Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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doomdragon6 said:
Yay for reading this after I get to my Aunt's! (30 minutes away)

Bah. 2 games in a row cancelled, both times I find out after I drive out here.

Le sigh.
I apologize, Doom. It wasn't an easy decision. Next week and on for sure though.
doomdragon6 said:
Nah it's cool.

I got Taco Bell. :D
Heh. Can't beat taco bell.
Though I'm more of a Del Taco person cause i'm poor.

To get things going quickly next week so we can make up for my sick day, does anyone have any character requests? Such as is anyone feeling left out, or require stronger motivation for their character to continue on?


Staff member
Hmm.. Only things I could think of is some loot-love for the magic casters. Maybe some extra gold so we can afford some items. And of course, I love shapechanging to accomplish a goal, but that's more something that comes up during RP than something that's planned ahead of time.

Not complaining, mind you. Just you asked. :D
It would be sweet to have someone recognize the Loreno name but I imagine that if it was gonna happen it was gonna be back in Bridgeport.
blah it feels like forever since theres been a game.

also i am contemplating something. with kratash's new greatsword, i sacrifice my d12 greataxe for a d10+1 so with a skill like "lead the attack" my max damage drops from 36 to 31.

i dont know. i think i'll stick with it anyway because lightning sword f*** yeah
Gurpel said:
blah it feels like forever since theres been a game.

also i am contemplating something. with kratash's new greatsword, i sacrifice my d12 greataxe for a d10+1 so with a skill like "lead the attack" my max damage drops from 36 to 31.

i dont know. i think i'll stick with it anyway because lightning sword f*** yeah
Is that a Thundering Greatsword +1?

I think the way it works on triple weapon damage (like your Daily) is that it also triples the damage bonus, but any additional damage (such as the 1d6 extra from the crit, or the 1d8 extra from its Daily ability) is done separately.

So you're looking at 3-36 range with the greataxe, and 6-33 with the thundering greatsword, so the average damage is the same. Plus the greatsword gets the extra potential from its Daily and the crit bonus damage. Plus it's fucking BADASS.

(Anyone who knows more about 4e rules can feel free to correct me on this.)
no, it's a lightning greatsword +1 which is a level of magnitude better than a thundering one.

the difference is that with the lightning greatsword i can, at will, switch it from normal damage to lightning damage, and once per day i can do 1d6 lighting to a guy i just hit, and anyone within 2 squares of him.

overall, yeah, it's better than the greataxe, even if i will miss it a bit.

oh, and to boot, shawn says that while on lightning damage mode it appears to be basically a lightning bolt on a sword hilt, so that's cool too. (if i did not hilariously misinterperet him, that is.)
Sounds awesome. :)

Oh, and I should mention that Errik, while still in Bridgeport, bought himself a new ritual that he should have memorized by now. :D

Ward Undead. :D

Basically I take a few minutes to inscribe a line or circle on the ground, and it prevents (Arcana result-10) undead from passing it. Seemed like it would be useful for this campaign. :)


Staff member
Woot. Gonna fight us some drakes!

Since my internet is still fuxxored up teh buttzors, I'll be going to my aunt's again. So no lag! Woo! Make me RP, guys. I'm quiet by nature. Half the time I don't even beep in when I laugh out loud like you guys do. *insert laughing smiling that was nixxed that isn't the rofl smiley here*
sorry i took your thunder there, serin :(

i wasn't trying to invalidate your shapeshifting skillz, it just happened.

anyway, here's a question for shawn: for level 3 retraining, i am thinking of taking the swordmage-multiclass feat "sword bond" which lets me recall a blade from anywhere within 10 squares, and reform a broken or damaged blade from any piece of it. are swordmages allowed in your campaign?

edit[strike:1yxgeft6]well that was awkward.

if you guys don't want me in this campaign go ahead and say so, i dont want to be a burden.[/strike:1yxgeft6]

edit #2: okay, misunderstanding i guess. nvm.
Gurpel said:
anyway, here's a question for shawn: for level 3 retraining, i am thinking of taking the swordmage-multiclass feat "sword bond" which lets me recall a blade from anywhere within 10 squares, and reform a broken or damaged blade from any piece of it. are swordmages allowed in your campaign?
Swordbond is totally allowed
Gurpel said:
Comic for yesterday's game.
:toocool: This coming from the guy who took about 20 total damage while snuggling with said "puppy"?
hehe. :smug:

*goes all "aaawwww" at the puppy/baby picture*


Staff member
Alright, I want my teammate's opinions.

Here are the options I'm considering for Level 3:

- Power: Dancing Lightning: 2d10+8 dmg. Adjacent enemies take 7 damage guaranteed, no rolls. The only problem here is that if I miss, it's 100% wasted. And I HATE powers that target just one enemy for that reason. On the other hand, if it hits, it's perfect for clearing out minions surrounding the target, as they're guaranteed to take damage. This could potentially be used on an ally surrounded by minions. Since it targets reflex, the ally could just refuse to dodge and take the hit, destroying the minions. (Risky though. Minium 9 damage, max 28.)

- Power: Ice Dragon's Teeth: 2d8+8 dmg. Area Burst 3 (3x3 square) and slows targets hit 'til end of next turn. Only reason to take this is because it's another burst that does okay damage. Slowing is a fringe benefit. However, if I retrain and take the Astral Fire feat (which makes an enemy hit by an arcane fire attack vulnerable 5 against cold for my next attack), I can make use Starburst (fire keyword) to vulnerablize enemies, then Ice Dragon's Teeth them and do 2d8+12. Not bad, but it's only a +5 once per encounter. (losing my +1 dmg for every attack ever.)

- Power: Frost Bind: 3d6+8 dmg, and target takes a -2 penalty to Reflex 'til end of next turn. There are only 2 reasons I would take this: 1) If I retrain Astral Fire as above, I can do 5 extra damage per encounter. 2) The -2 to Reflex would greatly help Errik hit the target. Plus, my Starburst targets refex, so I'd have a better chance to hit with it as well (though it is my weakest attack.) Thing is, this only targets one creature, and again, if I miss, it's completely wasted.

- Power: Thundering Roar: Close Blast 3 (3x3 sqr) 2d6+8 dmg, and target takes -2 penalty to attack rolls 'til end of next turn. Back when I had a Close Blast I never used it because nothing ever came near me, and so far that trend has continued. I'm not saying it won't come up, but it's rare enough for this power to be nigh worthless. Unless, I took the Arcane Familiar Feat - Dragonling, which gives me a +2 to healing surges, speak Draconic, and I can use the dragonling's square as the origin square for a close blast. This means I can send out my dragonling to make the close blasts ranged, which is very tempting and has been very useful in Dave's game. (Granted, that's with a 5x5 attack.) Plus, -2 to attack is pretty good, BUT it affects allies too, so if they're in the blast they lose the 2 attack as well.

This is especially tempting seeing as we are in a Dragonborn lair, and finding a dragonling would be very easy to do.

Alternatively, for a Close Blast, I could take Thundering Gust (1d10+8), which slides the targets 3 spaces. If we ever encountered enemies near some sort of hazard (cliff, river, lava, traps, pit, etc), they could fairly easily be pushed into it. This is also safe for allies, because I can simply slide them away from the hazard. Thing is, 3x3 is a bit limited, but still useful. I'm actually liking this batter than the -2 to Attack.


So those are the options I'm considering at the moment. Thinking about it, I'm really liking the idea of a cutesy dragonling attaching itself to the generally stoic Serin, especially being in a Dragonborn area.

What do you all think? A lot of these powers can incorporate allies, so I want your input.

(Extra note: If I got the Dragonling, I believe that would make the only one unable to speak Draconic being Adia. :tongue: )
I'm taking Sweeping Blade, although since we're not getting exp until the ends of sessions now, I don't think we needed to pick right away.
doomdragon6 said:
- Power: Ice Dragon's Teeth: 2d8+8 dmg. Area Burst 3 (3x3 square)
Keep in mind that Area Burst 3 means a 7x7 square. According to the Character builder, Ice Dragon's Teeth is Area Burst 1.

And I think you're hating on your single-target attacks way too much, Doom. We have Kratash, Grendmir, and Adia attacking single targets a lot of the time, me AOEing whenever possible, Saryon buffing, debuffing, healing, and radianting, and you, Serin, worknig as a kind of hybrid to singletarget, AOE, and debuff whenever needed.

Seeing as you and I are effectively our party's only offensive casters, we really SHOULD have different focuses. Certainly in cases where there are hordes of minions, I might be able to clear them out faster with Scorching Bursts, Burning Hands, etc., where you only really have Whirlwind and Starburst. But if we're in some kind of single Big Bad fight, I only really have Magic Missile to focus damage on one target.

You have much more damage output against a single target than I do. I have much more ability to clear a battlefield of weaklings than you do. That doesn't make you any better or worse. We just have different jobs.

...Honestly, after writing this speech, I think I should make sure at least ONE of my Encounter powers targets a single enemy... But yeah, other than a few exceptions, we should stick to our focuses, I think.


Staff member
It'd be one thing if the single target attacks had a better chance to HIT, though.

For me, battles become most boring when I'm reduced to attacking a single enemy. It is so, so boring. I LOVE blasting the shit out of multiple enemies. And hell, I'll probably only hit half of those enemies. So I'll stick to AOEs.

My Daily, however, is exactly that and why I picked it. It's a single target, massive damage, no-debuffs attack, reserved for when we're fighting a single big baddy.

But good GOD I hate single-target attacks. Even in Gruebeard's game, where I played a minotaur barbarian that had a +8 to attack at level 1, I still missed often and that was the end of my turn. Whoopdee doo. I hate missing so, so, SO much.

Anywho, thanks for the thoughts. Anyone else have any suggestions? Right now I'm leaning towards getting a Dragonling and taking Thundering Gust.

That'll give me a single ranged (with secondary possibility) at-will, an Area Burst 1 At-Will, an Area-Burst Encounter that knocks prone, and a Close Blast Encounter that slides.

All I'd be missing is a close burst, and I have yet to have a situation where I had a need for that.
escushion said:
Speak for yourself. I'm picking this encounter power because I want to have at least one AOE attack, just in case.
Haha well, yeah, I got to that at the end of my post. I had my new encounter all picked out and now I'm leaning towards something Single Target.

-- less than a minute ago --

doomdragon6 said:
All I'd be missing is a close burst, and I have yet to have a situation where I had a need for that.
Yeah, that's an excellent point. Even in the event that I get surrounded, Expeditious Retreat has my back.

In that case, I will be taking Icy Rays as my new Encounter, and will be replacing Grasping Shadows with Colour Spray in my Tome of Readiness.

Colour Spray
Close Blast 5, +6 vs. Will
1d6+5 radiant damage, and dazed til the end of my next turn.

Icy Rays
Ranged 10, 2 attacks vs. one or two targets, +6 vs. Reflex
1d10+5 cold damage, and immobilized til the end of my next turn


Staff member
If I were to pick a single target, it'd be Frost Bind. 3d6 is the highest damage of my level 3's, and it lowers reflex, enabling Errik a better chance to hit.

But right now I'm realling liking the Dragonling + Thundering Gust. Sliding Targets around could get fun.

Also I'm considering retraining Chaos Bolt for Arcing Fire someday-- It's a guaranteed Cha + Dex (right now 8) damage to any enemy between me and the target, which allows for some fun battle tactics. The target itself takes a 1d8+Cha+Dex.
Looking through the Ranger stuff, there ARE some things that target defenses other than AC. I was surprised. Still learning a lot about this 4e business...


Staff member
Haha, holy hell. I just saw Blazing Beacon for a level 3 cleric. A +4 bonus to ranged attacks until the end of your next turn?

So a Sorcerer, a Wizard, and a twice-shooting ranger could unload on the target.

Of course, you'd have to hit the target with your melee weapon..

Command's cool too. =P
Blazon Beacon is the way to go if your a Tin Cleric. Oh yeah.

But as a Wisdom Cleric... it was a pew pew ability or an ability to control an enemy. And being able to choose and take an enemy off an ally instead of letting them get to fight in the frontline is pretty cool and my decision.

It gets SO awesome at LVL 5. Damn.


Staff member
We never took any kind of extended rest this session, did we?

Cuz I just remembered the Phantom thingy was an encounter, so if we hadn't rested, that makes a milestone, which means another action point!

And, I can use my Power Gem! Meaning a second Whirlwind. Woo.

Oh yeah, we ever identify the tonics we found?


Tin Cleric? Look man I just started a few months ago. I don't know what that means. =P And Level 5? *looks*
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