Prediction: G.I Joe out grosses Transmurfers 2? Your take

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WolfOfOdin said:
Steve said:
The success of Transformers 2 has solidified Michael Bay as the go to guy in Hollywood when you want to bring in a fat bank role. Now if he could reboot the Star Wars franchise with Shia playing Luke the financial intake would single handedly end the recession.

Keeping in mind, the Michael Bay Death Star explosion would blind the audience.


That would be so bad... that I'd be morbidly curious to watch.
I saw GI Joe last night.

It was the most retarded movie I have ever seen, and I'm glad I didn't see Transformers 2.
Here we go, indeed.
Here's a few gems from the Rolling Stone review:
I don't know what to say about the acting, writing and directing in G.I. Joe because I couldn't find any. There were scads of pretty people posing awkwardly in military chic and tossing out lame one-liners.
In a tight economy, why do we lavish cash on movies based on plastic battle toys? Maybe we just want some dumb fun. Too bad they left out the fun part. There are special effects, lots of them, but despite a reported $170 million budget, they look shockingly crappy.
I could load you up with more plot details, but this mercilessly incoherent, galactically stupid movie left me too numb to type.
EDIT: There was one good thing he had to say about GI Joe:
I can tell you that G.I. Joe isn't as rank as Transformers 2. The people who made it, spearhead by director Stephen Sommers (whose hack touch is all over the Mummy trilogy and Van Helsing), actually seem to be enjoying tarting themselves out for a paycheck. Transformers 2 director Michael Bay, on the other hand, is clearly a cynic who believes audiences deserve the garbage he so profitably dumps on them.
Steve said:
Gusto, was there any part worth watching?
There were a couple scenes (or like, 5 second clips buried inside of scenes) where some cool shit happened. Beyond that, it was pretty fucking ridiculous. I'd save it for a rental, if anything.

The funniest part of the movie was during the beginning where they show the production companies that helped with the show, and there was an elaborately animated Hasbro logo.

The movie LITERALLY starts with a black screen with the phrase "IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE..." written in white. I immediately fought my urge to walk out by humming the MST3K theme song.

-- less than a minute ago --


Disclaimer: I am in no way a huge GI Joe fan. There might have been tons of jokes or scenes that would have made sense to a diehard, but then, none of the other people I went with seemed to get them either.
I wish I could say anything about the acting, but all the "big" movies here are dubbed so, all of them sound the same to me.
I'm not going to defend it a lot. It is a big, corny, summer movie after all. I'll mention a few of the reasons I enjoyed it though. I loved the villains first of all. I'm a nut for viscious, vile, and over the top villainy. Destro is the super businessman he's supposed to be. Cobra Commander is wonderfully sadistic and I especially loved the gravely voice. Zartan is so evily optimistic and jovial as he casually kills and switches outfits with people, then walks off whistling.
As far as the Joes, I can't say that many of them were as fun to watch as the villains, but Snake Eyes stands out and is nearly perfect in my eyes.
And of all the scenes I especially loved the Paris chase scene. I think the Joe force shined the most there.
[spoiler:1fszp5tp]And the of course I love it because the villains win. Or at least they have the advantage for the sequel, having quietly replaced the American President with Zartan.[/spoiler:1fszp5tp]

Steven Soderburgin

Is it true that when the secret arctic base is blown up, the ice sinks in the water?
Kissinger said:
Is it true that when the secret arctic base is blown up, the ice sinks in the water?
It is indeed true. There is no explanation offered for this event, neither is there a lampshade on it. They were hoping that people either wouldn't notice or didn't care. There were so many fight scenes and plot reveals going on that it wasn't much of a concern for me.
I know how you can watch the G.I. Joe movie without spending a dime.

Go to, look up G.I. Joe, narrow search to Duke/Baroness, READ!

I am so angry at this movie. It insulted my intelligence. I really do believe they just read fan fiction based on the show and based a movie on it.

Oh and the Baroness is Russian! Not American! GOD.
From everything I heard the movie could have been an episode of the show (with some differences here or there). I'm totally gonna go see it today. Cornball country, population me.
Kissinger said:
Is it true that when the secret arctic base is blown up, the ice sinks in the water?
I think something shut off in my brain when this happened.


[spoiler:2poig3j9]Underwater ice explosions.[/spoiler:2poig3j9]

Steven Soderburgin

Gusto said:
I think something shut off in my brain when this happened.
I thought you were supposed to just turn off your brain when watching this kind of movie anyway????
Gusto said:
The movie LITERALLY starts with a black screen with the phrase "IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE..." written in white. I immediately fought my urge to walk out by humming the MST3K theme song.
:rofl: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Beautiful!

Mention of the pyramids shooting makes me realize that the "It takes a lot of calls to make a movie, and only one to ruin them, so please turn off your cell phones" bit before a movie in theaters, where this director insists on blowing up the real Mount Rushmore for his film "Robots from Space" was intentionally Michael Bay.

"Couldn't you just blow up a model?"
"Yeah, I could... if I wanted it to SUCK."


[spoiler:3tseq5z2]I'm wondering how they'll set it up for a sequal since they have a stand in for the president.

Was fairly obvious that the Baroness was Duke's former girlfriend and that her brother was the doctor later commander of Cobra.
Was also cool how his voice at the end sounded like the maniacal voice from the animated show.

Thought the super soldiers on the Cobra side were pretty cool especially when they attacked the convoy carrying the nano warheads.

It was also fucking hilarious how all the Joe's got deported from France forever for failing to stop the Eiffel tower from the terroist attack.
I mean c'mon really your upset that you can't go to France any more big deal.

The only cool fights were the ones between Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes especially at the end of the film where he stabs him in the chest
and Storm Shadow falls into a watery grave most likely not dead[/spoiler:3tseq5z2]
BlackCat said:
[spoiler:104gzf1z]I'm wondering how they'll set it up for a sequal since they have a stand in for the president.

Was fairly obvious that the Baroness was Duke's former girlfriend and that her brother was the doctor later commander of Cobra.
Was also cool how his voice at the end sounded like the maniacal voice from the animated show.

Thought the super soldiers on the Cobra side were pretty cool especially when they attacked the convoy carrying the nano warheads.

It was also fucking hilarious how all the Joe's got deported from France forever for failing to stop the Eiffel tower from the terroist attack.
I mean c'mon really your upset that you can't go to France any more big deal.

The only cool fights were the ones between Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes especially at the end of the film where he stabs him in the chest
and Storm Shadow falls into a watery grave most likely not dead[/spoiler:104gzf1z]
[spoiler:104gzf1z]Storm Shadow is probably dead. In the comics he cloned after he was killed.[/spoiler:104gzf1z]
[spoiler:2jdgkagy]If he's fucking alive I will throw something. The dude got stabbed through the chest and fell into the ARCTIC OCEAN. I mean I freaked out when he got off the airship at the north pole wearing nothing but his trenchcoat, but to fall into Arctic water means he better be dead.[/spoiler:2jdgkagy]
Well, some of the ice had metal tunnels and machinery built into it...but not all of it. :/

Anyhow, I enjoyed it. Some stuff bothered me, but it's a movie based on a toyline. Directed by the guy who did the "Mummy" movies. It was stupid fun, the plot was more coherent than that Rolling Stone review gives it credit for, and I hope it gets a sequel.

LittleSin said:
Oh and the Baroness is Russian! Not American! GOD.
Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow are supposed to be Vietnam veterans, Cobra Commander is supposed to be a used-car salesman, etc. The movie is different. Big whoop.

[spoiler:1qeo3fdf]EDIT: Yeah, Storm Shadow won't be dead. He might be cloned, he might have been saved at the last second by some Vipers, he might have used super-secret special ninja techniques to survive. But he's Snake-Eye's arch-enemy, one of Cobra's top agents, and an utter fan-favorite character. He will not stay dead.[/spoiler:1qeo3fdf]
Gusto said:
Disclaimer: I am in no way a huge GI Joe fan. There might have been tons of jokes or scenes that would have made sense to a diehard, but then, none of the other people I went with seemed to get them either.
No, they pretty much said " :finger: " to the diehards too.

Great Action flick.

Terrible "GI Joe" movie.

Two words why:

The Baroness. :devil:

Only thing "GI Joe" about that movie was Snake Eyes. The end. :humph:
Really? For me was the other way around. The movie felt like an episode from the tv series. Could you elaborate about the diferences?

Maybe I liked it for the nostalgy but I can live with that.
Biggest diff was the Baroness? Are you kidding me? Did anyone here even READ the comics or watch the show?

I could fill paragraphs with how they screwed up the characters.

This would have been an enjoyable action movie if it had a different title and the characters had different names, but if you're going to call it GI Joe, was it so hard to stick with the original characters the way THEY WERE!?!

Steven Soderburgin

Oh no they weren't faithful to the stupid shitty tv show or the toys which have gone through countless redesigns since they were first launched.

Oh what a tragedy.
Seriously, try to stop being an ass for 2 seconds, it doesn't help your argument in any way.

Why bother calling it GI Joe if you're just going to use the names and nothingelse?

Steven Soderburgin

Because they're trying to make it bigger for the screen. They're updating it for a modern audience. The TV show was completely terrible.

They update the toys for modern audiences. They update comic book characters and they types of stories they tell. Don't be so attached to nostalgia that you completely lose perspective. Don't think for a second that they made this movie in order to make fanboys happy. The movie is essentially a long toy commercial. The people who they are trying to appeal to are kids, despite the PG-13 rating.
So how exactly does changing bloodlines and relationship angles make it "bigger for the screen"? How about nationalities and history?

Steven Soderburgin

Shegokigo said:
So how exactly does changing bloodlines and relationship angles make it "bigger for the screen"? How about nationalities and history?
That doesn't make it bigger for the screen, but it does give it the possibility of having wider appeal. When you adapt something for the screen, even a simplistic kids show, you have to make changes to make it work. Any good writer would tell you that.

I haven't seen the movie, and I don't care about the cartoon, but come the fuck on.

Were the changes necessary? I don't know, probably not. Do they matter? No.
Kissinger said:
I haven't seen the movie, and I don't care about the cartoon, but come the fuck on.
Oh then you have no base in this argument at all. I'll wait for someone with an opinion based on something remotely connected.

For the record, I said it was a good movie.

Steven Soderburgin

I am just saying you should have a little perspective. Superficial changes to shallow cartoon characters from twenty years ago created specifically to sell toys is not something to get this upset about.
Again, I said it was a great movie. I'm quite entitled to say "It didn't feel like GI Joe because nothing was similar other than Snake Eyes" if nothing was similar am I not?

I am however going to go on record saying the acting was stale and the script for the characters was extremely one dimentional, though I didn't expect more than that for a film of this style.
Kissinger said:
I am just saying you should have a little perspective. Superficial changes to shallow cartoon characters from twenty years ago created specifically to sell toys is not something to get this upset about.
Welcome to the internet.
Tress said:
Kissinger said:
I am just saying you should have a little perspective. Superficial changes to shallow cartoon characters from twenty years ago created specifically to sell toys is not something to get this upset about.
Welcome to the internet.
Are you even remotely following along?

Steven Soderburgin

I guess so, Shego. I mean, if those characters and their histories are what define G.I. Joe for you, then sure, I suppose that's fair.

As for the quality of the movie itself, I guess I'll have to take your word for it because I have zero interest in it outside of the insulting marketing.
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