Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Alrighty Shawn, for Level 3 I've decided to retrain Weapon Focus (+1 DMG Light Blades) for Arcane Familiar - Dragonling, and I've taken Thundering Gust as my level 3 power.

I guess I'll describe the Dragonling later and name it when I actually get it, but I guess I'll let you desrcibe how we come about it, like you did with Bez.

Question: Will we level after our next encounter, or are you going to make us wait until next session?
I've only been getting into the habit of giving out XP at the end of games as most of the time it wouldn't matter. If you are close to leveling I will hand out xp per encounter. How far are you guys from leveling? I will adjust the next encounter so it rewards just enough xp. Once you guys do level you can switch over to your updated characters.
We're less than 100, I believe.

But I did notice the way we're doing it.

Gurpel: You can retrain one thing per level, so if you didn't retrain anything for level 2, I don't see why you couldn't retrain two things this time. But that's really the DM's call.
escushion said:
We're less than 100, I believe.

But I did notice the way we're doing it.

Gurpel: You can retrain one thing per level, so if you didn't retrain anything for level 2, I don't see why you couldn't retrain two things this time. But that's really the DM's call.
i thought maybe retrains were cumulative. oh well. shawn's call i guess.
Technically it's name level 2 retrain, level 3 retrain, etc, but I don't see why you couldn't store it up as a houseruling. You'd use them anyway; you just didn't yet.
I don't think you are allowed to save up retrains. The reason being you might have a combo planned with two feats, but choose to wait a level before you retrain in both so you could continue to benefit from the original feat you were replacing.

Not saying that's your plan. But it could lead to abusing the system a bit.
Unless there is a rule stating otherwise.


Staff member
So our next encounter's only gonna give us like 92-ish exp?


I hate you, Shawn. *pounds on your chest weakly before collapsing to the ground in a pathetic heap*
doomdragon6 said:
So our next encounter's only gonna give us like 92-ish exp?


I hate you, Shawn. *pounds on your chest weakly before collapsing to the ground in a pathetic heap*
Huh? No. I said the opposite actually. Just tell me how much you need exactly to level and I'll make sure the next encounter is just enough.
ust tell me how much you need exactly to level and I'll make sure the next encounter is just enough.
heh, that number is about 90. he's worried that we will have to slog through a big encounter for 90 experience.

as to the retrain thing, darn. that means i will have to wait a level to gain the full benefit of sword bond, which is that along with the ability, i get training in athletics or endurance. my plan was to retrain away endurance and use the extra ability to get intimidate.

oh well.
I have updated the adventure summary thread with the first part of the latest adventure. I'll probably need to trim it down later.

Chapter 4: "Kratash and Burn".
As they prepared for the long journey ahead of them, they were presented with suitable gear and magic items by Brother Lumar and the Church of Pelor to benefit them. Of these included horses for each member of the party, and a sword and shield that belonged to Brother Lumar's grandfather. The group began mounting, but as they did Adia's horse Fabio made an oddly human sound. "Ooof". Adia's temper quickly rose as Fabio remained quiet despite her demands for him to speak. She even resorted to threatening to brand the horse should he keep his silence but was disuaded by Fabio's cute, yet horse-like, affections. The party ventured south, and for many weeks nothing hindered them. But when they ventured away from the main road and toward the village of Elkridge they immediately noticed a few things amiss. Firstly the town's homes seemed far too spread out to offer much defense against attacks, and secondly this theory was currently being tested by several winged drakes that were attacking the townsfolk. After resuing a threatened family the party learned that the town was founded and once lead by a Warlord named Pholos. But when he died his tactical protection of the town died with him and these drake attacks began soon after. As the party discussed option with Mavros, the current leader of the town, a young boy ran to them crying about his father being slain and the creature still there. The party investigated only to find the boy's father simply unconcious and the drake simply playing gently with him. Determining that the drake was somehow tame and simply playful, Kratash attempted to play with it and even mount the creature. The result left Kratash battered and bruised as the drake flopped away in pursuit of a butterfly. The other party members in the mean time came across the corpse of a Dragonborn who had fallen from a great height, and discovered a map of flight paths and a tabard to Zehir on his person. Following the map the party ascended a nearby mountain peak and found a large craterous valley where giant bits of rock and ruin floated above the ground. Kratash and Grendmir determined this was the remains of a Dragonborn floating city from long long ago. As the party moved towards a seemingly intact floating tower, they were stopped by a phantom Dragonborn who introduced herself as Vrak Tiburcaex. She politely requested that the party turn back and not risk being harmed. While she disapproved of the goals of her current master, Bejik, who is the last remaining heir to her bloodline, she had no choice but to follow his commands. Kratash attempted to lie to the observant Vrak, but eventually settled upon the truth. Vrak made a conscious choice to follow her master's orders exactly as stated and determined that so long as Kratash wear the tabard of Vehir she would allow them to pass.
Guys, just a heads up.

It's my birthday this Thursday, and I'm going out celebrating. So unless my plans fall through, I'm not gonna be playing this week. :(

This... pains me. :waah:
A happy birthday to you in advance. Game is still on but as a birthday present you'll get your share of xp and you won't be killed.
Shawnacy said:
A happy birthday to you in advance. Game is still on but as a birthday present you'll get your share of xp and you won't be killed.

Although I am sad to be missing the funtimes. :waah:
We usually celebrate birthdays on the weekend nearest to the birthday over here.

Julie is distraught that you will not be present.

On my birthday, I would just reward myself with more D&D :p. Though mine will be on a Monday, which means working... Yay...
Try as I might, I couldn't get any part of the weekend off. The only other two people who know my job ave their vacation weeks OVERLAP on the weekend.

I hate the whole "pretend he's not there" method. So long as Gusto sends me an updated character sheet for third level I'll make sure that I include him in battles. Roleplay wise he will be present, and may add to conversations or situations based on how I see his character reacting. For example should someone thank the party for their assistance Errik will gladly remind that person of who he is.

I feel like I take something away from the game if characters disappear without any reasonable explanation whenever their player is not available.
Can't we roleplay it instead? Like, have him come under some mysterious spell or get hit on the head with a rock. That'll make whatever happens more desperate and dramatic, not force us to pretend Gusto along, and maybe cause new story stuff, like why'd it happen, or force Adia's true feelings to arise.
Is the Adia/Errik "thing" canon now? I always thought it was Bez grasping at straws.

Makes for an interesting twist I guess, seeing as Errik and Kratash are "liek totl BFF".
Gusto said:
Is the Adia/Errik "thing" canon now? I always thought it was Bez grasping at straws.

Makes for an interesting twist I guess, seeing as Errik and Kratash are "liek totl BFF".
As far as I'm aware, yes it is. :heart:
I'll remind folks at the game tonight, but I want to let everyone know in advance that there will be no game on Thursday the 30th. It was the only available time for my english assesment test.
HOWEVER, if people would not be opposed to me running a game on Friday the 31st, we could simply have it a day later instead of canceling it all together.
Gurpel said:
Hey guys.

Guess what my level 3 encounter power is.

It's called "follow me in"

*ominous laughter*
*looks it up*

That looks like an excellent way to set up an encounter, especially if there's a big bad. Gets you and Grendmir up to him with some nice damage real quicklike.

Friday the 31st should be fine assuming I continue to NOT work on Friday nights.
Gusto said:
Gurpel said:
Hey guys.

Guess what my level 3 encounter power is.

It's called "follow me in"

*ominous laughter*
*looks it up*

That looks like an excellent way to set up an encounter, especially if there's a big bad. Gets you and Grendmir up to him with some nice damage real quicklike.

Friday the 31st should be fine assuming I continue to NOT work on Friday nights.
it also looks like an excellent way to piss adia off.

"listen Bjek, you can't continue on like this. one day your scheme wi-"


I just find it awesome that you're taking abilities that seem very in-character for Kratash.



In other news, my plans tonight might not be happening until a little later, so I might be around for the first couple hours of tonights session. I'll let you guys know when I find out.
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