Restore Fear/Sanity Rally Live feed

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I think on of the Reasonable Awards should have gone to the Austin, TX councilman who started the "It Gets Better" campaign.


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Staff member
That was an incredible speech. The whole thing ws great from start to finish. I'd like to thank Amy for the post as I would have totally forgotten to watch it.
That was an incredible speech. The whole thing ws great from start to finish. I'd like to thank Amy for the post as I would have totally forgotten to watch it.
Seconded. I wholeheartedly endorse mr. Stewart's message, even though the cynic in me can't help but wonder how effective this will really be.
That was some crazy shit. I wish I had gotten there earlier so I could've seen more of The Roots.

I took pictures, but they aren't very good. Too far away from the main stage unfortunately.

I don't know how the crowd looked on TV, but it was seriously packed. I could barely breathe without bumping into people.


That was a fantastic rally, through and through. I wish that were the standard for political rallies.

And Vagabond the crowd looked absurd. An ocean of people packed tightly as far as the eye could see. Pretty awesome stuff.
I was amazed seeing people from the capitol to the Washington Monument. We were going to go until we heard how huge it was supposed to be, so we were fine watching it online.

I agree with Jon Stewart's message in his speech at the end. While I too wonder how effective it will be, whether it'll make people in the discourse of things consider the reality in their words, he is right. We are stronger than the politicians and pundits say, and we can do better. His Lincoln Tunnel analogy was perfect.

Philosopher B.

Oh shit. It all makes sense now. That's why Palin has such big hair.
It was insane... which is a bit weird. However, it was an awesome time. I was near the middle behind 7th street and it was packed there. The Yusuf/Ozzy/O'Jays bit was my favorite part of the whole thing.

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