Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Saryon could get good use out of it. If we're in 3+ combats in one day (which we have been a couple times now), Divine Glow would be an awesome encounter power to have twice.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

falineowlight said:
Grendmir actually wanted to ask Sirius about Grawl's club first, so you can't sell it just yet.
well, it's a little late.

"yo, we're back. what? no nothing important just.. you see this club?

do you think it's evil? alright. we'll just let you get back to your eternal slumber now."

alternatively, do you mean lumar? i remember him saying something about a priest but going back to the immortal echo of a dead hero to bother him about a club we found seems kind of pedantic.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Were you planning to alert Shawn to this? :rofl:

He said to post any questions to Sirius here and they'd be answered as if we were still talking to him.

I think come game time it's too late.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


I just thought of a bluff our party could put together.

If we ever need to psych someone out for some reason or try to bluff our power, we can have someone who can do some magical flair (Errik) make some threats and then grab Serin's arm. She could then shapechange into an undead/rotting corpse type of body, making it look like Errik had drained all the life out of her and has that power.
[Note: Looking in the monster manual, typical skeletons and zombies are classified as Animates and not Humanoids. However, Liches are classified as Humanoid. So unless Shawn wants to agree that skeletons and zombies are also humanoids, a lich works just as well.]

Alternatively, when she takes the Wild Shape power at level 4, he could point at her and make some prestidigitation flair at her while she turns into a dog or something.

(I'm sorry I put so much emphasis on Serin's shapechanging but that's kind of her thing.)


Last question/clarification for Shawn:

Shape Change and Wild Shape do not change stats, so that means no flying if I shapechange a bird creature, no climbing if I shapechange a natural climber, and no water-breathing if I shapechange a fish-type creature, correct?

(I obviously hate that, but understand the need for balance.)

I've even been thinking of stuff like, if she were to shapechange a fearsome humanoid (like a minotaur or something) if she'd get a bonus to intimidate checks or something (but obviously the rules indicate that she wouldn't), but would I be allowed to replace something like that with a bluff check?

Minotaur bellows, "I'm going to tear you to pieces if you don't let us pass!" would probably be an intimidate. BUT, since Serin's strength doesn't increase, and is downright abysmal, it could be considered a bluff, since she doesn't have that ability. Would that work? (On the reverse side, shapechanging a minotaur would not let her break down a door more easily. [But it should. :eek:rly: Stupid game fairness.])

I'm just trying to understand all the options I can work with.

(I guess in reality I know my limitations and I'm just voicing my thoughts.)

Either way, yay Thursday!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Were you planning to alert Shawn to this? :rofl:

He said to post any questions to Sirius here and they'd be answered as if we were still talking to him.

I think come game time it's too late.
oh, really? well >>

nvm my previous post then.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Gurpel said:
doomdragon6 said:
Were you planning to alert Shawn to this? :rofl:

He said to post any questions to Sirius here and they'd be answered as if we were still talking to him.

I think come game time it's too late.
oh, really? well >>

nvm my previous post then.
He is going to ask in the forum here...
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Yeah, I meant to do that right after the session, but work and family kind of happen in life and I forgot about it by the time I was home on Friday. I think I mentioned it to Shawn on Steam, but never posted it. I'll do that now.

Grendmir: "One last thing, Saryon's split personality. We found a big club off a little kid we killed. Everyone thinks it's evil and there was a statue of Demagorgon outside. Does that have anything to do with Ass-rack? Maybe something with that evil baboon-faced god?" :slap:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
Yeah, I meant to do that right after the session, but work and family kind of happen in life and I forgot about it by the time I was home on Friday. I think I mentioned it to Shawn on Steam, but never posted it. I'll do that now.

Grendmir: "One last thing, Saryon's split personality. We found a big club off a little kid we killed. Everyone thinks it's evil and there was a statue of Demagorgon outside. Does that have anything to do with a**-rack? Maybe something with that evil baboon-faced god?" :slap:
"Acererak has never had any kind of association with Demagorgon based on our dealings with him. We have only seen close ties between him and Orcus and Vecna as far as diety connections are concerned. If you believe the club to be evil than I recommend leaving it with any surviving member of the Temple of Pelor for immediate destruction. And I certainly hope that killing this child was a last course of action for you. My host here seems somewhat less open about that topic..."


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Speaking of which, what'd we ever do with his statue?

Also, does anyone know what our current exp is? This is what I have in my notes since level 2:

009 (from the level up)
126 (Goblin camp)
450 (All of Session 6)
1044 into Level 2, making our total 2044, correct?

So wow, that would put us at 206 away from level 3, right?

Thing is, I can't actually get all of those numbers to match up, so I don't know if it's correct. I have 242 marked down for the battle with Grawl, but then that would leave out exp from the Hobgoblin battle.

Then, I don't know where the 100 came from. Is that the completed quest bonus?

And after that, no idea where the 117 came from.

Any help? This correct?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Is that a great club? Saryon could make use of that if no one wants it. But did I recall it having evil properties?

I have us penned down at 1576 XP. We really need to start tracking XP and Gold better a bit better :)
I could take notes for that if you'd guys/gal would like. What is everyone's gold total?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Errik's total right now is 1818.

Also, vis a vis Sirius questions: Did he say that he could not answer why WE were chosen for this task? Because I remember there was at least one question he couldn't answer and any future questions I have kinda depend on it. :p


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Hmm, I hope Shawn's been keeping up. You might be right Jay, but I wouldn't have written those numbers down for no reason. (And they're not gold-- I wrote "Exp" by them in my notes.)

My current gold count is 215.7 gp. (215 gp, 7 sp)

I'm pretty sure I've been keeping up with it properly. I don't know if Shawn's been keeping up, though, in which case I guess he needs to take our word for it. :rofl:

-- Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:31 pm --

Wow, we all have very different numbers for exp.

-- Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:34 pm --

Oh, and yes Jay. The club, while not necessarily evil, would definitely be considered evil.

It's the Life Drinker Great Club | +1 ATK/ +1 DMG | Reduce Enemy to 0 HP, + 5 temp HP | Crit: + 1d6 Necrotic Damage

(And we can sell it for 200, unless we wanna try some haggling.)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Our total experience is 1827. Whoever put it as 1818 did not count the 9 left over after we leveled from the goblins in the woods.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

escushion said:
Our total experience is 1827. Whoever put it as 1818 did not count the 9 left over after we leveled from the goblins in the woods.
This seems likely - fixed.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Alright, I see where I messed up my calculations. I was retarded and added the full goblin camp battle to the level 2 total.

However, I still have that random 100 exp in there. What could that possibly be from? I have it marked down as us having received 100 exp for something. I could be completely wrong, but I must've written it down for something.

Otherwise everything matches up.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

If that weapon doesn't require an evil alignment, Saryon "could" use it for a melee weapon even though he's never used his melee weapon. He's currently using a morning star. You never know how things can be useful with warlord abilities...etc... and all that. He was going to switch to a great club anyways once he's back in town. Then again, maybe 200 gold would be of better use. Don't care too much either way.

Ok, I'll start recording this some things...

- We got XP set at 1827 XP

- Gold Total :

Serin : 215.7 gp
Kratash :
Erikk :
Saryon : 213.7gp
Adia :
Grendmir :
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I've been rounding down for my gold as I don't feel like keeping track of the change, so I'm at 211.

Errik should be up on us a bit thanks to his egg bonus.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I'll start keeping a record of treasure and xp on a word document as we play.
I appreciate that you guys are doing your best to keep track and don't try to add anything extra.

I'm pretty sure I overdid it on XP last game so don't expect large totals like that too often. Plus I'm going to include the upcoming fight in the lower catacombs as part of that XP.

Brother Lumar is going to make good on his promise to equip you guys as best he can. For the most part it's going to be mundane gear, such as rations and new traveler's kits. I'll probably throw in a magic item or two as well.
I always hate those games where the party gets sent off on an epic adventure to pretty much save the world, and the people sending them can only afford to buy them a drink the night before.

The moral discussion concerning the club is completely based on your character's opinion of what an evil weapon may be. It's power is to drain life force from those that it kills. To some this may seem as an evil purpose and more often than not Necromantic power is considered evil by all the good aligned churches. Saryon, for example, probably would consider it evil. Another person may simply see it as a useful weapon and no different than a "good" weapon as both are intended to be used to kill.
You can still sell the weapon for 200g. You can also give it to Brother Lumar to destroy.

Edit: I'm going to adjust a gameplay ruling I made last week. Originally I stated that for free actions you are restricted to a few sentences during your turn. I've decided that for roleplaying purposes I'm going to allow discussions during combat providing the combatants can hear each other (IE: No zones of silence). This way if a character wishes to speak to someone, including a villain, it can be done. There is no guarantee that a villain will respond back of course.
Speaking will still be considered a free action and will not suffer any penalties.
The only official rule this may change is the amount of time a round is supposed to simulate. But combat seems so independent upon actual time in game that a round is easily converted into "as much time as necessary". Between all those rolled attacks I am sure there are plenty of sword clashing and maneuvering to fill the time should a round run long.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Errik currently has 309.4 gold, due to the extra 30 from the eggs, and the fact that I started with only and adventurer's kit, a couple books, and 5g worth of daggers. No other weaponry, no armor.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

So our upcoming fight will be included in the last exp, eh?

Sounds like a good enough reason to work around the encounter and get going, to me. :sobad:

Nahh, we'll fight 'im.. Depending on what it is.

Speaking of getting magical items, Brother Lumar did say there were some in the church. I know that was mostly your way of brushing the question off with a "It's in a church full of undead. You're not getting anything," but Serin would be more than happy to shapechange a lich and attempt to go into the church.

Seeing as they're undead and more magical than logical, they may sense that she's a living being instead of using any kind of reasoning, but I'm just throwing that out there as an option for the party to consider.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Speaking of getting magical items, Brother Lumar did say there were some in the church. I know that was mostly your way of brushing the question off with a "It's in a church full of undead. You're not getting anything," but Serin would be more than happy to shapechange a lich and attempt to go into the church.

Seeing as they're undead and more magical than logical, they may sense that she's a living being instead of using any kind of reasoning, but I'm just throwing that out there as an option for the party to consider.
Doom, honestly, we're going to find magical items in our journey. And don't forget that we'll probably -have- to come back to this temple anyways when we're strong enough to free everyone. Please let us just get on with the adventure.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
So our upcoming fight will be included in the last exp, eh?

Sounds like a good enough reason to work around the encounter and get going, to me. :sobad:

Nahh, we'll fight 'im.. Depending on what it is.

Speaking of getting magical items, Brother Lumar did say there were some in the church. I know that was mostly your way of brushing the question off with a "It's in a church full of undead. You're not getting anything," but Serin would be more than happy to shapechange a lich and attempt to go into the church.

Seeing as they're undead and more magical than logical, they may sense that she's a living being instead of using any kind of reasoning, but I'm just throwing that out there as an option for the party to consider.
Saryon and Brother Lumar will be able to tell you the Sean of the Dead tactic won't work here. Undead often have different versions of perception, and a good deal of them see living auras.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I know I know.

We're going. I'm just throwing out as many options available to us as I can think of. Just in case one of them appeals to you more than "NEXT DESTINATION OMG!!!".

Besides. D&D For Dummies (Bought when I was first trying to get into D&D) describes the types of players:

Actors: Like D&D primarily for Role-Playing purposes and love talking to NPCs. Often like to choose the Ranger or Rogue class, and tend to dislike adventures that offer excessive combat encounters. Adia definitely. :uhhuh:

Puzzle-Solvers: Love solving puzzles and tactically difficult encounters (archers on a wall or cliff for example). Often play Wizards, Clerics, and Rogues. We haven't really had many puzzles/difficult encounters, so no-one really fills this. If anyone, Saryon for knowing he had to sit in Oathbearer's chair. (Though that was a pretty obvious 'puzzle'.)

Hack-and-Slashers: Love combat and love dealing as much damage as possible in those combats. The bigger the fight, the better. Often play fighters. Don't care for adventures with lots of talking and role-play. I feel I'm obligated to put Kratash in this category. :D

Competitors: Like to win strictly within the rules, whether it be a roleplay challenge, combat, or puzzle, they like to use their numbers to their advantage. Enjoy getting loot to enhance their options and numbers. I'm probably in this category.

As for Errik and Grendmir? I dunno. These are all extremes.

Also, please no-one take offense from this. It's just in good fun. :facepalm:

Anywho. Yeah. Astrazalian. Woo!
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

We would have to go into the church, kill as many undead as we can while living, come back out, sleep, go back in... again and again and again. It would take months to clear the place at our current level.

But hey, Serin and Kratash seem to have a deathwish, so maybe you won't have to fake being a lich for too long :p.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Did I.... Did I not JUST agree that it wouldn't work? Of course we're not going in there, especially after Shawn confirmed a disguise wouldn't work.

And I like how going after a party member so he stays out of trouble is a death wish. >_>;

Not only that, since we're apparently not going to encounter the Offalian, it can be assumed that there was never anything planned to be in the tomb other than this dark creature we're going to encounter this next session, and that the Offalian was added just to make Serin and Kratash turn around.

AS SUCH, those 3 hallways were all technically clear and we were in no danger.

But, that is meta gaming at its finest.

To our character, yes, sure, they had a death wish.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

I am definitely a combination of a Puzzle Solver/Hack 'n Slash combination. I like to exploit the use of various tactics and environmental factors in combat situations.

Remember my "Ghost Sound/Bluff/Speak Draconic/Burning Hands" trap? One of my favourites. :D
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

doomdragon6 said:
Actors: Like D&D primarily for Role-Playing purposes and love talking to NPCs. Often like to choose the Ranger or Rogue class, and tend to dislike adventures that offer excessive combat encounters. Adia definitely. :uhhuh:
It's so true! I don't deny it; I love to act! :D Tee hee.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!


Well see, I chose a wizard for Dave's game because they had lots of options for stuff like that. Thing is, his is a pre-prepared game so there's really not a lot of flexibility with what we can do.

Now that I'm a sorceror in this game, I've lost all of those abilities and my best option for traps and trickery is my shapechanging. I don't even have a Close Blast 5 option for a long, long time. :waah: But yeah, I love setting up traps, using the environment against the enemy, etc. So far we haven't had much opportunity for any of that.

So all I can really do is shapechanging. I want to get into people's houses to take their stuff, I want to impersonate important people and get what we need. (horses?) :D

Another fun thing is rituals-- But with their market price AND their casting cost so high, it's just never, ever worth it. Maybe we don't make as much money as we're supposed to, or maybe rituals are supposed to be a "once every 10 sessions" kind of thing, but as much fun as rituals would be, we just can't afford them. (If they were more affordable, Serin would take the feat.)

I know it sounds like I'm just doing a bunch of bitching, but I'm just voicing things as they come up in my head.

Also, Errik and Serin need to start working together for traps and trickery. :sobad:


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

But then we'd have two wizards and I'm not going that route. =P Not in a game where the adventure is planned around our characters. :rofl:

I know it sounds like it, but I'm really not trying to be a bitch.

(I found in the CB Shop section the Armor of Breaching. Teleport to the other side of a max. 10-ft thick wall? Want. Breaking in has never been easier!)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

You know, there's like 20 other classes besides Wizard and Sorcerer.

And I meant just change Serin's class. She's a shapeshifter; bullshitting a story reason shouldn't be too difficult. That said, Shawnacy discussed that before the big reveals of Sullenpike and Sirius Oathbearer, so maybe that offer's gone now.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game!

Well, I wouldn't change anyway. But I'm a magic-caster through and through. So that narrows it to like 5-6 classes. And going through those, Wizard and Sorceror are the only ones I care about. :rofl:

I really don't want to change. :p
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