I had an over-all good experience. I didn't feel like I wasted my money, and I was entertained. But it wasn't perfect, and nothing ever is, not even the original trilogy.
The Bad: The Palpatine connection. The Emperor being alive? Eeeeerrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh... okay, I'll allow it. Rey being a Palpatine? C'mon. Look, I know Star Wars is a soap opera, and it's like Checkov's Family Tree, where is someone is introduced in the first act, they're going to be related somehow in the third act. For a second, I though they were going to make Jannah Landos's kid, and then I would have thrown something at the screen. I was hoping they'd go the Star Wars Rebels route where the Empire was hunting down Force-sensitive kids and they realized Rey was super-powerful and so they hid her. I would explain the early vision of Luke on a burning desert planet. OR maybe have them go the Ego route, where Palpatine had a lot of kids running around in the hopes that one would develop Sith powers. But the, "Hey, I had a son I never mentioned, like, ever, and you're his kid" was honestly my biggest letdown in this whole movie. Star Wars canon gives so many outs for this, and we wouldn't have Jesus!Anakin crap again.
The pacing. They were trying to squeeze a LOT of story in there, and I really think they should have slowed down from time-to-time to let a little more emotion sink in. They didn't meander the plot like gambling-planet in TLJ, but it was just ACTIONACTIONACTIONALLTHETIME, which isn't great, either.
The kiss. That felts wholy unnecessary, but then he died, so I was okay with it. I just didn't want it to turn into Jedi Wuv.
The Good: Leia. I like that for all his faults, at least J.J. Abrahms kept some of the better parts of TLJ going. Yes, it wasn't perfect because they could only do so much with Carrie Fisher's passing. But Leia being shown having Jedi training is like a big middle fingers to all those bitchers and whiners seeing her use the Force in TLJ. I said it before, I'll say it again: She's Princess-Fucking-Leia. She commandeered her own rescue from the get-go. She's going to use every resource she has, and if she find out she has the Force? Hell yeah she's going to try to use it! And I can buy her stepping away from it when she worried about Ben. Her only teacher was Luke, who was still pretty new to being a Jedi and teaching anyone else. He had a very minimal education, too, but I think the only thing that saved his ass was being trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda. Also, I want Leia's lightsaber.
The Jedi talk. I like that all the Jedi came together with Rey. I recognized a lot of the voices from all the movies and the tv shows. It was an easter egg that made me so happy.
The no-kiss. I liked that Poe ACTUALLY ASKED Zorii if it was okay to kiss her. Twice! And making it okay that she said no! Thank you, Hollywood, it's about time! Yes, it is sexy to ask, and even better that hearing "no" wasn't a giant ego-strike. Please do this more instead of assuming it's okay to kiss someone because you feel like it.
The core group. I still love Rey, Finn and Poe together, and they made the trilogy for me.
There's probably more good and bad, but I have to go do some errands, so they'll come to me later.