I feel for you dude. My son did that a month or two ago. All over the bathroom. I mean all over. The walls, the door, out of the bathroom onto the carpet.![]()
Sorry to hear that, Reindeer.The girlfriend just dumped me. Over the phone. After a three-day trip to visit some of her friends in Helsinki.
Apparently I'm an amazing guy, but she just isn't in love with me anymore. Ain't that just a fucking riot? That's kinda like someone complementing your clothing while punching you in the kidneys.
Truth be told, I kinda knew something was wrong. She barely kissed me once this weekend, leaving me out of conversations with her friends (her excuse? "I haven't seen them in two months"), and today when we were coming home on the train she barely spoke a word.
Thanks, guys and gals... I've been feeling really down about the whole thing, and it's nice to hear someone cares. *sighs* I've been going through the last weekend in my head, and I cannot help but thinking that me going along with her to Helsinki was a mistake. I had fun, sure, but the whole trip just raised some issues all the time. She hates living in our current hometown and wants to move to Helsinki, while I, a country boy still at heart, couldn't even dream of moving into that concrete monstrosity that is the capital city. She barely spent any time with me and a mutual friend (whose birthday we were actually celebrating), to the point where she and her two friends kept leaving me and the friend behind when we were walking, like we weren't even part of the group. And I swear, the way she just kep pawing that friend of hers... If I didn't know he was gay, I would have been jealous as hell.
The funny thing is, I went along with her because I wanted to spend time with her, come to know her friends... Hell, with a throbbing headache I still decided to come with them downtown, because I wanted to be with her. Guess I just shot myself in the leg with that...
DITTO.Because that whole display she put out just reeks of high school antics.
I still think you're a hoopy frood.The girlfriend just dumped me. Over the phone. After a three-day trip to visit some of her friends in Helsinki.
Apparently I'm an amazing guy, but she just isn't in love with me anymore. Ain't that just a fucking riot? That's kinda like someone complementing your clothing while punching you in the kidneys.
Truth be told, I kinda knew something was wrong. She barely kissed me once this weekend, leaving me out of conversations with her friends (her excuse? "I haven't seen them in two months"), and today when we were coming home on the train she barely spoke a word.
She's 19... so yeah, she's on the younger side.Wow, just wow. Is she on the younger side? Because that whole display she put out just reeks of high school antics. Sorry to hear about it, bro.
I'll spare you the plenty of fish in the sea bullshit and have a shot of vodka tonight in your honor. I hope you do the same.
She's 19... so yeah, she's on the younger side.Wow, just wow. Is she on the younger side? Because that whole display she put out just reeks of high school antics. Sorry to hear about it, bro.
I'll spare you the plenty of fish in the sea bullshit and have a shot of vodka tonight in your honor. I hope you do the same.
Getting dumped is terrible for NR, but this one? Holy FUCK! Dude!Well, this is one of the worst weekends of my life.
I learned the very real possibility that one of my close friend's recently, may have (I do not have all the facts or stories and am not going to act on anything until I do) raped another close friend. Apparently this MAY have happened a month or so ago. No one wanted to tell me anything for obvious reasons. Now, I know. Now, something is going to happen. This fucking sucks.
Of course the proper response to this is to explain to her friends that the cousin thing makes the sex that much hotter.And NR, I once had a girl I was dating let go of my hand when she saw some friends. She then introduced me to them as "her cousin". Back then I wasbut looking back I'm all
about it.
Yes, this happened almost exactly a year ago. She started working there in February. She got sent home Monday with strep throat and was told that she was contagious for 24 hours. So she didn't go in yesterday as the 24 hours would have been about 1/2 day. When she went in today they told her she'd missed too much time. No warning, no "if you miss another day" or anything. EVERY absence was approved.
Time to hit the street again.
I couldn't agree more, and I run 4-5 miles 3 times a week. Least favorite part of a workout.I fucking hate running. I hate it. It's so goddamn boring outside or in. No one likes running. If a runner comes up to you and claims they love it, they're lying. Look them right in their dead eyes and call them a liar. Running serves one purpose, and one purpose only: to run away from shit that's trying to eat you. It's not fun, it's a last resort survival tactic.