What's the guild make-up by role, btw?
As regulars go...
ScytheRexx: Lakaru - Tank or Healer (Paladin)
Ms. ScytheRexx: Astrella - Healer (Priest)
Piotyr: EnchanterTim - Ranged DPS (Fire Mage)
Baerdog: Aureon - Tank (Paladin)
Dave: Nihsen - Melee DPS (Rogue), Tanksbunches - Tank (Warrior)
Shakey: Kilgore - Ranged DPS (Boomkin), Pendle - Melee DPS (DK)

Non regulars
Shannow - Healer (Paladin)
Six - Ranged DPS (Hunter) (levelling)
Chillblain: Ranged DPS (Mage) (levelling)
Dei: Chaise - Ranged DPS (Shadow Priest)
Timmus: Albinar - Shaman (levelling, not sure of spec)

EDIT: There are others with characters, but I can't remember them off the top of my head and can't check the armory right now.
One of these days I'm going to swing back around and level that priest, curse having to play on so many different servers. (Raid on one, play with hubby on another, HF is on yet another)
If anything, we can just use more people that enjoy playing. :)

We have zero warlocks, though.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

One of these days I'm going to swing back around and level that priest, curse having to play on so many different servers. (Raid on one, play with hubby on another, HF is on yet another)
*ENTIRELY SELF-SERVING SOLUTION* Maybe hubby would like to join us on Ghostlands alliance! :)
If anything, we can just use more people that enjoy playing. :)

We have zero warlocks, though.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

One of these days I'm going to swing back around and level that priest, curse having to play on so many different servers. (Raid on one, play with hubby on another, HF is on yet another)
*ENTIRELY SELF-SERVING SOLUTION* Maybe hubby would like to join us on Ghostlands alliance! :)
This is taking for frikken ever. first try to down load sent me to the BSOD.

Second try is taking forever to install after the download.
What's the guild make-up by role, btw?
As regulars go...
ScytheRexx: Lakaru - Tank or Healer (Paladin)
Ms. ScytheRexx: Astrella - Healer (Priest)
Piotyr: EnchanterTim - Ranged DPS (Fire Mage)
Baerdog: Aureon - Tank (Paladin)
Dave: Nihsen - Melee DPS (Rogue), Tanksbunches - Tank (Warrior)
Shakey: Kilgore - Ranged DPS (Boomkin), Pendle - Melee DPS (DK)

Non regulars
Shannow - Healer (Paladin)
Six - Ranged DPS (Hunter) (levelling)
Chillblain: Ranged DPS (Mage) (levelling)
Dei: Chaise - Ranged DPS (Shadow Priest)
Timmus: Albinar - Shaman (levelling, not sure of spec)

EDIT: There are others with characters, but I can't remember them off the top of my head and can't check the armory right now.[/QUOTE]

I've never played a shaman before. Can anyone recommend a spec to go with?
It all depends on what you want to do. Restoration is going to be your healing tree, elemental is ranged DPS, and enhancement is melee DPS. If you're starting fresh and leveliing solo you might want to go enhancement at least to start. I would check out the shaman class column on WoW Insider first and then look at the other shaman blogs linked from WoW Insider to get an idea of how to spec and gear. Since the patch just dropped today it may take a bit before the Hot New Specs are hammered out, so don't be afraid to experiment a little.
Once my auctions finish processing I expect to have made over 40 thousand gold tonight. I logged in once the servers came up, started listing, and pulled in 30k before logging off.

I still have no idea how to deal with the class and mechanic changes, but I love this patch anyway.


Staff member
Are you Inscription? You must be one of those guys I'm avoiding. I am not going into the AH for a couple weeks.
I have been thinking of going back to my Horde server and loading up on Glyphs before the craze dies down, but then again I am not really that nuts about having to be rich. Still, having some extra cash wouldn't hurt either. Bet farming the materials is going to be a pain though. All I know is if I need a certain Glyph I will still just make it myself on my Horde server, and I have my wife for when I need something on the Alliance server. :D

One little change I noticed, when you sit on the character screen for awhile, your character will now start casting random animations based on the class. My orc warlock started casting shadow spells at me last night when I was sitting on her for a bit.


All my characters are gone... The server I'm on says I have 9, but none are being listed.

I guess it is a sign not to play.


It's a sign you should be on Ghostlands with us. ;)
heh. I'm too poor to transfer my characters (bunch of 70s and one 80 my main tank) I guess I can start over again. Man, I hate being poor.
Well, looks like we have a few people that are going to be leveling or are still leveling, so you wouldn't be alone. Plus, what better way to learn all the new class mechanics than to re-level!


heh. It will have to wait until Nov 1st since I'm going to be out of town.
From raiding logs from last night, fire mages were pulling about 23000 DPS when fully decked out in heroic T10, thanks to a bug with Pyromaniac and glyph bugs (which allow a fire mage to glyph Living Bomb, Pyroblast, Fireball AND Frostfire Bolt simultaneously). I was doing about 5200 DPS with mostly blues and a single piece of T9.

A big part of this is how crit-dependent fire is, and how ridiculous the amount of crit possible with gear right now. As soon as players ding 81, it will heavily rebalance itself.
This patch makes me feel stupid. Seriously. All I really put a lot of effort into before hand was my disc priest, I didn't even try to figure out shadow or holy. On top of that, I looked at my alts, went "Durrrr" then ran away. ;)
All my characters are gone... The server I'm on says I have 9, but none are being listed.

I guess it is a sign not to play.
This happened with the Ghostlands character I made a while ago. It says he's there, and I can look him up in Armory, but he doesn't appear, either in his avatar or name, when I select the realm.
Did you just resub too? Maybe with the new patch the process to reactivate characters is taking longer than normal.
Did you just resub too? Maybe with the new patch the process to reactivate characters is taking longer than normal.
No, but I haven't touched my Ghostlands toon in more than a year. Then again, I haven't touched other toons I made on other realms in the same period, and I can still access them.
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