Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!
More suggestions because
Shawnacy said:
- I've always enjoyed the cavern type dungeons. Like how the Kobold lair opened up into the huge dragon cave, that was neat. And the demon boy whose name I can't remember right now-- he was in that cave. Me likey caves.
- Definitely wanting an interplanar world or something. Just a world completely different and magical from our own. Think end-boss of JRPG settings. Swirling purple skies on top of floating rocks types of things.
- We totally need a recurring villain (who we either defeat after many tries or eventually comes to work with us)
- More rooms like back in the kobold area. We find personal belongings, money, gems, etc. Doors trapped with acid buckets. That kin'a thing.
- Actually, there was a certain charm about the kobold area. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe it felt more lighthearted or something? Like, exploring it felt fun, as opposed to survival. Maybe it's because we had separate hallways and doors to check out, instead of linear rooms? Dunno. Anyone else able to pinpoint it?
- While I'm thinking about it, a personal request; I asked before but don't remember if I got a reply: Can Serin's new flight ability and her Wild Shape ability be more or less surprises for her? I would like them soonish (not the 2-3 levels Adia waited to spring her surprise
) but not necessarily forced either. I don't know the best way to do the Wild Shape reveal, so if you wanna PM me or something, that'd be coo'.
- Grendmir totally needs to become a Paladin. C'mon Grendy, take up the higher cause!
- Hmmm.. I know this is almost changing the rules, but what about some kind of Combined Attack action? Like, maybe you spend an action point to "Combine Attack", which would also be Preparing an Action. You (Shawn) would go through our abilities and pick out which ones might combine to make some other kind of attack. You would either tell us which ones combine, or we'd have to figure it out ourselves to "unlock" them. So, when Player 1 uses an action point to "Combine Attack," they plan with Player 2 for Player 2 to use a specific attack-- which is also an action point. When Player 2 uses their Action Point to use Combine Attack, both players fire off their attacks simultaneously, possibly generating a Combined Attack, which would have extra effects or do more damage (enough to warrant using two action points). If the abilities are not ones you decided should mix, the attacks go off normally.
Example: Combined Attack Success.
Serin does her turn.
Action Point -> Combine Attack
-- "Errik! I'm going to use Combine Attack and use Chaos Bolt on Enemy 1! Use Magic Missile on Enemy 1 as well!"
When Errik's turn comes around, he does his turn as normal, then uses an Action Point to Combine Attack.
Errik uses Magic Missile on Enemy 1!
(Only one of their attacks has to hit to combine, not both)
Chaos Missile!
Both attacks deal damage to the primary target!
-- Secondary: If either attack was even, both players make secondary attacks against different enemies within 5 squares of the original target. No creature may be attacked more than once with this Combined Attack, and both attacks cannot hit the same creature beyond the original Primary Target.
(What this means is that both Magic Missile and Chaos Bolt hit Enemy 1. If either attack rolls were even, Errik rolls another Magic Missile attack on an enemy up to 5 squares away from Enemy 1, and Serin rolls another Chaos Bolt attack on an enemy up to 5 squares away from Enemy 1, but not the same enemy as Errik. If Errik's attack hits and is an even roll, he can roll another attack on another enemy up to 5 squares away from Enemy 2, but not Enemy 1 or the enemy Serin's second attack hit [assuming her attack hit.] If Serin's secondary attack missed, however, Errik may still target that enemy assuming he keeps rolling evens and the enemy is 5 squares from the last target. The same applies to Serin.)
That sounds exceedingly complicated, but it's just Serin's Chaos Bolt transferring its "jumping" property to Errik's Magic Missile.
If the abilities chosen are not a combined attack, then after Errik cast his Magic Missile and dealt damage, Serin casts her Chaos Bolt as if it were a Prepared Action, and nothing special happens.
If Serin had used her action point to Combine Attack on Enemy 3, but Enemy 3 was killed before or on Errik's turn (but before he had a chance to use his Action Point to Combine Attack), then Serin's action point returns to her, unspent.
I think it all makes sense and it would definitely make us work as a team, and action points are rare enough to make us only use Combined Attacks when it counted.
Another example could be Saryon casting one of his radiant close burst/heal things, and Adia uses Twin Strike on two different targets.
Example 2: Combined Attack Success
Adia does her turn.
Adia: Action Point, Combine Attack
-- "Saryon! Use [whatever his close burst heal/deal damage ability is]! I'm going to use Twin Boar Strike on Enemy 1 and Enemy 3!" (which are both within the Close Burst range)
Saryon does his turn.
Saryon: Action Point, Combine Attack
-- Saryon uses above-mentioned ability and heals/does damage/whatever.
Radiant Boar Strike!
Adia makes her attack rolls. If they hit, they deal more damage (decided by you, maybe 2x damage?) that is of Radiant type.
Stuff like that. I think it'd be fun-- granted, it'd be a lot of creative work on your end, but if you were interested then it might be worth trying. Hell, I'll sit here and think of Combined Attacks if you want.
Haha, alright, I think that's enough typing and Rules modifying for now.