Romelu Lukaku - A Portmanteau

The problem with this naming convention, though, is that for the male line, the first two and last two letters of the name will never change.

If Romelu does the same thing for his son, his name would also be Romelu (his middle name is also Menama). If Romelu gives his son a different middle name, however (for instance, I don't know, Howard), his grandson would be named Roholu. And then it just continues down the line.
I was thinking about how it wouldn't work if you had more than one child of each gender. Take @stienman's kids for example. All of his boys would be named after him.
I was thinking about how it wouldn't work if you had more than one child of each gender. Take @stienman's kids for example. All of his boys would be named after him.
I'd have to involve barrel shifting for the first three:

Maadda <- Original
Addama <- Shift
Damaad <- Shift

Then I'd have to mix it up:

Daadma <- Last middle first
Admada <- Shift
Madaad <- Shift

But I'd still be short two names (as of this post).

Jofrbr, yep, nope.

Our daughter (using wife's maiden name) would be Kireto, or married Kirebr.
So I assume she'd get trapped in a VR game that would have 14 really good episodes, and a bunch of needless crap interlaced with a FEW good moments afterwards.
My name would be Frwiri

My wife would be Dimara

My son would be Chwrri

My daughter would be Anmari

This is the type of stuff that builds a fantasy universe, lol.
My name would be Jogéfra (Joseph Gérard François, although we never use the first two).

I however only have the one name, so my son would be... Si? I guess?