Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

ARGH! Are you fucking shitting me?? I wrote up this huge post, and when I hit submit, it said I had to be logged in (which I fucking WAS) to post. So I log in, it brings me back here, and my post is gone. God DAMMIT. Whatever, I'll have to write it up again..
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Always copy your text before pressing submit. Make a habit of it. :falldown:

less than 3 hours to go!


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Alright, this'll probably be an abridged version of my post.

Anyway, I wanted to ask Shawn a question: What do the surfaces of the different coins look like? I know that gold, silver, and copper pieces are the same size and weight (inch across, 1/50th of a pound), but nothing details the surface.

I ask because I had an idea: Errik's prestidigitation cantrip can change the color of objects within 1 cubic foot for one hour. Since the coins are so similar, we could exchange a number of gold pieces for copper (100 cp per 1 gp) and have Errik change the color of the coins from copper to gold.

I was wondering about the faces, because beyond that there should be no way to tell that the coins aren't really gold coins. Heck, I've even heard of MANY instances where people spent those gold dollar coins we have here in real life as quarters simply because they're similar in size. They don't have the same face, color, or feel even.

So it could stand to reason that if we presented a bunch of copper coins as gold, it would be unlikely anyone would notice. Especially if we presented a real gold coin first and then paid with the rest of the "gold" later.

God, this post is so much more sucky than the first..

Anyway, I understand that this seems like a huge exploit, so Shawn'll probably not let us/find a way around it.

So my next point: We have gems. We can use the same cantrip to change the gems to colors of gems of higher value and sell them. The thing here is that gems -are- made up of different materials, so a trained professional could spot the difference, but maybe a regular merchant couldn't.

No matter what, though, we have Serin do all the transacting, so if caught, she can just run and shapechange so nothing is pinned on the party.

I'm just trying to find ways to use our powers creatively. And since Serin is an exploitationist, she thinks towards the deceptive side of things.

Edit, but not really an edit: I just found the Ritual "Fool's Gold," (level 3) which creates a large amount of perfectly realistic gold that last for however long an Arcana check allows. Since this is obviously a HUGE exploitation of money and the game allows it, I can't see why we wouldn't be allowed to do the idea above.

(Possible argument: "But you can't duplicate the effects of another power with Prestidigitation." Rebuttal: We're not.)

Anywho, if Shawn'll allow this, I can see Serin convincing Errik of this since he's from a mob family and used to doing things for financial gain, and hasn't become a perfect angel yet. :slywink:


I hope I didn't leave anything out. This post is seriously way way weaker than my original. And I almost always Ctrl+A + Ctrl+C my posts before I submit! But for SOME reason I didn't this time! Agh.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I'd say that in a world where any first level wizard could pull this scam, it's been done, overdone, discovered, rectified, and been made obsolete.

Differing coin sizes, edges, text, engravings, etc. would put a stop to this and has probably been done for hundreds of years. :heythere:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Differing coin sizes, edges, text, engravings, etc. would put a stop to this and has probably been done for hundreds of years.
not to mention gold being softer than copper.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
Differing coin sizes, edges, text, engravings, etc. would put a stop to this and has probably been done for hundreds of years.
not to mention gold being softer than copper.
They bite down on those coins in the movies for a reason.
I can also guarantee that any shop that caters in magic items isn't going to be fooled by the fools gold ritual.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Yes, but remember what I said? People TODAY in THIS day and age accidentally spend gold dollars as quarters because they're not paying attention.

Now in a world where most of the currency is coins, it seems reasonable that a merchant, accustomed to mostly gold, silver, and copper pieces, would not have any real reason to check for something like that. When you have 3 coins that are the same size and weight, and you recieve a gold-colored one, it's assumed to be a gold piece. Unless the seller has a reason to suspect any foul play.

And sure, it would be a big exploit, so it's not like I'm going to make a fuss if we can't (and with Serin's shapechanging, there's no reason to not at least try. Set a DC and let her bluff check try for it. If we fail, oh no, I shapechange and there are no consequences.)

And if we can't do this, we can just wait 'til level 3. Errik could buy the ritual and then we're in indistinguishable-from-real-money city. Serin would probably pitch in for this. :rofl:

I'm tired of this game destroying any money-making opportunities. I mean, I know there have to be rules to make things balanced, but it destroys the fun sometimes. XD Not just this, several things, but oh well.

On to Bridgeport!! *excited*


Modified in responde to Shawn's post:

A'right a'right. But they wouldn't bite every coin, would they? :sobad:

Bah, alright. *quits* :eek:rly:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Hahahaha, Serin is HELLBENT on destroying the world economy.

I can imagine Shawn letting us get away with all this, in game, with no consequences for like an in-game year. Then suddenly a massive red dragon hunts us down and is all like "WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THIS FAKE MONEY GUYS :devil: FIREBREATH".
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Also, people in this day and age don't have Magical Powers that allow them to counterfeit or detect counterfeiting.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gusto said:
Also, people in this day and age don't have Magical Powers that allow them to counterfeit or detect counterfeiting.
merchants in dnd would probably pay a hedge wizard to ward their shop against illusion magic a to prevent fake money and b to prevent fake items.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Yes, but remember what I said? People TODAY in THIS day and age accidentally spend gold dollars as quarters because they're not paying attention.

Now in a world where most of the currency is coins, it seems reasonable that a merchant, accustomed to mostly gold, silver, and copper pieces, would not have any real reason to check for something like that. When you have 3 coins that are the same size and weight, and you recieve a gold-colored one, it's assumed to be a gold piece. Unless the seller has a reason to suspect any foul play.

And sure, it would be a big exploit, so it's not like I'm going to make a fuss if we can't (and with Serin's shapechanging, there's no reason to not at least try. Set a DC and let her bluff check try for it. If we fail, oh no, I shapechange and there are no consequences.)

And if we can't do this, we can just wait 'til level 3. Errik could buy the ritual and then we're in indistinguishable-from-real-money city. Serin would probably pitch in for this. :rofl:

I'm tired of this game destroying any money-making opportunities. I mean, I know there have to be rules to make things balanced, but it destroys the fun sometimes. XD Not just this, several things, but oh well.

On to Bridgeport!! *excited*


Modified in responde to Shawn's post:

A'right a'right. But they wouldn't bite every coin, would they? :sobad:

Bah, alright. *quits* :eek:rly:
Hmm. Well I'm not going to tell you an outright no. Just that in this world I guarantee it has been tried before and there will be stern punishments dolled out to those who attempt it and are caught.
Plus turnabout is fair game. Last thing you guys want to do is check every single gold piece you earn.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


If we're gonna run scams, can they at least be scams that don't destroy our own core assumptions about the world and its mechanics?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

speaking of core assumptions did you know that you have been in a coma for the past te

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
speaking of core assumptions did you know that you have been in a coma for the past te

My mind is too attached to the illusory world I've built! Pulling me out of it could KILL ME.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Heh, yay undead.

Quick note: Unless otherwise noted, whenever Serin is in a town, she's shapechanged as a typical female human that looks more or less like her natural self, just human.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Fun times.

I've noticed I rarely speak during RP moments. Might be due to lag. Or Serin's just quiet. Oh wells!

Anyway, I don't care which we seek out first. The one across the seas sounded interesting, but would logically come last.

Very glad to have an at-will area burst. Came quite in handy with the undead.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I won't dwell on the storyline too much for now as I'll wait to think about it for the next day or so but I'll post a few notes on things I'll ask people to kindly kindly respect :

- Macros at this point should be setup completely. They need to be clear and concise for your allies and most importantly the DM. I just spent the last 10 minutes to update my macros, just for the sake of being thorough, due to my new item and due to making sure that I don't miss any bonuses. I'm already good to go for next week. This is easy! Be a pal and make sure you macro what you can ahead of time. Also we should also maybe type in the chat when allies gain bonuses so we are doubly aware.

- Patience. Tonight there was only one real encounter. That's perfectly fine. Take your time, let other take their time and sometimes the DM needs to build up the storyline. Furthermore, let other players finish what they are saying or doing unless it's really in character (but not all the time).

- Thirdly, mutual respect. Remember, playing around "occasionally" with pogs (i'm guilty of this at times) for a certain effect with great timing is good entertainment. But quit flipping people's pogs while they are talking, especially when you know it distracts them. Comon, we are better than that! We could make use of the time, the week is long!!! :) Also when the DM speaks, please be quiet.


June 11th is Saryon's night.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

We've been at it for a month now; there's no reason not to have macros set up for each thing.

I think we all did alright tonight, some lapses aside. I'm looking forward to next week (as usual).

I think we should head south personally. There's only a small chance the dwarf is there, but that could be said of any conflict if he really chases them around like that. Might be more to get caught up in for that matter, and Grendmir is eager for blood.

Of course, first we have to get out of the catacombs and not die in them.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

So good game, guys. Hopefully everyone had fun. Much epicness and shit being thrown about into the preverbial fans all over the place.

Due to some of the rushing at the end there if anyone has a last minute question to ask Sir Oathbearer you can do so here and I will answer it as he would.

Other than that here is a recap of the info regarding the six surviving members (well the 4 you haven't found yet), and will be added to the adventure summary thread.

Horus Lightborn: The offspring of a human and a much holier power. A master of twin blades. Last he was heard of he set off on his own to seek a fabled paradise within the razor peaks.

Marian Aldarbrush: Eladrin Sorceress. A woman of great beauty and power. I believe she often spoke favorably of returning to her home city of Astrazalian. A city stuck between this world and the Fey Wild.

Dwar Steelgrand: A Dwarven Battlerager with more bravery in my little pinkie than I myself could ever muster. Dwar went wherever there was a war to be won or evil to destroy. Tracking him could be very difficult.

S'erikk Akara: Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut. Died shortly of injuries sustained in the battle against Acererak. His remains were taken to his home across the sea on the island of Drak'nar.

So that leaves you guys with the decision on where to go from here. Within the next day or so try to decide where you will all agree to head first. Brother Lumar has already promised to equip you accordingly.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

jay and esc said:
blah blah blah the extra 1 second that kratash takes to roll is a mortal offense blah blah blah.
OH LOOK AT THAT it's weekly "complain about gurpel" time.

1. i didnt take too much time rolling. the one time my turn took more than 20 seconds it was because i was deciding what to do.
2. i talked over someone (on purpose) once. i'm sorry my shitty internet connection does not let me hear you for 2+seconds.
3. i wasnt fucking with the pogs. it was someone else. the extent of my actions on adia's pog was to set the "rotation" variable to zero so it reset (i did this after she complained.)

also at least dont be passive aggressive about "oh someone didnt bother to take the time to set up macros" and say "hey gurpel do some macros."

so whatever. i'll do some macros, you nazis.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Also, besides the obvious paths mentioned above, you guys might decide to do something else. Such as return to Stullenpike's rest or completely ignore Acererak's message and going on your merry ways.
I plan this stuff as you give me information regarding your actions. So don't feel like you have to follow any obvious (or more obvious than others) plot hooks.


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Better than my 'net connection where what I say doesn't reach you guys 'til about 5-10 seconds later.

Anywho, I'll try to have a summary up by Sunday or something.

I vote we head south. Even if the dwarf is there or not, there's a war. I actually wouldn't mind getting mixed up in something that has nothing to do with the plot. Gaining loot and exp is fun for me. I'd love getting something tailored for me like Errik's tome. Not necessarily a weapon, but you know. =P

Oh yeah, what's exp 'n all that?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Here is the quick summary and the other thread has been updated.

Chapter 3: "Nothing Sacred"

The party made their way south and finished their journey to Bridgeport with no further interruptions. While in town they shopped and sold several items obtained through their travels. Eventually they made their way to the beautiful and magnificent temple of pelor and met up with a priest named Brother Lumar within the main cathedral. When Lumar seemed unconvinced that Acererak was of any issue, Errik pulled forth the green gemmed amulet given to them by Stullenpike Senior. The moment it was lifted into the air, it glowed bright green and blasted out a wave of dark energy. Immediately the skies darkened and the floor of the cathedral began to crack open, releasing dozens of animated skeletons that began to strike at anything living. Errik immediately began torching the undead beings into non-existance, as Saryon called down the wrath of Ilmater to send the forces straight back to hell. Fleeing with Brother Lumar and as many civilians as possible, the party found that the entire temple had been overrun. Needless to say, Brother Lumar now believed the party's claims about Acererak returning and felt they needed to make their way to Sir Sirius Oathbearer's tomb as soon as possible. Kratash, being ever ready to face evil at any condition, asked to be shown to the tomb immediately. A request that Brother Lumar advised against, but fufilled none-the-less. Joined by Serin, Kratash ventured into the tomb and found it littered with creatures of hair, fingernails, and bonedust that were brought to undead life by the necrotic energy within the temple above. While the small ones were easily destroyed by the warlord and his sorcerer friend, the bigger ones were enough to persuade the two of them to return to the surface and try again in the morning once the rest of the party was ready to proceed. Luckily, the next morning, the tomb was oddly quite deserted with the exception of a few of the remaining tiny tomb motes that didn't even attempt to put up a fight. In the final room, the party came across a stone sarcophagus to the fallen cleric, and a stone chair. When Saryon, a cleric of the Pelor favored diety Ilmater, sat within the chair, he was possessed by an echo of Sir Sirius Oathbearer who spoke with the party regarding their dealings with Acererak. He warned them that the lich had, for one reason or another, put his attention on them, and would continue to hound them until they perished or were prepared to face him. Sirius gave the party the names of his other four comrades who had destroyed the Lich hundreds of years ago and lived to tell the tale, as well as clues as to where they could be found. He then presented his host, Saryon, with a holy symbol to Pelor that would protect him from the undead. As they prepared to leave the room, they opened the door and caught a glimpse of a shadowy creature that glared blood red eyes and promptly vanished as it moved toward them.


Staff member
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

That is actually much better than any summary I could write, and I don't see any reason to make on after that. :rofl:

I didn't realize the shadowy figure vanished. I thought it was a "dun dun dunnn" situation where we'd cut to commercial and talk to him next session. Intriguing!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
That is actually much better than any summary I could write, and I don't see any reason to make on after that. :rofl:

I didn't realize the shadowy figure vanished. I thought it was a "dun dun dunnn" situation where we'd cut to commercial and talk to him next session. Intriguing!
I added that part. Sort of a "uh oh. Here comes trouble... and it's INVISIBLE"
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
OH LOOK AT THAT it's weekly "complain about gurpel" time.

1. i didnt take too much time rolling. the one time my turn took more than 20 seconds it was because i was deciding what to do.
2. i talked over someone (on purpose) once. i'm sorry my shitty internet connection does not let me hear you for 2+seconds.
3. i wasnt smurfing with the pogs. it was someone else. the extent of my actions on adia's pog was to set the "rotation" variable to zero so it reset (i did this after she complained.)

also at least dont be passive aggressive about "oh someone didnt bother to take the time to set up macros" and say "hey gurpel do some macros."

so whatever. i'll do some macros, you nazis.
That's a pretty poor attitude.

My previous post was pretty generalized and I'm sorry that you felt that every point attacked you specifically. Sometimes, it's not just about you, you know? I don't know or even care who is playing with the player pogs as long as it stops and they don't mysteriously disappear or start rotating while the person is taking their turn. I repeat, I have no idea who's doing this! There's also no rush in performing one's turn... and there's no problem interrupting someone with something your character says or does, granted it shouldn't be happening more than seldomly.

In regards to your macros, that advice is good practice for everyone, including the DM. I just went out of my way to mention to make sure that everyone to have macros for everything insinuating you because we've been reminding you, multiple times, weekly, over a month ago to kindly take a few minutes to complete them so that your turn can be interpreted more smoothly.

*clears throat*

hey gurpel do some macros

*raises hand*

hey gurpel do some macros

*gets on a blowhorn*

hey gurpel do some macros

[spoiler:2stb6885]hey gurpel do some macros[/spoiler:2stb6885]
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Shawnacy said:
Here is the quick summary and the other thread has been updated.

Chapter 3: "Nothing Sacred"

The party made their way south and finished their journey to Bridgeport with no further interruptions. While in town they shopped and sold several items obtained through their travels. Eventually they made their way to the beautiful and magnificent temple of pelor and met up with a priest named Brother Lumas within the main cathedral. When Lumas seemed unconvinced that Acererak was of any issue, Errik pulled forth the green gemmed amulet given to them by Stullenpike Senior. The moment it was lifted into the air, it glowed bright green and blasted out a wave of dark energy. Immediately the skies darkened and the floor of the cathedral began to crack open, releasing dozens of animated skeletons that began to strike at anything living. Fleeing with Brother Lumas and as many civilians as possible, the party found that the entire temple had been overrun. Needless to say, Brother Lumar now believed the party's claims about Acererak returning and felt they needed to make their way to Sir Sirius Oathbearer's tomb as soon as possible. Kratash, being ever ready to face evil at any condition, asked to be shown to the tomb immediately. A request that Brother Lumar advised against, but fufilled none-the-less. Joined by Serin, Kratash ventured into the tomb and found it littered with creatures of hair, fingernails, and bonedust that were brought to undead life by the necrotic energy within the temple above. While the small ones were easily destroyed by the warlord and his sorcerer friend, the bigger ones were enough to persuade the two of them to return to the surface and try again in the morning once the rest of the party was ready to proceed. Luckily, the next morning, the tomb was oddly quite deserted with the exception of a few of the remaining tiny tomb motes that didn't even attempt to put up a fight. In the final room, the party came across a stone sarcophagus to the fallen cleric, and a stone chair. When Saryon, a cleric of the Pelor favored diety Ilmater, sat within the chair, he was possessed by an echo of Sir Sirius Oathbearer who spoke with the party regarding their dealings with Acererak. He warned them that the lich had, for one reason or another, put his attention on them, and would continue to hound them until they perished or were prepared to face him. Sirius gave the party the names of his other four comrades who had destroyed the Lich hundreds of years ago and lived to tell the tale, as well as clues as to where they could be found. He then presented his host, Saryon, with a holy symbol to Pelor that would protect him from the undead. As they prepared to leave the room, they opened the door and caught a glimpse of a shadowy creature that glared blood red eyes and promptly vanished as it moved toward them.
This is a great piece, but no mention of the battle itself? Or Saryon's noble efforts to save the ladies?!? FOR SHAME!!!

Lance of Faith baby, yeaaaah!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Sure I mean yeah I guess the cleric finally hit with something and took out a bunch of guys in one round and also helped save a few people. Never mind the wizard who took out about the same number of baddies as the cleric and maintains a good hit percentage over the entire campaign I mean he's okay too I guess. :angry:

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