PC Gaming is Not Dead (.com)

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I sure don't. And the short single player has put me off MW2 and MW3 so far. Gonna wait until they're on sale for, like, a dollar.
I would actually be really surprised if more than 20% of people who bought CoD played more than a few hours of MP. BF3, sure, but not CoD. Not only do most people not play online MP, but CoD MP is designed to be consumed in 10 min spurts (just like Nick's prom night).
BF3 MP > COD MP but COD SP is so far superior to BF3 SP as to think that there was no purpose to even make a BF3 SP.
And the short single player has put me off MW2 and MW3 so far.
See, now that's actual logical behaviour...

I would actually be really surprised if more than 20% of people who bought CoD played more than a few hours of MP. BF3, sure, but not CoD. Not only do most people not play online MP, but CoD MP is designed to be consumed in 10 min spurts (just like Nick's prom night).
So 20 million people pay 60$/€ for it and then never use it again after 5 hours... that's even worse...
So 20 million people pay 60$/€ for it and then never use it again after 5 hours... that's even worse...
I once moderated a research group on an NDA'd game project where the demo involved a female character. She wasn't the only character, just the only one available for coding into the demo.

This was an actual exchange from that group:

Me: "So how did you feel about the demo?"

Dude: "I didn't like it that much because the character was a woman" *Nods around the table*

Me: "You guys agree with that?" *More nods*

Me: "Okay, can we get into why that is? Is it the setting? Is it hard to believe a female character could do that? Does it somehow seem inappropriate? Is it hard to imagine playing as a woman?"

Dude: "No, no, it's just because she's a woman and that sucks." *Nods around the table*

Seriously, the average game consumer sucks.
Poor Lara Croft then... no comeback in her future.

More steroided space marines i guess...

Video game crash pls.
I once moderated a research group on an NDA'd game project where the demo involved a female character. She wasn't the only character, just the only one available for coding into the demo.

This was an actual exchange from that group:

Me: "So how did you feel about the demo?"

Dude: "I didn't like it that much because the character was a woman" *Nods around the table*

Me: "You guys agree with that?" *More nods*

Me: "Okay, can we get into why that is? Is it the setting? Is it hard to believe a female character could do that? Does it somehow seem inappropriate? Is it hard to imagine playing as a woman?"

Dude: "No, no, it's just because she's a woman and that sucks." *Nods around the table*

Seriously, the average game consumer sucks.
*que PVP's Francis*
Poor Lara Croft then... no comeback in her future.

More steroided space marines i guess...

Video game crash pls.
Lara is probably okay...as long as she doesn't cover up.

...I wish I was kidding. Never worked on Tomb Raider myself, but there's a ridiculous level of pushback on playable female characters that aren't naked in the "dudebro" section of gamers.
And then there's Mass Effect, a game that doesn't even have a male protagonist. I don't even know who that guy they keep putting on the cover is.


Staff member
Never worked on Tomb Raider myself, but there's a ridiculous level of pushback on playable female characters that aren't naked in the "dudebro" section of gamers.
Another thing you can blame on The Sucking. They make games that appeal to horrible braindead stereotype people because the vast majority of people are horrible braindead stereotypes. Since excellence is by definition rare, there's more money to be made pandering to the lowest common denominator than to strive to please the fickle palate of the right edge of the bell curve.
Provactive question: Would there have ever been a Metroid sequel without the Justin Bailey code showing us that Samus was a female?
I don't know if I can accurately answer that, as I didn't even know about that code until well after.

Does it make me sexist if I really like Bayonetta?
Nintendo kills alot of it's own creations, so I'm not 100% sure about that.

Look at Kid Icarus. It was practically Metroid with a boy with wings.
And even he's making a return.

But Kid Icarus on NES was a FAR cry from Metroid. I think that one is one people look back on with some real rosy glasses.
Personally, I hated Kid Icarus...

As for Samus being a woman driving a sequel, I don't really think so. The game was super popular and I don't think that appeal really had anything to do with the reveal, seeing as it was pre-internet, a large group of players never even knew that she was a girl. Also the direct sequel was a GameBoy game, and they were pushing all of their popular titles onto that console.


Staff member
Metroid was fun because of its gameplay. I only played kid icarus after "Captain N the Game Master" finally pushed the game's hype beyond the event horizon and convinced me it was one of nintendo's signature titles that I was required to play. I was... very disappointed in it, to be honest. Did not live up to the hype. It was like a bad, clunky, vertically scrolling zelda clone. It did not deserve a spot alongside such greats as megaman, castlevania, metroid or punch out... much less Mario Bros or Zelda.
"Female gamers will grow up and hate that their boyfriend won't stop playing videogames and marry her."
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

"If we were being honest, D&D females should have the following modifiers: STATS -4 STR -2 CON -1 INT -6 WIS +8 CHA"
And apparently no mobility whatsoever, seeing how they lack DEX as a stat...
If they make the controls removable, it might not be that bad. It'll supposedly be running windows 8, so it wont be limited to only gaming. I don't game that much though, so I'd never go for it.
What's the battery life on that going to be like? Gaming-quality components eat up a lot of power, not to mention the cooling fans. I've had a couple of gaming laptops, and their battery life is measured in minutes, not hours.
I don't see the point, i'd prefer just hooking up a regular controller to the tablet... especially since i can't imagine keeping your hands like that on each side of the tablet to be very confortable for long periods...
It has an accelerometer, so I'm guessing part of the controls will be tilting and what not. Hard to do if the controls aren't attached to it.
I think the battery life is supposed to be a couple hours of continuous use. This won't be a big seller, but it'll be interesting to see how well it works.
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