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I DIDN'T TOUCH HER (yet) RYAN, I SWEAR!! *begins running*

DROP THE AXE, DUDE! DROP THE AAAAXXEEEEEEeeeeeeee... *exits stage left*
Not that I care is she's a good actor (is "actress" still sexist?) or not, but I didn't see anythign wrong with her performance in Vicky Cristina.. she played the part she had to.

And Black Widow is a major, integral part of both the Iron Man mythos and the Avengers roster.... remember there are more Marvel movies tied into the Iron Man universe about to be released, Scarlett will be in at least one more of those. Setting her character up in Iron Man 2 was a great way to gain time for that next one. So no, I don't think the movie would have been better without her character.


Staff member
She was pretty much just blank-faced the whole time anyway, which sort of works for someone who doesn't want to give anything away. She didn't make the movie worse or me, but I see where TLB's coming from. I didn't know much about Iron Man before the movie, so I have nothing to contribute regarding how necessary she was.


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I'm fairly certain I don't give a tiny rat's hiney about her acting, so long as she keeps filling the catsuits. Gotta give her props for not being afraid to prove they're real, on the spot, though.



Staff member
(is "actress" still sexist?)
the hell[/QUOTE]

You know, the general de-sexing of work titles (and formal titles as well). "Ms." is preferred over "Miss" because you're not defined by whether or not you're married... Stewardess, Actress, Waitress... they've all kinda being replaced so that people holding a job all carry the same title and aren't automatically defined by their sex... I suppose.
I tend to call people by the gender-neutral version unless I can call a female aviator an aviatrix, or something along those lines. it's a cool word!
(is "actress" still sexist?)
the hell[/QUOTE]

You know, the general de-sexing of work titles (and formal titles as well). "Ms." is preferred over "Miss" because you're not defined by whether or not you're married... Stewardess, Actress, Waitress... they've all kinda being replaced so that people holding a job all carry the same title and aren't automatically defined by their sex... I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Is that actually a problem for anyone but feminists though? I mean, you have an actor and an actress, just as you have lords and ladies, kings and queens...It's just the way it works.

Or maybe I'm just being shortsighted here.


Staff member
I have no idea. I don't care, I was just explaining. I don't really get offended by it, but I guess some people don't like being reminded of their sex?
Some people think gender should not be a defining aspect for any individual. I tend to think these people are going too far with PC-ness... gender is DEFINITELY a defining aspect for human beings. Duality is in every culture, and the duality of sex is one of the biggest reasons for that.

These people are trying to make a monotone, uniform world. They want people to stop noticing diversity, whereas I think we should celebrate it. It'd be a boring world if we were all the same.
EDIT: c-c-c--c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER

It really annoys me when people take some fringe opinion way off the beaten path and apply it to capital-f Feminism. This is the first time I've heard of anyone seriously wanting to abolish the word 'actress', and now it seems like you're considering that some pillar of feminism.

It's just about equality and having the same rights and opportunities. And fighting against the stereotypes that impede that equality. I really don't think everyone should be the exact same. In fact, a lot of the beer commercials feminists rage against present guys as monotone horndogs and women as all being the same object of sexual conquest. I'd argue that gender roles do far more painting of everyone as having the same characteristics than daring to think women can achieve as much as men.


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I don't think anyone was claiming it was a pillar... at least I wasn't. But it's not as if people can hide behind a new title as if people aren't going to notice they're a woman or a man. Sure, people shouldn't assume that, just because there are general differences between men and women, there are some things that no woman (or man) could ever accomplish. But we do have differences. It's just a fact. And some of them are based on our sex. Our gender, we choose or fall into based on culture. I'm all for equality, but I do get tired of people wrapping themselves up in these safe, cozy new names as if they themselves have any power. They don't until enough people start mindlessly accepting them.
...what? When I talked about "these peolpe" I meant "people who think the word 'actress' is sexist"... nowhere ever in the history of time have I ever ever written that's feminists.
^ Seamstress, Hostess, waitress, pool/cabana boy, stable boy, policeman/woman, saleswoman/man, etc.

Some have been in modern times encouraged to use person as a PC general term but there are alot of job titles that are either gender specific, or have a gender tag added on.

Steven Soderburgin

Did anyone actually say actress was sexist?

Anyway she sucks. She was fine in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, but how can anyone think she was good in The Other Boleyn girl?
The distinctions are more prominent in Spanish.. a female doctor would be "Doctor" while a female one would be "Doctora", for instance. Maestro, Maestra. Abogado, Abogada. Vendedor, Vendedora. etc.

But Spanish is a language that assigns a gender to EVERYTHING, so stripping it from professions would not just be ridiculous but unfeasible.


Staff member
Did anyone actually say actress was sexist?

Anyway she sucks. She was fine in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, but how can anyone think she was good in The Other Boleyn girl?
That whole movie bugged me. I thought it was gonna be good, but it was just weird and kind of dull.
The distinctions are more prominent in Spanish.. a female doctor would be "Doctor" while a female one would be "Doctora", for instance. Maestro, Maestra. Abogado, Abogada. Vendedor, Vendedora. etc.

But Spanish is a language that assigns a gender to EVERYTHING, so stripping it from professions would not just be ridiculous but unfeasible.
Well, there's people (in Spain, at least!) who distinguish between "médico" and "médica", for example, wich I think sounds ridiculous, and people who don't say "jueza" for a female "juez", wich I don't think sounds bad, even if maybe it's unnecessary.

I just say it as it comes. My mother, for example, defines herself as médico estomatólogo, doctora, profesora and presidente/presidenta de la sociedad española de periodoncia. As you can see by the last one, even she doesn't do it in a consistent way.
PresidentA just sounds plain awful to me... I don't think that's ever been used down here... JUEZA either, man that sounds even worse.
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