Dated girl two years ago. Crashed and burned. Slowly. Very slowly. I declared that we should split up in November. She agreed. I've since discovered that she ALWAYS agrees. As long as things are hypothetical, or only in the planning stages, she'll agree. When it comes to action, well ... we finally split in January, and it was a goddamn mess.
Every so often, we've run into each-other and had conversations. It's been civil. We were very good friends before, and she is very special to me. A huge influence on my life. Important.
This September, we decided we'd be friends again. We got together for a movie about three weeks back, and it was fine. We discussed the fact that there was tension in the air. After we talked about tension, we ended up in my bed for five hours. Not doing anything heavy, but we pretended like it was okay. Neither of us wanted a relationship with each-other (I suspect she was lying ... as I said before, she agrees when things deal with non-realities) and we were both just lonely.
I knew it was a bad idea, but I was satisfied. Happy, even, for a day. Then, the next time we were together, she didn't want to do anything. No movies, no TV, no going out, no nothing. We cooked supper, and then essentially just ended up fooling around in bed again.
Same thing next time, minus the supper. And the next. And the next.
Finally, I realize that this is bad news. We've ended up in the same garbage relationship we had two years ago, and I didn't want that. I told her today that we need to dial things back. We can't hang out so frequently. Once every few weeks is enough. We also can't hang out so privately. We need to go to the mall, a movie, or something like that. Otherwise things get physical.
She 'doesn't understand.' We end up talking about it, and then she launches in to how she's going through a hard time right now, and she needs a good friend to be there for her. I told her I want to be her friend, but she needs other people in her life to lean on. I can't be her rock. She starts guilting me into being that rock, and yet she says she doesn't want me to be her rock, just her friend. I ask her how many other friends she's called tonight to talk about this stuff to. The obvious answer is zero. She stays silent.
I want to be her friend. But I can't be her only friend. I can't be her principal friend. Like I said, she is important to me, but I need to move on with my life. There is another relationship that I want to pursue, that could end in a healthy relationship for me. Maybe that sounds selfish, but she needs a life without Rob too.
Anyhow. During her weeping, she asked why I allowed us to grow so close in the last few weeks if I didn't want such a close friendship. I told her it's because I thought things would be different. Things are the same, and that's why they fail again. When she asks what needs to change, I decide to go with the harsh reality: "You need to mature."
Nobody likes hearing that. But I don't regret saying it. It's true. She's 21 years old, and the 'whole bunch of crap' she's going through in life right now? Her mother is out of town, and she's home alone for the first time in her life.
I wish she had a mentor who would tell her to go out and live. Get her own apartment. Go away for school. Do something to mature.
then we could really be friends, instead of me being the sole anchor for a rickety ship in a stormy sea.
And now I'm going to go cry. As true as it is that we need to be away from each other, it kills me that I'm hurting her.
Hugs plz?