At least, that's how I see it going.
Doubtful. Going by what they presented in the episode, I get the feeling the thing attached to his arm is the source of the power. So once it's removed, boom goes the power. I'd prefer Cage to have the powers without the arm bug. But then again, your explanation is solid enough. Maybe he keeps the powers after they remove it or something.
So I watched it tonight, myself. And it was...okay. It was good, just not out of the gate great as I'd expected. I thought there were a few too many cutsie nerd references. Most of them thankfully didn't feel too forced. The "great power..." line felt
really forced that I just rolled my eyes.
Also, I didn't really think many of the characters were very interesting. The main spy guy they brought on board is dull as hell, for example. The hacker girl feels like your typical spunky nerdy character in every Whedon show. Fitz & Simmons' introduction felt a little forced with their back and forth bickering and a little too fast-talk for me (especially without subtitles). I think the episode as a whole had the problem of trying to introduce
too many characters all at once on top of doing the story with Not Luke Cage.
And honestly, the story as a whole felt kind of ho-hum. Not horrible, just...okay. I honestly expected better. There's still enough to like that I'll tune in again next week, though.
Oh, and @
Ravenpoe? That's the GLX (Great Lakes X-Men), not the GLA.