Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Yeah, thats what I'm afraid of. Jake said she might have been referring to my big boobs, but that would still be inappropriate. The reason I'm upset at all isn't because of the comment, because frankly, I get enough rude looks to know what people think of my appearance. I was really trying to keep an open mind and participate in the class. I didn't want to take it at all, but I figured I'd put all my bad P.E. experiences behind me--and there were many--and give this teacher my complete confidence. Ah, well. It'll still be fun to play outside.
So I thought after these past couple weeks, which have been kinda shitty, I might get to go up to KY and visit my gf for the weekend.

She has a really bad cold in the midst of the big push of busy time at her job. Which means I get to stay home for the weekend and likely do a whole lot of nothing.
I'd forgotten about something that happened in my earliest class today until just now... Not angry, really, just baffled.

My Kinesiology teacher asked us to talk about the good and bad of P.E. when we were younger. I used to have to run a mile once or twice a week in high school. It sucked, but I mentioned in class that I'm glad they had us do it, because it got me off my lazy ass. I've always had short, thick legs, and it makes it hard for me to really run well. I also have poor circulation. I had mentioned all of this except the poor circulation... I was about to, then my teacher laughs and cuts me off: "Right. You can't run because of your legs." I just kind of stayed quiet for the rest of the class. I wasn't sure if she meant what I thought she meant or if I misunderstood.
What a bitch.[/QUOTE]

Hey, Kinesiology teacher, stay classy.
I shouldn't care because it's just TV and all, but, goddammit, I am going to miss Conan.

Also, CJ, that's bullshit. I was never a PE person but at least my last PE teacher was awesome (he told me at the end of the semester, "I'll pass you if you promise to never take PE again." I shook his hand and said, "Done.")


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Thanks everybody. :) I talked to my mom about it today, and that made me feel better. She could tell something was wrong before I even brought it up... you know how mommas do. I immediately felt better hearing the pause and then, "Well... that bitch don't know shit." ^_^ I love my momma.
Water everywhere, because a pipe under the kitchen sink just sprung a leak. No rhyme nor reason, just did.

Because life is nothing if not one inconvenience after another.

The only way I could figure to stop the leak is to cut all the water off. To the entire house. This is probably a stupid, stupid thing to do, but it worked.

I don't want to deal with this now, I want to be asleep.

Instead, I'll be mopping up a puddle in the kitchen to keep it from dripping into the basement anymore than it already has.

I'm going back to bed now. Smelly. Wet. Defeated.
*That's how I prefer to leave it.
Argh, thoat- and tonsil-infection :-( My throat's completely swollen shut, behind the little thngie hanging in your mouth (I forget the name, sorry), the two sides of my throat actually touch one another. No improvement yet after 3 days, can't eat because I can't swallow...Bah.


Staff member
The only way I could figure to stop the leak is to cut all the water off. To the entire house. This is probably a stupid, stupid thing to do, but it worked.
There should be a place right under your sink where you can turn off the water just to that appliance. That way you can flush the toilet.

Argh, thoat- and tonsil-infection :-( My throat's completely swollen shut, behind the little thngie hanging in your mouth (I forget the name, sorry)
The uvula. I always thought that sounded like part of the female anatomy but it's not.
Man I am getting really annoyed at my works cafe. Now for the most part it has been a great cafe but at the start of the year they started getting greedy. They started raising the prices of items that they have carried for years. And they raised it for the items that people buy the most. First they raised the fries and the sandwiches. Okay annoying but it was only 10 - 20 cents but than they raised the price of the chili by 20 cents once again annoying but not to bad. But now they are charging for stuff they used to give for free. For examble they have some shredded cheese to put on top of your chili/soup and they have had it for years now. But just in the past week they decided to start charging 50 cents to add cheese to your soup/chili. I also hear they may start charging 25 cents if you get one of those little plastic cups with condiments. I know the prices aren't that much higher but it still is annoying me. It feels like they are trying to force people to buy their special meals of the day instead of the cheaper stuff. I guess this will just add more resolve to my decision to try and bring my lunch to work more often.
Yeah, we had a similar thing happen to our cafeteria. The company that was running it was forced out by new landlords due to "high prices." New landlords then install their own cafeteria in there with even higher prices.


I'd forgotten about something that happened in my earliest class today until just now... Not angry, really, just baffled.

My Kinesiology teacher asked us to talk about the good and bad of P.E. when we were younger. I used to have to run a mile once or twice a week in high school. It sucked, but I mentioned in class that I'm glad they had us do it, because it got me off my lazy ass. I've always had short, thick legs, and it makes it hard for me to really run well. I also have poor circulation. I had mentioned all of this except the poor circulation... I was about to, then my teacher laughs and cuts me off: "Right. You can't run because of your legs." I just kind of stayed quiet for the rest of the class. I wasn't sure if she meant what I thought she meant or if I misunderstood.
What a bitch.[/QUOTE]

Hey, Kinesiology teacher, stay classy.[/QUOTE]

That is kind of fucked up. I mean, midgets can't run really well because of their short, stubby legs. Not everyone is built like Jesse fucking Owens, so naturally they don't take a shine to running. Yes, Kinesiology teacher, some people can't run because of their legs. Way to fail at your own fucking job.
The only way I could figure to stop the leak is to cut all the water off. To the entire house. This is probably a stupid, stupid thing to do, but it worked.
There should be a place right under your sink where you can turn off the water just to that appliance. That way you can flush the toilet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there's actually a way to shut of the hot and cold water underneath, just couldn't see it for all the rage and water.
Looks like it'll be paper plates and plastic utensils for a bit.


The only way I could figure to stop the leak is to cut all the water off. To the entire house. This is probably a stupid, stupid thing to do, but it worked.
There should be a place right under your sink where you can turn off the water just to that appliance. That way you can flush the toilet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there's actually a way to shut of the hot and cold water underneath, just couldn't see it for all the rage and water.
Looks like it'll be paper plates and plastic utensils for a bit.[/QUOTE]

Leaks are pretty easy to fix yourself.


Staff member

Well, let's face it, my legs aren't the only reason I'm not a great runner. The point is, whether or not I'm built like "Jesse-fucking Owens (thanks, Chaz)" isn't the point. It was a rude and unprofessional thing to say, and it wasn't fun being ridiculed in front of a bunch of prospective PE teacher girls who are in flawless shape. Lesson learned, anyway... no more talking in that class, heh.


Staff member
Yeah, but the joke is on the other people, since they become PE teachers.

:rofl: OUCH, Allen. Now, now, it's good that kids can learn the importance of being active in schools along with academics, but this woman's philosophy and my own are very different.

She thinks that students should leave knowing the real rules to all the games they play... basically she believes that if you're not incorporating what you did in PE to your everyday activity routine, the teachers didn't do their jobs. In my mind, if you have a daily activity routine that you follow well and know how not to hurt yourself while exercising... THEN the teachers have done their jobs. Am I really supposed to have learned the official rules of volleyball, or was it more important that I happily played it because I knew it was better for me to do that than to hide in the locker room and avoid physical activity?
Speaking of leaks...

I am having an embarrassing issue...but I don't know how to fix it. The next time I can get into the doctor is next week.

It really made me uncomfortable today, to say the least. Why won't my body obey me?!


omg.... but try doing kegels unless I'm totally off base and you just have a runny nose....but then again, you can't go wrong with kegels. :)


I ride a motorcycle. It's raining right now. I rode my motorcycle in the rain. I've been to two places and talked to 4 people so far this morning and everybody has said, "How was your ride, a little wet?"

No, despite the fact that my jeans are completely soaked and it's raining at this very moment, it's actually bone-fucking-dry outside. Thank you for asking. What makes it worse is that they ask every time. EVERY TIME! As though one day my ride in the rain will be any different.
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