Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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I really hate Microsoft's tech support. I had to send my 360 back in for repair a few weeks ago. They decided to send me a new system okay no problem. So I go online to re-download my games/movies so the drm would transfer over to the new system. It went fin for the games but when I tried to download my videos again they didn't show up. So I went on xbox.com and I went to my downloaded history on there site and there was the movies. So I went to click on them to download them and it won't let me I get the following message "This item is not currently available from Xbox LIVE Web Marketplace. ".

So I call up MS Tech support and get transferred around and dropped several times. I finally get someone who at least doesn't put me automatically on hold. I than proceed to explain the issue and at first she tried telling me it must be my internet connection. I kindly explained as to why that couldn't possibly be the issue. Than she asks the same info over and over until I feel I am going insane. I than tell her I either want the videos to work or I want my points back. She than tells me that she doesn't see any proof I downloaded those videos. I told her I have the card number I used for the account. I have the names of the episodes. I also have a list of the days I purchased the shows from there own site. She than proceeds to try and tell me that I am mistaken and that if I had downloaded them properly they would have record of it. She tells me that they must not have downloaded correctly. I told her that I have been able to watch them until just now and the only reason I can't watch them now is becuase they sent me a new system.

We go back and forth for awhile until she finally tells me that she is going to transfer the issue to the higher ups and to call back in 3 -5 business days. So as of right now I have MS not believing me that I purchased a video even though I have proof. I spent two hours on the phone repeating the same info back and forth and being put on hold and dropped twice. And with nothing to show for it except to call back in a few days.
So... my computer got Trojaned. In a BIG way.

Got a very annoying popup that warned me that my anti-virus software was out of date, and I needed to click on the box to update my software. Not being a COMPLETE tard, I ran my ACTUAL AV. While this was going on, a panel for a generic "Internet Security" program had popped up and refused to go away. Ctrl-alt-del failed to work. I should have realised EXACTLY how bad this was and downloaded MalWareBytes... but this all happened 5 minutes before I had to go into work. I let myself believe that my AV is on top of things and head into work for a particularly boring day of patrol.

Get home, and I'm BSoDed. Restart, and same issue. Can't even start up in safe mode. Thankfully, I had another system that I'd been meaning to tinker into starting up, but still.

To add insult to injury, my backups have not been as... diligent as they should have been. And in-between shuffling things around and getting my house ready for a baby, I've managed to lose the ones that I had.

So about 7 years of my digital life has been wiped out.

Sometimes, there's just not enough high explosive to solve ALL your problems...
Damnit! A friend was supposed to come down from Charlotte for the weekend, but now she can't because it's snowing. 35 degrees and somehow snowing, WTF? She's from Ohio, so I thought a little weather would be ok for her to drive in, but she has a Crossfire and is hesitant to take that out onto possibly icy roads. I don't blame her for that, but I was really looking forward to a weekend of fun. Especially after this week at work.
I spent 3 hours walking alone in the mall because I didn't want to go to class and my parents suddenly appeared at home this afternoon.

I got to do some light exercise, though, with all the continuous walking with a heavyish backpack on.
me toooooooooo urrrrrrgh

gona be spending a quiet night in maybe watch a movie or chat with peeps

gimme a holler if you want, anyone

dont expect me to use caps or a lot of punctuation tho
I've reviewed the photos and video evidence, talked with witnesses and keep coming up with the same conclusion; ... my son is a NY Jets fan. Maybe he'll grow out of it?


Staff member
I've reviewed the photos and video evidence, talked with witnesses and keep coming up with the same conclusion; ... my son is a NY Jets fan. Maybe he'll grow out of it?
No. He won't.

You have lost him.

For all eternity.

On a completely unrelated note: I hate some people who drive cars. Today, on my way to the gym (yes, the fat Finn started exercising, bite my hopefully-diminishing ass :p ), there was this guy who drove at top speed down the plaza connecting various 19th century buildings and the Cathedral. It is slippery as hell, and I saw the car was slipping badly, the tail end beginning to swerve. The guy manages to straightens his car, then drives at full speed past me, because he was in a hurry... to get to the traffic lights where he had to wait until it turned green.

This was on a relatively quiet space with next to no traffic, only some of us pedestrians. There was no way he could have made it to greens, and yet he insisted on driving like he was frickin' Kimi Räikkönen.

Fuckin' douches on four wheels...


Staff member
:eyeroll: Oh, man, I love it when people rush towards the red light. I start breaking early for a light, and it pisses everyone off. But whatever, I'm not going to accelerate when I don't need to.

Have fun working out. :)


Staff member
There are good ways and bad ways to start your day. A BAD way would be to wake groggily up, stagger to the couch like you do every morning, cover yourself with the fuzzy blanket you love so much....only to find out the cat had puked on the blanket sometime in the night.

Aw yeah. That's how it rolled this morning.
Ugh had an allergy attack last night. My throat felt swollen, my nose plugged up and started running. And my head started hurting from my head all the way to my neck. I took some benadryl and a hot shower and went to bed early but I am still feeling a bit groggy this morning.
I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.

I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.


So you feel like the little girl who asks Santa for a Pony every year and gets a doll instead?

(the previous comment was only meant as a joke and nothing more :) )


I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.

I know they are expensive but buy yourself an ice cream cake and eat it while they eat the crappy cake. It is ok to give yourself a gift AND make a big deal about how you always wanted one and never got it. People should not get to make you feel bad for not being happy with what you get when you are clear about what you want, especially on your birthday. Seriously.

I admit to being kind of a princess in general and especially on my birthday, but if someone is going to get me something I would rather they get me what I actually like than make me be grateful for something i actively hate.


I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.

I know they are expensive but buy yourself an ice cream cake and eat it while they eat the crappy cake. It is ok to give yourself a gift AND make a big deal about how you always wanted one and never got it. People should not get to make you feel bad for not being happy with what you get when you are clear about what you want, especially on your birthday. Seriously.

I admit to being kind of a princess in general and especially on my birthday, but if someone is going to get me something I would rather they get me what I actually like than make me be grateful for something i actively hate.[/QUOTE]

And you guys call me the insensitive asshole?!?!?
I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.

I know they are expensive but buy yourself an ice cream cake and eat it while they eat the crappy cake. It is ok to give yourself a gift AND make a big deal about how you always wanted one and never got it. People should not get to make you feel bad for not being happy with what you get when you are clear about what you want, especially on your birthday. Seriously.

I admit to being kind of a princess in general and especially on my birthday, but if someone is going to get me something I would rather they get me what I actually like than make me be grateful for something i actively hate.[/QUOTE]

See? You understand.

If I ever bring it up to dad, my step mom or my sister. I'll get one of these three responses: "You should be grateful for even hving cake. We put thought into this." or crying while saying how she"tries so hard to make up for your mother not being here", or "I know its what you wanted but you were out voted."

Even my husband just kinda of shrugs and says "Cake is cake."

I ctully feel like crying. Must be close to that time of the month...or many years of crushing disappointment is getting to me.
I would just get some cake.

I'm honestly thinking about getting some cake right now, but my day has already been pretty fucking decadent.


I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat but this is really annoying me.

Every year I have a supper with my family either on my birthday or a few days afterwards. It was the latter in this case. So I go up and we have KFC, awesome!

...except that KFC jjipped us three pieces of chicken! NO FAIR. My parents wouldn't call about it because 'it was really busy and they don't want to get anyone in trouble'. SCREW THAT! It's their job!

The thing that is really bothering me is that every single year I ask for an Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. I tell them several times over that's what I want...forget dinner. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING CAKE.

I never get an ice cream cake because my step mom is lactose intolerant. They always buy this crappy, way too choclatey grocery store cake and I have to sit there and eat it with a huge fucking, grateful smile on me face because it would be rude to say anything. Really, on the inside, I'm so sad that I never got my ice cream cake...again.

I know they are expensive but buy yourself an ice cream cake and eat it while they eat the crappy cake. It is ok to give yourself a gift AND make a big deal about how you always wanted one and never got it. People should not get to make you feel bad for not being happy with what you get when you are clear about what you want, especially on your birthday. Seriously.

I admit to being kind of a princess in general and especially on my birthday, but if someone is going to get me something I would rather they get me what I actually like than make me be grateful for something i actively hate.[/QUOTE]

See? You understand.

If I ever bring it up to dad, my step mom or my sister. I'll get one of these three responses: "You should be grateful for even hving cake. We put thought into this." or crying while saying how she"tries so hard to make up for your mother not being here", or "I know its what you wanted but you were out voted."

Even my husband just kinda of shrugs and says "Cake is cake."

I ctully feel like crying. Must be close to that time of the month...or many years of crushing disappointment is getting to me.[/QUOTE]

I understand completely. The whole "it's the thought that count" isn't a free for all for jackassery. It means thinking about the gift receiver not just the act of gift giving. I believe in being appreciative but there comes a point where you are just forcing someone to be grateful for something they shouldn't have to be grateful for. I mean what are you supposed to be grateful for, the disregard they show your wishes? You are the one who is unhappy and now you get to feel guilty too.... that doesnt seem right.

I may be taking this way to personally lol.
SO why don't you just buy a cake yourself? If it's finances I would be willing to paypal you a few bucks to put towards one :)


LOL. I don't even have paypal..not sure bout husband though....
Set up a paypal account. Its easy. Set it up so we can buy you cake. No one should be without cake!

(If I cant be happy dammit, I am going to make someone else happy!)


I don't see what's wrong with slugging down the chocolate cake and then on your way home stopping by Carvel and getting yourself one of those delicious ice cream cakes with those chocolate fleck thingies in between the layers? I guess my mentality stems from being a grad student, where free food = awesome, no matter how bad it is.

Seriously though, this is some deep seeded chick-girl stuff right here. My wife would probably do the same thing, where, like Sin's husband, I'd say, "cake is cake."

Goddamn, I want some ice cream cake now.

---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

I understand completely. The whole "it's the thought that count" isn't a free for all for jackassery.

Well...they could, you know, send you a birthday card from the dollar store and call it a day.


Staff member
If you are supposed to attend an online training seminar and you are required to do so by your VP and Director....make sure you note that it starts at 2 PM EST, NOT 2 PM CST. You will be an hour late and miss everything.
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